101 research outputs found

    Resolving Deep Disagreement

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    The shocking statement made by Robert Fogelin over 20 years ago when he claimed that discourses that are in deep disagreement cannot be resolved rationally, is still causing many problems to argumentation theorists. In this paper, however, I argue that discourses that are in deep disagreement, at least some of them, can be rationally resolved by introducing the concept of “third party” to those particular discourses

    Prevalence of canine teeth diseases in horses

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    Deckblatt-Impressum persönlicher Dank Inhaltsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Abkürzungen Einleitung Literaturübersicht Eigene Untersuchungen Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung Summary Literaturverzeichnis Anhang Danksagung SelbständigkeitserklärungIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden ausgewählte Hakenzahnerkrankungen bei Pferden aus dem stationären Patientengut der Klinik für Pferde, Allgemeine Chirurgie und Radiologie der Freien Universität Berlin im Zeitraum vom 14.05.2003 bis zum 09.12. 2003 untersucht. Besondere Berücksichtigung erfuhr dabei die Erkrankungsverteilung nach Geschlecht, Rasse und Alter. Mit einbezogen wurden auch 146 Kopfröntgenbilder aus dem Röntgenarchiv der Klinik für Pferde. Anhand dieser Aufnahmen erfolgte eine retrospektive Beschreibung der röntgenologisch diagnostizierbaren Hakenzahnerkrankungen, sowie deren Verteilung nach Geschlecht, Rasse und Alter. Insgesamt wurden 164 Pferde, 57 weibliche und 107 männliche, untersucht. Bei Stuten konnten keine Hakenzahnerkrankungen gefunden werden. Von den 107 männlichen Pferden konnten bei 90 Pferden die folgenden Hakenzahnerkrankungen diagnostiziert werden: Zahnstein (53%), Zahnspitzen (16,8%), Gingivitis (5,6%), Zementhypoplasie (3,7%), Hakenzahnkaries (2,8%) und Hakenzahnfraktur (1,8%). Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Mehrzahl der Pferde die an den Zahnsteinerkrankungen Hakenzahnfraktur und Hakenzahnspitzen litten, unter 10 Jahren alt waren. Gingivitis wurde hauptsächlich bei Pferden im Alter von 15 Jahren nachgewiesen. Hakenzahnkaries zeigte sich bei 3 Pferden im Alter bis zu 4 Jahren, während Zementhypoplasie bei Patienten aus der Altersgruppe über 16 Jahren diagnostiziert wurde. Bei den mikrobiologischen Untersuchungen der Zahnsteinproben von 15 Patienten wurden 14 Gattungen anaerober Bakterien und 2 Gattungen aerober Bakterien nachgewiesen. Bei den obligaten Anaerobier dominiereten die Gattungen Fusobacterium, Prevotella und Actinobacillus. Die Gattung Streptococcus war bei den fakultativ anaeroben Bakterien mit einem Anteil von 70% und die Gattung Staphylococcus mit einem Anteil von 27% nachweisbar.The purpose of this research study was the investigation and evaluation of all canine teeth diseases and their occurrence among patients being accommodated and treated at the Clinic for Horses, General Surgery and Radiology (Free University of Berlin) during the period from 14th of May 2003 until 09th of December 2003. The examination and results were focused on the diseases in regarding the patients sex, age, and race. Radiographic datas from Clinic for Horses, General Surgery and Radiology (Free University of Berlin) were also assessed for the prevalence of canine teeth diseases in horses. A total of 164 patients were considered for this study. Among them were 57 mares, 107 male. No abnormalities were found in the canine teeth of mares. Within the total of 107 patients of the observed male population the abnormalities found in this research study were the following: canine caries (2,8%), gingivitis (5,6%), cementhypoplasia (3,7%), canine fracture (1,8%), peaks of canine tooth (16,80%), calculus (53%). The results of this study show that tartar (calculus), canine fractures and peaks of canine tooth were most diagnosed among horses younger than 10 years of age. In contrast, gingivitis was most detected within the groups of horses not older than 15 years. Caries was only found in the group up to 4 years old. The cement hypoplasia was diagnosed by horses older than 16 years. In microbiologically examined 15 calculus samples from canine teeth were found 14 Genera of anaerob bacteria and 2 Genera of aerob bacteria. Bacteria from Genera Fusobacterium, Prevotella and Actinobacillus were dominant among the isolated anaerobic bacteria. Facultativ anaerob bacteria from Streptococcus Genera were found in 70% of examined calculus samples and bacteria from Streptococcus Genera were found in 27% of examined calculus samples

    A partial least-squares regression model to measure Parkinson’s disease motor states using smartphone data

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    Design choices related to development of data-driven models significantly impact or degrade predictive performance of the models. One of the essential steps during development and evaluation of such models is the choice of feature selection and dimension reduction techniques. That is imperative especially in cases dealing with multimodal data gathered from different sources. In this paper, we will investigate the behavior of Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression for dimension reduction and prediction of motor states of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, using upper limb motor data gathered by means of a smartphone. The results in terms of correlations between smartphone-based and clinician-derived scores were compared to a previous study using the same data where principal component analysis (PCA) and support vector machines (SVM) were used. The findings from this study show that PLS is superior in terms of prediction performance of motor states in PD than combining PCA and SVM. This indicates that PLS could be considered as a useful methodology in problems where data-driven analysis is needed

    Coronavirus COVID-19 disease, mental: health and psychosocial support

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    The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a particular and rare situation. COVID-19 has affected and is likely to affect people from many countries, in many geographical locations. We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, with cities and even entire countries shutting down. The coronavirus has affected nearly every aspect of our lives, from school to work, to sports, to where we eat and what we do. All these changes affected people physically, but also psychologically. It is understandable that during times like this, people may be feeling afraid, worried, anxious, and depressed due to the constantly changing alerts and media coverage regarding the spread of the virus. Hence, the main aim of our paper is to explore the linkage between the coronavirus COVID-19 disease and mental health conditions, such as stress, anxiety and depression. Everyone may experience fear of the consequences of the infection with a potentially fatal new virus, and might experience mental stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression. Based on experience from past global serious viral experiences, the development and implementation of mental health assessment, support, treatment, and services are crucial and pressing goals for the health response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Human beings have an incredible ability to adapt and survive, through altruistic and co-operative means. So for each one of us is important to look after ourselves and each other

    Когнитивно функционирање и квалитет на живот кај пациенти со шизофренија

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    Вовед: Шизофренијата претставува хетероген синдром кој се карактеризира со позитивни и негативни симптоми; намалено когнитивно функционирање; сензомоторен дефицит и дефицит во функционалните вештини; со промени во емоционалната и бихевиоралната сфера, секојдневни функционални потешкотии и намален квалитет на живот. Когнитивните потешкотии се моќен индикатор на функционалноста и се од суштинско значење за адаптивна способност во околината, што доведува до низок функционален статус на глобален план кај пациентите со шизофренија и намален квалитет на живот. Раното препознавање и детектирање на доминантната клиничка манифестација и функционалните оштетувања придонесуваат за унапредување и усовршување на третманот и рехабилитацијата во насока на подобрување на секојдневното функционирање во животот на пациентите со шизофренија. Цел: Основна цел на ова истражување беше да ја утврдиме врската меѓу позитивните и негативите симптоми на шизофренијата, когнитивното функционирање и квалитетот на живот кај пациентите со прва епизода на шизофренија и хронична шизофренија. Непосредни цели беа да утврдиме кои домени на когнитивното функционирање влијаат врз квалитетот на живот кај пациентите со шизофренија и дали терапискиот приод влијае врз подобрување на когнитивното функционирање. Метод: Во истражувањето беа вклучени 106 испитаници од машки и женски пол, на возраст од 18 до 60 години, со дијагноза шизофренија, поставена според дијагностичките критериуми на Меѓународната класификација на болестите – МКБ 10, лекувани во ЈЗУ Психијатриска болница Скопје - Скопје, и ЈЗУ Универзитетска Клиника по психијатрија - Скопје во текот на 2021 година. Испитаниците беа поделени во две групи: првата група се пациенти со шизофренија во прва епизода на болеста и втората група се пациенти со хронична шизофренија. Во текот на истражувањето беа применети следниве мерни инструменти: Прашалник за демографските и клиничките карактеристики, PANNS за проценка на позитивниот и негативниот синдром на шизофренијата, SCoRS за проценка на когнитивното функционирање кај шизофренијата и WHOQOL – BREF за проценка на квалитетот на живот. Резултати: Истражувачките резултати ни покажуваат дека квалитетот на живот, даден преку домените: физичко здравје, психичко здравје, социјални релации и животни услови, зависи од сите домени на когнитивното функционирање и негативните симптоми на болеста. Хроничниот тек на шизофренијата придонесува за поизразено редуцирање на квалитетот на живот кај испитаниците со шизофренија. Истовремено, пациентите со акутна шизофренија имаат изразен когнитивен дефицит, во однос на пациентите со хронична шизофренија, но адекватниот третман доведува до подобрување на когнитивното функционирање кај пациентите со шизофренија. Полот, возраста, образовното ниво, брачниот статус и психопатолошките симптоми влијаат врз когнитивното функционирање и квалитетот на живот кај испитуваните субјекти со шизофренија. Заклучок: Когнитивното функционирање претставува една од основните карактеристики на болеста, кое заедно со психопатолошките симптоми, влијае врз квалитетот на живот на пациентите со шизофренија. Врз основа на теоретската анализа и епириските податоци, можеме да кажеме дека ги постигнавме поставените цели, и ова истражување остава простор за практична примена на резултатите во клинички контекст и во секојдневниот живот. Истовремено претставува и стимул за понатамошни нови научни истражувања кои ќе овозможат подобро разбирање на овој комплексен проблем. Клучни зборови: шизофренија, акутна фаза, хронична фаза, когнитивно функционирање, позитивни и негативни симптоми, квалитет на живот

    Haematological Profile of Healthy Workers Exposed to Low Dose Radiation

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    Background: Long-term exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation may affect cells and tissues and result to various adverse health effects. Objective: To compare the haematological profile such as (red blood cell count, haemoglobin or hematocrit levels, white blood cell count and platelet count) of medical imaging and therapeutic technologists and controls selected from medical hospitals in Kumanovo and Skopje. Method: The study was performed on 140 subjects including 70 persons working with X-ray machines as the case group and 70 unexposed individual as the control. Complete blood cell count was performed with a haematology cell counter (Hem count 50L, Deutschland).Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: Mean values of hematocrit - HCT, mean cell haemoglobin - MCH, red cell distribution width - RDW, white blood cell –WBC, platelets – PLT, plateletcrit – PCT and platelet distribution width - PDW have shown significant difference from the control group. The mean MCH, PLT, PCT and PDW were higher, while HCT, RDW, WBC, granulocytes and neutrophils were lower in the exposed group. Conclusion: The haematopoietic system is highly sensitive to radiation and the peripheral blood count may well serve a biological indication. The rapid recovery of this tissue limits its application as a diagnostic tool to accidental cases of irradiation. Keywords: ionizing radiation, haematological parameters, side effects, occupational health services

    Management of social isolation and loneliness in Parkinson’s disease: Design principles

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    Persons with Parkinson’s disease (PwPs) may have difficulty participating in social activities due to motor and non-motor symptoms that may lead to social isolation and loneliness. This paper addresses how to manage social isolation and loneliness among PwPs using digital solutions. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have the potential to address social isolation and loneliness, but there are no current solutions that specifically target these issues among PwPs. In this paper, we present an ongoing project based on design science research (DSR) combined with a user-centered approach to identify challenges, requirements, and design objectives. The empirical work includes data from interviews and focus groups with PwPs and healthcare professionals. Based on the empirical material, we formulated design principles on identified challenges and requirements, which were instantiated into a high-fidelity prototype. This initial cycle serves as a foundation for ongoing improvements and evaluations in a continuous DSR process

    From Asclepius to Ospedale - The evolution of space for healing from antiquity to the Age of Enlightenment

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    In the construction industry, where in recent times every detail is looked over and planned with the most scientific and technological responsibility, hospitals represent the most investigated and scrutinized facilities. Related closely with institutional and medical practices, hospital design has undergone many reconfigurations. The second half of the past century experienced and produced many hospital models (L, H, T, K type, Patients Tower, Block Plan, etc.), all with the same denominator – too big, isolated and highly complex structures, strictly opposed to nature, oriented towards medical technology rather than patient’s well-being. By the end of the twentieth century, a group of researchers arose in supporting the importance of ‘nature’ in the healthcare structures. The paradigm is changing. New models and configurations are emerging with the intent of improving the psycho-emotional well-being and social development of the patients who spend long time period of time in hospitals. The hospital design is moving towards patient-oriented solutions and healing environments, a model not invented in our time but inspired from history. In this paper, through travels in history, we analyze the concept of hospital from the very beginning of rational thinking in Ancient Greece up to the Age of Enlightenment, with the intent to identify the forerunners of contemporary hospitals by means of cultural, medical and composition aspects. The geometrical properties of each facilities are also presented

    Ndikimi i metodës mësimore të demonstrimit në arritjet e nxënësve në mësim

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    The study investigated the impact of demonstration method of teaching on students’ achievement in primary education in Tetovo area of Macedonia. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. A sample of 5 school heads, 100 teachers and 54 primary school students was used. For the purpose of research, instrument used included questionnaires. Research questions and the hypothesis were answered using Pearson's chi-squared test at p<0.05 level of significance. The result of study revealed that demonstration method had significant effect on students’ achievement than those taught with the conventional lecture method. Useful recommendations such as: efforts should be made by teachers to thoroughly integrating demonstration method in the teaching; efforts should be intensified by teachers to aggressively adopt demonstration method in teaching in all classes at the primary school level were proffered