2,927 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor : 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria Pasal 1 menyebutkan bahwa ā€Bumi, air dan ruang angkasa termasuk kekayaan yang terkandung didalamnya, pada tingkatan tertingi dikuasai Negara sebagai orgnisasi kekuasaan seluruh Rakyat. Atas dasar pasal tersebut selanjutnya dalam Pasal 16 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Pokok-Pokok Agraria menyebutkan mengatur macam-macam Hak atas Tanah diantaranya adalah Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) yang menjadi topik dalam penulisan Tesis ini. Selanjutnya yang menjadi masalah adanya Hambatan yang ada didalam Permohonan Hak Baru Atas Tanah Negara Yang Hak Guna Bangunannya Telah Berakhir dengan studi Kasus dikota Administrasi Jakarta Barat. Hambatan yang ditemukan penulis sewaktu melakukan penelitian, adanya krisis kepercayaan masyarakat kepada pemerintah, sehingga masyarakat menjadi enggan untuk melakukan permohonan Hak atas tanahnya, kurangnya transparansi biaya permohonan sehingga muncul pungutan liar dari oknum pegawai BPN sehingga membengkaknya biaya permohonan Hak, tidak tepat waktu pada tiap tahapan-tahapan pengerjaan permohonan hak, sehingga berakibat lamanya pekerjaan. Akibat hukum apabila HGB berakhir maka berakibat hapusnya hak atas tanah. Hapusnya hak atas tanah dapat ditafsirkan fisik tanah/persilnya yang hapus maupunā€hakā€ atas tanahnya. Pemerintah dalam hal ini BPN hendaknya bersikap tegas bilamana ditemukan HGB telah berakhir dengan menerapkan PP No.24/1999 Pasal 52 Ayat (1) huruf a, yaitu mencatat dengan segera pada buku tanah, surat ukur dan mendaftarkan tentang hapusnya hak. Memusnahkan sertipikat yang bersangkutan dan data dalam buku tanah yang disimpan di Kantor Badan Pertanahan, dengan demikian masyarakat menjadi lebih lebih perhatian dan menyegerahkan mengurus hak atas tanahnya apabila telah berakhir karena ada rasa takut bukti kepemilikannya telah musna


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    Nuryaning Melati As Dewi. 2008. Reservation and Ticketing Division in Sriwijaya Air District Solo. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. The objective of this report is to describe the activities of reservation and ticketing division in Sriwijaya Air district Solo. There are two types of data collecting methods used in this final project. They are observation and library study. The collected data give specific information related to the activities of reservation and ticketing division in Sriwijaya Air district Solo. Based on the observation done during the job training, the writer concludes that there are many activities done by reservation and ticketing division. The activities are handling telephone, making reservations, issuing tickets, giving information to the customers and checking in. The strengths and weaknesses of the cases are therefore identified. The weaknesses usually come from the human errors and computer damages. From this condition, the writer suggests the Airline to overcome all the weaknesses immediately because the competition among airlines in Solo is very hard. The steps are by increasing the quality and quantity of service


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the role of the madrasa principal as a supervisor in developing professional competence of teachers at MTs Al-Muslimin with the scopes: 1) To find out the role of the madrasa principal as a supervisor at MTs. Al Muslimin, 2) To find out the forms of supervision conducted by the madrasa principal at Al Muslimin MTs, 3) To find out the madrasa principal supervision functions related to learning at MTs Al Muslimin, 4) To find out how the principal of Madrasa develops professional competence of teachers through supervision activities at MTs Al Muslimin. The method applied in this study is qualitative method. Data were collected through interview, observation and document study techniques. The technique of data analysis were data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion. The supervision form of MTs Al Muslimin principal is by using academic supervision which is carried out to monitor and find out the teacher in carrying out learning activities ranging from planning, implementation, and assessment activities. The technique of supervision by the principal of madrasas is through class visits; classroom observation; and hold a meeting (meeting). Madrasa principal uses democratic characteristics which are through deliberation, collaboration, and making decisions from teachersā€™ opinions. His communication with the teacher is very good such as greeting, and joking with the teacher.Keyword: Supervision of madrasah principal, teacher professional competence

    Curvature fluctuations on asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes via the semiclassical Einstein's equations

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    It has been proposed recently to consider in the framework of cosmology an extension of the semiclassical Einstein's equations in which the Einstein tensor is considered as a random function. This paradigm yields a hierarchy of equations between the nn-point functions of the quantum, normal ordered, stress energy-tensor and those associated to the stochastic Einstein tensor. Assuming that the matter content is a conformally coupled massive scalar field on de Sitter spacetime, this framework has been applied to compute the power spectrum of the quantum fluctuations and to show that it is almost scale-invariant. We test the robustness and the range of applicability of this proposal by applying it to a less idealized, but physically motivated, scenario, namely we consider Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes which behave only asymptotically in the past as a de Sitter spacetime. We show in particular that, under this new assumption and independently from any renormalization freedom, the power spectrum associated to scalar perturbations of the metric behaves consistently with an almost scale-invariant power spectrum.Comment: 23 page

    Elaborated Code dan Restricted Code dalam Tindak Tutur Siswa SMP; sebuah Kajian Linguistik Pendidikan

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, bertujuan untuk menganalisa tindak tutur siswa sekolah. Penelitian ini didasarkan dari teori Bernstein (1971) tentang elaborated code dan restricted code (code = variasi bahasa) dimana menurut teori tersebut realisasi bahasa siswa bisa mencirikan status sosial mereka. Elaborated code digunakan oleh siswa yang berasal dari kelas menengah dan dicirikan sebagai realisasi bahasa yang lebih baik dibanding restricted code. Dalam penelitian ini, status sosial direpresentasikan pada letak geografis sekolah yang berada ditengah dan dipinggir kota. Asumsinya adalah perbedaan geografis akan membuat perbedaan akses pendidikan. Akses pendidikan lebih mudah dilakukan didalam kota, dimana lebih banyak seminar, bimbingan belajar, yang dipusatkan ditengah kota sehingga bisa berdampak pada kemampuan kognitif siswa. Meski hasil analisa penelitian ini secara umum menggambarkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara tindak tutur yang dihasilkan siswa sekolah yang berada ditengah dan dipinggir kota, ada satu hal menarik yang menjadi sebab penelitian ini berakhir pada simpulan tersebut. Konteks pengambilan data yang formal membuat siswa menjadi lebih memilih untuk memilih variasi bahasa elaborated code karena dirasa cocok dengan situasi. Kesadaran berbahasa ini menunjukkan siswa mampu untuk menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia secara baik dan benar dan menempatkannya dalam situasi yang tepat

    Adoption of particular capital investment appraisal techniques for advanced manufacturing technologies: Malaysian manufacturing firms

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    The industry plays an important role in the economic growth of a country and for Malaysia the expansion of this sector continues to provide the main stimulus to the growth of the economy. however, growth cannot solely be based on traditional means of production. in order for a country to gain a competitive advantage, investment in new and high technology has become mandatory. Malaysia has moved towards capital-intensive and high technology industries in the 1990s. the Malaysian government needs to encourage the development of high-technology industries so that they can produce better products more efficiently due to the emergence of cheaper production bases in other countries, such as thailand, indonesia and China. in order for Malaysian industries to survive, Malaysia has to sustain its competitiveness by having a higher productivity and efficiency level.. Emphasis has been given to technology development and implementation in the Seventh Malaysian Plan. Various measures were implemented by the Malaysian Government to consolidate and strengthen the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. among the initiatives undertaken were enhancing productivity and quality systems, along with utilising advanced technologies. these initiatives were supported by promotional activities and information diffusion undertaken by the national Productivity Corporation (nPC) and SiriM Berhad to educate enterprises on the latest techniques in productivity and quality improvements (Malaysia, 2001). the eight Malaysian Plan has also stressed the development of competitive advantage and productivity to enable the manufacturing sector to advance further. Firms are expected to intensify efforts in technology upgrading and developing indigenous technological capabilities in an environment of increasingly competitive markets and an accelerating pace of scientific and technological change (Malaysia, 2001). Recent concerns have been expressed that many firms are failing to invest in advanced manufacturing technology as fully as they should (hayes and Garvin, 1982; Primrose, 1991). a major reason for under-investment in new manufacturing technologies centres on the limitations of financial appraisal techniques (aggarwal, 1991; Cheung and Mason, 1993; drury and tayles, 1997; ashford et. al., 1998). Lefley (1996a; 1996b) suggested that these traditional approaches used in selecting investment failed to capture the full benefits from advanced manufacturing technology projects. These benefits are often intangible and traditional approaches are particularly incapable of capturing the value of options. Boquist et. al. (1998) stated that firms have lost millions of dollars through incorrect investment decisions, most probably as firms have been using the discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques to evaluate high technology investments based on the same criteria of acceptance as traditional capital budgeting (Wilner et. al., 1992)


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    ABSTRAKPenanganan benih yang baik sangat diperlukan untuk mempertahan-kan viabilitas benih nilam yang dikirim ke daerah yang jauh dari kebuninduk. Benih yang tidak dikemas dengan baik akan berakibat menurunnyaviabilitas benih dengan cepat, sehingga pada saat ditanam benih tidakdapat tumbuh (mati). Untuk itu telah dilaksanakan penelitian yangbertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis kemasan setek berakarterhadap pertumbuhan nilam. Percobaan dilaksanakan di rumah kaca BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik (Balittro) dari bulan Desember2004 sampai dengan Maret 2005. Percobaan disusun dalam rancanganacak lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas tujuh perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan.Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah : (1) setek nilam dibalut tissue dandibungkus plastik transparan, (2) setek nilam dibalut koran dan dibungkusplastik transparan, (3) setek nilam dibalut cocopeat dan dibungkus plastiktransparan, (4) setek nilam dibalut tissue dan dibungkus karung plastik, (5)setek nilam dibalut koran dan dibungkus karung plastik, (6) setek nilamdibalut cocopeat dan dibungkus karung plastik, (7) kontrol (setek tidakdibalut dan tidak dibungkus). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwapersentase hidup setek berakar nilam yang disimpan selama 7 hari padasemua kemasan kecuali kontrol masih tinggi yaitu >90%. Hampir dariseluruh parameter pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlah tunas dan jumlahdaun) yang diamati menunjukkan pengemasan setek nilam dibalut tissuedan dibungkus plastik transparan lebih baik dibandingkan denganpengemasan setek yang lain.Kata kunci : Nilam, Pogostemon cablin, benih, setek berakar, jeniskemasan, pertumbuhan, Jawa BaratABSTRACTEffect of packing materials on the quality and growth ofpatchouli rooted cuttingsGood seed handling should be carried out seriously to maintain thecutting viability of pacthouli especially when the cutting distributed toother region far away from the seed garden. Improper cutting packing willdecrease of viability the cutting very fast and when it is planted the cuttingwill not grow.Therefore, the research was conducted to find out the effectof packing material on the growth of rooted cutting. The experiment wasconducted in the green house of the Indonesian Research Institute forAromatic and Medicinal Crops Bogor from December 2004 to March2005, and it was arranged completely in a randomized design (CRD) with3 replications, consisted of 7 packing treatments. The treatments were : (1)rooted cuttings wrapped using transparent plastic with tissue media, (2)rooted cuttings wrapped using transparent plastic with newspaper media,(3) rooted cuttings wrapped using transparent plastic with cocopeat media,(4) rooted cuttings wrapped using plastic sack with tissue media, (5) rootedcuttings wrapped using plastic sack with newspaper media, (6) rootedcuttings wrapped using plastic sack with cocopeat media, (7) control(unwrapped seedling). The results indicated that after 7 days of storage,rooted cuttings of patchouli were still viable (>90%) in all treatmentsexcept control. Packing of rooted cuttings by wrapping it with transparentplastic with tissue media showed the best growth with more number ofleaves and higher plant compared to other packing treatments.Key words : Patchouli, Pogostemon cablin, seedling, rooted cutting,packing material, growth, West Jav

    Reconfigurable photonic integrated mode (de)multiplexer for SDM fiber transmission

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    A photonic integrated circuit for mode multiplexing and demultiplexing in a few-mode fiber is presented and demonstrated. Two 10 Gbit/s channels at the same wavelength and polarization are simultaneously transmitted over modes LP01 and LP11a of a few-mode fiber exploiting the integrated mode MUX and DEMUX. The proposed Indium-Phosphide-based circuits have a good coupling efficiency with fiber modes with mode-dependant loss smaller than 1 dB. Measured mode excitation cross-talk is as low as -20 dB and a channel cross-talk after propagation and demultiplexing of -15 dB is achieved. An operational bandwidth of the full transmission system of at least 10 nm is demonstrated. Both mode MUX and DEMUX are fully reconfigurable and allow a dynamic switch of channel routing in the transmission system


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    The Cash Social Assistance Program (BST) is assistance sourced from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia which will be provided to the community based on Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). The purpose of this research is to find out how the effectiveness of the implementation On Social Cash Assistance program during the Covid-19 pandemic in Pasir Pengaraian Village and to find out what are the factors that hinder the implementation of the BST program. The theory used in this research is the theory of program effectiveness by Budiani using 4 indicators (Accuracy of Target, Program Socialization, Program Objectives, Program Monitoring). To be able to answer these problems the researcher used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach / in this qualitative research the writer used data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation then analyzed based on the research problem. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of the implementation On Social Cash Assistance program during the Covid-19 pandemic in Pasir Pengaraian Village is seen from 4 indicators (Accuracy of Target, Program Socialization, Program Objectives, Program Monitoring) have not been effective. The inhibiting factors in this study were data validation and programs that were issued suddenly

    Hubungan Antara Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2: Literature Review

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    Latar belakang: diabetes Mellitus (DM) adalah penyakit gangguan metabolisme yang biasanya ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar gula darah dalam tubuh dan biasa disebut dengan kondisi hiperglikemia, kondisi ini biasa disebabkan oleh penurunan produksi insulin akibat terganggunya fungsi sel beta di dalam pankreas sehingga berkurangnya respon insulin di dalam tubuh. DM sendiri dapat disebabkan oleh genetik, usia, jenis kelamin, berat badan, pola makan, stres dan aktivitas fisik. Tujuan: penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kadar gula darah pada pasien DM Tipe 2.  Metode: yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Literature Review dengan data based Google Scholar, Sage, Pubmed dan Research Gate, jurnal yang digunakan ada 15 jurnal terdiri dari 5 jurnal nasional dan 10 jurnal internasional yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Hasil: pembahasan analisis Literature Review terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kadar gula darah pada penderita DM Tipe
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