950 research outputs found

    Penggunaan media pembelajaran pada pengajaran bahasa asing di SMA

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    Peranan media dalam pembelajaran ialah memudahkan siswa menerima pengetahuan dan keterampilan dengan mudah . Disamping itu media yang dipersiapkan dengan baik akan mampu mengubah tingkah laku siswa . Siswa akan terdorong untuk belajar secara mandiri dengan dirangsang oleh penggunaan media yang tepat .Perlu anda sadari bahwa bila anda berbicara tentang media , Anda tidak perlu selalu menghubungkan dengan peralatan- peralatan canggih hasil teknologi modern . Media banyak tersedia dilingkungan and

    Penetrating the Surface: The Impact of Visual Format on Readers’ Affective Responses to Authentic Foreign Language Texts

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    This paper examines visual and affective factors involved in the reading of foreign language texts. It draws on the results of a pilot study among students of post-compulsory school stage studying French in England. Through a detailed analysis of students’ reactions to texts, it demonstrates that the use of ‘authentic’ documents under currently held notions of ‘authenticity’ may have a negative affective impact on learners. Authors and designers of texts make assumptions about an original, intended readership which influence visual design, assumptions which are not necessarily borne out in the foreign language learning situation. There is a need to examine texts for their format as well as their content, to move away from equating ‘authentic’ with ‘identical’ and to using electronic design to improve readability

    Hubungan antara kreativitas berwirausaha Dengan minat berwirausaha perbengkelan otomotif Pada mahasiswa paket keahlian otomotif

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    PermasalahandalampenelitianiniadalahterdapatnyamahasiswapaketkeahlianotomotifUniversitasPendidikan Indonesia yang setelah lulus hanyaterfokussebagaipencarikeja.. Hal tersebutmenunjukanbahwalulusan yang berwirausahamasihsangatrendahdibandingdengan yang bekerjadanmelanjutkanjenjangpendidikan yang lebihtinggi, sedangkanuntuklulusanperguruantinggitidakhanyadiprioritaskanmenjadisebagaitenagapengajaratau pun pekerja di industrimelainkanmenjadiwirausahawan yang berkopetensi yang bergerakpadabidangotomotif. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuibesarnyahubunganantarakreativitasberwirausahadenganminatberwirausahaperbengkelanotomotifpadamahasiswapaketkeahlianotomotif. Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmetodedeskriptifstudikorelasidenganteknikpengumpulan data berupaangket. Berdasarkanhasilpengolahan data menunjukkanbahwatingkatkreativitasberwirausahadikalanganmahasiswapaketkeahlianotomotiftergolongpadakategorisedang, sedangkanminatberwirausahamahasiswapaketkeahlianotomotifberadadalamkategoritinggi. Berdasarkanhasilanalisisdenganmenggunakanbantuan program SPSS for Windows Seri 20 diperolehhasilpengujiankoefisienkorelasiantarakreativitasberwirausahadanminatberwirausahasebesar 0,335 angkatersebutmenunjukkanbahwabesarnyahubunganantarakreativitasberwirausahadenganminatberwirausahaperbengkelanotomotifpadamahasiswapaketkeahlianotomotifberadapadakategorirendah. Kata kunci : Kreativitas, Kewirausahaan, dan Minat

    Sanctuary from De Facto Deportation: The New Sanctuary Movement and De Facto Deportation Claims for Children Challenging Illegal immigrant Parents\u27 Removal Orders

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    This comment will give an overview of past and present sanctuary movements, the legal strategies they have formulated to defend those whom they shelter, and their impact on immigration law and policy. Then it will examine the particular strategy of de facto deportation-the NSM\u27s legal strategy of choice-to understand what is necessary to establish the claim, and whether it could nullify an alien parent\u27s removal order. Next, it will analyze two legal principles underlying de facto deportation claims: the right of a child to be raised by his parents and the right of a citizen child to reside in the United States, to determine whether current court opinions have accurately dealt with the legal and practical realities of these interests. Finally, this comment will conclude with and analysis of how current political trends will affect the future of the NSM and claims of de facto deportation


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    Abstract     Very tight competition requires business managers to create new models in managing the flow of products and information. Due to the smooth supply of raw materials PT. "XXX" Bandung can maximize the production process so that the volume of products sold can increase. In its implementation, supply chain management is strongly influenced by suppliers. With the existence of other companies that affect the production process, it is the obligation of PT. "XXX" Bandung to establish quality cooperation. Communication in business is seen as an important element for the success of cooperative relationships between companies because in reality it proves that cooperative relationships between companies always involve communication. Having different suppliers means that companies need to make adjustments in the field because each supplier certainly has different characteristics such as the way to communicate, the ability of the supplier itself, and the quality of the raw materials produced. The quality of good cooperation between the company and its suppliers will also have an impact on the production process that occurs in the company. The method in this study uses a quantitative descriptive method with 126 respondents as a sample of supplier companies in the city of Bandung. Data was collected by using a questionnaire method via google form and interview by telephone. Data processing is carried out using structural equation model analysis (SEM) with AMOS 20 software as a tool. The result of the research is that there is a positive and significant effect of business communication, alliance strategy on supply chain management performance is a simultaneous influence. While the effect of business communication or alliance strategy on supply chain management performance is a partial influence and the occurrence of a positive and significant influence

    Sanctuary from De Facto Deportation: The New Sanctuary Movement and De Facto Deportation Claims for Children Challenging Illegal immigrant Parents\u27 Removal Orders

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    This comment will give an overview of past and present sanctuary movements, the legal strategies they have formulated to defend those whom they shelter, and their impact on immigration law and policy. Then it will examine the particular strategy of de facto deportation-the NSM\u27s legal strategy of choice-to understand what is necessary to establish the claim, and whether it could nullify an alien parent\u27s removal order. Next, it will analyze two legal principles underlying de facto deportation claims: the right of a child to be raised by his parents and the right of a citizen child to reside in the United States, to determine whether current court opinions have accurately dealt with the legal and practical realities of these interests. Finally, this comment will conclude with and analysis of how current political trends will affect the future of the NSM and claims of de facto deportation


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    Abstract     Very tight competition requires business managers to create new models in managing the flow of products and information. Due to the smooth supply of raw materials PT. "XXX" Bandung can maximize the production process so that the volume of products sold can increase. In its implementation, supply chain management is strongly influenced by suppliers. With the existence of other companies that affect the production process, it is the obligation of PT. "XXX" Bandung to establish quality cooperation. Communication in business is seen as an important element for the success of cooperative relationships between companies because in reality it proves that cooperative relationships between companies always involve communication. Having different suppliers means that companies need to make adjustments in the field because each supplier certainly has different characteristics such as the way to communicate, the ability of the supplier itself, and the quality of the raw materials produced. The quality of good cooperation between the company and its suppliers will also have an impact on the production process that occurs in the company. The method in this study uses a quantitative descriptive method with 126 respondents as a sample of supplier companies in the city of Bandung. Data was collected by using a questionnaire method via google form and interview by telephone. Data processing is carried out using structural equation model analysis (SEM) with AMOS 20 software as a tool. The result of the research is that there is a positive and significant effect of business communication, alliance strategy on supply chain management performance is a simultaneous influence. While the effect of business communication or alliance strategy on supply chain management performance is a partial influence and the occurrence of a positive and significant influence


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    ABSTRAKAwal tahun 2020, pandemic COVID-19 menjadi masalah dunia. Seluruh pemerintahan di dunia bahkan ada yang kewalahan namun terus berupaya mengatasi penyebaran virus ini, sekaligus mengatasi berbagai dampaknya. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemic Covid-19 adalah factor perekonomian. Di Indonesia tidak terkecuali, akibat pandemic ini perekonomian masyarakat menjadi menurun. Dan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia adalah melakukan refocusing anggaran dari berbagai pos anggaran yang ada. Dan salah satu pos anggaran yang juga dilakukan refocusing adalah Dana Desa. Dana desa yang sebenarnya diperuntukkan bagi pembangunan dan pengembangan desa, dialihkan menjadi dana bantuan tunai yang dinamakan dengan Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa (BLT Dana Desa). Dalam implementasinya program ini dari sisi efektifitasnya masih banyak mengundang pertanyaan. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efektifitas dari program Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Talaitad Kecamatan Suluun Tareran Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan efektifitas program ini khususnya bagi masyarakat miskin dirasakan sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka, dan sebagian besar masyarakat mendukung program yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat tersebut. Kata Kunci: Efektifitas; BLT; Dana Desa  ABSTRACTEarly 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic will become a world problem. Even some governments in the world are overwhelmed but continue to work to overcome the spread of this virus, as well as to overcome its various effects. One of the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is an economic factor. In Indonesia, there is no exception, as a result of this pandemic the people's economy has declined. And to overcome this, one of the efforts made by the Indonesian government is to refocus the budget from various existing budget items. And one of the budget items that is also being refocused is the Village Fund. Village funds, which are actually intended for village development and development, have been converted into cash assistance funds called Village Fund Direct Cash Assistance (BLT Dana Desa). In terms of its effectiveness, this program still raises many questions. Therefore this research was conducted to see the effectiveness of the Village Fund Direct Cash Assistance program. This research was conducted in the village of Talaitad, Suluun Tareran, South Minahasa Regency. The research findings show that the effectiveness of this program, especially for the poor, is felt to be very beneficial for them, and most people support the program carried out by the central government. Keywords: Effectiveness; BLT ; Village Fund

    Text as Design, Writers as Designers

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    Acknowledging the changing nature of writing in the 21st century, particularly the increasing significance of visual characteristics in written texts, this paper explores the implications of multimodality for the pedagogy of writing. It considers the potential disjunction between children’s life experiences of written texts and the demands of the writing curriculum, particularly in the secondary phase, and whilst arguing for greater recognition of the role of the visual, the paper also notes the importance of ensuring all children also have access to powerful verbal texts. Drawing on two separate research studies, the paper demonstrates how visual characteristics of written texts influence readers’ responses to texts, but also how writers are aware of some of the choices they make in shaping verbal texts. The paper argues for a reconceptualisation of the writing process as a design process, and for a pedagogy of writing which encourages, supports and enables writers to become confident and effective designers of texts

    Pemikiran Syekh Ali Mahfudz tentang adab da’i dalam kitab Hidayat al-Mursyidin dan implikasinya terhadap kepribadian da’i

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    Dakwah di indonesia belakangan ini cukup mengalami kekhawatiran, dikarenakan dari da’i yang cenderung melakukan kekerasan, mengujar kebencian, penistaan agama, ancaman kepda pribadi seseorang, dan aktifitas dakwah umat Islam yang diwarnai adanya tindak kekerasan seorang da'i merupakan cerminan dari mad’unya yang harus memiliki sifat-sifat yang terpuji serta adab yang semestinya dimiliki oleh seorang da’i. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) untuk menganalisis adab seorang Da’i yang telah ditulis oleh Syekh Ali Mahfudz Tentang Adab da’i dalam Kitab Hidayah al-Mursyidin, 2) untuk menganalisis implikasi pemikiran Syekh Ali Mahfudz Tentang Adab da’i Dalam Kitab Hidayah al-Mursyidin terhadap kepribadian da’i. Jenis penelitian ini studi pustaka (library research) dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data melalui 1) mengkumpulkan karya-karya tokoh yang bersangkutan kaitannya dengan topik yang sedang diteliti (sebagai data primer), 2) menelusuri karya milik orang lain yang berhubungan dengan tokoh yang bersangkutan atau terkait topik yang diteliti sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; 1) pemikiran Syeh Ali Mahfud dalam kitab Hidayat al-Mursyidin tentang adab yang dimiliki seorang da’i adalah sifat wira’i, menyukai perdamaian, ikhlas, mengingatkan kebaikan, merasa selalu di awasi oleh Allah dan lemah lembut 2) Implikasi Pemikiran Syeh Ali Mahfud terhadap kepribadian da’i dalam kitab Hidayat al-Mursyidin diantaranya berkepribadian yang baik, asas kepribadian yang lurus, istiqomah dalam berdakwah ABSTRACT: Da'wah in Indonesia has recently been quite worried, because of the da'i who tend to commit violence, speak hatred, blasphemy, threats to someone's personality, and the da'wah activities of Muslims which are characterized by acts of violence by a da'i are a reflection of mad' only one who must have commendable qualities and manners that a preacher should have. This study aims to 1) to analyze the adab of a preacher that has been written by Sheikh Ali Mahfudz about the adab of the da'i in the Hidayah al-Mursyidin Book, 2) to analyze the implications of Sheikh Ali Mahfudz's thoughts about the adab of the da'i in the Book of Hidayah al -Murshid on the personality of the da'i. This type of research is library research with descriptive analysis method. Collecting data through 1) collecting the works of the figures concerned in relation to the topic being researched (as primary data), 2) tracing the works of other people related to the figures in question or related to the topic being studied as secondary data. The results showed that; 1) Sheikh Ali Mahfud's thoughts in Hidayat al-Mursyidin's book about the adab possessed by a preacher are wira'i traits, love peace, sincerity, remind goodness, feel always supervised by Allah and gentle 2) Implications of Sheikh Ali Mahfud's thoughts on the personality of the preacher in the book of Hidayat al-Mursyidin including a good personality, the principle of a straight personality, istiqomah in preaching الملخص لقد كانت الدعوة في إندونيسيا في الآونة الأخيرة قلقة للغاية، بسبب الداعي الذي يميل إلى ارتكاب العنف ، والتحدث بالكراهية ، والتجديف ، والتهديد لشخصية شخص ما ، وأنشطة الدعوة التي يقوم بها المسلمون والتي تتميز بأعمال عنف من قبل المسلمين. الداعي هو انعكاس للمجنون "الوحيد الذي يجب أن يتمتع بصفات وأخلاق جديرة بالثناء يجب أن يتمتع بها الواعظ. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى: 1) تحليل أدب الداعية الذي كتبه الشيخ علي محفوظ عن أدب الداعي في كتاب هداية المرسيدين ، 2) لتحليل دلالات أفكار الشيخ علي محفوظ حول آداب الداعي. أدب الداعي في كتاب هداية المرشد في شخصية الداعي. هذا النوع من البحث هو بحث مكتبة مع طريقة التحليل الوصفي. جمع البيانات من خلال 1) جمع أعمال الشخصيات المعنية فيما يتعلق بالموضوع قيد البحث (كبيانات أولية) ، 2) تتبع أعمال الأشخاص الآخرين المتعلقة بالأرقام المعنية أو المتعلقة بالموضوع قيد الدراسة كبيانات ثانوية. أظهرت النتائج أن؛ 1) أفكار الشيخ علي محفوظ في كتاب هداية المرسيدين عن الآداب التي يمتلكها الخطيب هي سمات الورائي ، حب السلام ، الإخلاص ، تذكير بالصلاح ، أشعر دائمًا بأن الله يشرف عليه ، ولطيف .2) تداعيات أفكار الشيخ علي محفوظ على شخصية الواعظ في كتاب هداية المرسيدين في الشخصية الطيبة ، مبدأ الاستقامة ، الاستقامة في الوعظ