23 research outputs found

    El hebraísmo en la Ciencia Moderna

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    Se propone considerar la influencia que la cábala judía, con sus correspondientes estructuras cosmogónicas y categorías metafísicas, tuvo en la configuración del pensamiento científico-filosófico del siglo XVII, capaces de destronar las hipótesis mecanicistas así como de allanar el camino hacia la infinitización del espacio. Para ello se impone reconstruir los vínculos entre las tradiciones intelectuales y los autores que tejieron esta red de influencia entre la cábala judía y la ciencia moderna

    El hebraísmo en la Ciencia Moderna

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    Se propone considerar la influencia que la cábala judía, con sus correspondientes estructuras cosmogónicas y categorías metafísicas, tuvo en la configuración del pensamiento científico-filosófico del siglo XVII, capaces de destronar las hipótesis mecanicistas así como de allanar el camino hacia la infinitización del espacio. Para ello se impone reconstruir los vínculos entre las tradiciones intelectuales y los autores que tejieron esta red de influencia entre la cábala judía y la ciencia moderna. Palabras claves: cábala, neoplatonismo, Ciencia Moderna.Abstract:This proposal considers the influence that Jewish Kabbalah, together with its cosmogonist framework and metaphysical categories, had on the rise of scientific and philosophical thought in the 1 ih century. This influence is capable of rejecting the mechanist hypotheses as well as preparing the way towards the conception of an infinite universe. For that purpose, it is necessary to rebuild the bonds of intellectual traditions and authors that wove this network of influence between Jewish Kabbalah and modem science.Keywords: Kabbalah, Neo-Platonism, Modern Science.  </p

    La influencia de Abraham Cohen de Herrera en la Filosofía Natural del siglo XVII: su impronta en los Principia Philosophiae de Anne Conway

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    Natural Philosophy of the 17th Century shares traits of hermetic-cabalistic mysticism and neoplatonism of the 16th Century. Works presenting this legacy, far from representing isolated cases, constitute the intelectual magma in which many of the debates which signed modern science were gestated. One of the paradigmatic representation of this stream is Anne Conway, who in her Principia Philosophiae attacks the Cartesian mechanism and dualism, supporting herself in monistic and espiritualistic doctrins of the matter that she takes directly from Isaac Luria´s cabalistic tradition represented by Abraham Cohen de Herrera and his Puerta del Cielo.La filosofía natural del siglo XVII comparte con el pensamiento del XVI rasgos de misticismo hermético-cabalístico y neoplatonismo. Las obras que presentan este legado, lejos de representar accidentes o casos aislados, constituyen el magma intelectual en el cual se gestaron muchos de los debates que signaron a la ciencia moderna. Representante paradigmática de esta corriente es Anne Conway, quien en sus Principia Philosophiae realiza un ataque al mecanicismo y al dualismo de cuño cartesiano apoyándose en doctrinas emanantistas, monistas y espiritualistas de la materia que toma directamente de la tradición cabalística luriánica representada por Abraham Cohen de Herrera y su Puerta del Cielo

    Consensus and meta-analysis regulatory networks for combining multiple microarray gene expression datasets

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    Microarray data is a key source of experimental data for modelling gene regulatory interactions from expression levels. With the rapid increase of publicly available microarray data comes the opportunity to produce regulatory network models based on multiple datasets. Such models are potentially more robust with greater confidence, and place less reliance on a single dataset. However, combining datasets directly can be difficult as experiments are often conducted on different microarray platforms, and in different laboratories leading to inherent biases in the data that are not always removed through pre-processing such as normalisation. In this paper we compare two frameworks for combining microarray datasets to model regulatory networks: pre- and post-learning aggregation. In pre-learning approaches, such as using simple scale-normalisation prior to the concatenation of datasets, a model is learnt from a combined dataset, whilst in post-learning aggregation individual models are learnt from each dataset and the models are combined. We present two novel approaches for post-learning aggregation, each based on aggregating high-level features of Bayesian network models that have been generated from different microarray expression datasets. Meta-analysis Bayesian networks are based on combining statistical confidences attached to network edges whilst Consensus Bayesian networks identify consistent network features across all datasets. We apply both approaches to multiple datasets from synthetic and real (Escherichia coli and yeast) networks and demonstrate that both methods can improve on networks learnt from a single dataset or an aggregated dataset formed using a standard scale-normalisation

    From the Medieval Jewry to the Modern Printing Press. The Assimilation of Neo-Platonism in Spanish Jews from 16th and 17th Centuries

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía, Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, leída el 28/06/2017El presente trabajo realiza una reconstrucción histórica del proceso por el cual autores judíos de origen hispano-lusitano tomaron contacto con elementos de la filosofía neoplatónica. Este contacto se vio favorecido por las políticas segregacionistas que condujeron a la expulsión de los judíos de España en 1492. Expulsados de la Península Ibérica, muchos de los judíos partieron a Italia, donde las corrientes neoplatónicasestaban cobrando especial relevancia. Empapados de esta tradición filosófica, los autores judíos escribieron obras de naturaleza sincrética, capaces de conjugar al mismo tiempo su herencia cultural judía y las nuevas tendencias filosóficas del neoplatonismo italiano renacentista. Las obras que se produjeron bajo esta influencia conocieron un profundo éxito editorial entre el público general, debido precisamente a que se trataban de trabajos asimilados a entornos no judíos, lo cual las hacía susceptibles de una recepción más amplia. Estas obras sincréticas producidas en el siglo XVI por autores judíos influenciaron asimismo a los escritores judíos del siglo XVII, más específicamente a los radicados en Ámsterdam. Esta comunidad produjo, inspirada por el trabajo de sus predecesores renacentistas, obras que también fueron intensamente leídas y comentadas por intelectuales europeos del siglo XVII que tampoco eran miembros de las comunidades judías...The current work makes a historical reconstruction of the procedure which Jewish authors with Spanish-Portuguese background got in contact with elements of Neo-Platonist philosophy. This contact was enhanced by the segregation policies which derivate into the expulsion of Jews from Spain decreed in 1492. After being expelled from the Iberian Peninsula, many of the Jews left to Italy, where Neo-Platonist streams were relevant. Steeped into this philosophical tradition, Jewish authors wrote syncretic works, able to encompass their Jewish cultural inheritance and the new philosophical trends derived from the Italian Renaissance Neo-Platonism. Works produced under this influence experienced an important publishing success involving general audience, due to the fact that they were works assimilated to non-Jewish environments, which made them eligible for a broader scope. These syncretic works produced in the 16th century by Jewish authors influenced also those which were produced by Jewish writers from the 17th century, especially those who were set in Amsterdam. This community produced works, which were inspired by its Renaissance predecessors, works that were read and remarked intensively by European intellectuals from the 17th century who did not belong to Jewish communities...Depto. de Lógica y Filosofía TeóricaFac. de FilosofíaTRUEunpu

    Decision Analytic Networks in Artificial Intelligence

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    Researchers in artificial intelligence and decision analysis share a concern with the construction of formal models of human knowledge and expertise. Historically, however, their approaches to these problems have diverged. Members of these two communities have recently discovered common ground: a family of graphical models of decision theory known as influence diagrams or as belief networks. These models are equally attractive to theoreticians, decision modelers, and designers of knowledge-based systems. From a theoretical perspective, they combine graph theory, probability theory and decision theory. From an implementation perspective, they lead to powerful automated systems. Although many practicing decision analysts have already adopted influence diagrams as modeling and structuring tools, they may remain unaware of the theoretical work that has emerged from the artificial intelligence community. This paper surveys the first decade or so of this work. Investment Technology Group, ..