453 research outputs found

    [2020 Honorable Mention] The Stress and Mental and Emotional Health of Undocumented Students

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    This paper discusses the stress and mental and emotional health of undocumented students, including DACA students (referred to as DACAmented), DREAMERS, and AB 540 students, during their college application process and their college journey. Also, this paper focuses on how immigration status and stress factors impact undocumented students’ academic and personal life, how those factors impact the mental and emotional health of undocumented students, and how undocumented students overcome or address the stress factors they experience. Finally, this paper discusses how educational institutions in higher education need to improve to make an undocu-friendly and supportive environment for undocumented students.https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/esa_submissions/1067/thumbnail.jp

    La contabilidad pública en Bolivia, España y Portugal : una descripción comparada

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    La necesidad de modernizar la administración financiera de los estados justifica el hecho de que la contabilidad pública de estar en una permanente transformación. En Portugal la reforma de la contabilidad pública se inicio en 1989, aunque no existen muchos organismos e instituciones que hayan implementado la transición al nuevo régimen. El proceso de transformación en España se asienta en la Ley General Presupuestaria de 1977 (actualizada en 1988) y en el Plan General de la Contabilidad Pública de 1994, que recogió la experiencia acumulada del plan anterior y de los Principios Contables Públicos. Ya en el caso Boliviano durante los últimos 20 años de democracia continua, se inicia un periodo en el cual se expone interés por la responsabilidad en la gestión publica repercutiendo en sistematización del contabilidad estando en los años 2002 y 2003 en proceso el empleo de herramientas informáticas que colaboran a la estandarización de la contabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es exponer la evolución en el tiempo de los regímenes financiero y de la contabilidad publica en Bolivia, España y Portugal, asimismo comprender la estructura del sector público y su contabilidad para plantear una posible evolución ante las necesidades de información y su futuro

    Conferencia: Asimetría: erómenos - erastés

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    Dra. Rose-Marie Mariaca Fellmann, PsicoanalistaLa Grecia arcaica era fundamentalmente una sociedad de amos. Claude Calame, sitúa una asimetría en ‘vínculo’ amoroso del erómenos y del erastés que ya era conocida en el siglo VI.a.c. notablemente en los testimonios que dejaron en la poesía mélica, poesía cantada, acompañada de una lira. Este conocimiento se difuminó con Platón y después de él, para pasar a construir una versión simétrica del amor. La repercusión de la asimetría es la no reciprocidad, la no complementariedad, y por tanto la no completud. ¿De qué esta hecha esta asimetría? Y, ¿cual es su relación con la notable frase de Lacan: ¿no hay relación sexua

    Ángeles tejidos

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    Twenty-two miniatures of the Tarot : a cycle for chamber ensemble

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    Twenty-two miniatures of the Tarot is a cycle for chamber ensemble related to the twenty-two major arcana of the Tarot. Indeed, the intention of this composition is to capture the esoteric essence for each Major Arcana of the Tarot, making them speak musically in a contemporary language of music. Ideally, this cycle should be performed in the same order as the Tarot cycle, which has a number for each Major Arcana: 1) The Magician, 2) The High Priestess, 3) The Empress, 4) The Emperor, 5) The Pope, 6) The Lover, 7) The Chariot, 8) Justice, 9) The Hermit, 10) The Wheel of Fortune, 11) Strength, 12) The Hanged Man, 13) The Nameless Arcanum, 14) Temperance, 15) The Devil, 16) The Tower, 17) The Star, 18) The Moon, 19) The Sun, 20) Judgment, 21) The World and 22) The Fool

    Review on Carbon Capture in ICE Driven Transport

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    The transport sector powered by internal combustion engines (ICE) requires novel approaches to achieve near-zero CO2 emissions. In this direction, using CO2 capture and storage (CCS) systems onboard could be a good option. However, CO2 capture in mobile sources is currently challenging due to the operational and space requirements to install a CCS system onboard. This paper presents a systematic review of the CO2 capture in ICE driven transport to know the methods, techniques, and results of the different studies published so far. Subsequently, a case study of a CCS system working in an ICE is presented, where the energy and space needs are evaluated. The review reveals that the most suitable technique for CO2 capture is temperature swing adsorption (TSA). Moreover, the sorbents with better properties for this task are PPN-6-CH2-DETA and MOF-74-Mg. Finally, it shows that it is necessary to supply the energy demand of the CCS system and the option is to take advantage of the waste heat in the flue gas. The case study shows that it is possible to have a carbon capture rate above 68% without affecting engine performance. It was also found that the total volume required by the CCS system and fuel tank is 3.75 times smaller than buses operating with hydrogen fuel cells. According to the review and the case study, it is possible to run a CCS system in the maritime sector and road freight transport

    Energy and economic analysis feasibility of CO2 capture on a natural gas internal combustion engine

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    CO2 capture by amine scrubbing is a widely developed technology in its most advanced stage of evolution. However, it has never been used to capture CO2 from mobile sources. The present study performs an energy and economic analysis of an amine scrubbing CO2 capture storage (CCS) system, which takes for the amine regeneration process the waste heat from the exhaust gases of a turbocharged natural gas internal combustion engine (mobile source). The selected engine for the study is an M936G, widely used in freight and passenger transport. A primary and a tertiary amine were chosen for the simulations. In order to reduce volume and increase autonomy, captured CO2 is stored as a liquid, therefore, a specific installation is planned. The system is hybridised with an organic rankine cycle (ORC) to reduce the energy penalty on the CCS system. Results show that a CCS system operating with Monoethanolamine (MEA) at 30 wt% achieved a maximum CO2 capture rate of 66%, with a penalty over the power engine of only 10%. On the other hand, the economic analysis showed that the CCS system with MEA and without ORC is 31.8% cheaper than a hydrogen fuel cells bus and 26% cheaper than a battery-electric bus