64 research outputs found

    The role of the translator’s personality in the process of self-revision

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    Wydział AnglistykiW rozprawie doktorskiej pojęcie autokorekty jest zdefiniowane jako etap decyzyjny w procesie tłumaczenia oraz jako „procedura zapewniania jakości” (Mossop 2014) powstającego produktu − tłumaczenia. Takie podejście do autokorekty pozwala na połączenie ilościowych danych z procesu tłumaczenia oraz jakościowych danych z ocenionego produktu tłumaczenia. Podobnie, pojęcie osobowości jest postrzegane w kontekście takich jego składników jak cechy osobowości (charakterystyki ilościowe) oraz funkcje psychologiczne (opis jakościowy). Cechy procesu autokorekty wykonywanej przez tłumacza, takie jak: czas poświęcony na korektę końcową, ilość i typ wprowadzonych poprawek, często były uznawane jako składniki „indywidualnego stylu pracy” tłumacza (Jakobsen 2003; Carl i in. 2011), lub jego „profilu” (Dragsted i Carl 2012). Przedstawione w pracy badanie empiryczne miało na celu ujawnić rolę preferowanych funkcji psychologicznych w podejściu tłumaczy do procesu autokorekty oraz formowaniu „indywidualnego stylu pracy”. Również badanie miało pokazać, jakie dominujące cechy osobowości najlepiej opisują profil psychologiczny tłumaczy oraz odróżniają ich od przedstawicieli innych zawodów. Psychologiczne profile autorów najlepiej ocenionych tłumaczeń zostały zanalizowane w celu wyjaśnienia, czy pewne „style pracy” oraz dominujące cechy osobowości korelują z jakością tłumaczenia. Wyniki badania mogą pomóc nauczycielom tłumaczenia uświadomić rolę, jaką cechy osobowości odgrywają w zawodzie tłumacza, oraz jak studenci rozwijają swoje podejście do aspektów decyzyjnych w procesie autokorekty tłumaczenia.In the dissertation, self-revision is viewed as both the decision-related stage of the translation process and the “quality-assurance procedure” (Mossop 2014) of the emerging translation product. Such a view of self-revision allows combining the quantitative translation process data and qualitative translation product assessment data using multi-method approaches. Similarly, the concept of personality is referred to as a set of its quantitative characteristics, personality traits, and qualitative characteristics, personality types. The process characteristics of the translator’s self-revision behaviour, such as the duration of the end revision and the number and the type of corrections introduced, have often been found to form the translators’ “individual working styles” (Jakobsen 2003; Carl et al. 2011) or “profiles” (Dragsted and Carl 2012). The aim of the empirical study was to identify the role of the preferred psychological functions in the translator’s approach to self-revision and the formulation of their “individual working styles”. The experiment also sought to determine the translator’s dominant psychological traits that make translators differ from the representatives of the other professions. The psychological profiles of the authors of the best translations were analysed so as to establish if certain “working styles” and dominant personality traits correlate with translation quality. The results of the study may help translation teachers understand the role that individual personality characteristics play in the translator’s professional life, and in their approach to the decisional aspects of the translation process reflected in self-revision

    Актуальні проблеми впровадження міжнародних стандартів адміністративної відповідальності в національне законодавство України

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    The relevant problems of the implementation of international standards of administrative liability have been studied. It has been substantiated that the implementation of these standards into national administrative legislation is an important component of the development of a legal and democratic state.It has been noted that the adaptation of national legislation to the legislation of international organizations is carried out by the authorized agencies of state power through law-making, planning, coordination and control. It has been proved that the adaptation is an integral part of integration processes, a precondition for the harmonization of national legislation with the legislation of international organizations.The current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of the adaptation to international documents has been analyzed; the necessity of the development and adoption of a new codified act focused on the issues of administrative liability, which would bring into accord the norms of this institution with the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and international legal standards in the field of administrative liability, has been substantiated. The author has established the necessity of the codification of the norms of administrative liability, which allow to provide a mechanism for the implementation of international standards of administrative liability into national administrative legislation. Herewith, in case of such systematization, there is a possibility to implement a single approach not only to the issues of the implementation of administrative liability, but also to the procedure of bringing to it and the application of coercive measures.On the basis of scientific research of the adaptation processes and harmonization of domestic legislation, the author has revealed the process of the implementation of international legal standards. The emphasis has been made that there is a number of problems in the implementation of international legal standards of administrative liability that should be resolved. It has been stressed that the existing unsystematic norms regulating the issue of administrative liability require the implementation of international legal standards into each regulatory act that provides administrative liability.Досліджено актуальні проблеми впровадження міжнародних стандартів адміністративної відповідальності, проаналізовано чинне законодавство України у сфері адаптації до міжнародних документів. На підставі наукових досліджень процесів адаптації та гармонізації вітчизняного законодавства розкрито процес упровадження міжнародно-правових стандартів. Звернено увагу на низку проблем з упровадження міжнародно-правових стандартів адміністративної відповідальності, які слід вирішити

    La stratification stylistique d’un indice prosodique de l’accent dit « de banlieue » – Enquête auprès de jeunes Rouennais

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    À travers l’analyse de la stratification stylistique d’une marque phonique, identifiée par les auditeurs comme un indice fort de l’accent dit de banlieue, nous montrons que les jeunes de banlieue ne recourent pas toujours à cet accent et que le degré de celui-ci varie fortement d’une situation communicative à l’autre. Cette variation situationnelle est certes liée au degré de formalité du discours, mais aussi et surtout à son degré d’interactivité.Through analysis of the stylistic stratification of a phonetic feature which is identified by hearers as a significant marker of the so-called accent de banlieue (“suburban accent”), we show that young people from the suburbs do not always use such an accent, and that intensity of use of the accent varies greatly between communicative situations. If formality of the linguistic exchange is a key datum in this analysis, the degree of interaction between speakers appears to be even more fundamental


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    The author has researched the concept and forms of consolidation of international standards in the field of administrative liability; has analyzed international regulatory acts and has carried out their classification according to the sphere of administrative liability. It has been substantiated that each branch of law is characterized by a special, own system of sources, types of sources of law stem from the very content of social relations, through the specificity of which such a branch of law is allocated and exists. The object of regulation and method directly determine not only the composition and type of the norms of the relevant field of legislation, but also the type, as well as the scope of forms of expressing the law. That is, certain types of law norms, and, consequently, the types of forms of its expression correspond to each branch of law. The features of various social systems, the diversity of forms of state intervention into public relations are clearly determined in this phenomenon. In particular, certain provisions of the institution of administrative liability in the field of administrative law of Ukraine are more regulated in international treaties (declarations, conventions and recommendations). It has been established that the formation of a new legal space and the change of social priorities lead to the need to research established legal institutions in a new light, more thorough, which create the foundation of the legal system and ensure the proper functioning of legal relations in the country, in particular the institution of administrative liability. It has been proved that the form of consolidation of the norms of international law as a way of giving them an official, compulsory nature, are sources of international law. Due to the specificity of international law and the process of establishing its norms, there is no a legal act recognized by all the subjects of international law that establishes the list of sources of international law and their definition.Досліджено поняття та форми закріплення міжнародних стандартів у сфері адміністративної відповідальності, проаналізовано міжнародні нормативно-правові акти і здійснено їх видову класифікацію відповідно до сфери адміністративної відповідальності

    La stratification stylistique d’un indice prosodique de l’accent dit « de banlieue » – Enquête auprès de jeunes Rouennais

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    À travers l’analyse de la stratification stylistique d’une marque phonique, identifiée par les auditeurs comme un indice fort de l’accent dit de banlieue, nous montrons que les jeunes de banlieue ne recourent pas toujours à cet accent et que le degré de celui-ci varie fortement d’une situation communicative à l’autre. Cette variation situationnelle est certes liée au degré de formalité du discours, mais aussi et surtout à son degré d’interactivité.Through analysis of the stylistic stratification of a phonetic feature which is identified by hearers as a significant marker of the so-called accent de banlieue (“suburban accent”), we show that young people from the suburbs do not always use such an accent, and that intensity of use of the accent varies greatly between communicative situations. If formality of the linguistic exchange is a key datum in this analysis, the degree of interaction between speakers appears to be even more fundamental

    Right to Freedom of Expression v. Reputation Protection (Based on ECtHR Practice Materials)

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    The urgency of the study is stipulated by the necessity to clarify the criteria allowing courts to determine a balance between the right to freedom of expression (Article 10 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) and the right to reputation protection as part of the right to privacy (Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), given the complex nature and equivalence of these rights on conditions of a a democratic society. The purpose of the article is to elucidate, through the European Court of Human Rights practice, the provisions allowing defamation cases to be resolved and additional criteria that can be used to consider such cases to be formed. The research is based on the perception of human rights as natural, inalienable and equal human opportunities, which are universal in nature, but may have a regional content, allowing us to talk about the social and cultural nature of law in general. The study takes into account the implicit nature of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms provisions, which enshrine the relevant human rights, respectively, it is the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights that are “filling” these rights with the “content”. The principle of the Convention’s norms dynamic interpretation is taken into account by the Court, which ensures the effectiveness of human rights institutions and a modern understanding of the content of protected rights. The article clarifies that the criteria for finding a balance between the right to freedom of expression and reputation protection are the following: the content of the publication; degree of public interest in disseminated information; the degree of publicity of the interested person, the form and consequences of the publication, the method of obtaining information, the behavior of the interested party to the publication; as additional criteria for determining the balance between the right to freedom of expression and the protection of reputation, it is suggested to use the purpose of the publication (whether, the publication aims to create a “platform” for discussion of public interest or is used as a means of black PR or this interest is limited to unhealthy curiosity), as well as the results of linguistic examination