337 research outputs found

    Handleiding Paprika model “Cultivista” - Project Topmodel4all / 2010-2011

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    Abstract NL Deze handleiding is bedoeld voor telers die aan de slag willen met het paprika model “Cultivista”. Er wordt uitgelegd hoe met het interactieve paprika model “Cultivista” kan worden gewerkt. De installatie van het model en de verschillende in te voeren gegevens (inputs) van het model worden besproken. Vervolgens worden de werking van het model en de onderdelen van de interface besproken. Tevens worden de voorwaarden voor mogelijke automatisering van de inputs en het oplossen van de meest voorkomende problemen besproken. Abstract UK This manual is meant for growers who would like to work with the sweet pepper growth model “Cultivista”. This manual explains how the model works, how to install the model and which inputs are used. Furthermore, the different parts of the interface are explained. Finally, the conditions for automation of the inputs and troubleshooting of the most common problems are discussed

    Het Nieuwe Telen voor groente-opkweek

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    Het Nieuwe Telen (HNT) is als systeem ontwikkeld voor de primaire productie bedrijven. Voor de opkweekbedrijven, die in korte teelten het basis uitgangsmateriaal maken is dit systeem niet één op één toepasbaar. Om de in Kas als Energiebron opgedane kennis te laten landen bij plantenkwekerijen moet een analyse en een vertaalslag gemaakt worden. In het project ‘Het Nieuwe Telen voor groente-opkweek’ is door middel van gesprekken met 10 opkweekbedrijven, een workshop en literatuurstudie in kaart gebracht waar de kansen en knelpunten liggen

    Here comes the sun: How optimization of photosynthetic light reactions can boost crop yields.

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    Photosynthesis started to evolve some 3.5 billion years ago CO2 is the substrate for photosynthesis and in the past 200-250 years, atmospheric levels have approximately doubled due to human industrial activities. However, this time span is not sufficient for adaptation mechanisms of photosynthesis to be evolutionarily manifested. Steep increases in human population, shortage of arable land and food, and climate change call for actions, now. Thanks to substantial research efforts and advances in the last century, basic knowledge of photosynthetic and primary metabolic processes can now be translated into strategies to optimize photosynthesis to its full potential in order to improve crop yields and food supply for the future. Many different approaches have been proposed in recent years, some of which have already proven successful in different crop species. Here, we summarize recent advances on modifications of the complex network of photosynthetic light reactions. These are the starting point of all biomass production and supply the energy equivalents necessary for downstream processes as well as the oxygen we breathe

    Safety conscious or living dangerously: what is the ‘right’ level of plant photoprotection for fitness and productivity?

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    Due to their sessile nature, plants could be perceived to be relatively slow and rather un-reactive. However, a plant scientist will tell you that the inability to run away (tropism notwithstanding) actually demands a highly sophisticated physiological response to the environment. Light presents an extreme case: cloud cover and wind-induced motion can lead to irradiance changes of several orders of magnitude over timescales of seconds and minutes. Being autotrophic organisms and having evolved to harvest light, plants need to dynamically regulate their biochemistry so that it operates efficiently during these fluxes, maintaining plant fitness but minimising the risk of damage. Photosynthesis is driven at a rate that depends on the amount of available light, as shown by the schematic photosynthesis-light response curves of C3 species (Fig. 1). In nature, CO2 assimilation can go from being light-limited to being light-saturated within a very short period of time. To maximise CO2 uptake, photosynthesis should ‘track’ light levels accurately inducing and removing photoprotective processes accurately. Being able to measure photoprotection precisely in naturally fluctuating settings is difficult; however, a paper in this volume of Plant, Cell and Environment proposes a significant advance (Tietz et al. 2017)