30 research outputs found

    connecting communities – gehört : gelernt : beteiligt. Mehrsprachige Frauen machen mehrsprachiges Radio

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    Vorgestellt wird das Projekt „connecting communities“, das 2012 bis 2014 in den Projektregionen Voitsberg (Steiermark), Steyr (Oberösterreich) und Kirchdorf an der Krems (Oberösterreich) sogenannte Lernknotenpunkte für Migrantinnen vor Ort schaffen will. In rund 50 Radiobeiträgen werden Erfahrungen, Standpunkte und Bildungsinhalte in mehreren Sprachen aufbereitet und öffentlich gemacht. Dadurch werden die Teilnehmerinnen selbst zu Multiplikatorinnen in den communities. (DIPF/Orig.)This article presents the project “connecting communities,” which wants to create “learning intersections” for female migrants on location in the project regions Voitsberg (Styria), Steyr (Upper Austria) and Kirchdorf an der Krems (Lower Austria) from 2012 to 2014. Experiences, points of view and educational content are prepared and made public in many languages in a good 50 radio programmes. In this way, the participants themselves become disseminators in the communities. (DIPF/Orig.

    Phoneme Frequencies in Slovene (Text vs. Dictionary)

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    In this paper Slovene phoneme frequencies from a Slovene–German learner’s dictionary are analysed. The structure of the dictionary allows the determination of phoneme frequencies on two distinct linguistic levels: the level of dictionary (analysis of headwords) and the level of text (example sentences, illustrating a prototypical context of a given headword). By applying various statistical significance tests it can be shown that no significant differences between the rank-frequency distributions are observable. The same holds true for testing the differences, based on the repetition rate of phoneme frequencies on the dictionary and text levels. In contrast to this, only dichotomised data (by grouping them into vowels and consonants) show a significantly different frequency behaviour. Overall it can be shown that based on the given empirical observations, the conceptual importance and relevance of the levels of dictionary vs. text for quantitative phoneme studies has to be reconsidered and critically reflected in future studies

    Crossings as a side effect of dependency lengths

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    The syntactic structure of sentences exhibits a striking regularity: dependencies tend to not cross when drawn above the sentence. We investigate two competing explanations. The traditional hypothesis is that this trend arises from an independent principle of syntax that reduces crossings practically to zero. An alternative to this view is the hypothesis that crossings are a side effect of dependency lengths, i.e. sentences with shorter dependency lengths should tend to have fewer crossings. We are able to reject the traditional view in the majority of languages considered. The alternative hypothesis can lead to a more parsimonious theory of language.Comment: the discussion section has been expanded significantly; in press in Complexity (Wiley

    Fitting Ranked English and Spanish Letter Frequency Distribution in U.S. and Mexican Presidential Speeches

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    The limited range in its abscissa of ranked letter frequency distributions causes multiple functions to fit the observed distribution reasonably well. In order to critically compare various functions, we apply the statistical model selections on ten functions, using the texts of U.S. and Mexican presidential speeches in the last 1-2 centuries. Dispite minor switching of ranking order of certain letters during the temporal evolution for both datasets, the letter usage is generally stable. The best fitting function, judged by either least-square-error or by AIC/BIC model selection, is the Cocho/Beta function. We also use a novel method to discover clusters of letters by their observed-over-expected frequency ratios.Comment: 7 figure

    Protection of personal data in detective activity

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    Tema v diplomski nalogi je varstvo osebnih podatkov v detektivski dejavnosti, ki spada med oblike zasebnega varovanja. V Sloveniji je detektivska dejavnost poznana od leta 1998, leta 1994 pa je bil sprejet prvi Zakon o detektivski dejavnosti (ZDD) pri nas. Zakon je doživel razne spremembe in dopolnitve, danes pa velja prenovljeni Zakon o detektivski dejavnosti (ZDD-1), ki je bil sprejet leta 2011. Predstavljeno je delo detektiva ter narejena primerjava policijskega in detektivskega dela na področju pridobivanja osebnih podatkov. Nadaljujemo s predstavitvijo glavnih pravnih temeljev o dopustnem obsegu posega v pravico do zasebnosti in pravico do osebnih podatkov pri izvajanju detektivske dejavnosti ter postopek o pridobivanju le-teh. Poleg slovenske ureditve zakonov je vpisana tudi evropska zakonodaja. Največ poudarka je na Splošni uredbi o varstvu osebnih podatkov (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), s katerim smo preverjali, ali je jasnost in ustreznost zakonodaje detektivom delo olajšala, ali otežila. S pomočjo raziskovalnega pristopa v raziskovalnem delu smo analizirali problematiko varovanja osebnih podatkov. Osrednja tema je omejenost detektivov s strani zakonodaje. V raziskovalnem delu smo ugotovili, da se anketiranci v večini strinjajo, da jih zakonodaja omejuje pri zbiranju osebnih podatkov. Po analizi raziskave smo ugotovili, da bi lahko detektivom na podlagi njihovih kvalifikacij podelili več pooblastil.The thesis is about the protection of personal data in detective activity, which belongs to the forms of private security. In Slovenia, detective activity has been known since 1998. In 1994 the First Act for detective activity was adapted. Since its adaption, the Act has undergone various changes and additions. The revised Act on detective activities, which applies today, was amended in 2011. The work of a detective and comparison of police and detective work in the field of obtaining personal data will be presented in the thesis. The presentation will continue with the main legal foundations which determine the permissible scope of interference with the right to privacy and the right to personal data when conducting detective work and the procedure for obtaining them. The emphasis will be on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with which it was checked whether the work of detectives was made easier or more difficult due to the clarity and adequacy of legislation. The research approach was used to analyse the issue of personal data protection in the context of detective work. The focus is primarily on the limitation of detectives by legislation that limits them in the performance of data collection tasks. In the research, it was discovered that detectives could be granted more powers in the field of obtaining and processing personal data due to their qualifications

    Quantitative Approaches to the Russian Language

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