397 research outputs found

    Defining Law Terms: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

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    The translation practice trends towards legal definitions seem to be more and more informed by the globalization and ‘Europeanisation’ processes now constituting a still broader context of legal communication rather than confined to the text of a legal instrument itself

    The Near Earth Asteroid associations

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    We searched for associations (not for families) amongst the near Earth asteroids (NEAs) and, similarly as in our previous study (Jopek 2011, Jopek 2012), a dozen groups of 10 or more members was found with high statistical reliability. We present some details of our most numerous finding, association Anza ’2061’ which, at the moment, incorporates 191 members

    General Module for a Configuration of Cloud Services

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    Práca bola vypracovaná v rámci programu Erasmus na Hochschule Furtwangen University v Nemecku. Bakalářská práce se zabývá konfigurováním Cloud Computing služeb. Popisuje model vývoje a použítí těchto technologií. V práci je navrhnutý a implementovaný všeobecný modul na konfiguraci Cloud Computing služeb. Aplikace poskytuje univerzální nástroj na generování uživatelského rozhraní podle dokumentu ve formátu XML. Vytvořený systém zjednodušuje a sjednocuje grafické uživatelské rozhraní.Bachelor's thesis was performed during the semester abroad in Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany. Bachelor's thesis deals with configuration of cloud services. It describes model of develepment and usage of this technology. Application provides universal tool for generating user interface, according to document in XML based language. Created application simplify and unify graphical user interface.

    Czynniki kształtujące przestrzenną formę miasta

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    Współczesne miasta to złożone systemy funkcjonalno-przestrzenne. Ich struktura przestrzenna zdefiniowana jest przez układy komunikacyjne splatane z systemami zieleni miejskiej, a komponowana przez trójwymiarową formę zabudowy, przestrzeni publicznych i terenów zieleni. Ta forma urbanistyczna stanowi pewną całość, której wartości przestrzenne nie tylko kształtują funkcjonalność miasta, ale również jego tożsamość, której najważniejszym wyznacznikiem jest właśnie tkanka miejska. Tożsamość miasta jest natomiast istotnym elementem procesu umacniania lub czasem budowania jakości kulturowej, tworzącej system wartości będących ważnym elementem oceny skutków polityki przestrzennej miasta. Istotne dla procesu porządkowania czy też uczytelniania kompozycji urbanistycznej są dokumenty planistyczne, które powinny stanowić narzędzie do tworzenia nowych i ochrony istniejących wartości przestrzennych danego obszaru miasta.Działania podejmowane w miastach w zakresie planowania ich rozwoju przestrzennego w kontekście tworzenia wartości przestrzennych koncentrują się na kilku aspektach. Pierwszym z nich jest odnowa przestrzeni miejskiej realizowana w ramach projektów rewitalizacyjnych. Drugim są strategiczne projekty urbanistyczne, które wspomagają równoważenie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego na całym obszarze miasta. Trzecim aspektem, wspomagającym dwa poprzednie, są inicjatywy społeczne podejmowane w celu zagospodarowania niewielkich przestrzeni miejskich bądź też inspirowania lokalnych władz do realizacji inwestycji ważnych dla lokalnych społeczności

    Challenges of the NYC urban governance

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    New York is the city that once was called by Rem Koolhaas- the urban laboratory with a distinctive ability of implementing innovative solutions to meet its development challenges. That was years before the explosion of the Asian megacities, when New York had to face the problems of the rapid growth of its population together with the uncontrolled urbanization. Continuing of having an ambition to be the world's most dynamic urban economy New York is also set to be the city of choice where families, businesses, and neighborhoods thrive. From the New York City's priorities of being the world's capital of capitalism and the global city – nowadays there are visible changes in planning for the city growth. The main focus of the urban policies is ensuring quality of life for generations of New Yorkers to come and one of the goals of the New York City`s strategic plan for the future is to be a strong and just city. At the same time, its diverse neighborhoods with their own distinctive character, history, and culture are listed among the city’s greatest assets. Is it an innovative solution for city's strategic plan? – probably not and the more adequate term would be return to the origins of democracy – but in terms of New York's development history - it is a slightly different case

    A platform for discovering and sharing confidential ballistic crime data.

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    Criminal investigations generate large volumes of complex data that detectives have to analyse and understand. This data tends to be "siloed" within individual jurisdictions and re-using it in other investigations can be difficult. Investigations into trans-national crimes are hampered by the problem of discovering relevant data held by agencies in other countries and of sharing those data. Gun-crimes are one major type of incident that showcases this: guns are easily moved across borders and used in multiple crimes but finding that a weapon was used elsewhere in Europe is difficult. In this paper we report on the Odyssey Project, an EU-funded initiative to mine, manipulate and share data about weapons and crimes. The project demonstrates the automatic combining of data from disparate repositories for cross-correlation and automated analysis. The data arrive from different cultural/domains with multiple reference models using real-time data feeds and historical databases

    Meteoroid streams and their parent bodies

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    Various points concerning meteoroid streams and their parent comets and asteroids are presented. The first connection between meteoroids and comets, among others, were established by G.V. Schiaparelli 150 years ago. The first computer search for meteoroid streams was made by Southworth and Hawkins 50 years ago. Since that time many investigators have been studied the problem of cometary and asteroidal origin of meteoroid streams. Many results have been established. In this study we made the most extensive search for streams and their parent bodies amongst photographic meteoroids, comets and minor planets. We used two D- distance functions and rigorous cluster analysis approach. The well known results have been confirmed -- several major streams and their parents have been identified. Also we found ten associations consisting mainly of the near Earth asteroids. The obtained results do not allow us to make a final conclusions about the genetic reality or the origin of these associations