103 research outputs found

    Survey Sketch for the Designation of Building in Cadastral District Konice

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    Import 01/09/2009Ve své bakalářské práci se zabývám měřením geometrického plánu pro vyznačení budovy, která se nachází v katastrálním území Konice. Cílem této práce je vyhodnocení měření a zpracování geometrického plánu.In my bachelor work I deal with the metering of the geometric plan for denotation of building located in the cadastral territory of Konice. The aim of this work is to evaluate the metering and to process the geometric plan.Prezenční544 - Institut geodézie a důlního měřictvívýborn

    La langue entre écrit et oral

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    La communication dans toutes les langues peut prendre soit la forme orale, soit la forme écrite. Ces formes peuvent partager certaines caractéristiques ou, au contraire, elles peuvent se différer complètement. Quelques particularités sont liées aussi au français écrit et oral, comme c’est d’ailleurs montré dans la première partie de cet article. Son objectif est, cependant, d’étudier plus aux détails ces particularités sur un genre médiatique spécifique. Ainsi, connaissant des phénomènes traditionnellement associés à la communication orale et écrite en français, cet article cherche et montre leur présence dans une émission radiophonique Pop & Co, qui appartient au genre de la « chronique de radio ». Même si ce genre paraît bien connu par des auditeurs francophones, les chroniques semblent toujours mal décrites en ce qui concerne leur structure et l’emploi du langage. Parmi les caractéristiques communes à plusieurs genres radiophoniques, celle qui ressort pour les chroniques est leur préparation sous forme textuelle suivie de la lecture à haute voix à la radio. La combinaison du français écrit et oral ainsi que la recherche linguistique médiocre dans ce domaine nous ont amenés à l’investigation plus détaillée de ce genre. L’analyse que nous proposons se focalise sur l’observation non seulement de la structure de l’émission mais aussi de la présence des constructions linguistiques traditionnellement liées au français écrit ou oral. Ainsi, cette analyse se donne pour objectif de situer la « chronique » sur le continuum linguistique écrit/oral, et de dire en quoi on peut y voir une combinaison équilibrée des deux

    Thermal analysis in connection with materials fire safety

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá termickou analýzou a využitím vybraných metod v souvislostí s požární bezpečností materiálu. Dále se zabývá měřením termické analýzy vybraných materiálů pomocí metody TGA/DSC a průtokovou spalovací mikrokalorimetrií. Teoretická část se zabývá obecně termickou analýzou a výčtem různých metod. Podrobněji jsou popsány metody, které lze využít v souvislosti s požární bezpečnosti materiálu. Jsou zde popsány principy metod, informace získané měřením a jejich využití. V praktické části jsou popsány měřící zařízení, postup měření a zkoumané materiály. Výsledkem měření metodou DSC/TGA je úbytek hmotnosti a tepelná bilance reakčních tepel. Výsledkem metody průtokové spalovací mikrokalorimetrie je rychlost uvolňování tepla a jeho celkové množství.The diploma thesis deals with thermal analysis and the use of selected methods in connection with fire safety of the material. It also deals with the measurement of thermal analysis of selected materials using TGA/DSC methods and combustion flow microcalorimetry. The theoretical part deals with general thermal analysis and enumeration of various methods. Methods that can be used in connection with fire safety of the material are described in more detail. The principles of methods, information obtained by measurement and their use are described here. The practical part describes the measuring equipment, measurement procedure and researched materials. measured by DSC/TGA method is the weight loss and heat balance of the reaction heats. The methods of flow combustion microcalorimetry are the rate of heat and its total amount.030 - Katedra požární ochranyvelmi dobř

    Biological activity of IL-2/anti-IL-2 mAb immunocomplexes in vivo and their terapeutical potential

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    Interleukin-2 patří spolu s interleukiny 4, 7, 9, 15 a 21 do rodiny γc cytokinů, která funguje v organismu jako hlavní regulátor homeostázy a funkce lymfocytů. Tyto cytokiny mají schopnost indukovat a podporovat proliferaci a přežívání lymfocytů, čímž významně ovlivňují hlavně adaptivní imunitní odpověď. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) je produkován převážně aktivovanými T buňkami a působí jak autokrinně, tak parakrinně. Kupodivu lze jeho aktivitu zvýšit vytvořením komplexu s určitými anti-IL-2 monoklonálními protilátkami. Takové IL-2/anti-IL-2 mAb imunokomplexy selektivně stimulují proliferaci různých populací imunitních buněk, v závislosti na použitém typu anti-IL-2 mAbs. Imunokomplexy IL-2/S4B6 jsou vysoce stimulační pro CD122high populace (paměťové CD8+ T buňky a NK buňky) a o něco méně i pro CD25+ populace (Treg a aktivované T buňky), zatímco IL-2/JES6-1 imunokomplexy aktivují výhradně CD25+ buňky. Tato protilátkami způsobená vyšší účinnost a selektivita působení IL-2 může mít významný potenciál v terapeutickém využití, a to jak v imunoterapii nádorů, tak i v autoimunitních onemocněních, vakcinaci nebo transplantologii.IL-2 belongs to the family of c cytokines (IL-2, 4, 7, 9, 15, and 21) which are key regulators of lymphocyte homeostasis and function. They have the potential to promote lymphocyte proliferation and survival and thus overall enhance dominantly adaptive immune response. IL-2 is an autocrine/paracrine soluble factor produced mainly by activated T cells. Interestingly, the in vivo biological activity of IL-2 can be dramatically increased through complexing with certain anti-IL-2 mAbs and such IL-2/anti-IL-2 mAbs immunocomplexes selectively stimulate proliferation of distinct population of immune cells, depending on the clone of anti-IL-2 mAb used. IL-2/S4B6 mAb immunocomplexes are highly stimulatory for CD122high populations (memory CD8+ T and NK cells) and intermediately also for CD25+ populations (Treg and activated T cells), while IL-2/JES6-1 mAb immunocomplexes enormously expand solely CD25+ cells. Thus, IL-2 immunocomplexes possess a broad spectrum of potential therapeutic applications like tumor immunotherapy, vaccination, autoimmune diseases or transplantology.Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Qualitative classification of mulchers

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    ArticleMulchers are helpful in forest establishment and tending. Numerous mulchers are available, so buyers can become disoriented when choosing one. This paper was aimed at creating a classification of mulchers based on the evaluation of the most important parameters: weight, required engine performance, and mulching diameter. Through ANOVA, and regression and correlation analyses of our database, we created six machine classes, devised their upper limits, and assigned mulchers to the classes. Class K1 (weight up to 1,300 kilograms; performance up to 75 kilowatts; mulching diameter up to 22 centimetres) was the most popular one with 88 mulchers. It was followed by class K2 (1,800 kilograms; 100 kilowatts; 27 centimetres) with 61 mulchers, class K4 (3,200 kilograms; 175 kilowatts; 41 centimetres) with 44 mulchers, class K3 (2,300 kilograms; 125 kilowatts; 31 centimetres) with 34 mulchers, class K5 (4,100 kilograms; 225 kilowatts; 51 centimetres) with 18 mulchers, and class K6 (no upper limit) with nine mulchers

    Selective small molecule induced degradation of the BET bromodomain protein BRD4

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    The Bromo- and Extra-Terminal (BET) proteins BRD2, BRD3, and BRD4 play important roles in transcriptional regulation, epigenetics, and cancer and are the targets of pan-BET selective bromodomain inhibitor JQ1. However, the lack of intra-BET selectivity limits the scope of current inhibitors as probes for target validation and could lead to unwanted side effects or toxicity in a therapeutic setting. We designed Proteolysis Targeted Chimeras (PROTACs) that tether JQ1 to a ligand for the E3 ubiquitin ligase VHL, aimed at triggering the intracellular destruction of BET proteins. Compound MZ1 potently and rapidly induces reversible, long-lasting, and unexpectedly selective removal of BRD4 over BRD2 and BRD3. The activity of MZ1 is dependent on binding to VHL but is achieved at a sufficiently low concentration not to induce stabilization of HIF-1α. Gene expression profiles of selected cancer-related genes responsive to JQ1 reveal distinct and more limited transcriptional responses induced by MZ1, consistent with selective suppression of BRD4. Our discovery opens up new opportunities to elucidate the cellular phenotypes and therapeutic implications associated with selective targeting of BRD4

    Specific Nuclear Localizing Sequence Directs Two Myosin Isoforms to the Cell Nucleus in Calmodulin-Sensitive Manner

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    BACKGROUND: Nuclear myosin I (NM1) was the first molecular motor identified in the cell nucleus. Together with nuclear actin, they participate in crucial nuclear events such as transcription, chromatin movements, and chromatin remodeling. NM1 is an isoform of myosin 1c (Myo1c) that was identified earlier and is known to act in the cytoplasm. NM1 differs from the "cytoplasmic" myosin 1c only by additional 16 amino acids at the N-terminus of the molecule. This amino acid stretch was therefore suggested to direct NM1 into the nucleus. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the mechanism of nuclear import of NM1 in detail. Using over-expressed GFP chimeras encoding for truncated NM1 mutants, we identified a specific sequence that is necessary for its import to the nucleus. This novel nuclear localization sequence is placed within calmodulin-binding motif of NM1, thus it is present also in the Myo1c. We confirmed the presence of both isoforms in the nucleus by transfection of tagged NM1 and Myo1c constructs into cultured cells, and also by showing the presence of the endogenous Myo1c in purified nuclei of cells derived from knock-out mice lacking NM1. Using pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays we identified importin beta, importin 5 and importin 7 as nuclear transport receptors that bind NM1. Since the NLS sequence of NM1 lies within the region that also binds calmodulin we tested the influence of calmodulin on the localization of NM1. The presence of elevated levels of calmodulin interfered with nuclear localization of tagged NM1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We have shown that the novel specific NLS brings to the cell nucleus not only the "nuclear" isoform of myosin I (NM1 protein) but also its "cytoplasmic" isoform (Myo1c protein). This opens a new field for exploring functions of this molecular motor in nuclear processes, and for exploring the signals between cytoplasm and the nucleus