21 research outputs found

    Czech Nazarenes in Italy in the 1820s - František Tkadlík and Josef Führich

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    The text is based on documents related to the journeys to Italy of two important painters of the first half of the 19th century coming from the Bohemian Lands and ranked among the nazarenes: František Tkadlík and Joseph Führich. It is aimed at the detailed study of their séjours in Rome during the 1820s and attempts to characterize the impact of the journey on the development of their work

    Handwerklicher Hintergrund und Perspektiven akademischer Studien. Zum Frühwerk Joseph Führichs in Böhmen

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    The study of the early works by Joseph Führich helps to elucidate his role in the formation of the national schools of painting as understood by the early 19th century. It also reveals the links between the academic schooling and paintings of the artist (regarded as one of the leading representatives of Romanticism in the early 1820s in Prague) and his commissioned works of the period intended for more traditional clients and public – altar paintings for Northern Bohemian churches. An analysis of his most important paintings from around the mid-1820s indicates, that he managed to integrate various elements into highly specific personal style: craftsmanship acquired in his father's workshop, elements inspired by old art, academic schooling, and inspiration provided by contemporary Romantic art and iconography

    Synthesis and study of mixed tungstates

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    Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá přípravou sloučenin směsných wolframanů, které by se mohly uplatnit jako nové anorganické pigmenty. Cílem práce byla laboratorní příprava směsných sloučenin wolframanů navrženého vzorce MNd2W2O10 (M = Ni, Zn, Mn, Co a Cu) a ověření možnosti jejich využití jako pigmentů. Uvedené sloučeniny byly připraveny klasickým suchým keramickým způsobem, tj. reakcí v pevné fázi.The thesis work submitted hereby deals with preparation of compounds of mixed tungstates that could be used as new inorganic pigments. The aim of the work was the laboratory preparation of mixed compounds of tungstates with the proposed formula of MNd2W2O10 (M = Ni, Zn, Mn, Co, and Cu) as well as the verification of possibilities of their use as pigments. The compounds listed above had been prepared using the classical dry ceramic way, i.e. by solid state reaction.Fakulta chemicko-technologick

    A Spectacle in Circus - Distraction, Concentration?

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    The text takes as its starting point the thesis of Jonathan Crary about the fragmentation of modern society and modern perception. As an example, it takes circus posters and announcements for the Bich circus society in Prague shortly after 1800. It analyses circus as a specific type of modern spectacle which manipulates the perception of the viewer in ways similar to manipulations in modern art

    Fratricide as a subject in 19th century painting. The Death of Abel by František Tkadlík

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    The painting The Death of Abel by František Tkadlík is an important step in the painter´s development and also one of the key paintings of the period. The article presents an analysis of the formal aspects of the painting and its possible inspirations and of its iconography: it presents its relations to the topic of fratricide in contemporary Czech literature and to a possible ethical philosophical connotations

    Proposal drawings of Wenzel Führich for tombstones and monuments

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    The text analysis a collection of drawings by Wenzel Führich, the father of the famous Joseph Führich, kept in the Regional Gallery Liberec. The diverse material suggests numerous connections with up to date European production of this time and can be regarded as a proof of the interconnection of regional production with fashionabl European trend

    Czech versus German? Discussions of Style in Prague in the 1820s

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    The text contentrates on the construction of loyalty to a distinct national group through the use of certain characteristics in painting to express solidarity with a "national" style. In painting this debate on the existence of national schools in Bohemia can be observed as starting in the 1820s. Subsequent development led to the deliberate idealisation of a Czech school of painting based on adherence to certain characteristics that were considered "Czech" and were defined in opposition to the contemporary notion of German style

    Saint Agnes of Bohemia and her Representation in 19th century Czech Art

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    The text analyses the iconography of St. Agnes in the 19th century. It highlights her most important images, especially those that were made around the year 1874 (the date of her beatification)

    Economic Analysis of the Development of a Dairy Cattle Production Stable

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na téma zhodnocení efektivnosti výstavby produkční stáje mléčného skotu ve vybraném podniku Agro Bystřice a. s. Hlavním důvodem zvolení tohoto tématu byla možnost seznámit se s různými metodami hodnocení investic a aplikovat je do konkrétního projektu, díky čemu má autorka možnost zžít se pomocí teoretických znalostí s praxí. Cílem této diplomové práce je vyhodnocení výstavby produkční stáje mléčného skotu z ekonomického hlediska a na základě zjištěných dat doporučit podniku vybraný projekt realizovat či nikoli případně navrhnout potřebné kroky pro hladší průběh realizace investice. V první části jsou popsány základní pojmy spojené s investicemi a investičním rozhodováním, zdroje financování a metody hodnocení investice. Aplikační část obsahuje konkrétní výpočty a slovní vyhodnocení zjištěných dat na základě teoretických znalostí z první části. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty zjištěné informace a na jejich základě doporučeny budoucí kroky, kterými by se měl podnik Agro Bystřice a. s. ubírat.The diploma thesis focuses on the evaluation of the efficiency of construction of dairy cattle production stable in the selected company Agro Bystřice a. s. The main reason for choosing this topic was to get acquainted with various investment evaluation methods and apply them to a specific project practice. The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the constructionof a production stable of dairy cattle from an economic point of view. Based on the obtained data, the selected project will either be recommended or not. In this case, other necessary steps for a better investment proces will be taken. The first part describes the basic concepts associated with investment and investment decisions, sources of financing and methods of investment evaluation. The practical part contains specific calculations and verbal evaluation of the obtained data on the basis of theoretical knowledge from the first part. In conclusions, the information is summarized and future steps which the company Agro Bystřice a. s. should take.are recommended1