27 research outputs found

    Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, with Attention to Its Occurrence with Atypical Antipsychotic Medication: A Review

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    The neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is an idiopathic, life-threatening reaction to antipsychotic medication. NMS was traditionally attributed to potent dopamine antagonism of typical antipsychotics, but cases of NMS have now been reported for each of the newer antipsychotics. When NMS is caused by a newer, atypical antipsychotic the presentation differs somewhat; fever, rigidity, and, possibly, death may be less frequent. Diagnostic features, predisposing factors, and treatment are discussed, as is the important matter of reinstituting antipsychotic treatment

    Timing of the Acadian Orogeny in northern New Hampshire

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    New U‐Pb geochronology constrains the timing of the Acadian orogeny in the Central Maine Terrane of northern New Hampshire. Sixteen fractions of one to six grains each of zircon or monazite have been analyzed from six samples: (1) an early syntectonic diorite that records the onset of the Acadian; (2) a schist, a migmatite, and two granites that together record the peak of the Acadian; and (3) a postkinematic pluton that records the end of the Acadian. Zircon from the syntectonic Wamsutta Diorite gives a 207Pb/206Pb age of circa 408 Ma, the time at which the boundary between the deforming orogenic wedge and the foreland basin was in the vicinity of the Presidential Range. This age agrees well with the Emsian position of the northwest migrating Acadian orogenic front and records the beginning of the Acadian in this part of the Central Maine Terrane. We propose a possible Acadian tectonic model that incorporates the geochronologic, structural, and stratigraphic data. Monazite from the schist, migmatite, Bigelow Lawn Granite, and Slide Peak Granite gives 207Pb/206U ages, suggesting the peak of Acadian metamorphism and intrusion of two‐mica granites occurred at circa 402–405 Ma, the main pulse of Acadian orogenesis. Previously reported monazite ages from schists that likely record the peak metamorphism in the Central Maine Terrane of New Hampshire and western Maine range from circa 406–384 Ma, with younger ages in southeastern New Hampshire and progressively older ages to the west, north, and northeast. Acadian orogenesis in the Presidential Range had ended by circa 355 Ma, the 207Pb/235U age of monazite from the Peabody River Granite. From 408 to perhaps at least 394 Ma, Acadian orogenesis in the Presidential Range was typical of the tectonic style, dominated by synkinematic metamorphism, seen in central and southern New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. From no earlier than 394 Ma to as late as 355 Ma, the orogenesis was typical of the style in parts of Maine dominated by postkinematic metamorphism

    Automatic Reconstruction of Fault Networks from Seismicity Catalogs: 3D Optimal Anisotropic Dynamic Clustering

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    We propose a new pattern recognition method that is able to reconstruct the 3D structure of the active part of a fault network using the spatial location of earthquakes. The method is a generalization of the so-called dynamic clustering method, that originally partitions a set of datapoints into clusters, using a global minimization criterion over the spatial inertia of those clusters. The new method improves on it by taking into account the full spatial inertia tensor of each cluster, in order to partition the dataset into fault-like, anisotropic clusters. Given a catalog of seismic events, the output is the optimal set of plane segments that fits the spatial structure of the data. Each plane segment is fully characterized by its location, size and orientation. The main tunable parameter is the accuracy of the earthquake localizations, which fixes the resolution, i.e. the residual variance of the fit. The resolution determines the number of fault segments needed to describe the earthquake catalog, the better the resolution, the finer the structure of the reconstructed fault segments. The algorithm reconstructs successfully the fault segments of synthetic earthquake catalogs. Applied to the real catalog constituted of a subset of the aftershocks sequence of the 28th June 1992 Landers earthquake in Southern California, the reconstructed plane segments fully agree with faults already known on geological maps, or with blind faults that appear quite obvious on longer-term catalogs. Future improvements of the method are discussed, as well as its potential use in the multi-scale study of the inner structure of fault zones

    Introduction to special section: Balancing, restoration, and palinspastic reconstruction

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    Methods to quantify deformation and reverse the process of strain as a mode to illustrate geologic evolution through time have been previously used for a number of decades. Early efforts on the quantification of bed reconstruction were completed either by manually weighing the sections on delicate balances and obtaining the average height and thickness of strata to be reconstructed by applying a scale factor (Chamberlin, 1910), or by hand-drafting sections with conserved bed length between the folded and faulted sedimentary layers, mainly in a 2D cross section (Bally et al., 1966; Dahlstrom, 1969) or map framework (Dennison and Woodward, 1963). Cross-section techniques initially applied to contractional thrust and fold belts and have proven useful in other structural settings, such as extensional and inverted domains. Development of 3D techniques enabled the analysis of strike-slip and salt tectonics where out-of-plane changes of rock volume could be addressed. Through the years, the widespread application of these techniques to predict fault and horizon geometry at depth has generated newer approaches and more sophisticated algorithms, and it has also demonstrated the potential of structural modeling techniques (e.g., construction of balanced sections, palinspastic reconstruction, kinematic and geomechanical restoration, and forward modeling) in reducing the risk and uncertainty associated with the interpretation of geophysical/geological dat

    Bedrock geology of the Waterboro quadrangle, Maine

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    Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 04-15.https://digitalmaine.com/mgs_maps/1036/thumbnail.jp

    Bedrock geology of the Waterboro quadrangle, Maine

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    Maine Geological Survey, Open-File Map 04-15.https://digitalmaine.com/mgs_maps/1036/thumbnail.jp

    Handling natural complexity in three-dimensional geomechanical restoration, with application to the recent evolution of the outer fold and thrust belt, deep-water Niger Delta

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    International audienceVolumetric restoration can provide crucial insights into the structural evolution of three-dimensional (3-D) petroleum systems. A major limitation to its widespread application is the need to include complex architectures and realistic mechanics such as flexural slip. We apply an implicit approach that allows for, including unconformities, thin and/or pinched-out layers in the models but that cannot explicitly localize slip along horizons. To take advantage of this approach while accounting for flexural slip in 3-D restoration, we investigate new geomechanical properties. We consider flexural slip folding as a result of stacked rigid and thin weak layers, which can be modeled using transversely isotropic properties. We compare restorations of an anticline using transversely isotropic properties, isotropic properties, and a stack of rigid isotropic layers with nonfrictional slip between the layers. Our results show that transversely isotropic properties reasonably approximate flexural slip folding. We use these new tools to model the evolution of a complex system located in the Niger Delta toe. The system includes a detachment fold, a fault-bend fold, and a structural wedge formed in series. Growth stratigraphy and erosional surfaces delimit the kinematics of deformation. Regional erosive surfaces, 3-D gradients of fault slip, and vertical variations in mechanical strength motivated the use of our new restoration techniques. Restoring two growth units results not only in reinforcing the interpretation that the area is behaving as a deforming thrust sheet at critical taper, but also in highlighting coeval activity on both the hinterland structures and the toe of the thrust belt