295 research outputs found

    Analisis Keajaiban Kitab Dalâil al-Khairât Karya Al-Imam Al-Jazuli

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the miracles contained in the book of Dalail al-Khairat and for its readers. This research usesed a literature research methodology on the Dalail al-Khairat book through content analysis. From the results of the research it was found that Dalail al-Khairat's miracle was obtaining legality and a diploma from the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, a practice of many groups. Whereas the finding of miracles for readers is to guide the reader to success, many of the readers of Dalail al-Khairat have achieved wushul to Allah Almighty and they met the prophet while sleeping and in the real world

    KOREKSI ATAS : PERSPEKTIF “ONTOLOGI” DALAM FILSAFAT ILMU (Telaah Atas Buku Filsafat Ilmu Tulisan Jujun S. Suriasumantri)

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    Each discipline of Sciences has a scope of discussion on the basis of epistemology which is the reference in the discussion. Something particular epistemology may be a reference from some science or may be di erent epistemology. . However, the message to be conveyed by a particular science, should be di erent, at least in terms of the speci cations and provisions applicable in that science, including in terms of the terminology used. If this is ignored, it will cause confusion of understanding and in turn the message to be delivered discipline does not reach the target, even it raises the problem. Moreover, between Philosophy and Science, there is clearly a signi cant epistemological di erence. If Philosophy departs from the spirit of contemplative thinking that is not legitimated with the involution of any discipline, in a free and underserved discourse. While Science departs from certain rules, even depended on a particular discipline. is means that speaking of Philosophy must be independent of any discipline, speci cation and legitimacy context. is paper attempts to describe some of the terms applicable in Philosophy of Sciences which should not have happened and is legitimate to be corrected, otherwise it can be interpreted to straighten understanding. Namely the use of the term “Philosophy” which is quali ed by the term “Science” and the term “ontology” on the book Philosophy of Science (A Popular Introduction), by Jujun S. Suriasumantri published by: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1996

    KOREKSI ATAS : PERSPEKTIF “ONTOLOGI” DALAM FILSAFAT ILMU (Telaah Atas Buku Filsafat Ilmu Tulisan Jujun S. Suriasumantri)

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    Each discipline of Sciences has a scope of discussion on the basis of epistemology which is the reference in the discussion. Something particular epistemology may be a reference from some science or may be di erent epistemology. . However, the message to be conveyed by a particular science, should be di erent, at least in terms of the speci cations and provisions applicable in that science, including in terms of the terminology used. If this is ignored, it will cause confusion of understanding and in turn the message to be delivered discipline does not reach the target, even it raises the problem. Moreover, between Philosophy and Science, there is clearly a signi cant epistemological di erence. If Philosophy departs from the spirit of contemplative thinking that is not legitimated with the involution of any discipline, in a free and underserved discourse. While Science departs from certain rules, even depended on a particular discipline. is means that speaking of Philosophy must be independent of any discipline, speci cation and legitimacy context. is paper attempts to describe some of the terms applicable in Philosophy of Sciences which should not have happened and is legitimate to be corrected, otherwise it can be interpreted to straighten understanding. Namely the use of the term “Philosophy” which is quali ed by the term “Science” and the term “ontology” on the book Philosophy of Science (A Popular Introduction), by Jujun S. Suriasumantri published by: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1996


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    ABSTRACT: This research aimed to know about the use of describing pictures in teaching speaking to improve students’ speaking skill on eight grade class of junior high school students.This research implemented some aspects such observation, method, action and feedback of the result. Based on the research it improved the student’s speaking skill by using describing picture strategy as a media. This research used pre-test and post-test methods. The pre-test was done before implementing by using series of pictures as a media it was to measure student’s speaking ability at first. Mean while, the post-test was implemented as a form of describing pictures strategy in improving student’s speaking ability. It explains that describing picture has its own possition in teaching learning. It is becoming one of the best media in teaching speaking class. This research has already explained that describing picture technique is very beneficial in teaching speaking skill. It could give student’s speaking development. As the example, students can speak correctly for a real condition. It can also be seen in the result paired sample t-test that the describing picture method is receined as the good beneficial method in improving student’s speaking skill.Key words: Describing picture, speaking class, and junior high school

    Designing a Microwave Filter by Studying and Simulating the Discontinuity in the Waveguide

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    This research aims to design a microwave filter by studying and simulating the discontinuity in the waveguide. We suggest a filter consists of three waveguides connected to each other and different dimensions. Changing the dimensions of the waveguide will change the conditions of propagation of microwaves and in our suggested filter we have two discontinuity regions affecting on the modes of frequencies propagated through the waveguide. We apply Galerkin method for studying the discontinuity region in the waveguide. We have modelled all the calculations and results by Matlab program so we could simulate the filter and study and the effect of changing the dimensions on the propagated modes, calculate [Z] matrix and scattering matrix [S] for the designed filter and find the relation between transmission coefficient (T), reflection coefficient (R) and the frequency (f) to determine the properties of the designed filter.Tento výzkum si klade za cíl navrhnout mikrovlnný filtr studiem a simulaci nespojitosti vlnovodu. Diskutovaný filtr se skládá ze tří vzájemně propojených vlnovodů o rozdílných mechanických rozměrech. Změnou rozměrů vlnovodu se mění podmínky pro šíření mikrovln, přičemž v našem návrhu filtru jsou dvě nespojitosti ovlivňující frekvence šířené vlnovodem. Aplikujeme Galerkinovu metodu pro studium oblasti diskontinuity vlnovodu. Pro modelování těchto jevů byly použity nástroje programu Matlab, takže jsme mohli simulovat a studovat vliv změn rozměrů filtru na parametry matice šíření [Z] a rozptylové matice [S] pro navržený filtr a najít vztah mezi součinitel prostupu (T), činitel odrazu (R) a frekvence (f) k určení vlastností navrženého filtru.This research aims to design a microwave filter by studying and simulating the discontinuity in the waveguide. We suggest a filter consists of three waveguides connected to each other and different dimensions. Changing the dimensions of the waveguide will change the conditions of propagation of microwaves and in our suggested filter we have two discontinuity regions affecting on the modes of frequencies propagated through the waveguide. We apply Galerkin method for studying the discontinuity region in the waveguide. We have modelled all the calculations and results by Matlab program so we could simulate the filter and study and the effect of changing the dimensions on the propagated modes, calculate [Z] matrix and scattering matrix [S] for the designed filter and find the relation between transmission coefficient (T), reflection coefficient (R) and the frequency (f) to determine the properties of the designed filter

    Proposed Approach for Targeted Attacks Detection

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    For years governments, organizations and companies have made great efforts to keep hackers, malware, cyber attacks at bay with different degrees of success. On the other hand, cyber criminals and miscreants produced more advanced techniques to compromise Internet infrastructure. Targeted attack or advanced persistent threat (APT) attack is a new challenge and aims to accomplish a specific goal, most often espionage. APTs are presently the biggest threat to governments and organizations. This paper states research questions and propose a novel approach to intrusion detection system processes network traffic and able to detect potential APT attack. This detection of APT attack is based on the correlation between the events which we get as outputs of our detection methods. Each detection method aims to detect one technique used in one of APT attack steps.Provozovatelé a uživatelé počítačových sítí se dlouhou dobu snaží eliminovat vliv hackerů a jejich škodlivého SW na své informační systémy s různým stupněm úspěšnosti. Na druhou stranu, počítačoví zločinci vytvářejí stále důmyslnější techniky pro kompromitaci internetové infrastruktury. Cílený útok typu pokročilá trvalá hrozba (APT) je novou metodou jak ovládnout atakovanou síť. APT jsou v současnosti největší hrozbou pro státní instituce a jejich organizace. Tento článek diskutuje související teoretický otázky a navrhnuje nový přístup ke struktuře systému detekcí průniků, který zpracovává síťový provoz a schopen odhalit potenciální APT útoky. Tato detekce APT útoků je založena na korelaci mezi událostmi, které získáme jako výstupy našich detekčních metod. Každá metoda detekce si klade za cíl odhalit jednu techniku používanou v jednom z kroků APT kroku.For years governments, organizations and companies have made great efforts to keep hackers, malware, cyber attacks at bay with different degrees of success. On the other hand, cyber criminals and miscreants produced more advanced techniques to compromise Internet infrastructure. Targeted attack or advanced persistent threat (APT) attack is a new challenge and aims to accomplish a specific goal, most often espionage. APTs are presently the biggest threat to governments and organizations. This paper states research questions and propose a novel approach to intrusion detection system processes network traffic and able to detect potential APT attack. This detection of APT attack is based on the correlation between the events which we get as outputs of our detection methods. Each detection method aims to detect one technique used in one of APT attack steps

    Physiological and anatomical comparison between four different apple cultivars under cold-storage conditions

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    The work was carried out in two successive seasons to investigate the storability of four apple cultivars viz. Golden Delicious, Starking Delicious, Star Cremson and Gala, which were grown under El Jabal El Akhdaer conditions, in Libya. Fruits were harvested and stored at 85-90% relative humidity and 0ºC for 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days. The obtained results exhibited the significant differences between the tested cultivars in the studied parameters comprising physiological and anatomical parameters. The fruits of Star Cremson cv. had a potentially good storage properties, as they showed less weight loss, while those of Gala cv. had the highest level of weight loss. On the other hand, Golden Delicious cv. gave the highest values of fruit firmness, while the lowest values were obtained in fruits of Starking Delicious and Star Cremson cvs. fruits. Fruit weight loss % increased, while other studied parameters (firmness rate, TSS%, starch concentration and acidity%) decreased gradually by extending storage period. Anatomical data demonstrated that fruit surface of cvs. Gala and Star Cremson were smooth, while undulate and ripples surfaces were obtained in Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious cvs., respectively at the end of cold storage. Gala fruits had the thick cuticle layer compared to the other cultivars. Crushed parenchymatous cells (cpc) were found in storage tissue in Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious. It may be concluded that the results indicated a great variability among cultivars. All studied parameters of four apple cultivars reduced during cold-storage periods. The highest fruit storability was achieved for Star Cremson

    Detection of advanced persistent threat using machine-learning correlation analysis

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    As one of the most serious types of cyber attack, Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) have caused major concerns on a global scale. APT refers to a persistent, multi-stage attack with the intention to compromise the system and gain information from the targeted system, which has the potential to cause significant damage and substantial financial loss. The accurate detection and prediction of APT is an ongoing challenge. This work proposes a novel machine learning-based system entitled MLAPT, which can accurately and rapidly detect and predict APT attacks in a systematic way. The MLAPT runs through three main phases: (1) Threat detection, in which eight methods have been developed to detect different techniques used during the various APT steps. The implementation and validation of these methods with real traffic is a significant contribution to the current body of research; (2) Alert correlation, in which a correlation framework is designed to link the outputs of the detection methods, aims to identify alerts that could be related and belong to a single APT scenario; and (3) Attack prediction, in which a machine learning-based prediction module is proposed based on the correlation framework output, to be used by the network security team to determine the probability of the early alerts to develop a complete APT attack. MLAPT is experimentally evaluated and the presented sy

    Numerical study of the flow over symmetrical airfoils with ground effects

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    The paper presents the ground effects on the flow over five NACA symmetrical airfoils by analyzing the coefficients of lift. The unbounded flow over a selected airfoil was first simulated, and the results were validated against the established data in order to validate the method used in obtaining the lift coefficients. In the presence of ground, we kept the angle of attack to be constantly zero throughout the computations. Ground clearances were set based on those for aircrafts whose wing cross sections are the airfoils of interest. ANSYS was used for such numerical computations. We illustrate percentage increment of lift that is inversely proportional to the ground clearance. This work sheds insight on the important parameters that need to be taken into account in the operational of an aircraft

    A machine-learning-based system for real-time advanced persistent threat detection and prediction

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    It is widely cited that cyber attacks have become more prevalent on a global scale. In light of this, the cybercrime industry has been established for various purposes such as political, economic and socio-cultural aims. Such attacks can be used as a harmful weapon and cyberspace is often cited as a battlefield. One of the most serious types of cyber attacks is the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), which is a new and more complex version of multi-step attack. The main aim of the APT attack is espionage and data exfiltration, which has the potential to cause significant damage and substantial financial loss. This research aims to develop a novel system to detect and predict APT attacks. A Machine-Learning-based APT detection system, called MLAPT, is proposed. MLAPT runs through three main phases: (1) Threat detection, in which eight methods are developed to detect different techniques used during the various APT steps. The implementation and validation of these methods with real traffic is a significant contribution to the current body of research; (2) Alert correlation, in which a correlation framework is designed to link the outputs of the detection methods, aiming to find alerts that could be related and belong to one APT scenario; and (3) Attack prediction, in which a machine-learning-based prediction module is proposed based on the correlation framework output, to be used by the network security team to determine the probability of the early alerts to develop a complete APT attack. The correlation framework and prediction module are two other major contributions in this work. MLAPT is experimentally evaluated and the presented system is able to predict APT in its early steps with a prediction accuracy of 84.8%