285 research outputs found

    Current trends among pediatric ophthalmologists to decrease myopia progression—an international perspective

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    Purpose To explore what the current worldwide preferred practice patterns of pediatric ophthalmologists are to decrease myopia progression among their patients. Methods A questionnaire was sent to all members of supranational and national pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus societies. Results The questionnaire was fully completed by most respondents 90.10% (847 of 940 responses). Fifty-seven percent (457) routinely treat to decrease myopia progression. The most common parameter to initiate treatment was a myopic increase of 1 diopter/year or more (74.8%, 246). Seventy percent (345) prescribed eye drops. Atropine 0.01% was the most popular (63.4%, 277) followed by atropine 1% (10.9%, 48) and atropine 0.5% (8.9%, 39). Eighty-six percent (394) of the respondents advised to spend more time outdoors, to reduce the amount of time viewing screens (60.2%, 277), and cutback the use of smart phones (63.9%, 294). Conclusions Most pediatric ophthalmologists treat to decrease myopia. They employ a wide variety of means to decrease myopia progression. Atropine 0.01% is the most popular and safe modality used similarly to recent reports. However, there is no consensus when treatment should be initiated. Further prospective studies are needed to elucidate the best timing to start treatment and the applicability of recent studies in the Asian population to other ethnic groups. This will improve the ability to update pediatric ophthalmologist with evidenced-based treatment options to counter the myopia epidemic

    Monitoring for Sound Management

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    Practice patterns to decrease myopia progression differ among paediatric ophthalmologists around the world

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    Introduction Myopia is a worldwide epidemic. Plethora of treatments are offered to decrease myopia progression. In this study, we compared between different geographical areas worldwide the practice patterns used by paediatric ophthalmologists to decrease the progression of myopia. Methods Global responses to a questionnaire were analysed (n=794) for demographic variations. Pharmacological, optical and behavioural categories were defined as effective or ineffective based on the current scientific peer reviewed literature. Results Treatment rates varied significantly between geographical regions (mean 57%, range 39%–89%, p<0.001). Nearly all participants who treat myopia used at least one form of effective treatment, regardless of location (98%, p=0.16). Among those prescribing pharmacological treatments, European physicians offered the lowest rate of effective treatment compared with other regions (85% vs mean 97%). Rates of effective optical treatment varied significantly between locations (p<0.001), from 16% (Central-South America) to 56% (Far East). Most treating respondents advocated behavioural modifications (92%), between 87% (North America) and 100% (Central Asia). Nearly all respondents used combinations of treatment modalities (95%)—mostly pharmacological, optical and behavioural combination. However, combination rates varied significantly between regions (p<0.001). Discussion The utility of treatment to decrease myopia progression differs significantly across the world both in type, combination and efficacy. Conclusion Paediatric ophthalmologists involvement and proficiency in myopia progression treatment varies around the world. This may entail promoting continuous medical education and other incentives to increase the number and proficiency of paediatric ophthalmologist to have a more effective impact to control the myopia epidemic in children


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    El control epidemiológico de alimentos es relevante en la vida de cualquier comunidad, especialmente en aquellas que conforman asentamientos urbanos donde las causas de contaminación proliferan y las consecuencias de esta pueden ser de magnitudes altamente preocupantes. La carne y en particular la carne de bovino es un alimento de primera necesidad, ya que se configura como elemento básico en la dieta de esta cultura; El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un diagnóstico para identificar las causas y el estado de la manipulación de este alimento de origen animal mediante la aplicación de instrumentos de recolección de información (acta INVIMA) y técnicas de laboratorio ajustadas a las normas legalmente establecidas y vigentes para el cumplimiento de las condiciones mínimas de sanidad e higiene, durante un periodo de 7 meses. Una vez recolectados y analizados los resultados obtenidos, se plantearon posible alternativas de solución tendientes a mejorar la calidad de vida de los consumidores y las condiciones económicas de quienes realizan el beneficio del producto. Se pudo establecer que las condiciones higiénico sanitarias de los expendios de carne en la ciudad de Pamplona, cumplen medianamente con los requerimientos de las normativas para este tipo de producto; a pesar de las falencias presentadas a la fecha, no se han representado problemas de salud publica significativos. No obstante, se hace imperioso que las instituciones a cargo de estos controles apliquen las normativas con la severidad correspondiente, de tal modo que garanticen, la calidad de los productos cárnicos, su adecuada manipulación