102 research outputs found

    Module classifying functors

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    Ï°-products of slender modules

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    Torsion-freeness and non-singularity over right p.p.-rings

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    AbstractA right R-module M is non-singular if xI≠0 for all non-zero x∈M and all essential right ideals I of R. The module M is torsion-free if Tor1R(M,R/Rr)=0 for all r∈R. This paper shows that, for a ring R, the classes of torsion-free and non-singular right R-modules coincide if and only if R is a right Utumi-p.p.-ring with no infinite set of orthogonal idempotents. Several examples and applications of this result are presented. Special emphasis is given to the case where the maximal right ring of quotients of R is a perfect left localization of R

    Nilpotent groups and automorphisms

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    Semiprime Torsion Free Rings

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    Geometry of Reidemeister classes and twisted Burnside theorem

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    This is a (mostly expository) paper on Reidemeister classes, twisted Burnside-Frobenius theory, congruences, R-infinity property and all that. It was written in 2005 and published in 2008. We post it as it was, only the bibliography data is updated. For some of the recent progress see e.g. arXiv:0903.4533, arXiv:0903.3455, arXiv:0802.2937, arXiv:0712.2601, arXiv:0704.3411, arXiv:math/0703744, arXiv:math/0606725, arXiv:math/0606764, arXiv:0805.1371 and references there

    The Gelfand spectrum of a noncommutative C*-algebra: a topos-theoretic approach

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    We compare two influential ways of defining a generalized notion of space. The first, inspired by Gelfand duality, states that the category of 'noncommutative spaces' is the opposite of the category of C*-algebras. The second, loosely generalizing Stone duality, maintains that the category of 'pointfree spaces' is the opposite of the category of frames (i.e., complete lattices in which the meet distributes over arbitrary joins). One possible relationship between these two notions of space was unearthed by Banaschewski and Mulvey, who proved a constructive version of Gelfand duality in which the Gelfand spectrum of a commutative C*-algebra comes out as a pointfree space. Being constructive, this result applies in arbitrary toposes (with natural numbers objects, so that internal C*-algebras can be defined). Earlier work by the first three authors, shows how a noncommutative C*-algebra gives rise to a commutative one internal to a certain sheaf topos. The latter, then, has a constructive Gelfand spectrum, also internal to the topos in question. After a brief review of this work, we compute the so-called external description of this internal spectrum, which in principle is a fibered pointfree space in the familiar topos Sets of sets and functions. However, we obtain the external spectrum as a fibered topological space in the usual sense. This leads to an explicit Gelfand transform, as well as to a topological reinterpretation of the Kochen-Specker Theorem of quantum mechanics, which supplements the remarkable topos-theoretic version of this theorem due to Butterfield and Isham.Comment: 12 page

    Zariski topology on the spectrum of graded classical prime submodules

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    [EN] Let R be a G-graded commutative ring with identity and let M be a graded R-module. A proper graded submodule N of M is called graded classical prime if for every a, b ¿ h(R), m ¿ h(M), whenever abm ¿ N, then either am ¿ N or bm ¿ N. The spectrum of graded classical prime submodules of M is denoted by Cl.Specg(M). We topologize Cl.Specg (M) with the quasi-Zariski topology, which is analogous to that for Specg(R).Yousefian Darani, A.; Motmaen, S. (2013). Zariski topology on the spectrum of graded classical prime submodules. Applied General Topology. 14(2):159-169. doi:10.4995/agt.2013.1586.SWORD159169142S. Ebrahimi Atani and F. Farzalipour, On weakly prime submodules, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 38, no. 3 (2007), 247-252.S. Ebrahimi Atani and F. Farzalipour, On graded multiplication modules, Chiang-Mai Journal of Science, to appear.S. Ebrahimi Atani and F.E.K. Saraei, Graded modules which satisfy the Gr-Radical formola, Thai Journal of Mathematics 8, no. 1 (2010), 161-170.P. Lu, The Zariski topology on the prime spectrum of a module, Houston J. Math. 25, no. 3 (1999), 417-425.McCasland, R. L., Moore, M. E., & Smith, P. F. (1997). On the spectrum of a module over a commutative ring. Communications in Algebra, 25(1), 79-103. doi:10.1080/00927879708825840K. H. Oral, U. Tekir and A.G. Agargun, On graded prime and primary submodules, Turk. J. Math. 25, no. 3 (1999), 417-425.Roberts, P. C. (1998). Multiplicities and Chern Classes in Local Algebra. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511529986Sharp, R. Y. (1986). Asymptotic Behaviour of Certain Sets of Attached Prime Ideals. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-34(2), 212-218. doi:10.1112/jlms/s2-34.2.212BAZIAR, M., & BEHBOODI, M. (2009). CLASSICAL PRIMARY SUBMODULES AND DECOMPOSITION THEORY OF MODULES. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 08(03), 351-362. doi:10.1142/s0219498809003369M. Behboodi and H. Koohi, Weakly prime modules, Vietnam J. Math. 32, no. 2 (2004), 185–195.M. Behboodi and M. J. Noori, Zariski-Like topology on the classical prime spectrum of a module, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 35, no. 1 (2009), 255–271.M. Behboodi and S. H. Shojaee, On chains of classical prime submodules and dimension theory of modules, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 36 (2010), 149–166.J. Dauns, Prime modules, J. Reine Angew. Math. 298 (1978), 156–181.S. Ebrahimi Atani, On graded prime submodules, Chiang Mai J. Sci. 33, no. 1 (2006), 3–7

    Domains of commutative C*-subalgebras

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    A C*-algebra is determined to a great extent by the partial order of its commutative C*-algebras. We study order-theoretic properties of this dcpo. Many properties coincide: the dcpo is, equivalently, algebraic, continuous, meet-continuous, atomistic, quasi-algebraic, or quasi-continuous, if and only if the C*-algebra is scattered. For C*-algebras with enough projections, these properties are equivalent to finite-dimensionality. Approximately finite-dimensional elements of the dcpo correspond to Boolean subalgebras of the projections of the C*-algebra, which determine the projections up to isomorphism. Scattered C*-algebras are finite-dimensional if and only if their dcpo is Lawson-scattered. General C*-algebras are finite-dimensional if and only if their dcpo is order-scattered.Comment: 42 page
