864 research outputs found

    Estudio Comparativo de Plataformas Cloud Computing para Arquitecturas SOA

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    Las plataformas Cloud Computing están fundadas en un paradigma tecnológico moderno que ofrece nuevas alternativas a empresas de diversas envergaduras para implementar modelos de negocios innovadores. Con estos nuevos modelos de negocio las empresas pequeñas pueden hacer uso de las plataformas Cloud Computing disponiendo de la posibilidad de incrementar, tanto progresiva como abruptamente, su capacidad de cómputo y almacenamiento de datos en función de las necesidades y en tiempo real, implicando una oportunidad singular para la competencia de mercado. En adición, las arquitecturas orientadas a servicios otorgan características de grandes beneficios para los sistemas modernos, permitiendo altos niveles de reutilización de funcionalidades, encapsulamiento y nuevas oportunidades para sociedades entre proveedores y consumidores de servicios. En este trabajo se propone, entonces, analizar y comparar las plataformas de los principales proveedores de servicios Cloud Computing, alineados a los distintos modelos arquitectónicos SOA que de las plataformas antedichas se desprenden con el objetivo de encontrar similitudes y diferencias, así como también faltantes

    Colloidal plexcitonic nanosystems based on gold nanorods: design, synthesis and photophysical characterization

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    openThis Thesis aims at gaining a deeper knowledge of the photophysical properties of hybrid plexcitonic nanosystems. Plexcitons are hybrid states originating from the mixing of the plasmon resonances of metal nanostructures with molecular excitons. Here, colloidal plexciton systems are considered, where the plasmonic component is a colloidal nanoparticle. The exploration of the dynamical properties of these nanohybrids is still in its infancy, with just a handful of papers devoted to their ultrafast characterization. Nonetheless, there are high expectations for effectively using the strong coupling to modify rates of chemically relevant molecular processes. The emerging interest in these materials affects several application fields (like sensing, photonics, plasmonic switching and lasing, quantum information processing and artificial light-harvesting) for the chance to obtain useful devices exploiting the peculiar properties of these nanosystems, including their possible capability of sustaining coherent energy transfer. The research activity has focused first on the synthesis of plexcitonic hybrids, performed by supramolecular coupling of gold nanorods with J-aggregates of the pseudoisocyanine (PIC) molecule. Once fine-tuned and optimized the synthesis procedures, the photophysical properties of the hybrid systems have been characterized and studied with the pump-probe spectroscopy: their ultrafast dynamics are analyzed in different coupling regimes and with different pump fluences. Overall, the obtained findings suggest that in the first few picoseconds, the hybrid system behaves like the plasmonic moiety. At longer timescales, instead, unique dynamics are found, strongly dependent on the coupling regime. Signatures of coherent dynamics between the states have also been found. The obtained results allow drawing essential guidelines to learn how to tune the photophysical and dynamic behavior of these nanomaterials by modifying the experimental parameters involved in their preparation. The results reported in this Thesis represent an essential step toward developing functional supramolecular materials for quantum-nano-photonic applications

    Uso actual y aptitud de los suelos en transecta Azul-Tandil

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    La expansión agrícola experimentada en las últimas décadas no solo abarcó los ambientes más favorables sino que también avanzó sobre áreas edáficamente marginales comprometiendo la sustentabilidad del suelo y de los agroecosistemas. La relación entre el uso actual del suelo con el aconsejado por aptitud nos indica el impacto de dicha expansión sobre la transecta analizada.Área: Ciencias Biológicas, Ambiente y Salud

    Reforms to the academic regime of secondary schooling in Cordoba, Argentina: Improvement experience located

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    En esta comunicación se presentan resultados de una investigación en curso en la provincia Córdoba, Argentina. El estudio analiza la puesta en acto –enactment- (Ball et al; 2012) de políticas orientadas a la universalización de la Escolaridad Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), atendiendo a las dinámicas y tensiones que los equipos directivos y docentes construyen en el proceso de actuación de las políticas. Procesos en los que se definen condiciones institucionales de inclusión y /o exclusión de la ESO. El trabajo de campo se desarrolla en una escuela emplazada en las periferias de la Ciudad signada por la vulnerabilidad socioeducativa de su matrícula. Puntalmente se presentan, sucintamente, las estrategias de mejora que la escuela seleccionada ha diseñado en el marco de sucesivas reformas al Régimen Académico (RA) de escolaridad secundariaThis paper presents results of an ongoing research project in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. The study analyzes the enactment (Ball et al, 2012) of policies aimed at the universalization of compulsory secondary schooling (CSS), taking into account the dynamics and tensions that the management teams and teachers build in the enactment of policies. Processes in which institutional conditions of inclusion and / or exclusion of CSS are defined. The field work is carried out in a school located in the outskirts of the City marked by the socio-educational vulnerability of the students. Particularly are presented, succinctly, the strategies of improvement that the selected school has designed in the framework of successive reforms to the Academic Regime (AR) of secondary schoolin

    Política de Agrupamento Escolar em Portugal: elementos da sociologia das organizações para investigar um novo modelo normativo de organização escolar

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    This article presents results of a doctoral thesis framed in the Portuguese educational policy of School Clusters (SC). Since 2010, the SC represents a new regulatory model of school organization that brings together multiple schools, at all levels of compulsory education and located in geographic proximity. Specifically, this research approaches this policy enactment in an SC located in Lisbon. The theoretical and methodological approach of the study is based on the contributions that Erhard Friedberg developed within the framework of the sociology of organizations. The publication is divided in two sections. First, the article introduces the SC policy and research carried out for this article. Then, the second section addresses Friedberg’s core conceptual categories. His concept of Concrete Action System allows analyzing through which actors and how the action is organized in the fictitiously named SC Margin. It is intended to show the potential that the sociology of organizations has for research in education policy, particularly in the study of complex regulatory processes of educational policies that occur in educational institutions.Este artículo recoge resultados de una tesis doctoral que se enmarca en la política educativa portuguesa de Agrupamiento Escolar (AE). Desde el año 2010 el AE constituye un nuevo modelo normativo de organización escolar que nuclea a múltiples escuelas, de todos los niveles de enseñanza obligatoria, localizadas en relativa proximidad geográfica. Concretamente, en la investigación desarrollada se aborda la “puesta en acto” o enactment de esta política en un AE localizado en Lisboa. El enfoque teórico-metodológico del estudio se basa en los aportes que Erhard Friedberg desarrolla en el marco de la sociología de las organizaciones. La publicación se estructura a partir de una introducción a la política de AE y a la investigación desarrollada. Seguidamente, se abordan algunas de las principales categorías conceptuales de Friedberg, cuyo concepto de Sistema de Acción Concreto posibilita analizar cómo, y a través de qué actores, se organiza la acción en el ficticiamente denominado AE Margen. Se pretende mostrar las potencialidades que la sociología de las organizaciones posee para la investigación en política educacional, concretamente para el estudio de los complejos procesos de regulación de las políticas que acontecen en las instituciones educativas.Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma tese de doutoramento que se enquadra na política educativa portuguesa de Agrupamento Escolar (AE). Desde 2010 o AE representa um novo modelo normativo de organização escolar que reúne várias escolas de todos os níveis de escolaridade obrigatória, e têm relativa proximidade geográfica. Nesta pesquisa trabalha-se, específicamente, a atuação (enactment) desta política em um AE de Lisboa. A abordagem teórica e metodológica do estudo recolhe as contribuições que Erhard Friedberg desenvolve no âmbito da sociologia das organizações. Em primeiro lugar se introduz à política de AE e é descrita a investigação desenvolvida; em segundo lugar são apresentadas algumas das principais categorias conceituais de Friedberg, cujo conceito de Sistema de Acção Concreta permite analisar como e através de quais atores a ação é organizada no, ficticiamente nomeado, AE Margem. O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar o potencial da sociologia das organizações para a investigação em política educacional, particularmente para o estudo dos complexos processos regulatórios das políticas que acontecem em instituições de ensino.Fil: Bocchio, María Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Humanidades; Argentin

    The metal and dust yields of the first massive stars

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    We quantify the role of Population (Pop) III core-collapse supernovae (SNe) as the first cosmic dust polluters. Starting from a homogeneous set of stellar progenitors with masses in the range [13 - 80] Msun, we find that the mass and composition of newly formed dust depend on the mixing efficiency of the ejecta and the degree of fallback experienced during the explosion. For standard Pop III SNe, whose explosions are calibrated to reproduce the average elemental abundances of Galactic halo stars with [Fe/H] < -2.5, between 0.18 and 3.1 Msun (0.39 - 1.76 Msun) of dust can form in uniformly mixed (unmixed) ejecta, and the dominant grain species are silicates. We also investigate dust formation in the ejecta of faint Pop III SN, where the ejecta experience a strong fallback. By examining a set of models, tailored to minimize the scatter with the abundances of carbon-enhanced Galactic halo stars with [Fe/H ] < -4, we find that amorphous carbon is the only grain species that forms, with masses in the range 2.7 10^{-3} - 0.27 Msun (7.5 10^{-4} - 0.11 Msun) for uniformly mixed (unmixed) ejecta models. Finally, for all the models we estimate the amount and composition of dust that survives the passage of the reverse shock, and find that, depending on circumstellar medium densities, between 3 and 50% (10 - 80%) of dust produced by standard (faint) Pop III SNe can contribute to early dust enrichment.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 22 pages, 12 figures, 12 table

    Network-aware design-space exploration of a power-efficient embedded application

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    The paper presents the design and multi-parameter optimization of a networked embedded application for the health-care domain. Several hardware, software, and application parameters, such as clock frequency, sensor sampling rate, data packet rate, are tuned at design- and run-time according to application specifications and operating conditions to optimize hardware requirements, packet loss, power consumption. Experimental results show that further power efficiency can be achieved by considering also communication aspects during design space exploratio

    School management and moral regulation in Argentina: Case study in a peripheral school

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    La “Nueva Gestión Pública” (NGP) viene ejerciendo, desde finales de la década del 80, claros efectos en la vida de las escuelas y en la regulación de las prácticas de los directivos. En esta ponencia se aborda el trabajo del director escolar y los procesos de regulación de las políticas educativas orientadas a garantizar la escolaridad secundaria obligatoria. Presentamos un estudio en caso donde abordamos el trabajo del director de una escuela localizada en una Ciudad-Barrio de la Ciudad de Córdoba a la que asisten alumnos sumidos en crecientes procesos de pauperización social. A modo de hipótesis proponemos que el llamado al compromiso para con el alumnado y sus demandas sociales insatisfechas se transforman en el motor que regula moralmente al director y lo obliga a trabajar para y a pesar de no recibirlos los prometidos fondos que los proyectos ministeriales deben proveerSince the 1980s, the "New Public Management" (NGP) has had clear effects on the life of schools and in the regulation of principal’s practices. This paper addresses the work of the principal and the processes of regulation of educational policies aimed at ensuring compulsory secondary schooling. We present a study in case focused in a school located in a City-Neighborhood of of Cordoba were students are immersed in growing processes of social impoverishment. As a hypothesis, we propose that the call to commitment to students and their unmet social demands are transformed into the motor that morally regulates the principal and forces him to work for and despite not receiving the promised funds that the ministerial projects must provid

    Multiplane 3D superresolution optical fluctuation imaging

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    By switching fluorophores on and off in either a deterministic or a stochastic manner, superresolution microscopy has enabled the imaging of biological structures at resolutions well beyond the diffraction limit. Superresolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) provides an elegant way of overcoming the diffraction limit in all three spatial dimensions by computing higher-order cumulants of image sequences of blinking fluorophores acquired with a conventional widefield microscope. So far, three-dimensional (3D) SOFI has only been demonstrated by sequential imaging of multiple depth positions. Here we introduce a versatile imaging scheme which allows for the simultaneous acquisition of multiple focal planes. Using 3D cross-cumulants, we show that the depth sampling can be increased. Consequently, the simultaneous acquisition of multiple focal planes reduces the acquisition time and hence the photo-bleaching of fluorescent markers. We demonstrate multiplane 3D SOFI by imaging the mitochondria network in fixed C2C12 cells over a total volume of 65×65×3.5μm365\times65\times3.5 \mu\textrm{m}^3 without depth scanning.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure