496 research outputs found

    A general framework integrating techniques for scheduling under uncertainty

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    Ces dernières années, de nombreux travaux de recherche ont porté sur la planification de tâches et l'ordonnancement sous incertitudes. Ce domaine de recherche comprend un large choix de modèles, techniques de résolution et systèmes, et il est difficile de les comparer car les terminologies existantes sont incomplètes. Nous avons cependant identifié des familles d'approches générales qui peuvent être utilisées pour structurer la littérature suivant trois axes perpendiculaires. Cette nouvelle structuration de l'état de l'art est basée sur la façon dont les décisions sont prises. De plus, nous proposons un modèle de génération et d'exécution pour ordonnancer sous incertitudes qui met en oeuvre ces trois familles d'approches. Ce modèle est un automate qui se développe lorsque l'ordonnancement courant n'est plus exécutable ou lorsque des conditions particulières sont vérifiées. Le troisième volet de cette thèse concerne l'étude expérimentale que nous avons menée. Au-dessus de ILOG Solver et Scheduler nous avons implémenté un prototype logiciel en C++, directement instancié de notre modèle de génération et d'exécution. Nous présentons de nouveaux problèmes d'ordonnancement probabilistes et une approche par satisfaction de contraintes combinée avec de la simulation pour les résoudre. ABSTRACT : For last years, a number of research investigations on task planning and scheduling under uncertainty have been conducted. This research domain comprises a large number of models, resolution techniques, and systems, and it is difficult to compare them since the existing terminologies are incomplete. However, we identified general families of approaches that can be used to structure the literature given three perpendicular axes. This new classification of the state of the art is based on the way decisions are taken. In addition, we propose a generation and execution model for scheduling under uncertainty that combines these three families of approaches. This model is an automaton that develops when the current schedule is no longer executable or when some particular conditions are met. The third part of this thesis concerns our experimental study. On top of ILOG Solver and Scheduler, we implemented a software prototype in C++ directly instantiated from our generation and execution model. We present new probabilistic scheduling problems and a constraintbased approach combined with simulation to solve some instances thereof

    Composition, Attributes and Benefits of Goat Milk: Literature Review

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    Goat´s milk and cow´s milk have similar compositions. The former is healthy and nutritious, and it is a valid alternative to human´s milk because their nutritional values are also very similar. Many people who are allergic to cow´s milk can drink goat´s milk safely, as it contains a different protein. Goat's milk is gradually becoming more popular in world markets, beyond the countries where it is already one of the major components in the diet of millions of people today. To produce good quality milk some basic efficiency principles of livestock farming must be taken into consideration, like good quality animals, selection of dairy genotypes, adequate food supply, good management and health. The first two have direct effects on the the nutritional quality or composition of milk; the other two have to do with hygiene. This paper reviews the main aspects that influence goat´s milk composition, biological value as substitute for human´s milk, main components, and qualities and benefits to human health

    Population balances in case of crossing characteristic curves: Application to T-cells immune response

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    The progression of a cell population where each individual is characterized by the value of an internal variable varying with time (e.g. size, weight, and protein concentration) is typically modeled by a Population Balance Equation, a first order linear hyperbolic partial differential equation. The characteristics described by internal variables usually vary monotonically with the passage of time. A particular difficulty appears when the characteristic curves exhibit different slopes from each other and therefore cross each other at certain times. In particular such crossing phenomenon occurs during T-cells immune response when the concentrations of protein expressions depend upon each other and also when some global protein (e.g. Interleukin signals) is also involved which is shared by all T-cells. At these crossing points, the linear advection equation is not possible by using the classical way of hyperbolic conservation laws. Therefore, a new Transport Method is introduced in this article which allowed us to find the population density function for such processes. The newly developed Transport method (TM) is shown to work in the case of crossing and to provide a smooth solution at the crossing points in contrast to the classical PDF techniques.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Gloria Videla de Rivero

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    Fil: Bidot, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Ángel J. Battistessa

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    Fil: Bidot, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Granjas caprinas con altos rendimientos productivos

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    A goat farm was created for 100 mestizo females, which were located in rustic constructions and their upbringing was by the extensive method, with extra collection and feeding, in the evenings - nights. Females were selected as good breeders and adequate health conditions. The stallions, in number of 5 for this animal mass, were tested reproductively by examining the semen. A reproductive program was established using artificial insemination and natural riding. Female pregnancy was controlled by each method. With the females that were inseminated, the estrous induction system was used by hormones (Progesterone - Labiofam; PMSG - Netherlands Chemistry with trade name Folligon and Prostaglandin F2 α - Hoeschst with trade name Iliren.). The diagnosis of pregnancy was confirmed with no return to estrus. A gestation of 64.9% was obtained with Artificial Insemination and those that were not pregnant, were located in a directed mount, obtaining a total gestation of 82.9%. The average births per goat was 1.3 kids. The average milking, including first lactation and multiparous animals was 250 days, with an average production of 420 kg. for breastfeeding / goat. It was found that with mestizo females raised extensively, with adequate productive and reproductive management, good reproductive results and milk and kids' productions can be obtained.Se creó una granja caprina para 100 hembras mestizas, las cuales se ubicaron en construcciones rústicas y su crianza fue por el método extensivo, con recogida y alimentación suplementaria, por las tardes - noches. Las hembras fueron seleccionadas como buenas reproductoras y adecuadas condiciones de salud. Los sementales, en número de 5 para esta masa animal, fueron probados reproductivamente mediante el examen del semen. Se estableció un programa reproductivo utilizando la inseminación artificial y la monta natural. Se controló la gestación de las hembras por cada método. Con las hembras que se inseminaron, fue utilizado el sistema de inducción del estro mediante hormonas (Progesterona - Labiofam; PMSG - Química Holanda con nombre comercial Folligon y Prostaglandina F2 α - Hoeschst con nombre comercial Iliren.). El diagnóstico de gestación se corroboró con el no retorno al estro. Se obtuvo una gestación del 64,9% con la Inseminación Artificial y las que no quedaron gestantes, se ubicaron en monta dirigida, obteniéndose una gestación total del 82,9%. El promedio de nacimientos por cabra fue de 1,3 cabritos. El promedio de ordeño, incluyendo animales de primera lactación y multíparas fue de 250 días, con una producción promedio de 420 kg. por lactancia/cabra. Se comprobó que con hembras mestizas criadas extensivamente, con un manejo productivo y reproductivo adecuado, pueden obtenerse buenos resultados reproductivos y de producciones de leche y cabritos

    Composición, cualidades y beneficios de la leche de cabra: revisión bibliográfica.

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    La leche de cabra se parece en su composición a la leche materna, es sana y nutritiva y es  una  alternativa válida como  sustituto de la humana  pues  sus valores nutritivos son en gran medida  aproximados. Muchas personas a quienes la leche de vaca les provoca reacciones alérgicas, pueden beber leche de cabra sin inconvenientes pues contiene una proteína de diferente tipo. La leche de cabra es un producto que poco a poco se hace más popular en los mercados mundiales, más allá de las fronteras de aquellos países donde en la actualidad es ya uno de los componentes principales de la dieta de millones de personas; pero para producir una leche de buena calidad, se deben tener en cuenta algunos principios básicos de una explotación pecuaria eficiente, o sea: animales de buena calidad, seleccionando genotipos lecheros, que tengan una alimentación adecuada, buen manejo y salud. Los dos primeros influyen directamente en la calidad nutricional o composición de la leche; los otros dos en la calidad higiénica. Se brinda una revisión sobre los principales aspectos que inciden en su composición, su valor biológico como sustituto de la leche materna, sus principales componentes y las cualidades y los beneficios para la salud humana.Composition, Attributes and Benefits of Goat Milk: Literature Review.ABSTRACTGoat milk is similar in composition to breast milk, is healthy and nutritious and is a valid alternative as a substitute for human because their nutritional values are largely  approximate  measure. Many  people  whom  cow's milk provokes  allergic  reactions, can drink  goat  milk  without  problems  because  it  contains a protein of a different  type. Goat's  milk is a product  that  gradually  becomes more popular in world  markets, beyond  the  borders of those  countries  where  today  is  already  one of the  major  components of the  diet of millions of people; but  to produce a good quality  milk, should  take  into  account  some  basic  principles of efficient  livestock  farm, or  animals of good  quality, selecting  dairy  genotypes, having  adequate  food, good  management and health. The first two directly influence  the nutritional quality or composition of the milk; the other two in the hygienic quality. A review of the main aspects that influence their composition, their biological value as a substitute for breast milk, its main components and the qualities and benefits to human health is provided.