610 research outputs found

    Jeg liker å bestemme, når jeg får bestemme - En kvalitativ studie av hvordan arbeidstakere med utviklingshemming opplever selvbestemmelse i prosessen mot arbeid på en ordinær arbeidsplass, og på den ordinære arbeidsplassen.

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    Masteroppgaven er basert på kvalitative semi-strukturerte intervjuer med fem arbeidstakere med utviklingshemming, som jobber hele eller deler av arbeidstiden på en ordinær arbeidsplass. Problemstillingen som undersøkes er hvordan arbeidstakere med utviklingshemming opplever sin selvbestemmelse i prosessen mot arbeid på en ordinær arbeidsplass, og på den ordinære arbeidsplassen. I tillegg undersøkes betydningen av selvbestemmelse, og hva arbeidstakerne selv tenker at skaper barrierer og muligheter for selvbestemmelse i prosessen mot arbeid på, og på den ordinære arbeidsplassen. Hovedfunnene i studien er at graden av selvbestemmelse varierer, både i prosessen mot arbeid på en ordinær arbeidsplass og på den ordinære arbeidsplassen. Arbeidstakeren som har fått minst støtte prosessen, ser ut til å oppleve minst selvbestemmelse. Ikke alle arbeidstakerne vet hva ordene brukermedvirkning, involvering og medbestemmelse betyr, men selvbestemmelse var kjent for alle. Alle arbeidstakerne oppgir å få være med og påvirke arbeidshverdagen, i form av arbeidsoppgaver og arbeidstid, men noen ganger møter de barrierer. Medvirkning for arbeidstakere med utviklingshemming på ordinær arbeidsplass ser ikke ut til å foregå på de formelle arenaene ordinære arbeidstakere vanligvis benytter. Det ser ut til at involvering i prosesser i arbeidslivet for arbeidstakere med utviklingshemming skjer i mer uformelle fora, slik som en prat på sjefens kontor etter arbeidstid, eller i lunsjen.The master's thesis is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with five employees with developmental disabilities, who work all or part of their working hours in an ordinary workplace. The issue that is investigated is how employees with developmental disabilities experience their self-determination in the process towards work in an ordinary workplace, and in the ordinary workplace. In addition, the importance of self-determination is examined, and what the employees themselves think creates barriers and opportunities for self-determination in the process of working in and in the ordinary workplace. The main findings of the study are that the degree of self-determination varies, both in the process towards work in an ordinary workplace and in the ordinary workplace. The employee who has received the least support in the process seems to experience the least self-determination. Not all employees know what the words user participation, involvement and co-determination mean, but self-determination was known to everyone. All employees state that they are allowed to participate in and influence everyday work, in the form of work tasks and working hours, but sometimes they encounter barriers. Participation for employees with developmental disabilities in the ordinary workplace does not appear to take place in the formal arenas that ordinary employees usually use. It seems that involvement in processes in working life for employees with developmental disabilities takes place in more informal forums, such as a chat in the boss's office after working hours, or at lunch

    The relationship between physical activity at school and in their spare time

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    Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom intensitetsnivået i kroppsøvingstimene og fysisk aktivitetsnivå på fritiden hos 3. klasseelever på videregående skole. Resultat: Ingen signifikante sammenhenger ble funnet mellom noen av variablene. Sammenheng mellom kjønn og intensitetsnivå i kroppsøvingsundervisning ble ikke observert

    Interviews with Community Healthcare Registered Nurses in Norway: Examination Practices and Clinical Evaluation Processes

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    Abstract Aim This study describes the examination practices and clinical evaluation processes that Registered Nurses in Norway perform in the community healthcare sector. Design A qualitative exploratory design. Methods Twenty interviews were conducted with Registered Nurses employed in the community healthcare sector in Norway. The data were analysed using a thematic analysis. Results We found four major themes: (1) evaluations are embedded in nurses’ daily work, (2) significance of a Registered Nurse's clinical competency, (3) different tasks require various roles and (4) access to resources and equipment. Registered Nurses possess several skills in a range of different examination techniques and clinical evaluation processes in the community healthcare sector. They perform complex assessments in their daily work and must rely on other healthcare professionals, facilities and equipment to provide high-quality care. Ongoing education and training will enable Registered Nurses to complete accurate assessments in their community healthcare practice.publishedVersio

    The Cannabis Pathway to Non-Affective Psychosis may Reflect Less Neurobiological Vulnerability

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    There is a high prevalence of cannabis use reported in non-affective psychosis. Early prospective longitudinal studies conclude that cannabis use is a risk factor for psychosis, and neurochemical studies on cannabis have suggested potential mechanisms for this effect. Recent advances in the field of neuroscience and genetics may have important implications for our understanding of this relationship. Importantly, we need to better understand the vulnerability × cannabis interaction to shed light on the mediators of cannabis as a risk factor for psychosis. Thus, the present study reviews recent literature on several variables relevant for understanding the relationship between cannabis and psychosis, including age of onset, cognition, brain functioning, family history, genetics, and neurological soft signs (NSS) in non-affective psychosis. Compared with non-using non-affective psychosis, the present review shows that there seem to be fewer stable cognitive deficits in patients with cannabis use and psychosis, in addition to fewer NSS and possibly more normalized brain functioning, indicating less neurobiological vulnerability for psychosis. There are, however, some familiar and genetic vulnerabilities present in the cannabis psychosis group, which may influence the cannabis pathway to psychosis by increasing sensitivity to cannabis. Furthermore, an earlier age of onset suggests a different pathway to psychosis in the cannabis-using patients. Two alternative vulnerability models are presented to integrate these seemingly paradoxical finding

    Illicit substances detected through high-resolution MS analysis in urine samples are associated with greater symptom burden in patients with psychosis

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    Background The prevalence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in acute psychotic patients has not been investigated systematically. We applied a highly sensitive and specific mass spectrometry method for detection of NPS as well as traditional drugs of abuse (including illicit or prescription substances) in order to assess their prevalence and associations with symptom severity. Identification of these substances is useful in both the diagnostic process and evaluation of treatment effects. Methods Demographic data, results from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Score (PANSS) and Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) and urine samples from admission were collected from 53 patients recruited into a clinical study of psychosis during 2014-2017. Urine samples were analysed with liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS), through both highly specific detection of 191 substances using internal standards and untargeted screening by means of pre-defined libraries. PANSS and CDSS scores in patients with or without drugs of abuse were compared. Results Potential drugs of abuse, i.e. drugs that could be used in a controlled therapeutic or a non-prescribed manner, were detected in samples from 20 of the 53 patients. Seven samples contained illicit drugs, but no NPS were detected. In this small patient subgroup, PANSS total score and CDSS score were significantly higher than in patients with negative urine sample results. Conclusion Drug screening could play an important role in the differential diagnostic evaluation of patients admitted with psychotic symptoms. Although no NPS were detected in the study population, we found other substances that were associated with psychotic and depressive symptoms.publishedVersio

    De novo transcriptome assemblies of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) and snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) molting gland and eyestalk ganglia - Temperature effects on expression of molting and growth regulatory genes in adult red king crab

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    Red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) and snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) are deep-sea crustaceans widely distributed in the North Pacific and Northwest Atlantic Oceans. These giant predators have invaded the Barents Sea over the past decades, and climate-driven temperature changes may influence their distribution and abundance in the sub-Arctic region. Molting and growth in crustaceans are strongly affected by temperature, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are little known, particularly in cold-water species. Here, we describe multiple regulatory factors in the two high-latitude crabs by developing de novo transcriptomes from the molting gland (Y-organ or YO) and eye stalk ganglia (ESG), in addition to the hepatopancreas and claw muscle of red king crab. The Halloween genes encoding the ecdysteroidogenic enzymes were expressed in YO, and the ESG contained multiple neuropeptides, including molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH), crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH), and ion-transport peptide (ITP). Both crabs expressed a diversity of growth-related factors, such as mTOR, AKT, Rheb and AMPKα, and stress-responsive factors, including multiple heat shock proteins (HSPs). Temperature effects on the expression of key regulatory genes were quantified by qPCR in adult red king crab males kept at 4 °C or 10 °C for two weeks during intermolt. The Halloween genes tended to be upregulated in YO at high temperature, while the ecdysteroid receptor and several growth regulators showed tissue-specific responses to elevated temperature. Constitutive and heat-inducible HSPs were expressed in an inverse temperature-dependent manner, suggesting that adult red king crabs can acclimate to increased water temperatures.publishedVersio

    To swim or not to swim: an interpretation of farmed mink's motivation for a water bath

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    How an animal’s behavioural (ethological) needs can be met is a pivotal issue in the assessment of welfare for captive animals. The value of swimming water for farmed mink is an example how scientific and societal questions relating to animal welfare can be answered. A number of studies have addressed the issue of the indispensability of swimming water for mink; however, so far with inconclusive evidence. In this paper, the results of these studies and related literature are reviewed. First, the biological definition of need is discussed. Subsequently, attention is paid to the effects of the presence, absence and the removal of swimming water on behavioural and physiological correlates of well-being including stereotypic and anticipatory behaviour and urinary cortisol. Thereafter we discuss individual differences in the use of swimming water, the price animals pay for access to a water bath, and the effect of access to swimming water on juvenile play. The main conclusions of the literature review are that 1) the use of a water bath for mink is most likely related to foraging behaviour (foraging areas: land and water); 2) absence of swimming water, without prior experience, does not lead to consistent changes in level of stereotypic behaviour, or anticipatory responses; 3) removal of a previously experienced water bath may induce short-term stress as indicated by behavioural parameters and elevated cortisol responses; 4) mink work hard for access to a swimming bath and running wheel in consumer demand studies. Other cage modifications such as tunnels and biting objects, may also provide environmental enrichment, if they are added to otherwise impoverished conditions; 5) There are individual differences in the use of swimming water: these are related in part to variation in prior experience of aquatic resources.; 6) As prior experience is important both with respect to individual use of swimming water and the response to deprivation, swimming water can not be described as biological need in the sense of a fixed requirement for survival. As swimming water appears to act as an incentive that induces its own motivation a more accurate term may be an “incentive induced or environmentally facilitated need”. Given the available evidence, it is not possible to conclude whether mink that have never experienced swimming water, suffer as a consequence of its absence. However, it is possible to predict that mink with access to water have improved quality of life, due to increased behavioural opportunities, in comparison to farmed mink without access to swimming water. In practical terms, it is still open to debate whether mink should be provided with swimming water, or if alternative, less valued, but easier to install and maintain forms of environmental enrichment, should be provided in mink housing. To clarify these issues a number of future studies would be valuable. These include; 1) whether specific environmental cues affect motivation to swim, such as the form of drinking water delivery systems ; 2) whether prior experience of swimming water affects its incentive value; in other words “can you miss what you never experienced?”; 3) do behavioural parameters such as stereotypic behaviour; rebound effects and vacuum activity have any general utility in assessing the value of absent resources; 4) what are preferences for and the value of alternative resources which may act as substitutes for swimming water. In addition we would recommend further work investigating: relationship between access to swimming water and positive indicators of welfare such as play and/or anticipatory behaviour; the effects of preventing the performance of rewarding behaviours and deprivation of a previous experienced resource; and health and hygeine issues related to provision of a water bath. In future work, it would be desirable to present be the actual percentages of animals using a water bath during the experiment and the use of power analyses, to aid their interpretation

    HYPSO-1 CubeSat: First Images and In-Orbit Characterization

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    The HYPSO-1 satellite, a 6U CubeSat carrying a hyperspectral imager, was launched on 13 January 2022, with the Goal of imaging ocean color in support of marine research. This article describes the development and current status of the mission and payload operations, including examples of agile planning, captures with low revisit time and time series acquired during a campaign. The in-orbit performance of the hyperspectral instrument is also characterized. The usable spectral range of the instrument is in the range of 430 nm to 800 nm over 120 bands after binning during nominal captures. The spatial resolvability is found empirically to be below 2.2 pixels in terms of Full-Width at Half-Maximum (FWHM) at 565 nm. This measure corresponds to an inherent ground resolvable resolution of 142 m across-track for close to nadir capture. In the across-track direction, there are 1216 pixels available, which gives a swath width of 70 km. However, the 684 center pixels are used for nominal captures. With the nominal pixels used in the across-track direction, the nadir swath-width is 40 km. The spectral resolution in terms of FWHM is estimated to be close to 5 nm at the center wavelength of 600 nm, and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is evaluated to be greater than 300 at 450 nm to 500 nm for Top-of-Atmosphere (ToA) signals. Examples of images from the first months of operations are also shown.publishedVersio

    Effekten av nasjonale laksefjorder på risikoen for lakselusinfestasjon hos vill laksefisk langs norskekysten - Sluttrapportering av ordningen med nasjonale laksefjorder

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    I 2007 ble 29 nasjonale laksefjorder opprettet. Disse er ment å gi et utvalg av de viktigste laksebestandene i Norge en særlig beskyttelse, inkludert mot oppdrettsvirksomhet i nærliggende fjord og kystområder. En statistisk analyse av data innsamlet i perioden 2004-2010 viste at lusepåslaget på vill sjøørret langs norskekysten ble påvirket av luseproduksjon fra oppdrett, saltholdighet, fiskestørrelse, år og periode. Imidlertid viste også analysene at en stor andel av variasjonen ikke kunne forklares med gjeldende datamateriale og gjeldende analyser. Etter en evaluering av metodene ble derfor overvåkingen omstrukturert for å øke antall fisk fanget, økt kvalitet på innsamlingen, bedre dekning i tid og rom, samt at bruk av modeller ble inkorporert. Modellen som brukes i denne rapporten har hatt voldsom utvikling de siste årene, både på grunn av økt regnekraft, men kanskje spesielt etter 2011 da NorKyst 800 ble tilgjengelig for hele landet. Etterhvert har også innføringen av det nye Trafikklyssystemet ført til et betydelig utviklingsarbeid i forhold til spredningsmodelleringen og anvendelsen av resultatene fra denne, hvor Havforskningsinstituttet i 2017 produserer ukentlig estimat for mengden og fordelingen av lakseluskopepoditter fra operative oppdrettsanlegg i hele landet. I denne rapporten er effekten av lakselus fra oppdrettsanlegg vurdert for både sjøørret og utvandrende postsmolt av laks. For sjøørret har vi brukt overvåkingsdata for å sammenholde infestasjonen på ruse og garnfanget sjøørret med avstand til nærmeste oppdrettsanlegg, vi har vurdert i hvilken grad sjøørret i de ulike fjordene er influert av oppdrettsanlegg liggende utenfor fjorden. For utvandrende postsmolt laks har vi brukt en koblet hydrodynamisk-biologisk modell for å vurdere driften av lakselus inn i de ulike fjordene, og til sist har vi brukt en nyutviklet smoltmodell for å beregne dødelighet på utvandrende postsmolt laks som vandrer ut fra nasjonale laksevassdrag. Ut ifra dette har vi vurdert om de nasjonale laksefjordene har medført et generelt bedre vern av vill laksefisk. I en statistisk analyse av i hvilken grad antall lakselus på vill sjøørret/sjørøye i nasjonale laksefjorder ble påvirket av avstand til nærliggende oppdrettsanlegg, ble det funnet en sammenheng mellom lus på vill sjøørret og daglig produksjon av lakseluslarver i oppdrettsanlegg som er opptil 30 km fra fangstlokaliteten for årene 2008-2012. Disse analysene ble senere utvidet til å inkludere effekten av temperatur. Konklusjonen fra disse analysene var at store laksefjorder virket etter hensikten i den betydning at det var mindre lus på sjøørret/sjørøye i de største nasjonale laksefjordene enn i de mindre laksefjordene. Årsaken til dette var blant annet avstanden til nærmeste oppdrettsanlegg. I sluttrapporten har vi vurdert dataene innsamlet i etterkant av denne analysen, dvs. inkludert årene 2013-2017, og selv om vi ikke har reanalysert disse dataene, peker de i samme retning. I midtveisevalueringen ble det vist til at det som er styrende for transport av lakselus inn i en fjord ikke primært er avstanden til anleggene, men om vannstrømmene transportere lus fra anlegg og til laksefjordene. For å vurdere dette har vi benyttet en koblet hydrodynamisk-biologisk modell for å vurdere transport av lakselus inn i de nasjonale laksefjordene. Da disse metodene er nyutviklet, samtidig som modellene er forbedret, bruker vi bare de siste årene i tidsserien til disse analysene. De nasjonale laksefjordene varierer mye i størrelse, beliggenhet og breddegrad. I tillegg varierer det om de ligger i indre fjord eller ytre kyststrøk, samtidig som også mengde oppdrettsaktivitet både utenfor og innenfor de ulike verneområdene varierer. Modellert tetthet av lakselus i og rundt de nasjonale laksefjordene viser at fjordene, som ser ut til å virke etter hensikten, har noen fellestrekk. Det er formålstjenlig at laksefjorden utgjør en vesentlig del av utvandringsruten til vill laksefisk, og det er fordelaktig at det ikke er stor oppdrettsvirksomhet oppstrøms for laksefjorden. Nasjonale laksefjorder som bare er fjordarmer et stykke inne i et fjordsystem og der smoltutvandringsruten går gjennom områder med mye oppdrettsaktivitet, har sannsynligvis liten effekt på dødeligheten til utvandrende postsmolt laks. Effekten av de små nasjonale laksefjordene ser ut til å være sterkt avhengig av produksjonsmønsteret i oppdrettsnæringen i nærområdet, og infeksjonspresset i de små verneområdene ser ut til å sammenfalle med produksjonsintensiteten i området. Dette betyr at lavt infeksjonsnivå hos lokal sjøørret og sannsynligvis også hos laksesmolt, ikke kan bli tatt for gitt i slike områder. Dette er vist både for Etnefjorden i Hardangerfjordsystemet og Ørstafjorden i Storfjordsystemet. Det er også slik at de fjordene hvor den nasjonale laksefjorden går helt ut til kysten virker bedre enn fjordene med en delvis beskyttelse (Sognefjorden vs. Trondheimsfjorden), da risikoen for å få strømmer som transporterer lus langt innover fjorden er større.publishedVersio