255 research outputs found

    Technostress and Job Performance: Understanding the Negative Impacts and Strategic Responses in the Workplace

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    This study delves into the increasingly pertinent issue of technostress in the workplace and its multifaceted impact on job performance. Technostress, emerging from the rapid integration of technology in professional settings, is identified as a significant stressor affecting employees across various industries. The research primarily focuses on the ways in which technostress influences job performance, both negatively and positively, depending on the context and individual coping mechanisms. Through a blend of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including surveys and in-depth interviews, the study examines the experiences of employees from diverse sectors. It highlights how technostress manifests in different forms: from anxiety and frustration due to constant connectivity to the pressure of adapting to new technologies. The paper also explores the dual role of technology as both a facilitator and a hindrance in the workplace. Significant findings indicate that technostress adversely impacts job performance, leading to decreased productivity, diminished job satisfaction, and increased turnover intentions. However, the study also uncovers that strategic interventions, such as training programs, supportive leadership, and fostering a positive technological culture, can mitigate these negative effects. These interventions not only help in managing technostress but also in harnessing the potential of technology for enhanced job performance. Furthermore, the research proposes a model outlining the relationship between technostress, coping mechanisms, and job performance. This model serves as a framework for organizations to understand and address the challenges posed by technostress. The study concludes with recommendations for future research, particularly in exploring the long-term effects of technostress and the efficacy of various coping strategies

    LAPORAN INDIVIDU PRAKTIK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN (PPL) UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA LOKASI : SMP NEGERI 1 NGEMPLAK (Jl. Kemasan Jangkang widodomartani Ngemplak Sleman Yogyakarta) 1 Juli s/d 17 September 2014

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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang harus ditempuh oleh setiap mahasiswa kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Dalam hal ini, penyusun melaksanakan praktik pengalaman lapangan di SMP Negeri 1 Ngemplak yang terletak di Kabupaten Sleman. Praktik pengalaman lapangan ini bertujuan mendapatkan pengalaman tentang proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan persekolahan lainnya yang digunakan sebagai bekal untuk menjadi calon tenaga pendidik. Praktikan diharapkan mampu untuk memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan sebagai seorang pendidik. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dimulai dari observasi hingga pelaksanaan PPL yang terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan mengajar, pelaksanaan mengajar, dan evaluasi hasil mengajar. Kegiatan mengajar dilaksanakan setelah konsultasi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran kepada guru pembimbing terlebih dahulu. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PPL selama kurang lebih dua bulan di SMP Negeri 1 Ngemplak ini dapat dipetik hasilnya oleh mahasiswa berupa penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan praktik keguruan dalam di bidang Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan yang diperoleh di bangku perkuliahan. Meskipun demikian, tetap masih ada hambatan dalam pelaksanaan PPL. Penyusun menghimbau supaya hubungan kerja sama antara pihak sekolah dan LPPMP-UNY tetap terjaga dengan baik

    Analisis Kerawanan Bencana Banjir dan Tanah Longsor di Daerah Aliran Sungai Kuranji Menggunakan Metode Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Pada tanggal 16 November 2022, terjadi banjir diakibatkan derasnya hujan melanda Kecamatan Kuranji, membuat sungai di Kawasan tersebut meluap, luapan air ditambah air hujan, membuat air menggenangi jalan dan rumah milik warga. Dengan latar belakang tersebut menyebabkan penulis tertarik membuat tugas akhir ini dengan pembahasan tentang Analisis Kerawanan Bencana Banjir dan Tanah Longsor di Daerah Aliran Sungai Kuranji Menggunakan Metode Sistem Informasi Geografis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa kawasan daerah aliran Sungai kuranji yang rentan terhadap banjir menggunakan metode sistem informasi geografis, serta menganalisa kawasan daerah aliran Sungai kuranji yang rentan terhadap tanah longsor menggunakan metode sistem informasi geografis dan untuk mengetahui daerah yang perlu diprioritaskan saat melakukan mitigasi bencana. Pembobotan adalah pemberian bobot pada peta digital masing-masing parameter yang berpengaruh terhadap banjir. Parameter-parameter yang digunakan dapat berbeda-beda sesuai dengan tujuan penulisan. Overlay yaitu kemampuan untuk menempatkan grafis satu peta diatas grafis peta lain dan menampilkan hasilnya pada plot. Secara singkatnya, overlay merupakan proses menampalkan suatu peta digital diatas peta digital lainnya beserta dengan atribut-atributnya dan menghasilkan peta gabungan keduanya bersamaan dengan gabungan atribut peta tersebut. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor utama yang menyebabkan banjir di kawasan DAS Kuranji adalah kemiringan lahan, dengan cukup luasnya daerah yang mempunyai kemiringan 0-8% menyebabkan kawasan DAS Kuranji memiliki daerah yang rawan terhadap banjir. Selain itu, tekstur tanah juga menjadi faktor dominan terhadap terjadinya banjir, banyaknya tanah yang memiliki nilai infiltrasi yang kecil menyebabkan terjadinya banjir. Dan juga faktor dominan yang menyebabkan terjadinya bencana tanah longsor adalah kelerengan lahan, dikarenakan banyaknya daerah di kawasan DAS Kuranji yang memiliki kelerangan besar dari 45% menjadi faktor utama

    Trace element distribution mapping in pharmaceutical and biological samples using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has numerous advantages like determination of ppb-ppm level concentrations, microdestructivity, the ability of making high resolution laterally (µm) or depth-resolved (100 nm) analysis, sensitive measurement of heavy and light elements and direct analysis of solid samples with minimal sample preparation. The aim of the present work was to demonstrate that LIBS is a suitable analytical technique to assess the trace element distribution of pharmaceutical and biological samples. As test samples, we used specimens of chickpea milkvetch (Astragalus cicer), a perennial plant with excellent nutritional value and a commercially available dietary supplement pill (Supradyn)


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi yang belum diketahui tingkat kebugaran aerobik, kecerdasan intelektual dan prestasi belajar siswa kelas bakat istimewa olahraga angkatan 2013 SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tingkat kebugaran aerobik, kecerdasan intelektual dan prestasi belajar siswa kelas bakat istimewa olahraga angkatan 2013 SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan tiga variabel, menggunakan metode survei. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel siswa kelas bakat istimewa olahraga angkatan 2013 SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu untuk mengetahui kebugaran aerobik, diukur dengan tes lari 12 menit dari K. H. Cooper, kecerdasan intelektual diukur dengan Tes IQ dan bakat, dan prestasi belajar diukur dengan nilai rapor siswa. Teknik pengambilan data dengan tes, pengukuran dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif persentase. Hasil penelitian pada siswa kelas bakat istimewa olahraga angkatan 2013 SMA Negeri 1 Slogohimo menunjukan bahwa tingkat kebugaran aerobik siswa kategori kurang sekali 0%, kategori kurang 25% (5 siswa), kategori sedang 45% (9 siswa), kategori baik 20% (4 siswa), kategori baik sekali 10% (2 siswa), kategori luar biasa 0%. Tingkat kecerdasan intelektual siswa kategori rata-rata 10% (2 siswa), kategori rata-rata+ 70% (14 siswa), kategori cerdas 20% (4 siswa). Tingkat prestasi belajar siswa kategori kurang sekali 0%, kategori kurang 20% (4 siswa), kategori sedang 65% (13 siswa), kategori baik 0%, kategori baik sekali 15% (3 siswa)

    Bacterias con la capacidad de unir metales pesados y su empleo en la detoxificación de medios contaminados con metales pesados

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    Referencia OEPM: P200001387.-- Fecha de solicitud: 31/05/2000.-- Titulares: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universidad de BarcelonaLa bacteria con capacidad de unir metales pesados es una bacteria adaptada al suelo y resistente a metales pesados, bien de forma natural o mediante manipulación genética, y ha sido modificada para expresar en su superficie, al menos, una proteína o una secuencia peptídica con la capacidad de unir uno o más metales pesados. En una realización particular, la bacteria adaptada al suelo y resistente, de forma natural, a metales pesados es Ralstonia eutropha, y la proteína capaz de unir uno o más metales pesados es una metalotioneína de un medio, sólido o líquido, contaminado con metales pesados.Peer reviewe

    The sea urchin metallothionein system: Comparative evaluation of the SpMTA and SpMTB metal-binding preferences.

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    Metallothioneins (MTs) constitute a superfamily of ubiquitous metal-binding proteins of low molecular weight and high Cys content. They are involved in metal homeostasis and detoxification, amongst other proposed biological functions. Two MT isoforms (SpMTA and SpMTB) have been reported in the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (sea urchin), both containing 20 Cys residues and presenting extremely similar sequences, although showing distinct tissular and ontogenic expression patterns. Although exhaustive information is available for the Cd(II)-SpMTA complex, this including the full resolution of its 3D structure, no data has been reported concerning either SpMTA Zn(II) and Cu(I) binding properties, or the characterization of SpMTB at protein level. In this work, both the SpMTA and SpMTB isoforms, as well as their separate α and β domains, have been recombinantly synthesized in the presence of Zn(II), Cd(II) or Cu(II), and the corresponding metal complexes have been analyzed using electrospray mass spectrometry, and CD, ICP-AES and UV-vis spectroscopies. The results clearly show a better performance of isoform A when binding Zn(II) and Cd(II), and of isoform B when coordinating Cu(I). Thus, our results confirm the differential metal binding preference of SpMTA and SpMTB, which, together with the reported induction pattern of the respective genes, highlights how also in Echinodermata the MT polymorphism may be linked to the evolution of different physiological roles

    Relationship Between Quality of Life and Depression in Pregnant Women

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    Background: Quality of life differs for different people in different situations and is related to one's self-satisfaction with life. Quality of life is affected by health status. Objectives: The current study examined the relationship between quality of life and depression in pregnant women in Kashan city. Patients and Methods: A Case - control study was performed on 112 depressed pregnant women (Case Group) and 353 Non-depressed pregnant women (Control Group) who referred to the prenatal health care centers of Kashan University of Medical Sciences .They completed Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) to assess the quality of life and the Beck Depression Inventory to assess the level of depressive symptoms. T-test, chi-square and Pearson correlation coefficient statistical tests were used for data analysis. Results: The findings showed that there was an inverse relationship between quality of life and depression in pregnancy (P = 0.0001). Average scores in all eight domains of quality of life were significantly lower in depressed pregnant women compared to non- depressed women. The strongest relationship was observed between depression and vitality (r =-0.52, P = 0.0001), mental health (r = -0.50, P = 0.001) and social functioning (r =-0.38, P = 0.001). Conclusion: Depressed pregnant women had a lower quality of life. The proper management of depression during pregnancy can improve the quality of life in women. It is recommended that antenatal services integrate screening for depression into routine antenatal care

    The effect of tactile-kinesthetic stimulation on growth indices of healthy neonates

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    Abstract Therapeutic touch is emphasized by healthcare professionals for improvement of neonates' growth and development. However, inconsistencies exist regarding effects and methods of massage in neonates. The purpose of this clinical trial is to assess and comprise intervention and control groups regarding the effects of tactile-kinesthetic stimulation (TKS) by mothers on growth indices of healthy term neonates. Sixty healthy term neonates were randomly assigned into intervention and control groups. Mothers of neonates in the experimental group were trained to perform TKS for their newborns at home before feeding for at least 28 consecutive days, two times a day, and 15 min each time. Neonates in the control group were not required to receive this intervention. The neonates’ growth indices were measured within 24 h after birth, and then at days 14 and 28. During the study and the three consecutive measurements, no significant difference was found between the mean weights, heights, and head circumferences of the neonates in the two groups (p > 0.05). Keywords: Tactile-kinesthetic stimulation Growth indices Neonates Mother's touc

    The Relationship between Sexual Self-Efficacy and Sexual Function in Married Women

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    Background & aim: Sexual self-efficacy refers to the belief of each individual about his/her ability to be sexually active, his/her desirability for sexual partner, and assessment of the ability and self-efficacy in sexual behavior. Sexual relationship is one of the key pillars of a successful family; accordingly, functionality in this domain largely affects marital satisfaction. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between sexual self-efficacy and sexual function among married women. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 201 married women referring to the clinic of Lenjan Hospital, Isfahan in 2017. The study population was selected through convenience sampling. The women scoring below 40 in the Beck Depression Inventory were entered into the study and filled out the questionnaires of sexual self-efficacy and sexual function. The data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 22) using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Results: The mean age of participants was 32±6.70 years, and their mean menarche age was 12±36.1 years. The mean scores of sexual function and sexual self-efficacy were obtained as 26.17±1.44, 21.54±2.70, respectively. The results revealed a positive correlation between sexual self-efficacy and sexual function (r=0.205, P=0.001). Also, sexual self-efficacy showed a significant relationship with some subscales of sexual function, including libido, orgasm, lubrication, and sexual arousal (P≤0.05). Conclusion: Sexual self-efficacy had a positive relationship with some of the subscales of sexual function. Therefore, sexual function in women can be strengthened by the enhancement of their sexual self-efficacy