675 research outputs found

    A note on the existence of positive solutions of singular initial-value problem for second order differential equations

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    We are interested in the existence of positive solutions to initial-value problems for second-order nonlinear singular differential equations. Existence of solutions is proven under conditions which are directly applicable and considerably weaker than previously known conditions

    Analyzing “Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Fourth-Order Boundary Value Problem”

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    We analyze a previous paper by S. T. Mohyud-Din and M. A. Noor (2007) and show the mistakes in it. Then, we demonstrate a more efficient method for solving fourth-order boundary value problems

    A Singular Initial-Value Problem for Second-Order Differential Equations

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    We are interested in the existence of solutions to initial-value problems for second-order nonlinear singular differential equations. We show that the existence of a solution can be explained in terms of a more simple initial-value problem. Local existence and uniqueness of solutions are proven under conditions which are considerably weaker than previously known conditions

    Етнополітична стабільність у етнополітичній системі

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    Асланов С. А. Етнополітична стабільність у етнополітичній системі / С. А. Асланов // Актуальні проблеми політики зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), Л. І. Кормич (заст. голов. ред.), М. А. Польовий (відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ «ОЮА», Південноукр. центр гендер. проблем. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2015. – Вип. 55. – С. 116-123.Позиціоновано етнополітичну систему як комплекс, структуру взаємопов’язаних етнополітичних ролей у етнополітичній сфері буття. Етнополітична система постає і структурується під час взаємодії етнічності з політикою. Беручи участь у політиці, етнічні спільноти конкурують між собою за встановлення певних преференцій, цим самим вносячи дестабілізацію в етнополітичну систему

    Assestment of the optimal quality level of engineering products in Azerbaijan

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    Some aspects of determining of dynamics of the optimal technological level of quality level engineering products are considered. It is established that the optimal quality level is constantly changing due to the systematic increasing requirements of consumers and continuous improvement processes. The dynamics of the optimal technological level of production quality and nature of the change of various kinds of quality levels is defined. It is specified that the optimum quality level expresses the degree of compliance of product to the specific needs. It is approved that improvement of the quality is reasonable only at the optimum quality level of the product to be achieved under optimum performance

    Dust storms, dust transfer and depositions in the southern Aral Sea region

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    Land surfaces poor in vegetation coverage and dried out soils are accelerating factors of sand and dust transport. Dust transport also has considerable impact on the human society if highly populated regions are on the transport pathway or sink areas as dust transport can bring pollutants into residence areas. The quantitative prediction of dust storms is impossible unless the entire dust cycle, consisting of dust emission, transport and deposition, can be correctly assessed. In recent years, dust emission schemes have been developed that account reasonably well for the impacts of atmospheric forcing and land-surface properties on dust emission. The Aral Sea disaster has been caused by the overexploitation of the water and land resources and is related to problems of polluted surface and ground water bodies, the loss of agricultural productivity and biodiversity, the regional climate change and also the human health, especially within the disaster zone. Major consequences of the Aral Sea shrinkage, apart from the decrease of its water volume and area, an increase of the water salinity and a modification of the salinity pattern is the formation of a vast saline desert with the area of almost 3.6 mln ha on the exposed seabed. The main factors of dust storm occurrences are the frequency of strong winds and availability of source material in dust emission sites. During the last decades the total area of dust emission sites in the Aral Sea region increased significantly because of the shrinking of the Aral Sea and consequent drying of its exposed bottom and deltaic areas of Amudarya and Syrdarya Rivers

    A literatura como motor da modernização da língua hebraica

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    Resumo: Neste artigo, pretendo pesquisar o processo da renascença do hebraico literário a partir da segunda metade do século XIX. Essa renascença se insere no marco de um conflito entre as tendências conservadoras e as renovadoras dentro da cultura judaica. Paradoxalmente, os reformadoresda língua, que transformaram-na num meio de comunicação moderno, costumavam recorrer às camadas mais antigas dohebraico, enquanto os judeus tradicionalistas viam na língua um conjunto intemporal. Procurarei demonstrar que esse vínculo paradoxal do hebraico modernizado com as camadas mais antigas da língua é parte de uma dinâmica mais ampla que reflete a própria essência da revolução cultural sionista, especialmente em relação à cultura religiosa tradicional. Através dos escritos de Mendele Mocher Sefarim, Bialik e Agnon, focalizarei as metamorfoses do discurso literário hebraico, anterioriarmente oun paralelamente à renascença do hebraico falado. Literature as an impeller for the modernization of Hebrew - Abstract: In this article I deal with the process of renewal of literary Hebrew since the second half of the 19th century.This renewal is part of the protracted conflict between the conservative tendencies and the innovative ones within Jewish culture. Paradoxically, the reformers of the Hebrew language, who transformed it into a modern medium of communication, usually resorted to the most ancient layers of Hebrew whereas traditionalist Jews considered Hebrew an intemporal complex. My objective is to show that the paradoxical link of modernized Hebrew with the most ancient layers of the language reflects a broader tendency that isconstitutive of the cultural revolution initiated by Zionism, especially as far as its relationship with traditional religious culture is concerned. Through the example provided by Mendele Mocher Sefarim, Bialik and Agnon, I will focus on the metamorphoses of Hebrew literary discourse before or parallelly to the rebirth of spoken Hebrew