242 research outputs found

    Cerebral microbleeds: a marker of vascular brain disease

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    Cerebral microbleeds: a marker of vascular brain disease

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    Islamic banking and its main contradictions

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    RESUMEN: En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se analiza la banca islámica con el fin de comprobar si realmente cumple el rol de alternativa a la banca convencional. Para ello, se contextualiza la banca islámica en su marco histórico y filosófico. Posteriormente, se divide el trabajo en dos partes. En la primera, se presenta la banca islámica, sus principios de fundamento y productos más importantes, exponiendo el crecimiento de estos productos en los últimos años. Esta parte, tiene como objetivo acercar la banca islámica al lector y delimitar cómo debería ser en la práctica. En la segunda parte, se estudia de una manera crítica el funcionamiento real de la banca islámica evidenciando las contradicciones que ésta contiene.ABSTRACT: In this Final Degree Project, Islamic banking is analyzed in order to verify if it really fulfills the role of an alternative to conventional banking. To do this, Islamic banking is contextualized in its historical and philosophical framework. Subsequently, the work is divided into two parts. In the first, the fundamental principles and most important products of islamic banking are presented, exposing the growth of these products in recent years. This part aims to intimite the reader with islamic banking and define how it should really carried out in practice. In the second part, the true application and fuction of the Islamic banking is analyzed critically, exposing the contradictions that it contains.Grado en Economí

    Calculation of cosmological parameters using the MCMC methods of the 2018 Planck data

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo del trabajo es analizar y comprender los resultados obtenidos a través del modelo de Concordancia de la misión de Planck del año 2018 para aprender el procedimiento que se utilizó para lograr los parámetros cosmológicos. Además, se pretende entender la formación del fondo cósmico de microondas, los tipos de distorsión del mismo y la forma de tratar los datos recopilados por la misión Planck mediante el método Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Para llevar a cabo este objetivo, se estudiaron determinados parámetros cosmológicos mostrados por la misión Planck. Estos parámetros son los siguientes: la densidad bariónica Ωbh², la densidad de materia oscura fría Ωch², la profundidad óptica de reionización Treio, la densidad de materia Ωm, el neperiano de la amplitud del espectro escalar ln (10¹⁰As), el índice escalar ns, el tamaño angular del horizonte de sonido en la recombinación θMC y el parámetro de Hubble H₀. Los programas utilizados fueron el código CAMB y el muestreador MCMC de Cobaya. Se han obtenido los espectros angulares teóricos del CMB para comprobar la similitud con los espectros presentados por la misión Planck. Los resultados obtenidos tienen una similitud muy alta debido a que se utilizó el mismo procedimiento pero entendiendo las técnicas utilizadas.ABSTRACT: The objective of the paper is to analyse and understand the results obtained through the Planck Mission Concordance model of 2018 in order to learn the procedure that was used to achieve the cosmological parameters. Furthermore, the aim is to understand the formation of the cosmic microwave background, the types of distortion of the cosmic microwave background, and how to treat the data collected by the Planck mission using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. To carry out this objective, certain cosmological parameters were studied shown by the Planck mission, these parameters are the baryonic density Ωbh², the cold dark matter density Ωch², the optical depth of reionisation Treio, the matter density Ωm, the neperian of the amplitude of the scalar spectrum ln (10¹⁰As), the scalar index ns, the angular size of the sound horizon at recombination θMC and the Hubble parameter H0. The programs used were the CAMB code and the Cobaya’s MCMC sampler. The teorical angular spectra of the CMB were obtained to check the similarity with the spectra presented by the Planck mission. The results shown in the project expose the comparisons between the Planck mission and the results obtained by using the above mentioned programs, achieving a very high similarity due to the fact that the same procedure was used but understanding the techniques used.Grado en Físic

    Difficultés De Transport International De Marchandises: Proposition D’un Cadre D’étude; Cas Du Maroc

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    This paper focuses on developing an approach that identifies the problems of the international freight transport in Morocco. It also arranges these problems in order to have a reliable and detailed picture of the transport state. This problem was developed by approaching, in the first place, the importance and the role of the freight transport sector in Morocco. This sector, in addition to its vital importance for the economy, is of great social significance. In the second place, we deployed the quality management tools (the Ishikawa diagram and QQQOQCP tool) in order to identify, through literature, the problems of the international freight transport and understand the fundamentals of each difficulty. This analysis was corroborated by surveys that gathered information, reformulated dissatisfaction, and discerned weaknesses of the transport. In the last place and in order to prioritize the difficulties identified, we used the affinity diagram which allowed to model and group with clarity all the problems detected

    Clopidogrel use is associated with an increased prevalence of cerebral microbleeds in a stroke-free population: the Rotterdam study.

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    Although clopidogrel reduces the incidence of atherothrombotic events, its use is associated with an increased risk of major bleeding. Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are indicative of subclinical microangiopathy in the brain and may prelude symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage. We examined the association between use of clopidogrel and CMBs in persons without a history of stroke. We performed a cross-sectional analysis using data from the Rotterdam Study, a prospective population-based cohort of persons aged 45 years and older. Among 4408 stroke-free individuals who underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of CMBs, we identified 121 ever-users and 4287 never-users of clopidogrel before magnetic resonance imaging. We used multiple logistic regression to analyze the association between clopidogrel and CMBs with adjustment for age, sex, cardiovascular risk factors, and common cardiovascular medication. Users of clopidogrel had a higher prevalence of CMBs (odd ratio 1.55, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.37) than nonusers and more often had a high number (> 4) of CMBs (odds ratio 3.19, 95% CI 1.52 to 6.72). Clopidogrel use was associated with a significantly higher prevalence of deep or infratentorial CMBs (odd ratio 1.90, 95% CI 1.05 to 3.45). Among clopidogrel users, we were unable to demonstrate differences in the prevalence of CMBs by indication of prescription, history of coronary heart disease, or common genetic variants in CYP2C19. In stroke-free individuals, clopidogrel use was associated with a higher prevalence and higher number of CMBs. Whether this association is causal requires confirmation in prospective studies, especially given the small number of participants taking clopidogrel and the possibil


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    Management of symptoms and prevention of life-threatening hemorrhage in immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) must be balanced against adverse effects of therapies. Because current treatment guidelines based on platelet count are confounded by variable bleeding phenotypes, there is a need to identify new objective markers of disease severity for treatment stratification. In this cross-sectional prospective study of 49 patients with ITP and nadir platelet counts <30 × 109/L and 18 aged-matched healthy controls, we used susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to detect cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) as a marker of occult hemorrhage. CMBs were detected using a semiautomated method and correlated with clinical metadata using multivariate regression analysis. No CMBs were detected in health controls. In contrast, lobar CMBs were identified in 43% (21 of 49) of patients with ITP; prevalence increased with decreasing nadir platelet count (0/4, ≥15 × 109/L; 2/9, 10-14 × 109/L; 4/11, 5-9 × 109/L; 15/25 <5 × 109/L) and was associated with longer disease duration (P = 7 × 10−6), lower nadir platelet count (P = .005), lower platelet count at time of neuroimaging (P = .029), and higher organ bleeding scores (P = .028). Mucosal and skin bleeding scores, number of previous treatments, age, and sex were not associated with CMBs. Occult cerebral microhemorrhage is common in patients with moderate to severe ITP. Strong associations with ITP duration may reflect CMB accrual over time or more refractory disease. Further longitudinal studies in children and adults will allow greater understanding of the natural history and clinical and prognostic significance of CMBs

    Genetic loci for serum lipid fractions and intracerebral hemorrhage

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    Background: Serum total cholesterol and its fractions are inversely associated with intracerebral hemorrhages (ICH) and their potential subclinical precursor, cerebral microbleeds. To ascertain whether there is a genetic basis for this inverse association, we studied established genetic loci for serum total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides in their association with ICH and microbleeds. Methods: Data on 161 genetic variants for serum lipids was collected in 9011 stroke-free participants (mean age 65.8, SD 10.2; 57.9% women) of the population-based Rotterdam Study. Participants were followed from baseline (1997-2005) up to 2013 for the occurrence of ICH. A subset of 4179 participants underwent brain MRI for microbleed assessment between 2005 and 2011. We computed genetic risk scores (GRS) for the joint effect of lipid variants. Cox proportional hazards and logistic regression models were used to investigate the association of GRS of lipid fractions with ICH and microbleeds. Results: After a mean follow-up of 8.7 (SD 4.1) years, 67 (0.7%) participants s