118 research outputs found

    Will of the living dead-The case for a backward-looking welfare function

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    Many people have preferences over choices taking place after their lifetime. I show that a backwardlooking welfare function, keeping preferences of the dead alive, is Pareto-improving and can be sustained as a subgame-perfect equilibrium of the intergenerational game. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Global Externalities, Local Policies, and Firm Selection

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    How to fight global problems with local tools? When only firms know what externality-producing activities can be relocated, policies shape the location distribution of firm types with different social values. We find that, because of this selection effect, the optimal local policies confront firms' mobility with elevated corrective externality prices, in contrast with the common remedies for the relocation risk. Our mechanism incentivizes also moving firms to limit the externality, and it influences strategically the distribution of moving firms that comply with policies elsewhere. The magnitude of these effects is illustrated by a quantification for the key sectors in the European Union emissions trading system.Peer reviewe

    ”Kristus Jesus vår Frälsare” : Kristus och hans verk hos Ignatius av Antiokia

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    I den här avhandlingen undersöker jag hur Ignatius av Antiokia framställer Jesus Kristus och hans verk (människoblivande, lidande, död och uppståndelse) i sina brev. Min hypotes är att en kristologi där både Kristi gudomlighet och mänsklighet bekänns, samt Kristi verk har stor betydelse för Ignatius teologi. För att pröva hypotesen ställer jag följande forskningsfrågor: Hur framställs Jesus Kristus och hans verk av Ignatius? Samt, vad är dess roll i relation till brevens huvudteman? I avhandlingen konstateras fyra huvudteman i breven: uppmaning till enhet, uppmaning till att underordna sig biskopen och andra ämbetsbärare, varning för falsk lära i form av doketism och judiska seder, samt strävan att nå Gud genom döden. Min analys av breven visar att Ignatius betonar både gudomligheten och mänskligheten hos Jesus Kristus. Samtidigt som han kallas Gud har han enligt Ignatius verkligen fötts, lidit, dött och uppstått. Vidare ses hans död och uppståndelse som central, Kristus gjorde det ”för oss”. Genom tron på detta har människan evigt liv och undkommer döden. Genom min analys av brevens huvudteman framkommer det att kristologi och Kristi verk har stor betydelse för argumentationen. För alla fyra huvudteman använder Ignatius på ett eller annat sätt Kristus och hans verk. Antingen framställs han som förebild och exempel eller som orsak till det som Ignatius skriver. Min slutsats är därför att hypotesen som prövas i avhandlingen är korrekt

    Disturbing bodies – reimagining comforting narratives of embodiment through feminist disability studies

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    The world responds to us because of our embodied selves, and we respond to the world through our embodiedness. Some bodies are admired, some are rejected. Some are perceived as normal, some as abnormal. Hence, bodily differences are not neutral facts. In society there are normative standards of embodiment that people ought to live up to, and anyone who does not is stared at, ignored, feared, or in various ways marginalized through oppressive practices. These practices are legitimated by dominant systems of representation and by cultural narratives that shape the material world, inform human relations, and shape our sense of who we are. This article discusses and challenges the dominant cultural narrative – the normalcy narrative – that makes the able-bodied, rational, male subject the normative standard in society. From a feminist disability perspective, narratives of embodiment are rethought, reimagined, and re-conceptualized

    Promoting active transport through health information: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

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    The negative health impacts of passive transport can be substantial both from the individual point of view and with respect to public spending on health. We run a field experiment to study the effectiveness of information in encouraging active transport choices. The treatment is carried out using a smartphone application that automatically tracks users’ daily transport choices. We find that the treatment group receives and internalizes the information, but we do not find a statistically significant effect on their travel behavior.nonPeerReviewe

    Screening green innovation through carbon pricing

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    Green innovation is essential for climate change mitigation, but not all innovative projects deliver equal social value. We consider innovator heterogeneity in a model where the policy maker cannot observe innovation quality and directly subsidize the socially most valuable green innovations. We find that carbon pricing works as an innovation screening device; this creates a premium on the optimal carbon price, raising it above the Pigouvian level. We identify conditions for perfect screening and generalize results to screening policies under alternative intellectual property regimes and complementary policies

    Іноземний інвестиційний капітал як каталізатор економічної активності

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    This summary report reviews the findings of BalticSTERN, an international research network conducting economic analysis of the ongoing and prospective efforts to reduce eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. The network has undertaken surveys exploring the benefits to be realized by citizens of countries on the Baltic from improved water quality and estimated cost-effective combinations of nutrient abatement measures which would fulfil the targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP). The cost-benefit analysis reported here evaluated the long-term net benefits and ecological consequences of the BSAP. The results indicate that the overall benefits of pursuing the proposed nutrient reductions clearly outweigh their aggregate cost, suggesting that the BSAP is an economically sound plan for solving the transboundary eutrophication problem. The cost of inaction - not implementing the objectives of the BSAP - would be significant. The research tools developed in BalticSTERN may aid decision making and inform processes related to the planning, design and evaluation of future international and national water management plans and policies for the Baltic Sea.BalticSTER