388 research outputs found
Unsicherheiten in der MMR-Impfstoffversorgung Schweiz : Prognose der Impfstoffnachfrage als entscheidungspolitisches Instrument
In jĂŒngster Vergangenheit wurden in der Schweiz hĂ€ufiger VersorgungsengpĂ€sse bei Impfstoffen festgestellt. Ursachen der LieferengpĂ€sse sind in der Produktion und der Nachfrage von Impfstoffen zu finden. Akkurate SchĂ€tzungen zum zukĂŒnftigen Impfstoffbedarf können Unsicherheiten in der Impfstoffversorgung mindern. Der MMR-Impfstoff zur Immunisierung gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln ist aufgrund der vergleichsweise tiefen Impfquote und hoher Inzidenzrate aktuell von besonderem Interesse.
Diese Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, die zukĂŒnftige Entwicklung der MMR-Impfquote, der Impfnachfrage, sowie den Impfstoffbedarf abzuschĂ€tzen. Die Quantifizierung der nachfrageseitigen Unsicherheiten in der MMR-Impfstoffversorgung, ermöglicht Empfehlungen zur Höhe des erforderlichen Reservebestands abzugeben.
Die qualitative Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstandes zu Einflussfaktoren, welche die MMR-Impfentscheidung determinieren, wurde mittels einer geeigneten Literaturstrategie vorgenommen. Daten des Swiss National Vaccination Coverage Survey bildeten die Grundlage zur quantitativen Analyse der Impfquote. Die Prognose der MMR-Impfquote bei 2-, 8- und 16-JĂ€hrigen wurde jeweils anhand eines Linear-Log-Modells und einer logistischen Regression durchgefĂŒhrt, wobei sich die logistische Regression als Hauptmodell bewĂ€hrte. Neben der MMR-Impfquotenprognose wurde die Impfstoffnachfrage basierend auf Bevölkerungsszenarien des Bundesamtes fĂŒr Statistik berechnet. Die Höhe des Reservebestands wurde ĂŒber die Prognosefehler der MMRImpfstoffnachfrage bestimmt um den Bedarf an Impfstoffen zu quantifizieren
Antizipieren von steuerlichen Einkommensentwicklungen oder blinde Achterbahnfahrt? : Ăberblick ĂŒber die steuerlichen EinnahmeschĂ€tzungsmethoden und deren empirischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Kanton ZĂŒrich
Die Prognose von Steuereinkommen hat fĂŒr Verwaltungen im Rahmen des Budgetierungsprozesses eine grosse wirtschaftliche Relevanz. Die Schuldenbremse, welche 2003 eingefĂŒhrt wurde, bindet seither den Ausgabespielraum der Verwaltungen auch gesetzlich an die Steuereinnahmen. Trotz einer generellen Verbesserung der Steuerprognosen fallen die Prognosefehler im Kanton ZĂŒrich in Jahren mit vielen strukturellen VerĂ€nderungen sehr hoch aus. Prognosemodelle versuchen durch den Einbezug von Indikatoren diese VerĂ€nderungen zu berĂŒcksichtigen, mit dem Ziel die Prognosefehler auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren.
Diese Bachelorarbeit stellt quantitative und qualitative Methoden in der Theorie vor und prĂŒft deren Anwendbarkeit auf den Kanton ZĂŒrich. Die Anwendung der quantitativen, auf mathematischer Grundlage basierenden Methoden bezieht sich auf den elastizitĂ€ts-, steuersatz- und modellbasierten Ansatz. Die Expertenprognose, Consensus- und Delphi-Methode sind die behandelten qualitativen Prognosemethoden. Die Anwendbarkeit der Modelle wurde fĂŒr die Prognose der Einkommens-, Vermögens-, Gewinn- und KapitalsteuerertrĂ€ge geprĂŒft und analysiert.
Die statistischen Auswertungen der quantitativen Methoden ermöglichen die Analyse und Vergleichbarkeit der Methoden. Die Vergleichbarkeit der PrognosequalitĂ€t erfolgte durch eine Prognose auf das Jahr 2015. Die Beurteilung der qualitativen Methoden resultiert durch den empirischen Beizug der Theorie und Studien. Mittels theorie- und studienbasierter Grundlage kann dem Kanton ZĂŒrich eine Handlungsempfehlung in der Anwendung eines qualitativen Prognoseprozesses gemacht werden.
Die Anwendung der quantitativen Methoden zeigt, dass der elastizitĂ€ts- und steuersatzbasierte Ansatz eine hohe PrognosequalitĂ€t erreichen konnte. Dies ist auf eine hohe Korrelation der meisten Steuerertragsarten zur verwendeten Steuerbasis zurĂŒck zufĂŒhren. Der modellbasierte Ansatz, welcher die SteuerertrĂ€ge mit dem geschĂ€tzten kantonalen Bruttoinlandprodukt (BIP) prognostizierte, zeigte fĂŒr die Vermögens- und KapitalertrĂ€ge eine hohe Korrelation. Einen Effekt auf die Steuerertragsprognose hat neben der Korrelation auch die PrognosequalitĂ€t der Steuerbasis. Das kantonale BIP als Steuerbasis hat den Nachteil, dass eine Vielzahl an EinflĂŒssen die PrognosequalitĂ€t mindert. Die Prognosefehler fallen dadurch höher aus, wodurch die SteuerertrĂ€ge schlechter geschĂ€tzt werden können. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass mit dem steuerbaren Einkommen, Vermögen, Kapital und Ertrag geringere Prognosefehler resultieren, weshalb diese Steuerbasen zu bevorzugen sind.
Eine Einbindung quantitativer Methoden in einen qualitativen Prognoseprozess findet schon heute beim Kanton ZĂŒrich statt. Der qualitative Aspekt des Prozesses, also die Einbeziehung von Expertenmeinungen, hat ebenfalls eine Auswirkung auf die PrognosequalitĂ€t. Um eine hohe PrognosequalitĂ€t sicherzustellen, muss dabei die Beeinflussung der Experten untereinander vermieden, die Konsensgenerierung aber gefördert werden
Efficiency Optimization of a Hydrostatic System Using an Intermediate Pressure Line
The paper introduces a new hydraulic system based on a constant pressure system with the aim to increase the efficiency of actuation of hydraulic cylinders in mobile machines. Using a third pressure level located between high pressure and tank pressure called intermediate pressure the system enables additional pressure potentials from high pressure to intermediate pressure and from intermediate pressure to tank pressure. This reduces throttle losses at hydraulic cylinders when driven at low or medium loads. An accumulator connected to the intermediate pressure line is being charged or discharged in function of which pressure potential is currently used. Using the example of a typical duty cycle of a wheel loader the paper describes how the accumulator can be applied in order to reach best efficiency results for the new system. A simulation shows that the demand of hydraulic energy of the new system is 13% lower than of a conventional Load Sensing system
Resonance : Is it a scalar glueball ?
The ratios of partial widths for the decay of a glueball into two
pseudoscalar mesons are calculated under the assumption that the production of
light quark pairs () in soft gluon-\-induced reactions
goes on within universal symmetry breaking. Parameter of the violation of
flavour symmetry is fixed by the central hadron production data in high energy
hadron collisions and/or by the ratios of radiative decay amplitudes and . The ratios of coupling constants which are calculated with this parameter coincide
reasonably with those of , supporting an idea about glueball nature
of .Comment: LaTex, 8 pages, 2 .eps figures in one uuencoded file, uses epsfi
Instanton Effects in the Decay of Scalar Mesons
We show that instanton effects may play a crucial role in the decay of scalar
mesons into two pseudoscalars. Particularly the branching ratios of two meson
decays of the , which is considered as a glue-ball candidate, are
then compatible with an ordinary -structure of this resonance and a
small positive SU(3) mixing angle, close to a result recently calculated with
the same instanton-induced force.Comment: 9 pages, uuencoded latex including two figure
Deterministic Control Strategy for a Hybrid Hydraulic System with Intermediate Pressure Line
The paper introduces a new hydraulic system for mobile machines based on a constant pressure system with the aim to increase the efficiency of actuation of hydraulic cylinders. Using a third pressure level located between high pressure and tank pressure called intermediate pressure the system enables additional pressure potentials from high pressure to intermediate pressure and from intermediate pressure to tank pressure. This reduces throttle losses at hydraulic cylinders when driven at low or medium loads. An accumulator connected to the intermediate pressure line is being charged or discharged in function of which pressure potential is currently used.
Due to the discrete pressure potentials of the system a control strategy is required which reduces throttle losses at the proportional valves and allows maximum recuperation of potential energy. Best results can be obtained if the future loads on the cylinders are predictable. For this reason a Model Predictive Control (MPC) was developed for a wheel loader which was used as a reference system. By using its specific geometric properties the MPC allows a precise load prediction as a function of the piston’s position. Using the criteria of Bellman, an analytic online calculation of the optimum sequence of pressure potentials and their durations for one complete cylinder stroke can be effectuated using Dynamic Programming. This leads to a deterministic algorithm which is easy to handle and which can be implemented into an online control loop of the wheel loader. The paper furthermore shows how an optimal switching sequence and the optimal accumulator parameters can be found offline using multi objective optimization and closes with simulation results showing an increase of efficiency of 13% compared to a LS system at the example of a typical duty cycle of a wheel loader
Characterizing Online Vandalism: A Rational Choice Perspective
What factors influence the decision to vandalize? Although the harm is clear,
the benefit to the vandal is less clear. In many cases, the thing being damaged
may itself be something the vandal uses or enjoys. Vandalism holds
communicative value: perhaps to the vandal themselves, to some audience at whom
the vandalism is aimed, and to the general public. Viewing vandals as rational
community participants despite their antinormative behavior offers the
possibility of engaging with or countering their choices in novel ways.
Rational choice theory (RCT) as applied in value expectancy theory (VET) offers
a strategy for characterizing behaviors in a framework of rational choices, and
begins with the supposition that subject to some weighting of personal
preferences and constraints, individuals maximize their own utility by
committing acts of vandalism. This study applies the framework of RCT and VET
to gain insight into vandals' preferences and constraints. Using a
mixed-methods analysis of Wikipedia, I combine social computing and
criminological perspectives on vandalism to propose an ontology of vandalism
for online content communities. I use this ontology to categorize 141 instances
of vandalism and find that the character of vandalistic acts varies by vandals'
relative identifiability, policy history with Wikipedia, and the effort
required to vandalize
Side effects by oral application of atmospheric pressure plasma on the mucosa in mice
Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) has been investigated with promising results for peri-implant diseases treatment. However, prior to in-vivo applications of CAP sources in humans, short-term harmful mucosal damage or other unwanted side effects have to be reviewed. 180 male mice (B6C3F1) were divided into twelve treatment groups (n = 15). The right buccal cheek mucosa was treated with CAP. The first and second group each received continuous 10 sec irradiation with 2 different plasma sources (kINPen09, PS-MWM). The third group was treated with the kINPen09 for one minute. Control groups were treated with a corresponding dose of ultraviolet light for 8 seconds or 48 seconds and the other one was left untreated. The animals were weighed before and after treatment. The animals were sacrificed one day or one week after exposure. Stained tissue samples were histologically examined for tissue damage independently by two experienced pathologists. One day after CAP treatment histological analysis showed focal mucosal erosion with superficial ulceration and necrosis accompanied by a mild inflammatory reaction. One week after CAP treatment, the mucosal defects were completely re-epithelialized, associated with remnants of granulation tissue in the stroma irrespective of treatment duration. Furthermore, no cytological atypia was found and no severe weight loss occurred. The control groups did not show any alterations at all. CAP treatment led to a superficial mucosal damage that healed within few days. Nonetheless, further long-term experiments are necessary to exclude undesirable side effects after longer observation time. Particularly, potential carcinogenic effects must be ruled out prior to the application of CAP treatment in daily dental practice
Stellar Rotation in Young Clusters. II. Evolution of Stellar Rotation and Surface Helium Abundance
We derive the effective temperatures and gravities of 461 OB stars in 19
young clusters by fitting the H-gamma profile in their spectra. We use
synthetic model profiles for rotating stars to develop a method to estimate the
polar gravity for these stars, which we argue is a useful indicator of their
evolutionary status. We combine these results with projected rotational
velocity measurements obtained in a previous paper on these same open clusters.
We find that the more massive B-stars experience a spin down as predicted by
the theories for the evolution of rotating stars. Furthermore, we find that the
members of binary stars also experience a marked spin down with advanced
evolutionary state due to tidal interactions. We also derive non-LTE-corrected
helium abundances for most of the sample by fitting the He I 4026, 4387, 4471
lines. A large number of helium peculiar stars are found among cooler stars
with Teff < 23000 K. The analysis of the high mass stars (8.5 solar masses < M
< 16 solar masses) shows that the helium enrichment process progresses through
the main sequence (MS) phase and is greater among the faster rotators. This
discovery supports the theoretical claim that rotationally induced internal
mixing is the main cause of surface chemical anomalies that appear during the
MS phase. The lower mass stars appear to have slower rotation rates among the
low gravity objects, and they have a large proportion of helium peculiar stars.
We suggest that both properties are due to their youth. The low gravity stars
are probably pre-main sequence objects that will spin up as they contract.
These young objects very likely host a remnant magnetic field from their natal
cloud, and these strong fields sculpt out surface regions with unusual chemical
abundances.Comment: 50 pages 18 figures, accepted by Ap
The importance of biofilm formation for cultivation of a Micrarchaeon and its interactions with its Thermoplasmatales host
Micrarchaeota is a distinctive lineage assigned to the DPANN archaea, which includes poorly characterised microorganisms with reduced genomes that likely depend on interactions with hosts for growth and survival. Here, we report the enrichment of a stable co-culture of a member of the Micrarchaeota (Ca. Micrarchaeum harzensis) together with its Thermoplasmatales host (Ca. Scheffleriplasma hospitalis), as well as the isolation of the latter. We show that symbiont-host interactions depend on biofilm formation as evidenced by growth experiments, comparative transcriptomic analyses and electron microscopy. In addition, genomic, metabolomic, extracellular polymeric substances and lipid content analyses indicate that the Micrarchaeon symbiont relies on the acquisition of metabolites from its host. Our study of the cell biology and physiology of a Micrarchaeon and its host adds to our limited knowledge of archaeal symbioses
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