192 research outputs found

    Dust Emission from Herbig Ae/Be stars - Evidence for Disks and Envelopes

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    IR and mm-wave emission from Herbig Ae/Be stars has produced conflicting conclusions regarding the dust geometry in these objects. We show that the compact dimensions of the mm-wave emitting regions are a decisive indication for disks. But a disk cannot explain the spectral energy distribution (SED) unless it is embedded in an extended envelope that (1) dominates the IR emission and (2) provides additional disk heating on top of the direct stellar radiation. Detailed radiative transfer calculations based on the simplest model for envelope-embedded disks successfully fit the data from UV to mm wavelengths and show that the disks have central holes. This model also resolves naturally some puzzling results of IR imaging.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. accepted to ApJ

    Color Transformations for the 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release

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    Transformation equations are presented to convert colors and magnitudes measured in the AAO, ARNICA, CIT, DENIS, ESO, LCO (Persson standards), MSSSO, SAAO, and UKIRT photometric systems to the photometric system inherent to the 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release. The transformations have been derived by comparing 2MASS photometry with published magnitudes and colors for stars observed in these systems. Transformation equations have also been derived indirectly for the Bessell & Brett (1988) and Koornneef (1983) homogenized photometric systems.Comment: To appear in AJ, May 200

    The Vega Debris Disk -- A Surprise from Spitzer

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    We present high spatial resolution mid- and far-infrared images of the Vega debris disk obtained with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS). The disk is well resolved and its angular size is much larger than found previously. The radius of the disk is at least 43" (330 AU), 70"(543 AU), and 105" (815 AU) in extent at 24, 70 and 160 um, respectively. The disk images are circular, smooth and without clumpiness at all three wavelengths. The radial surface brightness profiles imply an inner boundary at a radius of 11"+/-2" (86 AU). Assuming an amalgam of amorphous silicate and carbonaceous grains, the disk can be modeled as an axially symmetric and geometrically thin disk, viewed face-on, with the surface particle number density following an r^-1 power law. The disk radiometric properties are consistent with a range of models using grains of sizes ~1 to ~50 um. We find that a ring, containing grains larger than 180 um and at radii of 86-200 AU from the star, can reproduce the observed 850 um flux, while its emission does not violate the observed MIPS profiles. This ring could be associated with a population of larger asteroidal bodies analogous to our own Kuiper Belt. Cascades of collisions starting with encounters amongthese large bodies in the ring produce the small debris that is blown outward by radiation pressure to much larger distances where we detect its thermal emission. The dust production rate is >~10^15 g/s based on the MIPS results. This rate would require a very massive asteroidal reservoir for the dust to be produced in a steady state throughout Vega's life. Instead, we suggest that the disk we imaged is ephemeral and that we are witnessing the aftermath of a large and relatively recent collisional event, and subsequent collisional cascade.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. (Figures 2, 3a, 3b and 4 have been degraded to lower resolutions.

    The Rest Frame Optical Spectra of Lyman Break Galaxies: Star Formation, Extinction, Abundances, and Kinematics

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    We present the first results of a spectroscopic survey of Lyman break galaxies in the near-infrared aimed at detecting the emission lines of [O II], [O III], and Hbeta from the H II regions of star forming galaxies at z = 3. From observations of 19 objects with the Keck and VLT telescopes, we reach the following main conclusions. Contrary to expectations, the star formation rates deduced from the Hbeta luminosity are on average no larger than those implied by the stellar continuum at 1500 A; presumably any differential extinction between rest-frame optical and UV is small compared with the relative uncertainties in the calibrations of these two star formation tracers. For the galaxies in our sample, the abundance of O can only be determined to within one order of magnitude. Even so, it seems well established that LBGs are the most metal-enriched structures at z = 3, apart from QSOs, with abundances greater than about 1/10 solar. They are also significantly overluminous for their metallicities; this is probably an indication that their mass-to-light ratios are small compared with present-day galaxies. At face value their velocity dispersions, sigma = 50 - 115 km/s imply virial masses of about 10^{10} solar masses within half-light radii of 2.5 kpc. However, we are unable to establish if the widths of the emission lines do reflect the motions of the H II regions within the gravitational potential of the galaxies, even though in two cases we see hints of rotation curves. All 19 LBGs observed show evidence for galactic-scale superwinds; such outflows are important for regulating star formation, distributing metals over large volumes, and allowing Lyman continuum photons to escape and ionize the IGM.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, 13 Postscript Figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 554, No. 2 (Jun 20, 2001

    The Primordial Binary Population - I: A near-infrared adaptive optics search for close visual companions to A star members of Scorpius OB2

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    We present the results of a near-infrared adaptive optics survey with the aim to detect close companions to Hipparcos members in the three subgroups of the nearby OB association Sco OB2: Upper Scorpius (US), Upper Centaurus Lupus (UCL) and Lower Centaurus Crux (LCC). We have targeted 199 A-type and late B-type stars in the Ks band, and a subset also in the J and H band. We find 151 stellar components other than the target stars. A brightness criterion is used to separate these components into 77 background stars and 74 candidate physical companion stars. Out of these 74 candidate companions, 41 have not been reported before (14 in US; 13 in UCL; 14 in LCC). Companion star masses range from 0.1 to 3 Msun. The mass ratio distribution follows f(q) = q^-0.33, which excludes random pairing. No close (rho < 3.75'') companion stars or background stars are found in the magnitude range 12 < Ks < 14. The lack of stars with these properties cannot be explained by low-number statistics, and may imply a lower limit on the companion mass of ~ 0.1 Msun. Close stellar components with Ks > 14 are observed. If these components are very low-mass companion stars, a gap in the companion mass distribution might be present. The small number of close low-mass companion stars could support the embryo-ejection formation scenario for brown dwarfs. Our findings are compared with and complementary to visual, spectroscopic, and astrometric data on binarity in Sco OB2. We find an overall companion star fraction of 0.52 in this association. This paper is the first step toward our goal to derive the primordial binary population in Sco OB2.Comment: 27 pages, to accepted by A&

    Clathrin- and Dynamin-Independent Endocytosis of FGFR3 – Implications for Signalling

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    Endocytosis of tyrosine kinase receptors can influence both the duration and the specificity of the signal emitted. We have investigated the mechanisms of internalization of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) and compared it to that of FGFR1 which is internalized predominantly through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Interestingly, we observed that FGFR3 was internalized at a slower rate than FGFR1 indicating that it may use a different endocytic mechanism than FGFR1. Indeed, after depletion of cells for clathrin, internalization of FGFR3 was only partly inhibited while endocytosis of FGFR1 was almost completely abolished. Similarly, expression of dominant negative mutants of dynamin resulted in partial inhibition of the endocytosis of FGFR3 whereas internalization of FGFR1 was blocked. Interfering with proposed regulators of clathrin-independent endocytosis such as Arf6, flotillin 1 and 2 and Cdc42 did not affect the endocytosis of FGFR1 or FGFR3. Furthermore, depletion of clathrin decreased the degradation of FGFR1 resulting in sustained signalling. In the case of FGFR3, both the degradation and the signalling were only slightly affected by clathrin depletion. The data indicate that clathrin-mediated endocytosis is required for efficient internalization and downregulation of FGFR1 while FGFR3, however, is internalized by both clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent mechanisms

    A GWAS sequence variant for platelet volume marks an alternative DNM3 promoter in megakaryocytes near a MEIS1 binding site

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    We recently identified 68 genomic loci where common sequence variants are associated with platelet count and volume. Platelets are formed in the bone marrow by megakaryocytes, which are derived from hematopoietic stem cells by a process mainly controlled by transcription factors. The homeobox transcription factor MEIS1 is uniquely transcribed in megakaryocytes and not in the other lineage-committed blood cells. By ChIP-seq, we show that 5 of the 68 loci pinpoint a MEIS1 binding event within a group of 252 MK-overexpressed genes. In one such locus in DNM3, regulating platelet volume, the MEIS1 binding site falls within a region acting as an alternative promoter that is solely used in megakaryocytes, where allelic variation dictates different levels of a shorter transcript. The importance of dynamin activity to the latter stages of thrombopoiesis was confirmed by the observation that the inhibitor Dynasore reduced murine proplatelet for-mation in vitro

    On the difference between nuclear and contraction ages

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    Context:Ages derived from the low mass stars still contracting onto the main sequence often differ from ages derived from the high mass ones that have already evolved away from it. Aims:We investigate the general claim of disagreement between these two independent age determinations by presenting UBVRI photometry of the young galactic open clusters NGC 2232, NGC 2516, NGC 2547 and NGC 4755, spanning the age range ~10-150 Myr Methods: We derive reddenings, distances and nuclear ages by fitting ZAMS and isochrones to color-magnitudes and color-color diagrams. To derive contraction ages, we use four different pre-main sequence models, with an empirically calibrated color-temperature relation to match the Pleiades cluster sequence. Results: When using exclusively the V vs. V-I color-magnitude diagram and empirically calibrated isochrones, there is consistency between nuclear and contraction ages for the studied clusters. Although the contraction ages seem systematically underestimated, in none of cases they deviate by more than one standard deviation from the nuclear ages.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication on A&A. Nature of replacement: A&A structured abstrac