266 research outputs found

    Групповая эргатическая совместимость авиационных операторов в процессе эксплуатации авионики

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    Рассмотрены проблемы групповой эргатической совместимости авиационных операторов (пилотов, авиадиспетчеров, технического персонала) и использования технических средств для оценки групповой эргатической совместимости операторов как средства повышения авиационной безопасности за счет более тщательного отбора кандидатов для совместной работы в составе лeтных и космических экипажей.Розглянуто питання проблеми групової ергатичної сумісності авіаційних операторів (пілотів, авіадиспетчерів, технічного персоналу) і використання технічних пристроїв для оцінки групової ергатичної сумісності операторів як засобу підвищення авіаційної безпеки за рахунок більш кращого відбору кандидатів для спільної роботи у складі льотних і космічних екіпажів.We issued the problems of group ergatic aircraft operators (pilots, air traffic controllers, technicians) and the use of technical devices to assess the compatibility of the group ergatic operators as means of improving aviation safety through a better selection of candidates to work together as part of flight and space crews. In this research article to better selection of candidates for collaboration in the space flight crews and the authors propose to use modern computers with appropriate software. This computer complex will answer a number of important issues related to ensuring: compatibility Soames, rational distribution of functions between components ergatic systems, proper interaction with the machine operators as well as each other in normal and special situations professional selection, preparation and training of aviation operators

    Pesticide Use in South Africa: One of the Largest Importers of Pesticides in Africa

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    South Africa is a diverse country, with a diverse environment that is home to more than 49 000 000 people. Pesticide usage is very often necessary to maintain both agricultural productivity as well as human health. The climatic conditions range from semi-tropic to semi-arid regions. Although the majority of the country has summer rainfall, the south western coastal region is predominantly a winter rainfall area. These variations in climate allows for a wide variety of crops, from tropical fruit to maize and tree plantations. Each individual crop is susceptible to a unique host of pests that in-turn require a unique mixture of pesticides to ensure the best resulting turnover. Currently, South Africa has more than 500 registered pesticides (Pesticide Action Network (PAN), 2010) and is one of the four largest importers of pesticides in sub-Saharan Africa (Osbanjo et al., 2002). In 2006 the import of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides that were packaged for retail totalled $ 170 056 000 the main import partners being Australia, China, Germany and the United States of America (USA) (International Trade Centre, 2011). These pesticides are used in almost every facet of our everyday lives; ensuring the quantity and quality of food we eat to managing the number of rodents and insects in our homes. Although it is evident that there is a vast amount of pesticides present in the South African environment, there is very limited data on the production of pesticides. The last published data indicates that in 2002 around 10 000 kℓ of liquid insecticides was produced exclusively for crop protection of which 43% consisted of organophosphates. During the same year 2 800-tonnes of solid insecticides were produced (Statistics South Africa, 2003). Although the usefulness of pesticides cannot be denied, the negative environmental and human health effects cannot be ignored. In South Africa, a number of environmental and anthropogenic factors have to be considered before the impact of large-scale pesticide use can be assessed. South Africa is a water poor country, with water resources being utilised to their maximum capacity. As discussed by Dabrowski et al. (2009), the trade-off between the economic benefits of exporting agricultural products has to be measured against the loss of water, not only through crop irrigation but also through water quality degradation. The article highlighted this aspect through the calculation of virtual water volumes. These calculated volumes indicated that to ensure sufficient dilution of all agrochemicals, to an acceptable water quality level (used in a typical farming situation applying current-use pesticides), was greater than the amount of water needed for irrigation. The seriousness of these scenarios is highlighted in literature where a diverse array of agricultural chemicals has been measured during run-off events, by once-off sampling and by water monitoring during the growing seasons. Detectable levels of atrazine, terbuthylazine, simazine, acetochlor (Du Preez et al., 2005), DDT and its metabolites, endosulfan, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), heptachlor, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, chlordane (Fatoki et al., 2003), azinophos-methyl, chloropyriphos (Schultz et al., 2001; Dabrowski et al., 2002) prothiofos (Schultz, 2001), malathion, zendoxsulfan (Thiere &  Schultz, 2004), cypermethrin and fenvalerate (Bollmohr et al., 2007), to name a few, have all been measured in South African waters. Pesticides in the aquatic environment have the potential to affect all end-users, including both humans and wildlife. South Africa has the distinction of being one of the countries with the most species richness in the world. To date more than 900 bird species as well as over 200 mammals, call South Africa home. Of these mammals, seven species are endangered and 30 are vulnerable according to the 2004 IUCN red data list (IUCN, 2010). These endangered species include bats, moles, shrews and mice that are often insectivorous, thus increasing their risk of unintentional exposure to pesticides. Within avian populations, 11 species are listed as critically endangered and 43 species as vulnerable. The sensitivity of avian species to pollutants has been widely reported. With this unique diversity of species, South Africans have a responsibility towards maintaining the viability of ecosystems and natural habitats to ensure the continued existence of these creatures. This objective is not only morally relevant but also economically relevant especially in a country where tourism creates over 400 000 jobs and contributes approximately 8% to the GDP. Few studies have reported the levels of insecticides in wildlife species. However, pesticides have been detected in wild bird species (Van Wyk et al., 2001; Bouwman et al., 2008), as well as in indigenous fish species (Barnhoorn et al., 2009), indicating pesticide contamination within various habitats. This is of particular concern due to the health risks associated with many pesticides

    Возможность прогнозирования клеточного типа увеальных меланом без использования инвазивных методов диагностики

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    Резюме. С помощью дискриминантного анализа установлена возможность определения клеточного типа меланомы увеального тракта в процессе проведения комбинированного (фотокоагуляция + брахитерапия) лечения. Разработана высокозначимая (l = 0,08; р = 0,002) дискриминантная модель, включающая ряд клинических (степень пигментации, пол, скорость роста меланомы) и иммунологических (количество Т- и В-лимфоцитов, процент Т-хелперов и др.) показателей. Особое место в модели занимают признаки, в наибольшей степени отражающие биологические особенности увеальных меланом различного клеточного состава, а именно — скорость изменения размера опухоли в процессе лечения и изменение показателей клеточного иммунитета. Ключевые слова: увеальная меланома, клеточный тип, клинико-морфологические, иммунологические показатели, дискриминантный анализ.Summary. Application of the discriminant analysis shows that it is possible to define the cell type of melanoma of uveal tract of the eye in the process of combined (photocoagulation + brachytherapy) treatment. A highly reliable (l= 0,08; р = 0,002) discriminant model was elaborated, involving a number of both clinical (pigmentation level, gender, melanoma growth rate) and immunological (number of T and B lymphocytes, T helper rate, etc.) indicators. In this model, especially important are those traits that most pronouncedly reflect the biological peculiarities of uveal melanomas of various cellular compositions, namely — the pace of tumor size growth in the process of treatment and changes in cell immunity indicators. Key Words: uveal melanoma, cell type, clinical and morphological, immunological indicators, discriminant analysis

    The level and distribution of methyl-esters influence the impact of pectin on intestinal T cells, microbiota, and Ahr activation

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    Pectins are dietary fibres that modulate T cell immunity, microbiota composition, and fermentation profiles, but how this is influenced by the degree of methyl-esterification (DM) and degree-of-blockiness (DB) of pectin is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that supplementation of DM19(high-DB), DM49(low-DB) and DM43(high-DB) pectins at a low dose increased the frequencies of intestinal T-helper (Th)1 and Th2 cells after 1 week of pectin supplementation in mice, whereas DM18(low-DB) did not. After 4 weeks of supplementation with those pectins, Th1 and Th2 frequencies returned to control levels, whereas Rorγt+ regulatory T-cell frequencies increased. These structure-dependent effects could derive from induced shifts in microbiota composition that differed between DM18(low-DB) pectin and the other pectins. T-cell-modulating effects were not short-chain-fatty acid-dependent, but rather through an increase in Aryl-hydrocarbon-receptor-activating components. Thus, pectins with a specific combination of DM and DB have an impact on intestinal T cell-immunity in mice, when supplemented at a low dose

    TAB2 deletions and variants cause a highly recognisable syndrome with mitral valve disease, cardiomyopathy, short stature and hypermobility

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    Deletions that include the gene TAB2 and TAB2 loss-of-function variants have previously been associated with congenital heart defects and cardiomyopathy. However, other features, including short stature, facial dysmorphisms, connective tissue abnormalities and a variable degree of developmental delay, have only been mentioned occasionally in literature and thus far not linked to TAB2. In a large-scale, social media-based chromosome 6 study, we observed a shared phenotype in patients with a 6q25.1 deletion that includes TAB2. To confirm if this phenotype is caused by haploinsufficiency of TAB2 and to delineate a TAB2-related phenotype, we subsequently sequenced TAB2 in patients with matching phenotypes and recruited patients with pathogenic TAB2 variants detected by exome sequencing. This identified 11 patients with a deletion containing TAB2 (size 1.68-14.31 Mb) and 14 patients from six families with novel truncating TAB2 variants. Twenty (80%) patients had cardiac disease, often mitral valve defects and/or cardiomyopathy, 18 (72%) had short stature and 18 (72%) had hypermobility. Twenty patients (80%) had facial features suggestive for Noonan syndrome. No substantial phenotypic differences were noted between patients with deletions and those with intragenic variants. We then compared our patients to 45 patients from the literature. All literature patients had cardiac diseases, but syndromic features were reported infrequently. Our study shows that the phenotype in 6q25.1 deletions is caused by haploinsufficiency of TAB2 and that TAB2 is associated not just with cardiac disease, but also with a distinct phenotype, with features overlapping with Noonan syndrome. We propose the name "TAB2-related syndrome"

    Differences in Trial and Real-world Populations in the Dutch Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Registry

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    __Background:__ Trials in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) treatment have shown improved outcomes, including survival. However, as trial populations are selected, results may not be representative for the real-world population. The aim of this study was to assess the differences between patients treated in a clinical trial versus standard care during the course of CRPC in a real-world CRPC population. __Design, setting, and participants:__ Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Registry is a population-based, observational, retrospective registry. CRPC patients from 20 hospitals in the Netherlands have been included from 2010 to 2013. __Outcome measurements and statistical analysis:__ Baseline characteristics, systemic treatment, and overall survival were the main outcomes. Descriptive statistics, multivariate Cox regression, and multiple imputations with the Monte Carlo Markov Chain method were used. __Results and limitations:__ In total, 1524 patients were enrolled of which 203 patients had participated in trials at any time. The median follow-up period was 23 mo. Patients in the trial group were significantly younger and had less comorbidities. Docetaxel treatment was more freque

    What's in a name; Genetic structure in Solanum section Petota studied using population-genetic tools

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    Background - The taxonomy and systematic relationships among species of Solanum section Petota are complicated and the section seems overclassified. Many of the presumed (sub)species from South America are very similar and they are able to exchange genetic material. We applied a population genetic approach to evaluate support for subgroups within this material, using AFLP data. Our approach is based on the following assumptions: (i) accessions that may exchange genetic material can be analyzed as if they are part of one gene pool, and (ii) genetic differentiation among species is expected to be higher than within species. Results - A dataset of 566 South-American accessions (encompassing 89 species and subspecies) was analyzed in two steps. First, with the program STRUCTURE 2.2 in an 'unsupervised' procedure, individual accessions were assigned to inferred clusters based on genetic similarity. The results showed that the South American members of section Petota could be arranged in 16 clusters of various size and composition. Next, the accessions within the clusters were grouped by maximizing the partitioning of genetic diversity among subgroups (i.e., maximizing Fst values) for all available individuals of the accessions (2767 genotypes). This two-step approach produced an optimal partitioning into 44 groups. Some of the species clustered as genetically distinct groups, either on their own, or combined with one or more other species. However, accessions of other species were distributed over more than one cluster, and did not form genetically distinct units. Conclusions - We could not find any support for 43 species (almost half of our dataset). For 28 species some level of support could be found varying from good to weak. For 18 species no conclusions could be drawn as the number of accessions included in our dataset was too low. These molecular data should be combined with data from morphological surveys, with geographical distribution data, and with information from crossing experiments to identify natural units at the species level. However, the data do indicate which taxa or combinations of taxa are clearly supported by a distinct set of molecular marker data, leaving other taxa unsupported. Therefore, the approach taken provides a general method to evaluate the taxonomic system in any species complex for which molecular data are available

    Automated entire thrombus density measurements for robust and comprehensive thrombus characterization in patients with acute ischemic stroke

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    Background and Purpose: In acute ischemic stroke (AIS) management, CT-based thrombus density has been associated with treatment success. However, currently used thrombus measurements are prone to inter-observer variability and oversimplify the heterogeneous thrombus composition. Our aim was first to introduce an automated method to assess the entire thrombus density and then to compare the measured entire thrombus density with respect to current standard manual measurements. Materials and Method: In 135 AIS patients, the density distribution of the entire thrombus was determined. Density distributions were described usingmedians, interquartile ranges (IQR), kurtosis, and skewedness. Differences between themedian of entire thrombusmeasurements and commonly applied manualmeasurements using 3 regions of interest were determined using linear regression. Results: Density distributions varied considerably with medians ranging from 20.0 to 62.8 HU and IQRs ranging from 9.3 to 55.8 HU. The average median of the thrombus density distributions (43.5 ± 10.2 HU) was lower than the manual assessment (49.6 ± 8.0 HU) (p<0.05). The difference between manual measurements and median density of entire thrombus decreased with increasing density (r = 0.64; p<0.05), revealing relatively higher manual measurements for low density thrombi such that manual density measurement tend overestimates the real thrombus density. Conclusions: Automatic measurements of the full thrombus expose a wide variety of thrombi density distribution, which is not grasped with currently used manual measurement. Furthermore, d

    Genetic hitchhiking and resistance evolution to transgenic Bt toxins: insights from the African stalk borer Busseola fusca (Noctuidae)

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    Since transgenic crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins were first released, resistance evolution leading to failure in control of pests populations has been observed in a number of species. Field resistance of the moth Busseola fusca was acknowledged 8 years after Bt maize was introduced in South Africa. Since then, field resistance of this corn borer has been observed at several locations, raising questions about the nature, distribution and dynamics of the resistance trait. Using genetic markers, our study identified four outlier loci clearly associated with resistance. In addition, genetic structure at neutral loci reflected extensive gene flow among populations. A realistically parameterised model suggests that resistance could travel in space at speed of several kilometres a year. Markers at outlier loci delineated a geographic region associated with resistance spread. This was an area of approximately 100 km radius, including the location where resistance was first reported. Controlled crosses corroborated these findings and showed significant differences of progeny survival on Bt plants depending on the origin of the resistant parent. Last, our study suggests diverse resistance mutations, which would explain the widespread occurrence of resistant larvae in Bt fields across the main area of maize production in South Africa

    Health-related physical fitness of adolescents and young adults with myelomeningocele

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    To assess components of health-related physical fitness in adolescents and young adults with myelomeningocele (MMC), and to study relations between aerobic capacity and other health-related physical fitness components. This cross-sectional study included 50 adolescents and young adults with MMC, aged 16–30 years (25 males). Aerobic capacity was quantified by measuring peak oxygen uptake (peakVO2) during a maximal exercise test on a cycle or arm ergometer depending on the main mode of ambulation. Muscle strength of upper and lower extremity muscles was assessed using a hand-held dynamometer. Regarding flexibility, we assessed mobility of hip, knee and ankle joints. Body composition was assessed by measuring thickness of four skin-folds. Relations were studied using linear regression analyses. Average peakVO2 was 1.48 ± 0.52 l/min, 61% of the participants had subnormal muscle strength, 61% had mobility restrictions in at least one joint and average sum of four skin-folds was 74.8 ± 38.8 mm. PeakVO2 was significantly related to gender, ambulatory status and muscle strength, explaining 55% of its variance. Adolescents and young adults with MMC have poor health-related physical fitness. Gender and ambulatory status are important determinants of peakVO2. In addition, we found a small, but significant relationship between peakVO2 and muscle strength