557 research outputs found

    Withdrawal of parenteral phenobarbitone - Implications for resource-poor countries

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    Parenteral phenobarbitone is an integral part of the management of status epilepticus, especially in the context of resource-poor countries. It is highly effective at controlling seizures. It is safe, cheap, can be given by rapid intravenous push or intramuscular route, boluses can be repeated, and it is recommended as part of the Advanced Paediatric Life Support guidelines. The proposed alternatives lack efficacy, practicality and/or place the child in status epilepticus at risk of respiratory compromise. The impact of the loss of parenteral phenobarbitone would be increased cardiac complications, lack of early seizure control, prolonged seizures resulting in brain damage and systemic complications. Increased numbers of patients will require artificial ventilation in centres without facilities, and centres with facilities will be unable to cope with the load of ventilated patients because of lack of safe transport systems and bed space

    Clinical approach to the floppy child

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    Not quite over the rainbow: the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordHeteronormative ideology refers to the belief that there are two separate and opposing genders with associated natural roles that match their assigned sex, and that heterosexuality is a given. It is pervasive and persistent, carrying negative consequences. Because it is embedded in societal institutions and propagated through socialization and other widely-held ideologies, it is prevalent among both cis-hetero and LGBTQI+ individuals. In the current article, we discuss the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology, review some of the social-psychological mechanisms that contribute to its maintenance, and provide directions for future research that could inform efforts to combat it. We argue that threat reactions to non-heteronormative behavior reinforce heteronormative beliefs and that interventions are needed to address both prejudice and its underlying mechanisms

    A South African cerebral palsy registry is needed

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    Technisch rapport fosfaatonderzoek project DOVE-klei

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    In het project Diffuse belasting Oppervlaktewater vanuit de VEehouderij (DOVE) wordt de belasting van het oppervlaktewater en de verliezen via de afzonderlijke transportroutes van grasland op kleigrond gekwantificeerd. Het project wordt uitgevoerd op het melkveehouderijbedrijf 'De Tweesprong' in Waardenburg

    Gender nonconformity leads to identity denial for cisgender and transgender individuals

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    In modern Western cultures, gender is largely viewed as binary, and individuals who challenge the gender/sex binary face discrimination and marginalization. Across three preregistered studies (N = 1,096), we examine gender discrimination against gender-nonconforming people. Studies 1 and 2 show that behavioral and appearance-based gender nonconformity leads to the misgendering of cisgender and transgender women and men. This was true for the gendered perception of these targets and the binary assignment to gender/sex-based spaces and policies (e.g., access to bathrooms or gender/sex-based leadership training). Surprisingly, whether the target was transgender or cisgender did not affect these results. Study 3 replicated findings for transgender targets and showed that adherence to gender stereotypes is seen as a necessity for transgender individuals who want their gender identity recognized by others (e.g., on official documents or through pronoun use).Social decision makin

    Samengestelde, peilgestuurde drainage in Nederland : voortgangsrapport 1

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    Verslag van het eerste uitvoeringsjaar van het project ‘Drainage tegen verdroging en voor een beter milieu; veldonderzoek naar het functioneren van samengestelde peilgestuurde drainage.’ Binnen dit project ligt de proeflocatie Ospel. In dit project willen wij hier configuraties van samengestelde, peilgestuurde drainage systemen vergelijken, en tegelijkertijd effect kwantificeren van ongedraineerd perceel op groeiomstandigheden, verloop van het gehalte aan bodemvocht en de kwaliteit van het ondiepe grondwate

    Withdrawal of parenteral phenobarbitone - implications for resource-poor countries

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    Parenteral phenobarbitone is an integral part of the management of status epilepticus, especially in the context of resource-poor countries. It is highly effective at controlling seizures. It is safe, cheap, can be given by rapid intravenous push or intramuscular route, boluses can be repeated, and it is recommended as part of the Advanced Paediatric Life Support guidelines. The proposed alternatives lack efficacy, practicality and/or place the child in status epilepticus at risk of respiratory compromise. The impact of the loss of parenteral phenobarbitone would be increased cardiac complications, lack of early seizure control, prolonged seizures resulting in brain damage and systemic complications. Increased numbers of patients will require artificial ventilation in centres without facilities, and centres with facilities will be unable to cope with the load of ventilated patients because of lack of safe transport systems and bed space
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