3,260 research outputs found

    Fluency in dialogue: Turn‐taking behavior shapes perceived fluency in native and nonnative speech

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    Fluency is an important part of research on second language learning, but most research on language proficiency typically has not included oral fluency as part of interaction, even though natural communication usually occurs in conversations. The present study considered aspects of turn-taking behavior as part of the construct of fluency and investigated whether these aspects differentially influence perceived fluency ratings of native and non-native speech. Results from two experiments using acoustically manipulated speech showed that, in native speech, too ‘eager’ (interrupting a question with a fast answer) and too ‘reluctant’ answers (answering slowly after a long turn gap) negatively affected fluency ratings. However, in non-native speech, only too ‘reluctant’ answers led to lower fluency ratings. Thus, we demonstrate that acoustic properties of dialogue are perceived as part of fluency. By adding to our current understanding of dialogue fluency, these lab-based findings carry implications for language teaching and assessmen

    River groynes for the future

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    Item does not contain fulltextNCR-days, 15 november 200

    Латинська Америка в дослідженнях російських етнографів за останні тридцять років

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    Статья посвящена истории исследований в области латиноамериканистики российскими и советскими учёными на примере научной деятельности сотрудников Института этнографии им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая АН СССР (московское и ленинградское отделения).The article is dedicated to the Latin American researches provided by the Russian and Soviet scientists illustrated with the scientific activities of the representatives of the Soviet Academy of Science’s Myklukho-Maklai Ethnographical Institute (Moscow and Leningrad branches)

    Zuivering recirculatiewater in de rozenteelt: Fase 0: Uitvoeren biotoetsen Fase 1: Testen effectiviteit zuiveringstechnologie Fase 2: Bedrijfseconomische haalbaarheid zuiveringsapparatuur

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    Om aan de eisen van de Kaderrichtlijn Water te voldoen moet in de glastuinbouwsector de emissie van nutriënten en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen sterk worden gereduceerd. Overheid en de glastuinbouwsector zijn in GlaMi-verband overeengekomen, dat in 2027 de emissie nagenoeg nul zal zijn. Spuiwater is een belangrijke emissieroute. In de rozenteelt is groeiremming een belangrijke reden om te spuien. Het zuiveren van het recirculatiewater, bovenop de reeds toegepaste waterontsmetting, zou de groeiproblemen kunnen oplossen en de emissie verminderen. Met een aantal biotoetsen is nagegaan of groeiremming kon worden aangetoond in het drainwater van een aantal rozenbedrijven (fase 0). Vervolgens is getest of zuivering van het water met geavanceerde oxidatie, een combinatie van waterstofperoxide (H2O2) en UV, groeiremming kan terugdringen (fase 1). Behandelingen zijn uitgevoerd met verschillende doseringen H2O2 en UV. Tevens is gekeken naar het effect van deze zuiveringsbehandelingen op de afbraak van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in het drainwater. De resultaten van de uitgevoerde testen op experimenteel niveau waren veelbelovend. Een kosten/baten analyse is uitgevoerd om zicht te krijgen op de bedrijfeconomische haalbaarheid van de aanschaf van de zuiveringsapparatuur (fase 2). Om het zuiveringconcept met H2O2 en UV in de rozenteelt praktijkrijp te maken is een langdurige proef van een jaar op een praktijkbedrijf essentieel (fase 3). Het gaat om inzicht te krijgen in het effect van geavanceerde oxidatie op de lange termijn op het voorkomen van groeiremming en het minimaliseren van lozing. Een proefplan voor deze duurproef is opgesteld. De vragen, die met deze duurproef moeten worden beantwoord zijn: - Is er groeiremming bij niet-lozen? - Zo ja, vermindert H2O2+UV de groeiremming? - Zo ja, vermindert door H2O2+UV de lozing

    A new French Tréboul spearhead found in The Netherlands:the case of the Goor find

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    Report on the discovery of a Tréboul spearhead (of NW French origin) from the vicinity of Goor. Its composition was determined witn pXRF (Cu 89%, Sn 9,7%, As 0,8%, minor contributions of Sb, Pb and Ni) and consistent with assemblages in NW France. Wood from the socket was extracted and identified as Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and 14C dated to 1609-1456 BCE, which fits the typological attribuition to the MBA-A

    Candidate Gene-Based Association Study of Antipsychotic-Induced Movement Disorders in Long-Stay Psychiatric Patients: A Prospective Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Four types of antipsychotic-induced movement disorders: tardive dyskinesia (TD), parkinsonism, akathisia and tardive dystonia, subtypes of TD (orofacial and limb truncal dyskinesia), subtypes of parkinsonism (rest tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia), as well as a principal-factor of the movement disorders and their subtypes, were examined for association with variation in 10 candidate genes (PPP1R1B, BDNF, DRD3, DRD2, HTR2A, HTR2C, COMT, MnSOD, CYP1A2, and RGS2). METHODS: Naturalistic study of 168 white long-stay patients with chronic mental illness requiring long-term antipsychotic treatment, examined by the same rater at least two times over a 4-year period, with a mean follow-up time of 1.1 years, with validated scales for TD, parkinsonism, akathisia, and tardive dystonia. The authors genotyped 31 SNPs, associated with movement disorders or schizophrenia in previous studies. Genotype and allele frequency comparisons were performed with multiple regression methods for continuous movement disorders. RESULTS: VARIOUS SNPS REACHED NOMINAL SIGNIFICANCE: TD and orofacial dyskinesia with rs6265 and rs988748, limb truncal dyskinesia with rs6314, rest tremor with rs6275, rigidity with rs6265 and rs4680, bradykinesia with rs4795390, akathisia with rs4680, tardive dystonia with rs1799732, rs4880 and rs1152746. After controlling for multiple testing, no significant results remained. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that selected SNPs are not associated with a susceptibility to movement disorders. However, as the sample size was small and previous studies show inconsistent results, definite conclusions cannot be made. Replication is needed in larger study samples, preferably in longitudinal studies which take the fluctuating course of movement disorders and gene-environment interactions into account

    Распределение металлической фазы в синтетических алмазах типа «карбонадо»

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    Studying of a structural structure synthetic «carbonado» is spent by a method of electronic scanning microscopy. It is established, that the surface «carbonado» is covered by the large diamond crystals reaching 200 microns, having obviously expressed structure of growth. On a surface of these crystals observed drops of metal-catalyst (nickel) of a submicronic range. It is established, that the structure synthetic «carbonado» represents interpenetrating skeletons from diamond and ceramic-metal phases