276 research outputs found

    ‘JOMC & Me’

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    To reach the 1000th Volume of the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry (“JOMC”) is an incredible achievement, that deserves high respect and certainly represents a great service to the Organometallic Chemistry scientists. In a short review I discuss what triggered, late 1960s, my choice for Organometallic Chemistry, and the start of my long career in organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. Furthermore, the way that JOMC may have contributed to my research, is highlighted. Journals, such as JOMC, offer the possibility to disseminate one's scientific results to Society after a thorough check by anonymous reviewing by peers. This was one of my (“Me”) first lessons learned. I was lucky enough to receive my training in a contract- and fundamental-research environment. In hindsight, organo-copper and -lithium chemistry, organozinc and (organo)(α-diimine)zinc radical chemistry and chemistry with the organometallic Pincer-metal platform were my favorite fundamental-research subjects. In a number of schemes, with concise legends, the development of these subjects with their highlights is presented. From the number of our papers in JOMC (about 125), is obvious that “We” felt free and truly at home with JOMC

    Replacing the Z-phenyl Ring in Tamoxifen® with a para-Connected NCN Pincer-Pt-Cl Grouping by Post-Modification

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    Post-modification of a series of NCN-pincer platinum(II) complexes [PtX(NCN-R-4)] (NCN = [C6H2(CH2NMe2)2-2,6]–, R = C(O)H, C(O)Me and C(O)Et), X = Cl– or Br–) at the para-position using the McMurry reaction was studied. The synthetic route towards two new [PtCl(NCN-R-4)] (R = C(O)Me and C(O)Et) complexes used above is likewise described. The utility and limitations of the McMurry reaction involving these pincer complexes was systematically evaluated. The predicted “homo-coupling” reaction of [PtBr(NCN-C(O)H-4)] led to the unexpected formation of 3,3′,5,5′-tetra[(dimethylamino)methyl]-4,4′-bis(platinum halide)-benzophenone (halide = Br or Cl), referred to hereafter as the bispincer-benzophenone complex 13. This material was further characterized using X-ray crystal structure determination. The applicability of the pincer complexes in the McMurry reaction is shown to open a route towards the synthesis of tamoxifen-type derivatives of which one phenyl ring of Tamoxifen® itself is replaced by an NCN arylplatinum pincer fragment. The newly synthesized derivatives can be used as potential candidates in anti-cancer drug screening protocols. Two NCN-arylpincer platinum tamoxifen type derivatives, 5 and 6, were successfully synthesized and of 5 the separation of the diastereomeric E-/Z-forms was achieved. Compound 6, which is the pivaloyl protected NCN pincer platinum hydroxy-Tamoxifen® derivative, was obtained as a mixture of E-/Z-isomers. The new derivatives were further analyzed and characterized with 1H-, 13C{1H}- and 195Pt{1H}-NMR, IR, exact mass MS and elemental analysis.This research was partly funded by the Council for Chemical Sciences of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO/CW) G.D.B., M.L

    Imidazolylidene Cu(II) complexes: synthesis using imidazolium carboxylate precursors and structure rearrangement pathways

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    Copper(II) complexes of type (NHC)CuX2 (X = OAc, Cl, Br, BF4, NO3) bearing monodentate N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) were prepared by in situ decarboxylation of imidazolium carboxylates as a new synthetic methodology for Cu(II)-NHC complexes. In contrast to the classical deprotonation method, the decarboxylation protocol does not require anaerobic conditions and provides access to complexes with NHCs that are unstable as free carbenes such as N,N’-diisopropyl-imidazolylidene and N,N’-dimethyl-imidazolylidene. Spectroscopic evidence of the formation of the Cu‒CNHC bond is provided by UV-vis and EPR, in particular by the 44 MHz carbene hyperfine coupling constant using a 13C-labelled imidazolylidene ligand. A variation of the nature of the carbene N-substituents and the anions bound to the Cu(II) center is possible with this methodology. These variations strongly influence the stability of the complexes. Structural rearrangement and ligand reorganization was observed during recrystallisation, which are comprised of heterolytic Cu‒CNHC bond dissociation for unstable NHC ligands as well as homolytic Cu‒X bond cleavage and disproportionation reactions depending on the nature of the anion X in the copper complex

    Indole-3-thio­uronium nitrate

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    In the title compound, C9H10N3S+·NO3 −, the indole ring system and the thiouronium group are nearly perpendicular, with a dihedral angle of 88.62 (6)°. Hydrogen bonding generates two-dimensional networks which are linked to each other via π stacking inter­actions of the indole groups [average inter-planar ring–ring distance of 3.449 (2) Å]

    Художній світ Василя Стуса

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    В статье рассматривается жизненный и творческий путь Василия Стуса, который за непокорность, за своё личное мнение, за гордость провёл долгие годы в ссылке. Исследования проводятся на архивных материалах, воспоминаниях современников поэта. Рассматривается следующая проблема: определить роль и место творческого наследия Василия Стуса в развитии украинской культуры. Цель: раскрыть идейно-художественные тенденции поэзии В.Стуса, подчеркнуть его обширный словарь.Дана стаття присвячена життєвій та творчій стежині Василя Стуса, який за нескореність, за непокірність, за свою власну думку, за гордість, за неприниження зазнав довгих років заслання. Дослідження проводиться на архівних матеріалах, спогадах сучасників поета. Розв’язується така проблема: визначити роль і місце творчого доробку В.Стуса у розвитку української культури. Мета: розкрити ідейно-художні особливості поезій В.Стуса, підкреслити його надзвичайно широкий словник.The article deals with Vasyl Stys’ life and creative way why speut many years in exile for his disobeying and own way of thinking. The investigation helds upon archive materials, recollections of the poet’s contemporaries. Defining the position and the place of creative heredity of Vasyl Stys is under the problem stated. Setting out the ideal and exressive tendencies of V.Stys’ poetry, underlying of his vast verbal stock is a main goa

    Indole-3-thio­uronium iodide

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    In the title compound, C9H10N3S+·I−, the indole ring system and the thiouronium group are essentially perpendicular, with a dihedral angle of 89.87 (8)°. By inter­molecular hydrogen bonding, a three-dimensional network is formed, which is additionally supported by inter­molecular C—H⋯π inter­actions