419 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity of bacterial wilt caused by <i>Ralstonia solanacearum</i> as assessed by PCR

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    The current research was conducted to investigate genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum for comparison of different strains that were collected mainly from Netherlands as well as from Bangladesh, Brazil, Kenya, Egypt, Pakistan and Palma. Forty six strains were included in contemporary studies whereas main biovars for these strains included biovar-2 except GMI1000 that belonged to biovar 3. Genetic diversity of bacterial wilt disease caused by R. solancearum was assessed by focusing mainly on three genes i.e. mutL, cbhA and dps. All the genes seem to be conserved but in case of mutL some strains showed divergence. Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) scheme was used in this contemporary research. It was concluded that polymerized chain reaction (PCR) is the most imperative and appropriate modern tool of molecular biology to find genetic diversity in Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt

    CRISPR-Cas system:A new paradigm for bacterial stress response through genome rearrangement

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    Bacteria can receive genetic material from other bacteria or invading bacteriophages primarily through horizontal gene transfer. These genetic exchanges can result in genome rearrangement and the acquisition of novel traits that assist cells with stresses and adverse environmental conditions. Bacteria have a relatively small genome with >90% of sequences consisting of protein coding genes, stable RNA biomolecules, and gene regulatory sequences. The remaining genome fraction is primarily large repeat elements, such as retrotransposons, interspersed repeat elements, insertion sequences, and the more recently discovered clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs), with CRISPR-associated gene sequences (cas) that code for various Cas proteins. The CRISPR genetic locus is a series of direct repeats that are interspersed by unique spacer sequences. These unique spacer sequences represent signatures of bacteriophage genomes as the "working memory" for a bacterium to identify and destroy an invading phage genome that has previously infected the host. The protective function of the CRISPR-Cas systems are found in ∼40% of sequenced bacterial genomes, and it is often defined as bacterial acquired immunity. This chapter will elaborate the origin, structure, and function of CRISPR-Cas genetic systems acquired by bacteria, and their role in adaptive fitness while being subjected to environmental stress conditions

    Diversity of plasmodial slime molds (myxomycetes) in coastal, mountain, and community forests of Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, the Philippines

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    AbstractNo profiling of diversity of myxomycetes has ever been conducted in one of the biodiversity hotspot areas in the Philippine archipelago, and this necessitates a swift survey of myxomycetes in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro. An assessment of diversity of myxomycetes collected from seven collecting points of three different forest types in the study area showed a total of 926 records of myxomycetes. Of which, 42 morphospecies belonging to 16 genera are reported in this study. Species richness of myxomycetes was higher in collecting points that were found in inland lowland mountain forests, but the most taxonomically diverse species was found in coastal forests. Myxomycete species, namely, Arcyria cinerea, Diderma hemisphaericum, Physarum echinosporum, Lamproderma scintillans, and Stemonitis fusca, were found in all the collecting points. Manmade disturbances and forest structure may affect the occurrence of myxomycetes

    A putative genomic island, PGI-1, in Ralstonia solanacearum biovar 2 revealed by subtractive hybridization

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    Ralstonia solanacearum biovar 2, a key bacterial pathogen of potato, has recently established in temperate climate waters. On the basis of isolates obtained from diseased (potato) plants, its genome has been assumed to be virtually clonal, but information on environmental isolates has been lacking. Based on differences in pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns, we compared the genomes of two biovar 2 strains with different life histories. Thus, genomic DNA of the novel environmental strain KZR-5 (The Netherlands) was compared to that of reference potato strain 715 (Bangladesh) by suppressive subtractive hybridization. Various strain-specific sequences were found, all being homologous to those found in the genome of reference potato strain 1609. Approximately 20% of these were related to genes involved in recombinational processes. We found a deletion of a 17.6-Kb region, denoted as a putative genomic island PGI-1, in environmental strain KZR-5. The deleted region was, at both extremes, flanked by a composite of two insertion sequence (IS) elements, identified as ISRso2 and ISRso3. The PGI-1 region contained open reading frames that putatively encoded a (p)ppGpp synthetase, a transporter protein, a transcriptional regulator, a cellobiohydrolase, a site-specific integrase/recombinase, a phage-related protein and seven hypothetical proteins. As yet, no phenotype could be assigned to the loss of PGI-1. The ecological behavior of strain KZR-5 was compared to that of reference strain 715. Strain KZR-5 showed enhanced tolerance to 4°C as compared to the reference strain, but was not affected in its virulence on tomato

    Practicing what you preach: How cosmopolitanism promotes willingness to redistribute across the European Union

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    The political fault lines surrounding the European sovereign debt crisis have underlined the political relevance and the fragile foundation of public support for international redistribution in the European Union. Against the backdrop of an emerging political integration-demarcation divide, this article examines how cosmopolitanism structures people’s willingness to redistribute internationally within the European Union. To this aim, we conducted laboratory experiments on redistributive behaviour towards other European citizens in the United Kingdom and Germany and analysed cross-national survey data on support for international redistribution covering the EU-28. Our findings suggest that cosmopolitanism increases generosity towards other Europeans and support for international redistribution even when controlling for self-interest, support for national redistribution, concern for others, and political ideology