35 research outputs found

    Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, in the Netherlands in 2013

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    Het aantal mensen dat zich bij een Centrum Seksuele Gezondheid heeft laten testen op een seksueel overdraagbare aandoening (soa) is verder gestegen in 2013. Het percentage mensen met een soa is voor het eerst licht gedaald (met 0,4 procent) sinds 2007. Desondanks blijft dit percentage hoog (14,7 procent). Een goed functionerende soa-monitoring blijft daarom essentieel om zicht te houden op relevante trends, opkomende soa binnen groepen die een grotere kans hebben er een op te lopen, en de effectiviteit van preventieprogramma's. De Centra Seksuele Gezondheid (CSG), voorheen soa-poli's, bieden hoogrisicogroepen de mogelijkheid om zich gratis te laten testen op soa en verstrekken medicatie als er een wordt vastgesteld. Het totaal aantal consulten in 2013 bedroeg 133.585 en is met 10 procent toegenomen ten opzichte van 2012. Van alle bezoekers werden de meeste soa gediagnosticeerd bij mensen die ervoor gewaarschuwd waren dat ze mogelijk een soa hadden opgelopen, mensen jonger dan 25 jaar, migranten uit gebieden waar soa en hiv veel voorkomen (bijvoorbeeld Afrika, Zuid-Amerika of Oost-Europa), of mannen die seks hebben met mannen (MSM). Chlamydia Net als in voorgaande jaren was chlamydia de meest gediagnosticeerde soa bij de CSG in 2013 (15.767 diagnoses). Het percentage mensen dat chlamydia had, daalde licht ten opzichte van 2012 (van 12,2 naar 11,8 procent). Chlamydia werd het meest vastgesteld bij heteroseksuelen, zowel mannen als vrouwen, onder de 25 jaar. Na de uitschieter in 2012 van het aantal en percentage mensen met een agressieve variant van chlamydia, lymphogranuloma venereum, zijn deze cijfers weer afgenomen naar het niveau van de jaren daarvoor (7 procent in 2013). Gonorroe Het percentage personen met een gonorroe-infectie bij de CSG bleef in 2013 stabiel ten opzichte van 2012 (3,6 procent in 2012 en 3,4 procent in 2013), nadat het in de voorgaande jaren licht was gestegen. Deze soa werd het meest gediagnosticeerd bij MSM. Het blijft belangrijk om te volgen of de gonorroe-bacterie resistent raakt tegen de antibiotica die in Nederland voorgeschreven worden, de zogenoemde derde generatie cefalosporines. In diverse Europese landen is deze resistentie waargenomen. Hiv Het aantal personen met een hiv-infectie, gediagnosticeerd bij een van de CSG, is in 2013 gelijk gebleven ten opzichte van 2012 (358 versus 356 in 2012). Het percentage positieve testen daalt sinds 2008: van 3,0 procent naar 1,4 procent bij MSM in 2013. Het percentage mensen dat in een laat stadium van een hiv-infectie bij een hiv-behandelcentrum komt, is de afgelopen jaren gedaald. Het is van belang om tijdig de hiv-diagnose te stellen en zo snel mogelijk de behandeling te starten, omdat hierdoor de gezondheidsschade bij de patiënt verkleind kan worden. Ook neemt door behandeling de besmettelijkheid af, waardoor de kans kleiner is dat hiv wordt overgedragen.In 2013, more people were tested for sexually transmitted infections (STI) at Dutch STI clinics than in previous years. Although the percentage of people with an STI showed a slight decrease (0.4 per cent) for the first time since 2007, it remained high at 14.7 per cent. Effective STI monitoring remains essential for the identification of relevant trends, emerging STIs in high-risk groups, and the effectiveness of prevention programmes. STI clinics offer high-risk groups access to free testing for STI and provide care and treatment if an STI is diagnosed. The total number of consultations in 2013 was 133,585, an increase of 10% compared with 2012. In 2013, STI clinic attendees with an STI were mainly people who reported having been notified of their possible exposure to STI, people aged 20-24, people originating from areas in which STI/HIV is common (e.g. Africa, South America or Eastern Europe), and men who have sex with men (MSM). Chlamydia With 15,767 cases, chlamydia remains the most commonly diagnosed STI in 2013. The percentage of people diagnosed with chlamydia was slightly lower in 2013 than in 2012 (11.8 versus 12.2 respectively). Chlamydia was primarily diagnosed in heterosexuals younger than 25 years old and in both men and women. Following the increase in the number and percentage of lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV; an aggressive variant of chlamydia) infections in 2012, these numbers declined to a level comparable to previous years in 2013. Gonorrhoea Whereas the percentage of people with a gonorrhoea infection slightly had increased in previous years, the percentage remained stable in 2013 (3.4 per cent) compared with 2012 (3.6 per cent). Gonorrhoea was mostly diagnosed in MSM. It remains important to monitor the resistance of the gonorrhoea bacteria against the antibiotic currently recommended in the Netherlands, a third-generation cephalosporin. A rising rate of resistance to this antibiotic has been observed in several European countries. HIVThe number of people diagnosed with HIV at STI clinics in 2013 was similar to that of 2012 (358 versus 356 respectively). Among MSM, the percentage of positive HIV tests decreased from 3.0 per cent in 2008 to 1.4 per cent in 2013. The percentage of HIV-positive people who were diagnosed at a late stage of the infection has decreased in previous years. Early diagnosis and treatment of an HIV infection is important because of individual health benefits and the potential reduction of HIV transmission

    Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen, waaronder hiv, in Nederland in 2016

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    In 2016, the number of people who were tested at a Dutch STI clinic for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) increased, after a decrease in 2015. The percentage of people diagnosed with an STI has also increased, to 18.4 percent in 2016. It is estimated that the number of STI consultations at the general practitioner has decreased slightly. Chlamydia remains the most common STI in heterosexuals. Gonorrhoea is more common than chlamydia in men who have sex with men (MSM). STI clinics offer high-risk groups the opportunity for free STI testing. In 2016, a total of 143,139 consultations were registered at the STI clinics, an increase of 5 percent compared to 2015. The percentage of detected STIs varied per municipal health centre (GGD), ranging from 12.8 to 20.9 percent. Most STIs were detected in people infected with HIV, followed by people who had been notified for an STI. Chlamydia In 2016, 14.5 percent of STI clinic attendees were infected with chlamydia (20,698 diagnoses; an increase of 11 percent compared to the previous year). This increase can be explained in part because, since 2015, STI clinics more strictly prioritise people with a high risk of STI. The biggest increase was seen in heterosexual men (from 16.1 in 2015 to 18.0 percent in 2016). In women, the percentage of chlamydia diagnoses increased from 14.2 to 15.4. In MSM, the percentage has been stable around 10 percent for years. Gonorrhoea The number of gonorrhoea diagnoses at the STI clinics has risen in the past year with 13 percent, to 6,092 infections. The percentage of positive tests in heterosexual men (1.7 percent) and women (1.4 percent) remained stable, compared to previous years. In MSM, the percentage has increased from 10.7 percent in 2015 to 11.3 percent in 2016. The STI clinics have not yet found cases of gonorrhoea resistant to the first option antibiotic, Ceftriaxone. The number of gonorrhoea infections diagnosed by general practitioners in 2015 saw a slight decline among women, but an increase among men of 20 percent compared to 2014. Syphilis In 2016, the number of syphilis diagnoses increased by 30 percent compared to 2015, totalling 1,223 infections. This increase is mainly caused by an increase in the number of diagnoses in MSM, both those with and without HIV. Out of all syphilis infections, 95 percent was diagnosed in MSM. The percentage of positive diagnoses in heterosexual men and women remains very low; 0.19 and 0.07 percent of all consultations that tested for syphilis, respectively. HIV In 2016, 285 new HIV diagnoses were detected at the STI clinics, approximately the same number as in 2015 (288); 93 percent was detected in MSM. The percentage of HIV diagnoses in MSM decreased, from 2.8 percent in 2007 to 0.8 percent in 2016. The number of HIV patients that had their 'first care' encounter at a Dutch HIV treatment centre decreased again, from 1,033 cases in 2015 to 976 in 2016. Out of these people, 666 received their diagnosis in 2016Het aantal mensen dat zich bij een Centrum Seksuele Gezondheid (CSG) heeft laten testen op een seksueel overdraagbare aandoening (soa) is, na een daling in 2015, in 2016 weer toegenomen. Het percentage bij wie een soa werd vastgesteld is ook gestegen, tot 18,4 procent in 2016. Naar schatting is het aantal soa-consulten bij huisartsen licht gedaald. Chlamydia blijft de meest voorkomende soa onder heteroseksuelen. Onder mannen die seks hebben met mannen (MSM) werd vaker gonorroe dan chlamydia gevonden. De CSG's bieden hoog-risicogroepen de mogelijkheid om zich gratis te laten testen op soa's. In totaal zijn er in 2016 143.139 consulten geregistreerd bij de CSG's, een stijging van 5 procent ten opzichte van 2015. Het percentage gevonden soa's varieerde tussen de GGD-en; van 12,8 tot 20,9. De meeste soa's zijn gevonden bij mensen met hiv, gevolgd door mensen die waren gewaarschuwd voor een soa. Chlamydia In 2016 had 14,5 procent van de CSG-bezoekers een chlamydia-infectie (20.698 diagnoses; een toename van 11 procent ten opzichte van het jaar ervoor). Deze stijging is mogelijk deels te verklaren doordat GGD-en sinds 2015 eerder voorrang verlenen aan personen met hoog risico op soa. De grootste toename was te zien bij heteroseksuele mannen (van 16,1 in 2015 naar 18,0 procent in 2016). Bij vrouwen nam het percentage vastgestelde chlamydia toe van 14,2 naar 15,4. Onder MSM ligt dit percentage al jaren rond 10 procent. Gonorroe Het aantal gonorroe-diagnoses bij de CSG is het afgelopen jaar met 13 procent toegenomen tot 6.092 infecties. Het percentage positieven onder heteroseksuele mannen (1,7 procent) en vrouwen (1,4 procent) bleef stabiel ten opzichte van voorgaande jaren. Onder MSM is het percentage toegenomen van 10,7 procent in 2015 naar 11,3 procent in 2016. Bij CSG-bezoekers is nog steeds geen gonorroe resistent gevonden tegen het 'eerstekeus' antibioticum ceftriaxon. Het aantal gonorroe-infecties gediagnosticeerd door huisartsen in 2015 nam licht af onder vrouwen, maar steeg onder mannen met 20 procent ten opzichte van 2014. Syfilis In 2016 is het aantal diagnoses van syfilis met 30 procent gestegen ten opzichte van 2015, tot 1.223 infecties. Deze stijging komt voornamelijk door een toename in het aantal diagnoses onder MSM, zowel met als zonder hiv. Van alle syfilis-infecties werd 95 procent bij MSM vastgesteld. Het percentage positieve diagnoses onder heteroseksuele mannen en vrouwen blijft zeer laag; respectievelijk 0,19 en 0,07 procent van alle consulten waarin getest werd op syfilis. Hiv In 2016 zijn 285 nieuwe diagnoses van hiv gesteld bij de CSG, vrijwel evenveel als in 2015 (288). Drieënnegentig procent daarvan werd bij MSM vastgesteld. Het percentage hiv-diagnoses bij MSM is gedaald van 2,8 procent in 2007 tot 0,8 procent in 2016. Het aantal hiv-patiënten dat voor het eerst 'in zorg' was bij de Nederlandse hiv-behandelcentra daalde opnieuw, van 1.033 gevallen in 2015 tot 976 in 2016. Van hen hadden 666 personen de diagnose in 2016 gekregenMinisterie van VW

    Community and School-Based Health Education for Dengue Control in Rural Cambodia: A Process Evaluation

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    Dengue fever continues to be a major public health problem in Cambodia, with significant impact on children. Health education is a major means for prevention and control of the National Dengue Control Program (NDCP), and is delivered to communities and in schools. Drawing on data collected in 2003–2004 as part of an ethnographic study conducted in eastern Cambodia, we explore the approaches used in health education and their effectiveness to control dengue. Community health education is provided through health centre outreach activities and campaigns of the NDCP, but is not systematically evaluated, is under-funded and delivered irregularly; school-based education is restricted in terms of time and lacks follow-up in terms of practical activities for prevention and control. As a result, adherence is partial. We suggest the need for sustained routine education for dengue prevention and control, and the need for approaches to ensure the translation of knowledge into practice

    Phylogeography of Recently Emerged DENV-2 in Southern Viet Nam

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    Revealing the dispersal of dengue viruses (DENV) in time and space is central to understanding their epidemiology. However, the processes that shape DENV transmission patterns at the scale of local populations are not well understood, particularly the impact of such factors as human population movement and urbanization. Herein, we investigated trends in the spatial dynamics of DENV-2 transmission in the highly endemic setting of southern Viet Nam. Through a phylogeographic analysis of 168 full-length DENV-2 genome sequences obtained from hospitalized dengue cases from 10 provinces in southern Viet Nam, we reveal substantial genetic diversity in both urban and rural areas, with multiple lineages identified in individual provinces within a single season, and indicative of frequent viral migration among communities. Focusing on the recently introduced Asian I genotype, we observed particularly high rates of viral exchange between adjacent geographic areas, and between Ho Chi Minh City, the primary urban center of this region, and populations across southern Viet Nam. Within Ho Chi Minh City, patterns of DENV movement appear consistent with a gravity model of virus dispersal, with viruses traveling across a gradient of population density. Overall, our analysis suggests that Ho Chi Minh City may act as a source population for the dispersal of DENV across southern Viet Nam, and provides further evidence that urban areas of Southeast Asia play a primary role in DENV transmission. However, these data also indicate that more rural areas are also capable of maintaining virus populations and hence fueling DENV evolution over multiple seasons

    Changing Domesticity of Aedes aegypti in Northern Peninsular Malaysia: Reproductive Consequences and Potential Epidemiological Implications

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    BACKGROUND: The domestic dengue vector Aedes aegypti mosquitoes breed in indoor containers. However, in northern peninsular Malaysia, they show equal preference for breeding in both indoor and outdoor habitats. To evaluate the epidemiological implications of this peridomestic adaptation, we examined whether Ae. aegypti exhibits decreased survival, gonotrophic activity, and fecundity due to lack of host availability and the changing breeding behavior. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This yearlong field surveillance identified Ae. aegypti breeding in outdoor containers on an enormous scale. Through a sequence of experiments incorporating outdoors and indoors adapting as well as adapted populations, we observed that indoors provided better environment for the survival of Ae. aegypti and the observed death patterns could be explained on the basis of a difference in body size. The duration of gonotrophic period was much shorter in large-bodied females. Fecundity tended to be greater in indoor acclimated females. We also found increased tendency to multiple feeding in outdoors adapted females, which were smaller in size compared to their outdoors breeding counterparts. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The data presented here suggest that acclimatization of Ae. aegypti to the outdoor environment may not decrease its lifespan or gonotrophic activity but rather increase breeding opportunities (increased number of discarded containers outdoors), the rate of larval development, but small body sizes at emergence. Size is likely to be correlated with disease transmission. In general, small size in Aedes females will favor increased blood-feeding frequency resulting in higher population sizes and disease occurrence

    Spatial Evaluation and Modeling of Dengue Seroprevalence and Vector Density in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Dengue is a major public health problem in many tropical regions of the world, including Brazil, where Aedes aegypti is the main vector. We present a household study that combines data on dengue fever seroprevalence, recent dengue infection, and vector density, in three neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during its most devastating dengue epidemic to date. This integrated entomological–serological survey showed evidence of silent transmission even during a severe epidemic. Also, past exposure to dengue virus was highly associated with age and living in areas of high movement of individuals and social/commercial activity. No association was observed between household infestation index and risk of dengue infection in these areas. Our findings are discussed in the light of current theories regarding transmission thresholds and relative role of mosquitoes and humans as vectors of dengue viruses

    Knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding dengue virus infection among inhabitants of Aceh, Indonesia: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: The Indonesian region of Aceh was the area most severely affected by the earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004. Department of Health data reveal an upward trend of dengue cases in Aceh since the events of the tsunami. Despite the increasing incidence of dengue in the region, there is limited understanding of dengue among the general population of Aceh. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding dengue among the people of Aceh, Indonesia in order to design intervention strategies for an effective dengue prevention program. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Aceh between November 2014 and March 2015 with a total of 609 participants living in seven regencies and two municipalities. Information on the socio-demographic characteristics of participants and their KAP regarding dengue was collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. The KAP status (good vs. poor) of participants with different socio-demographic characteristics was compared using Chi Square-test, ANOVA or Fisher's exact test as appropriate. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the predictors of each KAP domain. Results: We found that 45% of participants had good knowledge regarding dengue and only 32% had good attitudes and good dengue preventive practices. There was a significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitudes, knowledge and practice, and attitudes and practice. In addition, people who had good knowledge were 2.7 times more likely to have good attitudes, and people who had good attitudes were 2.2 times more likely to have good practices regarding dengue. The level of education, occupation, marital status, monthly income, socioeconomic status (SES) and living in the city were associated with the knowledge level. Occupation, SES, and having experienced dengue fever were associated with attitudes. Education, occupation, SES and type of residence were associated with preventive practices. Conclusion: Our study suggests that dengue prevention programs are required to increase KAP levels regarding dengue in the communities of Aceh

    Evaluation of the Netherlands Infectious Diseases Surveillance Information System

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    The Infectious Diseases Surveillance Information system that collects data of medical microbiology laboratories in the Netherlands (ISIS-MML) is not suitable for early warning of infectious diseases outbreaks. However, the system is appropriate for monitoring trends in antimicrobial resistance. These are the main outcomes of an evaluation described in this report to evaluate technical problems and doubts about the performance and usefulness of the system. ISIS-MML was developed ten years ago by RIVM to provide current information on the occurrence of infectious diseases via Internet. Important goals were to observe outbreaks in time, prevent further spread of disease, and to limit the negative consequences of these outbreaks. For this purpose all 85 medical microbiology laboratories in the Netherlands had to send in data on a daily basis. The evaluation showed that only eighteen laboratories are connected to the system; this led to a lack of national coverage by the system, causing outbreaks to be missed. For example, the outbreak of Clostridium difficile-associated disease of ribotype 027 was missed in June 2005. Furthermore, the system regularly causes false alarms since not all increases in incidence of micro-organisms require control measures. That does not mean that ISIS-MML is useless and needs to be stopped. The system is the most important database for antimicrobial resistance in the Netherlands. The European Union strongly recommends surveillance of antimicrobial resistance since it an increasing problem. Therefore RIVM advises adaptation of the current system (in which hardware and software are outdated) to an antimicrobial surveillance system.Het infectieziektensurveillance-informatiesysteem dat gegevens verzamelt van medisch microbiologische laboratoria (ISIS-MML) is niet geschikt voor het tijdig signaleren van uitbraken van infectieziekten. Wel is het systeem bruikbaar voor het volgen van trends in antibioticaresistentie. Dat blijkt uit een evaluatie dat in dit rapport wordt beschreven. Aanleiding voor de evaluatie zijn technische problemen en de twijfel over het rendement en het nut van het systeem voor het Centrum voor Infectieziektenbestrijding. ISIS-MML is een systeem dat tien jaar geleden is ontwikkeld door het RIVM om actuele informatie via internet te verschaffen over het voorkomen van infectieziekten. Een belangrijk doel was om tijdig uitbraken te signaleren om verdere verspreiding tegen te gaan en de negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid te beperken. Hiervoor moesten alle 85 medisch-microbiologische laboratoria in Nederland dagelijks gegevens aanleveren. Uit de evaluatie blijkt dat slechts 18 laboratoria momenteel zijn aangesloten op het systeem. Hierdoor ontbreekt een landelijke dekking en worden uitbraken gemist. Zo miste ISIS de uitbraak van Clostridium difficile geassocieerde diarree van ribotype 027 in juni 2005. Ook zorgt het systeem regelmatig voor vals alarm omdat lang niet iedere stijging van een bepaald micro-organisme om bestrijdingmaatregelen vraagt. Dat betekent niet dat ISIS onbruikbaar is en moet worden gestopt. Het systeem vormt de belangrijkste gegevensbron voor antibioticaresistentie in Nederland, waarbij bacterien steeds ongevoeliger raken voor antibiotica. De Europese Unie beveelt het volgen van deze trend sterk aan. RIVM adviseert om hiervoor het huidige ISIS, waarvan de hard- en software is verouderd, aan te passen