435 research outputs found
Spectral Analysis of Correlated One-Dimensional Systems with Impurities
An averaging procedure is proposed to account for spectral features of
correlated one-dimensional systems in the presence of non-magnetic impurities.
The dynamical spin structure factor for a corresponding random ensemble of
Heisenberg chain segments is calculated by exact numerical diagonalization. It
is shown that a few-pole approximation is sufficient to describe the numerical
results. A similar analysis is proposed for the discussion of experimental
spectra, such as obtained by inelastic neutron scattering measurements on
Zn-doped CuO chains. By examination of the disorder-induced pseudo-gap, the
loss of spectral weight, and the discrete peak structures due to
smallest-cluster contributions, the underlying impurity distribution function
can be determined.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages with 4 eps figure
Risk of Infection with Leishmania spp. in the Canine Population in the Netherlands
<p/> <p>The dog is the main reservoir of <it>Leishmania infantum</it>, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in humans in Southern Europe. In order to identify the risk of dogs from a <it>Leishmania </it>non-endemic area traveling to a <it>Leishmania</it>-endemic area becoming infected and the risk of transmitting infection to humans in non-endemic areas an investigation was performed, in which the results of a questionnaire were combined with the results of a serologic survey.</p> <p>The questionnaire was sent to 1478 at random chosen families in the Netherlands. Of the 59.0% responders 28.0% had one or more dogs and 4.8% of these dogs had visited Southern Europe during the summer period of that year. On a total population of 1,200,000 dogs in the Netherlands, this means that each year some 58,000 dogs are at risk of being exposed to a <it>Leishmania </it>infection in Southern Europe.</p> <p>During the period 1990–1992 blood was collected for serology in 1911 dogs presented to the Utrecht University Clinic because of clinical problems not related to leishmaniasis, of which 434 had been in Southern Europe in the foregoing years. None was serologically positive. From these data it can be deduced that the highest chance to obtain leishmaniasis during a vacation in Southern Europe is mathematically less than 1/434 or less than 0.23%. Serology was also performed during the period 1989–1993 in 597 dogs that had been in Southern Europe and were suspected of leishmaniasis. Titers were positive in 145 of these samples. Sixty-four of these dogs were born in the Mediterranean and had been imported into the Netherlands. Excluding these imported dogs, it was calculated that at least 0.027% of the 58,000 dogs yearly taken to Southern Europe during holidays become infected with Leishmania. In order to establish the risk of disease transmission for people in close contact with an infected dog, serum samples of owners and house mates of 37 dogs with leishmaniasis were tested. All 112 sera tested negative. It was concluded that the risk to get leishmaniasis was between 0.027% and 0.23% for the dog when taken to Southern Europe during vacation, and that the risk for owners in non-endemic areas to get leishmaniasis from an infected dog is minimal.</p
Evidence for the Large-Scale Dissociation of Molecular Gas in the Inner Spiral Arms of M81
We compare the detailed distributions of HI, H alpha, and 150 nm far-UV
continuum emission in the spiral arms of M81 at a resolution of 9" (linear
resolution 150 pc at 3.7 Mpc distance). The bright H alpha emission peaks are
always associated with peaks in the far-UV emission. The converse is not always
true; there are many regions of far-UV emission with little corresponding H
alpha. The HI and the far-UV are always closely associated, in the sense that
the HI is often brightest around the edges of the far-UV emission. The effects
of extinction on the morphology are small, even in the far-UV. Extensive far-UV
emission, often with little corresponding H alpha, indicates the presence of
many ``B-stars'', which produce mostly non-ionizing UV photons. These far-UV
photons dissociate a small fraction of an extensive layer of H_2 into HI. The
observed morphology can be understood if ``chimneys'' are common in the spiral
arms of M81, where holes are blown out of the galactic disk, exposing the
bright HII regions and the corresponding far-UV associated with vigorous star
formation. These ``naked'' star-forming regions show little obscuration. H_2 is
turned into HI by UV photons impinging on the interior surfaces of these
chimneys. The intensity of the far-UV radiation measured by UIT can dissociate
the underlying H_2 with a typical density of ~10 H nucleii cm**-3 to produce
the observed amount of HI in the spiral arms of M81. Except for thin surface
layers locally heated in these photo-dissociation regions close to the far-UV
sources, the bulk of the molecular gas in the inner disk of M81 is apparently
too cold to produce much 12CO(1-0) emission.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. 8 postscript files. Better quality versions of the
figures available from ftp://star.herts.ac.uk/pub/Knapen/m81uv . Accepted,
The conceptual design of SeamFrame
This project deliverable provides the underlying architecture of a concept for linking models and databases and it provides the design of SeamFrame, delivering its architecture to provide an integration framework for models and simulation algorithms, supported by procedures for data handling and spatial representation, quality control, output visualization and documentatio
Методические основы оценки качества обслуживания в туристическом бизнесе
Проблема определения качества обслуживания в туристическом бизнесе является актуальной, т.к. туристическая деятельность является приоритетным направлением развития в АР Крым. Рассмотрена методика определения качества обслуживания туристов с учетом специфики функционирования туристской сферы.Проблема визначення якості обслуговування у туристичному бізнесі є актуальною, тому що туристична діяльність є пріоритетним напрямком розвитку в АР Крим. Розглянута методика визначення якості обслуговування туристів з умовою специфіки функціонування туристичної сфери.The problem of quality service in the tourist's business is very actuality, because the tourist's activity is the priority directions of development in the Crimea. Given the method of definition of the quality service in the tourist's business with registration of specific tourism sphere
Efficacy of early warning signals and spectral periodicity for predicting transitions in bipolar patients:An actigraphy study
Early-warning signals (EWS) have been successfully employed to predict transitions in research fields such as biology, ecology, and psychiatry. The predictive properties of EWS might aid in foreseeing transitions in mood episodes (i.e. recurrent episodes of mania and depression) in bipolar disorder (BD) patients. We analyzed actigraphy data assessed during normal daily life to investigate the feasibility of using EWS to predict mood transitions in bipolar patients. Actigraphy data of 15 patients diagnosed with BD Type I collected continuously for 180 days were used. Our final sample included eight patients that experienced a mood episode, three manic episodes and five depressed episodes. Actigraphy data derived generic EWS (variance and kurtosis) and context-driven EWS (autocorrelation at lag-720) were used to determine if these were associated to upcoming bipolar episodes. Spectral analysis was used to predict changes in the periodicity of the sleep/wake cycle. The study procedures were pre-registered. Results indicated that in seven out of eight patients at least one of the EWS did show a significant change-up till four weeks before episode onset. For the generic EWS the direction of change was always in the expected direction, whereas for the context-driven EWS the observed effect was often in the direction opposite of what was expected. The actigraphy data derived EWS and spectral analysis showed promise for the prediction of upcoming transitions in mood episodes in bipolar patients. Further studies into false positive rates are suggested to improve effectiveness for EWS to identify upcoming bipolar episode onsets
Журнал кримських караїмів “Бизым йол” (“Наш шлях”) у світлі традицій караїмської преси і національної політики Кримської АРСР
В статье содержится описание караимских периодических изданий начала ХХ века, их целей и задачи, объема, основных отделов, исследуется отражение в караимской периодике процессов национального культурного ренессанса, изучается связь этнических изданий караимов с общественно-политической жизнью караимской общины.Стаття містить опис караїмських видань початку ХХ століття, з'ясовує їхні цілі і завдан-ня, обсяг, основні розділи; досліджує відбиття у караїмській періодиці процесів національного культурного ренесансу; вивчає зв'язок етнічних видань караїмів із суспільно-політичним життям караїмської громади.The article researches the Karaite mass media of the beginning of the XX century: its matters and tasks, volume, main sections, the reflection of the cultural renaissance in it and its connection with life of the Karaite community
Scalelength of disc galaxies
We have derived disk scale lengths for 30374 non-interacting disk galaxies in
all five SDSS bands. Virtual Observatory methods and tools were used to define,
retrieve, and analyse the images for this unprecedentedly large sample
classified as disk/spiral galaxies in the LEDA catalogue. Cross correlation of
the SDSS sample with the LEDA catalogue allowed us to investigate the variation
of the scale lengths for different types of disk/spiral galaxies. We further
investigat asymmetry, concentration, and central velocity dispersion as
indicators of morphological type, and are able to assess how the scale length
varies with respect to galaxy type. We note however, that the concentration and
asymmetry parameters have to be used with caution when investigating type
dependence of structural parameters in galaxies. Here, we present the scale
length derivation method and numerous tests that we have carried out to
investigate the reliability of our results. The average r-band disk scale
length is 3.79 kpc, with an RMS dispersion of 2.05 kpc, and this is a typical
value irrespective of passband and galaxy morphology, concentration, and
asymmetry. The derived scale lengths presented here are representative for a
typical galaxy mass of , and the RMS dispersion
is larger for more massive galaxies. Distributions and typical trends of scale
lengths have also been derived in all the other SDSS bands with linear
relations that indicate the relation that connect scale lengths in one passband
to another. Such transformations could be used to test the results of
forthcoming cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and evolution of the
Hubble sequence.Comment: Accepter for publication in MNRAS (15 pages, 15 figures, and 3
Is NGC 3108 transforming itself from an early to late type galaxy -- an astronomical hermaphrodite?
A common feature of hierarchical galaxy formation models is the process of
"inverse" morphological transformation: a bulge dominated galaxy accretes a gas
disk, dramatically reducing the system's bulge-to-disk mass ratio. During their
formation, present day galaxies may execute many such cycles across the Hubble
diagram. A good candidate for such a "hermaphrodite" galaxy is NGC 3108: a
dust-lane early-type galaxy which has a large amount of HI gas distributed in a
large scale disk. We present narrow band H_alpha and R-band imaging, and
compare the results with the HI distribution. The emission is in two
components: a nuclear bar and an extended disk component which coincides with
the HI distribution. This suggests that a stellar disk is currently being
formed out of the HI gas. The spatial distributions of the H_alpha and HI
emission and the HII regions are consistent with a barred spiral structure,
extending some 20 kpc in radius. We measure an extinction- corrected SFR of
0.42 Msun/yr. The luminosity function of the HII regions is similar to other
spiral galaxies, with a power law index of -2.1, suggesting that the star
formation mechanism is similar to other spiral galaxies. We measured the
current disk mass and find that it is too massive to have been formed by the
current SFR over the last few Gyr. It is likely that the SFR in NGC 3108 was
higher in the past. With the current SFR, the disk in NGC 3108 will grow to be
~6.2x10^9 Msun in stellar mass within the next 5.5 Gyr. While this is
substantial, the disk will be insignificant compared with the large bulge mass:
the final stellar mass disk-to-bulge ratio will be ~0.02. NGC 3108 will fail to
transform into anything resembling a spiral without a boost in the SFR and
additional supply of gas.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Molecular imaging to support cancer immunotherapy
The advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors has reinvigorated the field of immuno-oncology. These monoclonal antibody-based therapies allow the immune system to recognize and eliminate malignant cells. This has resulted in improved survival of patients across several tumor types. However, not all patients respond to immunotherapy therefore predictive biomarkers are important. There are only a few Food and Drug Administration-approved biomarkers to select patients for immunotherapy. These biomarkers do not consider the heterogeneity of tumor characteristics across lesions within a patient. New molecular imaging tracers allow for whole-body visualization with positron emission tomography (PET) of tumor and immune cell characteristics, and drug distribution, which might guide treatment decision making. Here, we summarize recent developments in molecular imaging of immune checkpoint molecules, such as PD-L1, PD-1, CTLA-4, and LAG-3. We discuss several molecular imaging approaches of immune cell subsets and briefly summarize the role of FDG-PET for evaluating cancer immunotherapy. The main focus is on developments in clinical molecular imaging studies, next to preclinical studies of interest given their potential translation to the clinic
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