130 research outputs found

    Cardiac Cavity Segmentation in Echocardiography Using Triangle Equation

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    In this paper, cardiac cavity segmentation in echocardiography is proposed. The method uses triangle equation algorithms to detect and reconstruct the border. Prior to the application of both algorithms, some preprocessings have to be carried out. The first step is high boost filter to enhance high frequency component while still keeping the low frequency component. The second step is applying morphological and thresholding operations to eliminate noise and convert the image into binary image. The third step is negative laplacian filter to apply edge detector. The fourth step is region filter to eliminate small region. The last step is using triangle equation to detect and reconstruct the imprecise border. This technique is able to perform segmentation and detect border of cardiac cavity from echocardiographics sequences. Keywords: cardiac cavity, high boost filter, morphology, negative laplacian, region filter, and triangle equation


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    International Humanitarian Law and International Refugee Law are two branchs of law relevant to the protection of human rights in a specific context. This research aimed at evaluate the relationship of these two branchs of law. Legal materials that thoroughly considered and analized in this research were relevant international rules and facts embodied in international customs, general principles of law, international treaties, conventions, declarations and decisions of international organisation, recommendations, academic publications, proceedings and working papers. Based upon the analysis of the existing legal materials, eventually, it could be inferred that International Humanitarian Law has influenced International Refugee Law both in the standard setting and in the interpretation process. The rules embodied in these two branchs of law established a continuum protection for the victims of confilct with violence. Two international humanitarian agencies; International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations High Commissionner for Refugees has served as the guardians in the framework of promotion and implementation of these two branchs of law. Grave breaches of International Humanitarian Law and acts triggered international displacement were international wrongful acts and generate state responsibility


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    Upaya Meningkatkan Gerak Lokomotor Lari 40 Meter melalui Metode Picture And Picture Kelas Iia Sds Kristen Kanaan Kubu Raya

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    Problem of the research is how the picture and picture method can increase the learning outcomes locomotor movement in 40 metres run to students grade IIA SDS Kristen Kanaan Kubu Raya Regency. The purpose of this research is to know the effort increasing locomotor movement in 40 metres run through picture and picture method to students grade IIA SDS Kristen Kanaan Kubu Raya Regency. Research methodology is Descriptive method with Classroom Action Research. Subject of the research was 23 student grade IIA from elementary school. Technique of data analysis was percentage achieved mastery. The result of the research can be concluded that learning with picture and picture method can increase the learning outcomes of locomotor movement in running about 40 metres in every single action given. Before treatment given, the mastery of the students was only 4,35%, then in cycle 1 increases become 39,13%, after treatment given cycle 2 the learning increases become 78,26%


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    Anak balita merupakan golongan rawan terhadap kekuranga gizi, karena masa balita merupakan masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangancepat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat implikasi status bekerja ibu dan beberapa karakteristik ibu terhdap status gizi anak balita di desa Sidomulyo Kecamatan Jekulo Kudus. Metode penelitian ini adalah survei Explanatory dengan pendektan belah lintang ( cross sectional ). populasi penelitian adalah anak umur 12-36 bulan yang berjumlah 81 orang. Adapun sampel adalah populasi yang diseleksi dengan kriteria inklusi sehingga didapatkan 67 anak. Sebagian responden adalah ibu dan anak balita sebanyak 67 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status gizi anak balita pada ibu bekrja adalah 41,9% berstatus gizi baik 45,2% ber status gizi sedang 12,9% berstatus gizi kurang. Sedangkan pada sampel ibu tidak bekerja msi 47,2%, 36,1% dan 16,7%. penyebaran sampel dengan ibu bekerja dengan tingkat kecukupan energi lebih, cukup dan kurang masing-masing 9,7%, 80,6% dan 9,7%. dan sampel tidak bekerja masing-masing 2,8%, 91,7% dan 5,5%. tingkat kecukupan prorein sampel dari ibu bekerja lebih, cukup dan kurang masing-masing 67.8%, 29% dan 3,2%. sedangkan tingkat kecukupan protein sampel dari ibu tidak bekerja lebih, cukup dan kurang masing-masing 47,2%, 47,2% dan 5,5%. dari analisis disimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan status gizi, tingkat kecukupan energi dan tingkat kecukupan protein sampel dari ibu bekerja dan tidak bekerja. Juga didapatkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat ekcukupan energi dan tingkat kecukupan protein dengan status gizi sampel. Disarankan kepada Puskesmas agar meningkatkan mutu dan jangkauan pelayanankes dan agar dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dalam lingkup wilayah lebih luas dan sampel lebih besar. Kata Kunci: STATUS GIZI IBU, TINGKAT KECUKUPAN GIZI, STATUS GIZI, ANAK BALIT

    The Emergence of Universalism and the Decline of Supranationalism

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    In the context of addressing challenges of globalization there are many issues deserve to be discussed and elaborated. This paper addressed the three fundamental issues which are inseparable and interconnected each other: Spreading Universalism; Reinterpretation of Sovereignty, and the Decline of Supranationalism. The role of International organizations in the contemporary International system remain significant, however, constituents in the member States would judge whether they could maintain their relevance to the constituents interests and keep mutual relatianship with the member States.IntisariAda beragam persoalan yang layak diperdebatkan dan dijelaskan dalam mencermati tantangan globalisasi. Tiga persoalan mendasar dan saling terkait menjadi fokus bahasan dalam tulisan ini yakni: Universalisme yang makin meluas; re-interpretasi kedaulatan dan melemahnya supranasionalisme. Dewasa ini peran institusi Internasional masih memiliki peran yang signifikan, namun, Negara­negara akan mencermati apakah institusi-isntitusi Internasional ini mampu menjaga relevansinya terhadap kepentingan konstituen dan hubungan yangsaling menguntungkan dengan negara anggotanya

    Tooth Color Detection Using PCA and KNN Classifier Algorithm Based on Color Moment

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    Matching the suitable color for tooth reconstruction is an important step that can make difficulties for the dentists due to the subjective factors  of color selection. Accurate color matching system is mainly result based on images analyzing and processing techniques of recognition system.  This system consist of three parts, which are data collection from digital teeth color images, data preparation for taking color analysis technique and extracting the features, and data classification involve feature selection for reducing the features number of this system. The teeth images which is used in this research are 16 types of teeth that are taken from RSGM UNAIR SURABAYA. Feature extraction is taken by the characteristics of the RGB, HSV and LAB based on the color moment calculation such as mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis parameter. Due to many formed features from each color space, it is required addition method for reducing the number of features by choosing the essential information like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. Combining the PCA feature selection technique to the clasification process using K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classifier  algorithm can be improved the accuracy performance of this system. On the experiment result, it showed that only using  KNN classifier achieve accuracy percentage up to 97.5 % in learning process and 92.5 % in testing process while combining PCA with KNN classifier can reduce the 36 features to the 26 features which can improve the accuracy percentage up to 98.54 % in learning process and  93.12% in testing process. Adding PCA as the feature selection method can be improved the accuracy performance of this color matching system with little number of features.Â

    Pengaruh Tax Planning, Kebijakan Hutang Dan Likuiditas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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     This study aims to determine the effect of tax planning, debt policy, and liquidity on firm value. In this research the writer uses a quantitative research type. The population in this study is manufacturing companies in the basic and chemical industrial sectors listed on the IDX from 2016 to 2019. The sample in this study was 13 companies and using the purposive sampling method. Data analysis in this study was carried out by using multiple linear regression analysis, and assisted by using the E-views version 9 application. To test the hypothesis, this study used significance test. There are “the F test and the T test”. The results showed that Tax Planning, Debt Policy, and Liquidity had an effect  on Firm Value simultaneously, and it showed the Tax Planning had no significant effect on Firm Value partially while Debt Policy and Liquidity has a effect on Firm Valu

    The Urgency to Incorporate the Islamic Concept of Rights into the International Human Rights Law Course in Indonesian Law Schools

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    The discourse between International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and Islam has been a longstanding one. However, not all IHRL courses in Indonesia include Islamic human rights as one of the taught chapters. This normative research explores the urgency to include Islamic human rights in the IHRL curriculum, and finds that it is indeed urgent to do so. There are two reasons found to include Islamic human rights in IHRL. First, as a counter towards the Eurocentric discourse of IHRL. Second, there are paradigmatic differences between IHRL and Islam which, if not understood, will make it difficult to fairly consider the discourse and analyze the derivative issues. There are two paradigmatic differences between IHRL and Islamic human rights, which are the epistemology and rights-obligation construction (Diskursus antara Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia Internasional (HHAMI) dan Islam telah ada sejak lama dan hingga kini tidak habis-habis. Akan tetapi, ternyata tidak semua mata kuliah HHAMI yang diajarkan di fakultas-fakultas hukum Indonesia mencakupi HAM Islam sebagai salah satu pokok bahasan. Penelitian yang bersifat normatif ini akan mengkaji urgensi memasukkan konsep HAM Islam ke dalam kurikulum HHAMI, dan ditemukan bahwa hal tersebut memang memiliki urgensi. Ditemukan dua alasan utama untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Pertama, sebagai salah satu counter terhadap naratif Eurosentrisme dalam diskursus HHAMI. Kedua, ternyata ada beberapa perbedaan yang bersifat paradigmatic antara HHAMI dan Islam, yang apabila tidak dikenal maka akan sulit mendudukkan diskursus HHAMI dan Islam dengan akurat apalagi mengkaji isu-isu turunan dengan tepat. Perbedaan paradigmatic ini ada dua, yaitu pada tatanan epistemology serta konstruksi antara hak dan kewajiban
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