9 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesiapan Perubahan Individu Dalam Penerapan Sistem Perbendaharaan Dan Anggaran Negara (SPAN) Lingkup Kanwil Ditjen Perbendaharaan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Individual readiness to changes to overcome resistance plays an important role in the implementation of a change. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of individual changes, differences in readiness changes based on the profile of respondents, and examine the effect of predictors of readiness of individual changes in the state treasury and budget system. Compare means test research results show that The results of different test shows that there is no difference in readiness for changes in gender, age, work period and level of education. The regression analysis showed positive influence of independent variables on the dependent variable.Keywords: Indovidual readiness to change, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, employee engagemen

    Non-ST elevation of acute myocardial infarction caused by probable acute stent thrombosis after drug eluting stent implantation: a case report

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    Nowadays, one of the modalities in performing reperfusion in coronary artery disease ispercutaneous coronary intervention. Before drug eluting stent era, the problem that occurs themost among interventional cardiologists is restenosis. After drug eluting stent era, restenosiscan be reduced significantly. Unfortunately, it further develops another problem, that is calledstent thrombosis. Mechanism of stent thrombosis is related to vascular response, thrombosis,coagulation, and clinical factors. Based on our experience, non-ST elevation acute myocardialinfarction is caused by probable acute stent thrombosis after drug eluting stent implantation.Therefore, the prevention and therapeutic approaches should be put first in our priority becauseit can provide a serious complication

    Low Plasma Atherogenic Index Associated with Poor Prognosis in Hospitalized Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Aim: the impact of atherogenic index of plasma (AIP), calculated as logarithmic of triglyceride:HDL ratio (log10.[TG:HDL]), on major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) during acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has not been fully accepted. This study aims to investigate the role of AIP in predicting major adverse cardiovascular events following AMI during intensive care in the hospital. Methods: this was a prospective cohort study. We enrolled subjects with AMI hospitalized in intensive coronary care unit at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta. The AIP was measured in fasting blood within 24 hours of hospital admission. The total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride (TG), were measured and AIP value was determined as log10.[TG:HDL]). Based on AIP value, subjects were allocated into low AIP (<0.24) and high AIP (≥0.24). The outcome of the study was major adverse cardiovascular events during hospitalization, i.e. multipart of all cause mortality, acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock, reinfarction, and rescucitated VT/VF. Results: among 277 subjects, the high AIP group comprised 213 subjects (77%) and low AIP group comprised 64 subjects (33%). During intensive hospitalisation, 66 subjects (24%) developed MACE and 20 subjects (7%) developed fatal outcome (all cause mortality). The incidence of MACE tended to be higher in low AIP group, however its difference was not significant. The incidence of all cause mortality was significantly higher in low AIP group (14%) than in high AIP group (5%). Multivariable analysis showed that low AIP predicted all cause mortality independently with a risk ratio 3.71 (95% CI 1.26 – 10.97, p=0.02). Conclusion: low AIP value (<0.24) is an independent predictor for all cause mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing intensive hospitalisation

    Kampanye Dalam Rangka Hari Kesehatan Telinga dan Penfengaran Nasional Guna Meningkatkan Awareness Pada Masyarakat Terhadap Pemeriksaan Pendengaran Sejak Dini

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    World Health Organization (WHO) menjelaskan 466 Juta Orang mengalami gangguan pendengaran, Salah satu dampak gangguan pendengaran selain pada fungsi telinga, juga berdampak pada sosial, emosional dan ekonomi, karena tidak jarang orang yang memiliki gangguan pendengaran mendapat perlakukan kurang baik dari orang sekitar. Hari pendengaran sedunia yang di peringati pada Tanggal 03 Maret, merupakan salah satu wadah yang perlu dilestarikan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran terkait fungsi pendengaran. Kegiatan yang di lakukan dalam meningkatkatkan kesadaran tersebut adalah dengan melakukan kampanye dengan berbagai media baik off line dan online, dari kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat lebih peduli terhadap kesehatan telinga. WHO telah menyiapkan platform media untuk memperingati Hari pendengaran Dunia dengan berbagai materi menarik yang setiap tahunnya berganti, kegiatan ini penting untuk dilestarikan dan di peringati untuk membangun kesadaran masyarakatu untuk menjaga kesehatan telinga dan mencegah gangguan pendengaran secak din

    Description Of Characteristics, Diagnosis And Financing Of BPJS Patients In ENT Poly Health Service Facility Level 2

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    The application of tariff applied in handling BPJS patients references the INA- CBGs and the payment model used by BPJS Kesehatan to replace the total bill by the hospital. Hospitals receive payments based on the INA- CBGs rate, which is the average cost spent by a group of diagnoses. It is expected to improve the quality and efficiency of hospitals. The benefit of implementing INA -CBGs in JKN is the tariffs in the form of packages cover all components of hospital costs. Cost efficiency efforts must be made. That is no deficit from the applicable INA-CBGS tariff. Quality and cost control efforts are very important in the implementation of ENT specialist poly services. This study aims to analyze the demographic characteristics of the patient, the patient's diagnosis, the difference in rates between INA CBGS payments and RSIS rates, the composition of financing and the Unit Cost of ENT Polyclinics. The research type is quantitative observational with cross-sectional design. The research location is at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital with BPJS TXT data, processing in January-December 2019. The results showed, the demographic characteristics of most patients were > 50 years old, and most of them were diagnosed with minor chronic diseases. The difference between Ina-CBGS payments and RSIS rates is Rp. 60,174 which means that each patient contributes a profit of Rp. 60,174. The composition of the financing for implementation of the ENT Polyclinic is the cost of consulting services. The unit cost of ENT Polyclinic patients is Rp. 132,774 per patient

    Penciptaan Film Animasi 2D"Diruhi"

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    Sebuah film animasi pendek horor yang menggabungkan beberapa perbincangan dan lingkungan sekitar menjadi sebuah cerita yang menarik. Walaupun cerita yang disajikan pendek namun visualisasi dirancang untuk memberikan atmosfer suram sekaligus menyeramkan dengan teknik animasi dua dimensi digital. Film animasi ini diberi judul “Diruhi” yang berasal dari Bahasa Jawa diweruhi yang artinya diperlihatkan sebuah objek secara tiba-tiba, diambil dari inti film yang menceritakan tentang seorang pengarang komik yang mendapatkan sebuah rumor dari seorang penjual kopi tentang keangkeran komplek perkuburan bayi. Film Animasi “Diruhi” , yang diadaptasi dari cerita komik Webtoon “Medhi”, berdurasi 2 menit 32 detik untuk membuat cerita lebih singkat dan langsung to the point pada inti apa yang akan disampaikan. Jumlah shot mencapai 44 shot dengan total 4450 frame format HDTV 1920x1080 px 25 fps (frame per second). Dalam proses pembuatan film ini diterapkan juga 12 prinsip animasi. Pembuatan film animasi “Diruhi” menggunakan proses digital di dalamnya. Untuk animating digunakan teknik animasi 2D drawing frame by frame secara digital menggunakan komputer, gambar background juga dibuat secara digital tanpa meninggalkan nilai seni dari teknik gambar tradisional menggunakan tangan


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    Background: A study comparing thrombolytic therapy and primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with STEMI has been reported in developed countries. There has not been many studies reporting the outcome of pirmary PCI in developing countries where this intervention had just recently performed. Objective: To observed the major cardiovascular events in patients with STEMI who recieved thrombolytic therapy compared with primary PCI during hospitalization. Methodology and Methods: we performed retrospective cohort study using medical record of STEMI patients with the onset <12 hours who recieved thrombolytic therapy and primary PCI at Dr. Sardjito Hospital at Yogyakarta starting January 1 st , 2008 until March 31 st , 2010. Clinical outcomes: primary clinical outcomes: major cardiovascular events are composit of cardiovascular death, reinfarction and stroke during hospitalization. Secondary clinical outcomes: post-infarction angina pectoris, heart failure, cardiogenic shock and side effects of bleeding. Results: from 78 patients who recieved thrombolytic therapy and 53 patients with primary PCI we found that major cardiovascular events during hospitalization was not significantly different,10.3% vs 9.4% (RR 1.0

    Exploring Aceh Fault Zone for Slip Rates and Paleoseismic Trenching Potential along Sumatran Fault

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    We conducted a study on the Aceh Fault, an active right-lateral strike-slip fault in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Despite its seismic hazard potential, the slip characteristics of this fault are not well-understood. Using a combination of remote sensing and field methods, we mapped the distribution of displacement recorded by offset channels along the fault. Our goal is to identify evidence of past surface rupture, characterize their tectonic geomorphology setting, and assess their potentials as slip-rate and paleoseismic sites. The documented right-lateral displacements of channels and ridges from 35 observation points are mostly in the order of magnitude of hundreds of meters, with only a few sites exhibiting meter-scale measurable offsets. Our results provide important first-order data that can be used to locate sites suitable for paleoseismic trenching or offset investigations. This information will support the development of a maximum magnitude and earthquake recurrence model of the fault, which are crucial for seismic hazard analysis in the region