7 research outputs found

    The Role of Environmental Management on Visitor Satisfaction of Bogor Botanical Gardens

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    The purpose of this research is to find out how the implications of environmental management on the satisfaction of visitors in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. The research was conducted at the Bogor Botanical Garden, Bogor City, West Java. The research was conducted using a quantitative method with a correlative approach. The purpose of correlative research is to know whether or not there is a relationship between two or more variables. Data retrieval using several methods such as field surveys, library research, and documentation. The conclusion of the research is, that the satisfaction felt by visitors after traveling to the Bogor Botanical Gardens is strongly influenced by the environmental management that is done well. The better management activities carried out in the Bogor Botanical Gardens will have a positive impact on visitor satisfaction. When the destination of visitors traveling to Bogor Botanical Gardens is fulfilled then the satisfaction of visitors will be fulfilled as well. High visitor satisfaction will give a positive image to the Bogor Botanical Gardens, this will be one of the benchmarks of the extent of success of the management to carry out the task charged. To achieve good visitor satisfaction, through this research it is known that the role of environmental management is very decisive

    Desain Vegetasi Bernilai Konservasi Dan Ekonomi Pada Kawasan Penyangga Sistem Tata Air DAS Bolango (Designing of Vegetation Which Conservation and Economic Values in the Buffer Area of Water System at the Bolango Watershed)

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    Perencanaan pembangunan arboretum di DAS Bolango dengan konsep konservasi dan ekonomi perlu dilakukan karena DAS ini memiliki peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat sekitar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan rekomendasi tentang komposisi dan struktur vegetasi penyusun hutan pada kawasan arboretum sebagai pemelihara mata air Sungai Bolango. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi sumber mata air, tanah, dan kondisi vegetasi eksisting. Metode wawancara kepada masyarakat setempat dilakukan untuk mendukung data etnobotani. Kajian lahan dilakukan antara lain tata guna, kelas kemampuan, konsep pengelolaan, kesesuaian lahan, dan penentuan vegetasinya. Hasil identifikasi sumber mata air menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 lokasi yang potensial dibangun arboretum, yaitu Desa Meranti Kecamatan Tapa Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Desa Dulamayo Selatan Kecamatan Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo, dan Desa Mongiilo Kecamatan Bolango Ulu Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Berdasarkan data kualitas tanah, ketiga lokasi memiliki media perakaran yang cukup baik untuk tanaman budi daya. Secara umum, semua jenis tanaman budi daya sesuai untuk ditanam di ketiga lokasi arboretum. Perlu dilakukan pembuatan teras dan penerapan pola tanam konservasi yang mengaplikasikan tanaman penutup tanah (cover crop), tanaman budi daya, dan pohon penyusun hutan. Selain itu, perlu pemberian pupuk organik berupa kompos dan pupuk kandang

    DESAIN VEGETASI BERNILAI KONSERVASI DAN EKONOMI PADA KAWASAN PENYANGGA SISTEM TATA AIR DAS BOLANGO (Designing of Vegetation which Conservation and Economic Values in the Buffer Area of Water System at the Bolango Watershed)

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    ABSTRAKPerencanaan pembangunan arboretum di DAS Bolango dengan konsep konservasi dan ekonomi perlu dilakukan karena DAS ini memiliki peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat sekitar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan rekomendasi tentang komposisi dan struktur vegetasi penyusun hutan pada kawasan arboretum sebagai pemelihara mata air Sungai Bolango. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi sumber mata air, tanah, dan kondisi vegetasi eksisting. Metode wawancara kepada masyarakat setempat dilakukan untuk mendukung data etnobotani. Kajian lahan dilakukan antara lain tata guna, kelas kemampuan, konsep pengelolaan, kesesuaian lahan, dan penentuan vegetasinya. Hasil identifikasi sumber mata air menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 lokasi yang potensial dibangun arboretum, yaitu Desa Meranti Kecamatan Tapa Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Desa Dulamayo Selatan Kecamatan Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo, dan Desa Mongiilo Kecamatan Bolango Ulu Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Berdasarkan data kualitas tanah, ketiga lokasi memiliki media perakaran yang cukup baik untuk tanaman budi daya. Secara umum, semua jenis tanaman budi daya sesuai untuk ditanam di ketiga lokasi arboretum. Perlu dilakukan pembuatan teras dan penerapan pola tanam konservasi yang mengaplikasikan tanaman penutup tanah (cover crop), tanaman budi daya, dan pohon penyusun hutan. Selain itu, perlu pemberian pupuk organik berupa kompos dan pupuk kandang. ABSTRACTArboretum development planning in Bolango Watershed using concept of conservation and economy is conducted because the watershed has an important role in people's lives around. This study aims to provide recommendations about composition and structure of forest vegetation in the arboretum area for conserving of Bolango River’s water springs. The study began by identifying the source of the springs, soil, and the existing vegetation. Interview to local communities was conducted to support the data of ethnobotany. Land observation was studied among other land use, class capabilities, management concepts, land suitability, and vegetation selection. The results of the identification of water sources indicated that there were three potential sites built arboretum, i.e Meranti Village Tapa District of Bone Bolango Regency, Dulamayo Selatan Village, Telaga District of Gorontalo Regency, and Mongiilo Village Bolango Ulu District of Bone Bolango Regency. Based on the data of the soil quality, the third location had a pretty good rooting medium for plant cultivation. Generally, all of plant cultivation were suitable to planted in the third location of arboretum. There were important to built terraces and applicate a model of conservation plants using cover crops, cultivation plants, and trees. In addition, it should be applicated organic fertilizer such as compost and manure


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    The establishment of the Indonesian Botanic Gardens has shown significant progress over the past ten years, especially in the program of Regional Botanic Gardens. The Regional Botanical Gardens development program manifests LIPI's real contribution in applying science and technology for environmental sustainability and community welfare. The program also involves other agencies such as the Ministry of PUPR (Public Work and Housing), local government, universities, and the private sector. Developing the Regional Botanical Gardens includes three stages, including the planning stage, the development stage, and the management stage. A number of 43 botanical gardens have been built, 4 of which are in the planning stage, 20 are in development, and 19 are preparing for management. There are two challenges in establishing a regional botanical garden, originating from internal factors (Central Government) or external factors (Local Government). Fundamentally, the problem is commitments related to funding continuity, policy support, self-supporting infrastructure, infrastructure maintenance, and the involvement of other parties in the network. However, by looking at the increasing trend of botanical garden development, efforts to save Indonesian plant diversity are getting better


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    Since the establishment of the Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) in 1817, the protection of the tree collections, even the loss of aging trees (> 100 years old), has been one of its most important tasks. Abiotic factors such as intense extreme events, i.e., heavy rainfall and strong winds, as well as biotic factors from human activities, pests and diseases, and the deterioration of the health of the plant collection with age, has threatened the survival of the old tree collections. As the BBG has many functions for conservation and human ecological activities, tree fall accidents have become a primary concern in preventing the loss of biodiversity and human life. Therefore, disaster map zonation is required to prevent and minimize such accident together with a prediction of which individual specimen is likely to fall. We examined the health of 154 to determine the falling probability of 1106 aged trees based on several factors that might cause the fall in the past and to make model predictions generated by nine supervised machine learning algorithms to get a binary value of falling probability and then classified into four categories (neglectable, low, moderate, and high probability of falling). Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation method was used to depict a zone map of trees prone to fall in BBG. We found 885 susceptible trees, of which 358 individual trees were highly susceptible to fall (red zone color), dominated by families from Fabaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Meliaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Sapindaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Araucariaceae, Malvaceae, and Anacardiaceae. This result was based on Random Forest model due to its highest accuracy among algorithms and its lowest false negative (FN) value. The FN value was important to minimize error calculation on aged trees that were not prone to fall but turned out to be prone to fall. The dominant factor contributing to high falling intensity was hollow and brittle on the tree trunks where many were found to have pests inside damaged parts such as termites, wood-borers, and bark-eaters. Several trees were found to have combined damages with more than a single causative factor that exacerbated tree’s health and increased falling probability

    Decay Tree Detection in Bogor Botanic Gardens Collection Using Sonic Tomograph Technology

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    Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex-situ plant conservation area in Indonesia. Since BBG is 103 years old, many collections are 100 years old or older. These antique collections may sustain damage, such as broken or collapsing, endangering visitors and employees. As a result, monitoring tree health at BBG is a critical task. According to the tree health monitoring data, 73 of 244 trees were further checked using the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph. Trees from the Fabaceae (31%) and Myrtaceae (10%) families were the most frequently checked. Walnuts trees from the Burseraceae family had the most specimens (47,94%). The PST effectively provides an immediate picture of the stem condition by calculating solid and decaying wood percentage values

    Decay Tree Detection in Bogor Botanic Gardens Collection Using Sonic Tomograph Technology

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    Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex-situ plant conservation area in Indonesia. Since BBG is 103 years old, many collections are 100 years old or older. These antique collections may sustain damage, such as broken or collapsing, endangering visitors and employees. As a result, monitoring tree health at BBG is a critical task. According to the tree health monitoring data, 73 of 244 trees were further checked using the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph. Trees from the Fabaceae (31%) and Myrtaceae (10%) families were the most frequently checked. Walnuts trees from the Burseraceae family had the most specimens (47,94%). The PST effectively provides an immediate picture of the stem condition by calculating solid and decaying wood percentage values