246 research outputs found

    The power of the International Court of Justice to indicate provisional measures to prevent the aggravation of a dispute

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    1The present article aims at examining, in the light of the Court’s practice, some issues concerning the power of the Court to indicate provisional measures to prevent the aggravation or extension of the dispute. While the existence of a power to indicate non-aggravation measures appears to be well established in the Court’s case-law, the scope of this power has proved to be a more controversial issue. This study argues that, by attaching relevance to the element of aggravation, the Court has been able to indicate measures that are not strictly needed to prevent a risk of irreparable harm but which at any rate contribute to a greater protection of the rights of the parties; at the same time, however, the Court has so far refrained from regarding the risk of aggravation as a circumstance which may justify a less stringent evaluation of the other conditions that normally need to be satisfied for the granting of interim protection under Art. 41.openP. PALCHETTIPalchetti, Paol

    Making and enforcing procedural law at the International Court of Justice

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    In this article I will first deal with the power of the International Court of Justice to adopt rules of procedure. My intention here is to assess the procedure followed in practice by the Court for the adoption of such rules, as well the different instruments by which this regulatory power is exercised. I will then examine the \u2018power of sanction\u2019 of the Court, namely the ways and means by which the Court may sanction the parties of a dispute in case of a breach of a procedural rule or when a party attempts to exploit such rules to obstruct the administration of justice. By focusing on (international procedural) law-making and (international procedural) law-enforcement,the aim is also to shed light on possible dynamics \u2013 relating to the relationship between the Court and States, both as prospective clients and as parties to a case \u2013 that may influence the activity of the Court, acting as a limitation to its general freedom in this fiel

    Desafios e perspectivas da Corte Internacional de Justiça

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    Este artigo se propõe a realizar um rápido exame da história da Corte internacional de justiça, em particular do sucesso que ela teve perante os Estados como instrumento de solução de controvérsias, com o objetivo de compreender melhor quais são os desafios que a esperam em um futuro próximo. Entre tais desafios incluem-se, especificamente, o aumento da atratividade da Corte, alargando o acesso às organizações internacionais e a modificação de alguns aspectos processuais

    Reading the crisis: legal, philosophical and literary perspectives

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    Almost a decade has passed since the outbreak of the economic crisis; from its original nucleus, its effects have quickly affected the social and geopolitical fields. Such wide impact and its complex implications make the crisis an object susceptible of multiple readings. The particular aim of the studies collected in this volume is to explore the impact of the crisis on law, culture and society, in order to test the depth of the problem, by comparing the analytical perspectives obtainable from legal and human sciences. The book focuses on three main issues: the crisis as a social object, in order to consider the crisis in terms of its attributing force; the problem of democracy, which is becoming an increasingly central question now, as the changes imposed by the crisis have begun to settle down; the interdisciplinary challenge that, in time of crisis, questions paradigms of knowledge, competences and methods, in order to enable an heuristic dialogue between human, social and legal sciences.Introduction / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 9-12). -- The Crisis as a Social Object : -- Narrating the Crisis: Fictions of Finance in Contemporary British Novels / Silvana Colella (pp. 15-37). -- Social Rights in Crisis: Any Role for the Court of Justice of the EU? / Francesco Costamagna (pp. 39-64). -- Ripensare la nazione ottocentesca. Vecchi e nuovi paradigmi tra storia, diritto e globalità / Eliana Augusti (pp. 65-97). -- Ma cos'è questa crisi? / Carla Canullo (pp. 99-113). -- The Problem of Democracy : -- Defending Collective Sociality: The Oresteia at Shakespeare's Globe / Louise Owen (pp. 117-131). -- Representation of the Crisis vs Representative Democracy in Italy / Roberta Calvano (pp. 133-148). -- The Unbearable Lightness of the Freedom of Movement: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Brexit and Inmigration / Lucia Barbone, Erik Longo (pp.149-174). -- Représentation, perception de la crise et modification de la «sécurité sociale». Entre prédiction et anticipation, que signifie agir das un monde incertain? / Jean-Philipe Pierron (pp. 175-188). -- The Interdisciplinary Challenge : -- Intercultural Categories of Thought in Times of Crisis: The Challenge of Inter/Multi-discipinary Research / Flavia Stara (pp. 191-198). -- An Interdisciplinary Approach to International Law? Some Cursory Remarks / Paolo Palchetti (pp. 199-208). -- Rights in Times of Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Issue for Legal Studies / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 209-219). -- Contributors (pp. 221-224)

    CFBM - A Framework for Data Driven Approach in Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation

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    Recently, there has been a shift from modeling driven approach to data driven approach in Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS). This trend towards the use of data-driven approaches in simulation aims at using more and more data available from the observation systems into simulation models [1, 2]. In a data driven approach, the empirical data collected from the target system are used not only for the design of the simulation models but also in initialization, evaluation of the output of the simulation platform. That raises the question how to manage empirical data, simulation data and compare those data in such agent-based simulation platform. In this paper, we first introduce a logical framework for data driven approach in agent-based modeling and simulation. The introduced framework is based on the combination of Business Intelligence solution and a multi-agent based platform called CFBM (Combination Framework of Business intelligence and Multi-agent based platform). Secondly, we demonstrate the application of CFBM for data driven approach via the development of a Brown Plant Hopper Surveillance Models (BSMs), where CFBM is used not only to manage and integrate the whole empirical data collected from the target system and the data produced by the simulation model, but also to initialize and validate the models. The successful development of the CFBM consists not only in remedying the limitation of agent-based modeling and simulation with regard to data management but also in dealing with the development of complex simulation systems with large amount of input and output data supporting a data driven approach

    Derecho en movimiento. Personas, derechos y derecho en la dinámica global

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    Edición de Massimo Meccarelli y Paolo Palchetti.¿En qué medida nuestro aparato conceptual permite comprender y describir los cambios en el derecho? ¿Qué puede aportar a nuestra actividad investigadora, desde un punto de vista analítico, una observación del derecho en sus momentos dinámicos? El objetivo del volumen es intentar una primera aproximación al análisis de un tema inusual: el derecho en movimiento. Los estudios aquí reunidos analizan algunas experiencias jurídicas concretas del movimiento del derecho, tomando en consideración tres perfiles particulares: la circulación de personas, la circulación del derecho (en referencia tanto a los saberes, y a las culturas jurídicas, como a las opciones normativas), la circulación de los derechos (en referencia a la multiplicidad de las formas de tutela jurídica y a su difusión).Contiene: Derecho en movimiento: una cuestión teórica nada convencional / Massimo Meccarelli, Paolo Palchetti . -- El gobierno de la especialidad. Personas y cuerpos en movimiento entre España y Ultramar (1850-1885) / María Julia Solla Sastre . -- Acción y reacción en la lucha contra la impunidad: el caso del Genocidio Maya / Pablo Zapatero Miguel . -- Some considerations on the two-way circulation of legal concepts and experiences between colonies and motherland / Maria Chiara Vitucci . -- El tratamiento jurídico del extranjero en Brasil: de la “gran naturalización” de la Primera República a la seguridad nacional en el Estado nuevo (1889-1945) / Arno Dal Ri Jr. . -- Women in motion: effetti e aspettative delle migrazioni al femminile / Flavia Stara . -- La «Escuela social del derecho» entre Europa y Brasil. Encuentros y desencuentros ante las transformaciones de fin de siglo / Ferdinando Mazzarella . -- A escola positiva italiana no Brasil entre o final do século XIX e início do século XX: a problemática questão da “influência” / Ricardo Sontag . -- Rutas científicas y académicas. Juristas republicanos españoles exiliados en México durante el régimen de Franco / Eva Elizabeth Martínez Cháve