885 research outputs found

    Dissecting genetic effects with imprinting

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    Models of genetic effects are mathematical representations of a genotype-to-phenotype (GP) map that, rather than accounting for a raw map assigning phenotypes to genotypes, rely on parameters with deliberate evolutionary meaning—additive and interaction effects. In this article, the conceptual particularities of genetic imprinting and their implications on models of genetic effects are analyzed. The molecular mechanisms by which imprinted loci affect the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes are known to be singular. Despite its epigenetic nature, the (parent-of-origin-dependent) way in which the alleles of imprinted genes are modified and segregate in each generation is precisely determined, and thus amenable to be represented through conventional models of genetic effects. The Natural and Orthogonal Interactions (NOIA) model framework is here extended to account for imprinting as a tool for a more thorough analysis of the evolutionary implications of this phenomenon. The resulting theory improves and generalizes previous proposals for modeling imprinting.The Autonomous Administration Xunta de Galicia provided funding for this research through project EM2014/024S

    Ambientes interactivos como recurso educativo para potenciar la comprensi?n lectora en los estudiantes del grado quinto

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    119 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n, aborda la comprensi?n lectora desde los niveles: literal, inferencial y cr?tico. Se inicia con la indagaci?n de diversos autores y de las bases te?ricas de los procesos de comprensi?n lectora, articulados a las Tecnolog?as de la Informaci?n y las Comunicaciones TIC. Se selecciona el tipo de investigaci?n aplicada porque aborda la variable independiente los formularios online como recurso educativo y que incide en el problema o variable dependiente que es la comprensi?n lectora. En cuanto al enfoque se opta por el enfoque mixto, porque involucra desarrollos de Investigaci?n Cualitativa para el dise?o de la propuesta y Cuantitativa para el an?lisis de las variables. El enfoque mixto en la presente investigaci?n, vincula datos cualitativos, como las caracter?sticas de los estudiantes frente al uso de los formularios online, el nivel de competencias tecnol?gicas de los docentes y datos cuantitativos como el porcentaje de estudiantes seg?n nivel de lectura desde la primera aplicaci?n de la caracterizaci?n, Pre test y luego de la mediaci?n con la segunda caracterizaci?n, Post test. El alcance es de tipo descriptivo, en la investigaci?n se describen los ambientes interactivos con un sitio web, mediante formularios online, como propuesta mediada por las TIC y se toman los aportes cient?ficos sobre los niveles de comprensi?n lectora, adem?s se describen los hechos, y las observaciones que permiten identificar el nivel de competencias tecnol?gicas de los docentes. Luego de implementar la propuesta, se determina el nivel de motivaci?n de los docentes, frente a la articulaci?n de las TIC a trav?s de los formularios online a sus pr?cticas de aula. Para finalizar se compara la situaci?n inicial (pre ? test) y final (post test) y se describen los eventos y estrategias que incidieron de forma positiva, negativa o despreciable en el nivel de comprensi?n lectora. Se usan cuatro instrumentos para extraer los datos. De tipo cuantitativo: las pruebas de caracterizaci?n primera y segunda aplicaci?n, la lista de chequeo, la encuesta a estudiantes y a docentes y de tipo cualitativo la entrevista a los docentes. Para el caso en estudio se opta por el Muestreo no Probabil?stico, por selecci?n intencionada o muestreo de conveniencia, se establecieron como criterios para la selecci?n de la muestra: la disponibilidad del grupo completo para implementar las mediaciones, los resultados que presentan mayor oportunidad de mejora y el grupo con mayor n?mero de estudiantes. De esta manera, la muestra la conforma el grado 5-1 y que de manera exhaustiva la conforman 30 estudiantes de la sede Central, jornada Ma?ana. Con la investigaci?n se desarrolla una mediaci?n a trav?s del dise?o e implementaci?n de formularios online. Palabras clave: ambientes interactivos, formularios online, comprensi?n lectora, competencias tecnol?gicas.The present research work, addresses Reading Comprehension from the literal, inferential and critical levels. It begins with the investigation of diverse authors and the theorical bases of processes of reading comprehension, articulated to the technologies of the information and the TIC communications. The type of applied research is selected because if addresses the independent variable online forms as an educational resource of that affects the problem or dependent variable that is reading comprehension. Reading the approach, the mixed approach is chosen, because it involves qualitative research development for the design of the proposal and quantitative research for analysis of the variable in the mixed approach in this research, links qualitative data, such as the characteristics of students against the use of online forms. The level of teachers and quantitative data as the percentage of students according to the level of reading form the first application of the characterization, Pre - test and the mediation with the second characterization, Post - test. The scope is descriptive, the research describes interactive environments with a website using online forms, the online forms, as proposal mediated by the TIC and scientific contributions are taken on the levels of reading comprehension, in addition the facts are described, and the observations that allow to identify the level of Technological Competences of teachers is determined, as opposed to the articulation of the TIC though the online forms to their classroom practices. Finally, the initial (Pre ? test) and final (Post test) situation is compared and positively, negatively or negligibly at the level of reading comprehension are described for instruments are used to extract the data for quantitative type: the tests of characterization first and second application, the checklist, the survey to students and teachers of qualitative type the interview to the teachers. For the case under study, non-probabilistic sampling was chosen, by intentional selection or coexistence sampling, the following were established as criteria for the selection of the sample: the availability of the entire group to implement the mediations, the results that present the greatest opportunity for improvement and the group with the largest number of student. In this way, the sample is made up of grace 5-1 and in an exhaustion way it is made up of 30 students from the headquarters a day tomorrow. With the research mediation is developed through the design and implementation of online forms. Keywords: Interactive Environments, Online Forms, Reading Comprehension, Technological Competence

    La evaluaci?n de los estudiantes en el curso b?sico de tierra: estudio en la escuela de helicopteros para las fuerzas armadas a?os del 2013-2014

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    133 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa Escuela de Helic?pteros para las fuerzas armadas es l?der en la Regi?n y abierta al Mundo. Necesita de un sistema de evaluacion que garantice la calidad y la transformaci?n de la educaci?n y formaci?n de sus futuros piloto. El aporte pedag?gico de la investigaci?n, de dise?ar un modelo de evaluacion que contextualice el que actualmente se encuentra vigente en la EHFAA del Curso B?sico de Helic?pteros Equipo OH-58, se hace desde tres puntos de vista: desde el agente pasivo que es el alumno, el agente activo que es el docente y el agente determinador que est? representado por los directivos. La evaluaci?n es parte fundamental de un sistema educativo, por esta raz?n La escuela de helic?pteros para las fuerzas armadas ha entendido que Un sistema de evaluaci?n que no se renueva, no innova y no est? a la vanguardia de los cambios educativos se acerca peligrosamente a su extinci?n, recibiendo sus consecuencias el eslab?n m?s d?bil, el alumno. El nuevo modelo de evaluacion que se propone es una necesidad que nace para el beneficio del estudiante porque la informaci?n requerida por el instructor de vuelo ha de ser contextualizada y apropiada por el alumno para sus siguientes fases de entrenamiento pr?ctico de vuelo y lo mejor es una evaluacion permanente y continua donde no hay que esperar al final el examen ?nico que de fe del aprendizaje. Adoptar un modelo nuevo que no solo contextualice los conocimientos entregados, sino que, se trasfiera el saber asimilado por los estudiantes hacia un verdadero aprendizaje significativo.School helicopters for the armed forces is a leader in the region and world. You need an evaluation system to ensure the quality and the transformation of education and training of future pilot. The educational contribution of research, to design an evaluation model that contextualizes the one currently in force in the Basic Course EHFAA Helicopter OH-58 Team is made from three points of view: from the passive agent is the student The active agent is the teacher and the determiner agent is represented by managers. The assessment is a fundamental part of an educational system, therefore School of helicopters for the armed forces has understood that a system of evaluation is not renewed, does not innovate is not at the forefront of educational change is dangerously close to his extinction, receiving its consequences the weakest link, the student. The new evaluation model proposed is a need that arises for the benefit of the student because the information required by the flight instructor must be contextualized and appropriate for the student to their next phases of practical flight training and the best is a permanent and continuous assessment where no waiting at the end the only test that faith learning. Adopt a new model that not only delivered contextualize knowledge, but that knowledge assimilated by the students toward meaningful learning real return is transferred. Keywords: Educational evaluation, academic performance, grade, school failure, ground course, training and ongoing evaluation, meaningful learning

    Should a central bank transfer its profits to the treasury?

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    In this paper we show how two seemingly irrelevant accounting principles for central banks—namely, the choice of the unit of account for its balance sheet and the method of inventory valuation of foreign currency reserves—can overstate or understate profits transferred to the treasury and how this can threaten the ability of central banks to control inflation. We show the first point through Monte Carlo experiments calibrated for the Venezuelan economy and the second point in an infinitely lived representative agent model that illustrates the problem of the joint determination of the level of central bank assets and the size of profits transferred to the treasury when the objective of the central bank is to eliminate the possibility of hyperinflation

    Relaci?n entre el modelo pedag?gico social constructivista, y las pr?cticas pedag?gicas de los docentes de la instituci?n educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro de la ciudad de Ibagu?

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    202 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo establecer las caracter?sticas del modelo social constructivista que se evidencia en las pr?cticas pedag?gicas de los docentes de la instituci?n educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro de la ciudad de Ibagu?; para ello, se emple? una metodolog?a de tipo mixto (cualitativo y cuantitativo), mediante la aplicaci?n de diferentes instrumentos que incluyeron, encuestas a docentes y directivos de la instituci?n, el an?lisis documental, as? como la observaci?n directa a las clases de algunos docentes . Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se puede evidenciar que existe un nivel de incoherencia entre los planteamientos institucionales y las pr?cticas de ense?anza y aprendizaje que llevan a cabo los docentes. As? mismo, se recomienda a la instituci?n dise?ar estrategias con las cuales se logre una mayor apropiaci?n del modelo pedag?gico; esto, mediante un seguimiento constante y pertinente a los procesos que permiten la materializaci?n de sus componentes.The objective of this research was to establish the characteristics of the constructivist social model that is evident in the pedagogical practices of the teachers of the educational institution I NEM Manuel Murillo Toro of the city of Ibagu?; To this end, a mixed-type methodology (qualitative and quantitative) was used, by means of the application of different instruments that included, surveys to teachers and managers of the institution, the documentary analysis, as well as the direct observation to the classes of some teachers. Among the results obtained, it can be seen that there is a level of incoherence between the institutional approaches and the teaching and learning practices carried out by the teachers. The institution is also encouraged to design strategies to achieve a greater appropriation of the pedagogical model; This, through constant and pertinent monitoring of the processes that allow the materialization of its components. Keywords: Constructivist social pedagogical model, pedagogical practices, teaching-learning, didactic strategies, components, follow-up

    Las dimensiones de la cultura organizacional de las Mypes del sector textil en Lima seg?n la teor?a de Denison

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    El prop?sito de este trabajo de investigaci?n fue el poder describir las dimensiones de la cultura organizacional que existe en las Mypes. se plante? estudiar el sector textil de la ciudad de Lima debido al gran volumen de Mypes que la conforman. La recolecci?n de datos para llevar a cabo la investigaci?n tuvo localizaci?n en el emporio comercial de Gamarra. Un conglomerado de Mypes se sit?a en este lugar de donde se tom? una muestra de 50 Mypes. Se planteo un dise?o de investigaci?n no experimental, de corte transversal descriptiva, cuyos datos fueron analizados a trav?s del software estad?stico SPSS, versi?n 21, los resultados que arrojaron los modelos descriptivos de las dimensiones de cultura organizacional mostraron la existencia de una cultura organizacional predominantemente fuerte en las empresas que fueron sujetas a prueba, la mayor?a tuvo un ?ndice mayor al promedio que oscilaba en 3.42 en una escala del 1 al 5. La hip?tesis planteada en el trabajo fue aceptada Otro punto importante fue el evaluar cada dimensi?n de la cultura organizaci?n , se proporciona resultados tambi?n en este sentido

    Performance evaluation of deleteriousness prediction methods for intronic SNVs in next generation sequences

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    Introduction: Alterations in splicing sites (ss) are estimated to explain approximately 10% of human disease causal variants. Mutations outside the ss but affecting ?regulatory elements? can be up to 25%. Accurate deleteriousness prediction for intronic variants is crucial for diagnostic purposes. Many deleteriousness prediction methods have been developed, but their relative values are still unclear in practical applications. We comprehensively evaluated the predictive performance of two complementary deleteriousness-scoring methods using information from real patients. Material and Methods: We selected the dbscSNV (both ADA and RF scores) and SPIDEX algorithms, that study variants in splicing consensus regions or in regulatory regions respectively. The tools, either alone or in combination, were tested on 29294 gene intronic SNVs that have previously been characterised by ClinVar as either ?pathogenic? (430) or ?benign? (28864). The sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were calculated. Moreover, we applied the algorithms to WES data from undiagnosed patients, and we analysed the mRNA sequence from genes that fitted the patient?s phenotype. Results: The highest sensitivity corresponds to dbscSNV with 96.55% while the best specificity is for SPIDEX with 95.78%. When considering the 3 scores (SPIDEX, dbscSNV ADA and RF Score), the sensitivity and specificity values were 60.7% and 94.6%. The Positive and Negative Predictive Value were 14.45% and 99.39%. The results for 20 undiagnosed cases are presented. Conclusions: Besides the low positive predictive value, the combination of both algorithms leads less than 1% of false negatives, so their routine use can be recommended for diagnostic purposes

    Propuesta did?ctica para contribuir en los procesos de socializaci?n en el marco de la c?tedra de la paz para el grado preescolar del colegio Mar?a Montessori

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    60 p. Recurso Electr?nicoActualmente, en nuestro pa?s vemos la necesidad de cambiar nuestro discurso por unos m?s conciliadores e inclusivos, con modos de interacci?n comunicativa que contribuyan a moldear la din?mica social con pr?cticas colectivas dial?gicas, no beligerante, que impulsen a nuestro pa?s hacia nuevas formas de ser y de hacer. Para esto, necesitamos contar con escenarios trascendentes en la formaci?n del sujeto como la educaci?n, pues aqu? es posible negociar relaci?n de sentido argumentadas que promuevan la convivencia conforme. Por lo descrito, el presente proyecto de investigaci?n, busca acercarse a los procesos de socializaci?n en el nivel preescolar o jard?n de ni?os, acondicionando sus espacios en ambientes l?dico-did?cticos, para que los ni?os desarrollen sus aprendizajes de manera significativa, teniendo como derrotero la c?tedra de la paz. Igualmente, resaltamos la importancia de ramificar estos procesos de socializaci?n hacia la familia, teniendo en cuenta que es el primer referente de aprehensi?n del mundo y por tanto el veh?culo primario de valores, actitudes y creencias. As? mismo, interpelar el rol de los maestros como protagonistas en la comprensi?n de la realidad e incidir en los procesos de trasformaci?n social a trav?s de los procesos de socializaci?n. Entendiendo la actual coyuntura del pa?s y el rol de la educaci?n, este trabajo se orienta hacia la tarea del sistema educativo respecto que implica plantear nuevos m?todos para articular el tema de los valores con los dem?s saberes. Exhortando a los docentes a contribuir en el desarrollo de competencias en los estudiantes, que aborden la dimensi?n del ser y del saber hacer; proyectando a los educandos como ciudadanos, que tengan principios democr?ticos y pac?ficos. As? mismo, en pro del compromiso social con la humanidad, que es la paz, el sistema educativo debe promover desde los primeros a?os de aprendizaje estos valores; por lo que el docente tendr? que ser un orientador humanista y sensible ante los conflictos que nos demanda el mundo contempor?neo; as?, exige del maestro compromiso y la pr?ctica dentro del aula valores como el respeto, la solidaridad, la cooperaci?n y la paz; con inclusi?n y tolerancia a la diferencia; atendiendo a formas de aprendizaje, niveles de comprensi?n, contexto y el rol social. Adem?s, para evidenciar la importancia de implementar la c?tedra de la paz, es imperativo saber educar bajo este concepto; implica sembrar transformaciones sociales reales y con sentido, ya que es trabajar en las personas desde un marco educativo, con intenci?n formativa; teniendo en cuenta la formaci?n en valores como eje transversal, integrado a las metodolog?as que se manejan en el preescolar, con escenarios l?dicos, para que los ni?os experimenten situaciones que proporcionen aprendizajes para la vida. Considerado el cruce de argumentos que dan mayor comprensi?n sobre la raz?n de ser de la paz en el marco educativo, en la etapa inicial de la formaci?n; se espera con esta propuesta generar reflexi?n en torno a los m?todos pedag?gicos y did?cticos; oxigenar el rol del maestro como gu?a de los educandos y recuperar el contexto familiar.At present, in our country we see the need to change our discourse by some more conciliatory and inclusive, with modes of communicative interaction that contribute to mold the social dynamics with collective, non-belligerent collective practices that will propel our country towards new forms of being and of doing. For this, we need to have transcendent scenarios in the formation of the subject as education, because here it is possible to negotiate a relationship of meaning, arguing that promote the coexistence according. As described, the present research project seeks to approach the processes of socialization in the preschool or kindergarten level, conditioning their spaces in ludicdidactic environments, so that children develop their learning in a significant way, having as a course the Chair of peace. Likewise, we emphasize the importance of branching these processes of socialization towards the family, considering that it is the first reference of apprehension of the world and therefore the primary vehicle of values, attitudes and beliefs. Also, to question the role of teachers as protagonists in the understanding of reality and influence the processes of social transformation through the processes of socialization. Understanding the current conjuncture of the country and the role of education, this work is oriented towards the task of the educational system with regard to the need to propose new methods to articulate the theme of values with other knowledge. Encouraging teachers to contribute to the development of competencies in students that address the dimension of being and know-how; Projecting the learners as citizens, having democratic and peaceful principles. Likewise, for the social commitment to humanity, which is peace, the education system must promote these values from the earliest years of learning; So the teacher will have to be a humanist and sensitive advisor to the conflicts that the contemporary world demands; Thus, it demands from the teacher commitment and practice within the classroom values such as respect, solidarity, cooperation and peace; With inclusion and tolerance to difference; Attending to forms of learning, levels of understanding, context and social role. In addition, to demonstrate the importance of implementing the chair of peace, it is imperative to know how to educate under this concept; Implies to plant real and meaningful social transformations, since it is to work in the people from an educational framework, with formative intention; Taking into account the training in values as a transversal axis, integrated to the methodologies that are managed in the preschool, with playful scenarios, so that the children experience situations that provide learning for life. Considered the crossing of arguments that give greater understanding on the raison d'?tre of peace in the educational framework, in the initial stage of formation; It is expected with this proposal to generate reflection on pedagogical and didactic methods; To oxygenate the role of the teacher as a guide for learners and to recover the family context. Key words: Chair of peace - Socialization processes - School environments - Human Dimension

    La l?dica como estrategia pedag?gica, para potencializar la lectura y escritura, en los ni?os y ni?as del grado segundo, de la instituci?n educativa San Luis Gonzaga Sede Uribe, de la ciudad de Ibagu?

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    111 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de intervenci?n se realiz? en la instituci?n educativa San Luis Gonzaga, sede Uribe, con estudiantes del grado segundo, a trav?s de un proceso de investigaci?n formativa, empleando la metodolog?a cualitativa de corte etnogr?fico y la investigaci?n ?acci?n, como proceso reflexivo sobre los discursos y practicas pedag?gicas, logrando una participaci?n activa de todos los agentes educativos, encaminados al fortalecimiento de competencias lecto-escriturales en los ni?os, para incentivar su proceso significativo. De acuerdo a lo anterior se tom? la l?dica como estrategia pedag?gica, para motivar los procesos lecto-escriturales en los estudiantes, con el fin de fortalecer el ?mbito acad?mico y actitudinal frente al proceso de ense?anza-aprendizaje. Por tal raz?n se realizaron talleres y t?cnicas de investigaci?n cualitativa como la observaci?n, diario de campo, entrevistas, indagaci?n documental y la iteraci?n con los agentes educativos, permitiendo analizar las diferentes falencias en relaci?n a su proceso lecto-escritural, y como la l?dica como estrategia pedag?gica, es motivante para mejorar dichos procesos. Es as? como se logr? una mirada hol?stica en el desarrollo de los procesos de an?lisis, planeaci?n y ejecuci?n del proyecto, evidenciando alcances y resultados, en la importancia de incentivar la lectura y escritura en los ni?os, para su mejor desenvolvimiento en la sociedad. Palabras claves: competencias lecto-escriturales, l?dica, investigaci?n, aprendizajes, desarrollo, estrategias pedag?gicasThis project was made with intervention of educational institution ?San Luis Gonzaga?, headquarters ?Uribe?, with second grade students. This was done using a process ethnographic and research. As a reflexive process on the discourses and pedagogical practices, obtaining an active participation of all the educational agents. This is aimed at strengthening literacy skills in children, to encourage their significant process It used a play as a pedagogical strategy to motivate the reading and writing processes in the students. In order to strengthen the academic and attitudinal environment in front of the teaching-learning process. For that reason, we will develop workshops and techniques of qualitative research such as observation, field diary, interviews, documentary inquiry and iteration with educational agents, allowing us to analyze the different shortcomings in relation to their literacy process, and as playful as a pedagogical strategy, Is motivating to improve those processes. Finally, It was obtained a holistic view in the development of the processes of analysis, planning and execution of the project, evidencing scope and results. This was important to encourage reading and writing in children and within society. Key words: Lecto-scriptural competences, playfulness, research, learning, development, and pedagogical strategies
