213 research outputs found
Wujud Cecandran dalam Tindak Tutur Ilokusi di Desa Tumpakrejo, Kecamatan Gedangan, Kabupaten Malang
Tindak tutur ilokusi sering diucapkan dengan menggunakan unsur cecandran agar tuturan tersebut terlihat lebih indah jelas, dan akan memberikan gambaran tentang apa yang sedang diperumpakan dalam tuturan tersebut. Wujud cecandran dalam tindak tutur ilokusi di Desa Tumpakrejo, Kecamatan Gedangan, Kabupaten Malang akan menjadi topik pembahasan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penlitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini akan digunakan teori pragmatik untuk mempelajari segala konteks yang ada diluar bahasa juga maksud tuturan yang ada di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan wujud, tujuan, serta konteks tindak tutur ilokusi yang memuat unsur cecandran. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari kegiatan simak dan catat terhadap percakapan yang terjadi di masyarakat Desa Tumpakrejo, kemudian data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan model analisis Miles and Huberman. Dalam penelitian ini dijelaskan dengan lebih rinci tentang 12 jenis wujud cecandran dalam tindak tutur ilokusi. Dalam penelitian ini, juga dijelaskan beberapa tujuan dari tindak tutur ilokusi, diantaranya tujuan tindak tutur ilokusi convivial/menyenangkan menyapa, (2) tujuan tindak tutur ilokusi collaborative/kerjasama Selain itu juga dijelaskan empat konteks tindak tutur ilokusi, diantaranya (1) konteks kotekstual tempat, (2) konteks eksistensial waktu, (3) konteks aksional cemberut dan tertawa, (4) konteks psikologis marah.
Kata Kunci: Ilokusi, cecandran, konteks tutur, tujuan tindak tutu
Abstrak: Penelitian ini berawal dari observasi yang dilakukan peneliti terhadap pembelajaran matematika kelas IV di SDN Jeruk II Surabaya. Peneliti menemukan permasalahan,sebagian siswa masih belum bisa menyelesaikan soal operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat. Peran guru kurang optimal dalam mencapai terciptanya pembelajaran yang efektif. Guru tidak menyertakan media pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran kepada siswa. Guru cenderung fokus dengan penerapan metode ceramah sehingga tidak terjadi interaksi timbal balik antara guru dan siswa. Sehingga hasil belajar siswa pada materi operasi hitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat masih rendah. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan solusi untuk mengatasinya. Solusi yang sesuai dengan permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan penggunaan media pembelajaran, dalam hal ini media gambar tempel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, siswa, serta hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan media gambar tempel berwarna. Pembelajaran matematika adalah pembelajaran yang berhubungan dengan ide, proses, dan penalaran yang bertujuan untuk membantu manusia dalam memahami dan menguasai permasalahan sosial, ekonomi, dan alam. Media pembelajaran adalah alat bantu guru dalam menyampaikan pesan/informasi/materi kepada peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi dan tes. Aktivitas guru mengalami peningkatan selama dua siklus, pada siklus 1 yaitu 70% dan pada siklus II meningkat 95%. Aktivitas siswa mengalami peningkatan, pada siklus I yaitu 70% dan pada siklus II meningkat 95%. Hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan, pada siklus I yaitu 65% dan pada siklus II meningkat 90%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media gambar tempel berwarna dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika materi operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat siswa kelas IV SDN Jeruk II Surabaya. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran matematika, media gambar tempel berwarna, bilangan bulat, hasil belajar siswa Abstract: This study begin form observation that done by researcher to math learning of fourth grade student of SDN Jeruk II Surabaya. Researcher find some problem, there is much of student still can’n finishing task of integer arithmetic. Teacher role also less optimal in creating effective learning. Teacher have not enclosing learning media as a guiding tool in conveying learning material to student. Teacher tends to focused with the implementation of lecture method so there is no feed interaction between teacher and the student. That causeing study result of student on integer arithmetic operation is low. Based on those problem, it need solution to solve it. Solution that proper with those problems is the utilization of learning media, in this case is the colourful picture media. The purphose of this study is to describe teacher activity, student activity, and student study result with applying colourful picture media. Math learning is learning that related with idea, process and logical reasoning that aimed to help human in understanding and mastering social economy, and nature problem. Learning media is teacher aid tool in conveying material/information/ message to student during learning process. This study use descriptive quantitative method. Data collection in this study using observation technique and test. Teacher activity experience improvement during two cycle, on first cycle is 70% and on second cycle increase to 95%. Student activity experience improvement during two cycle, on first cycle is 70% and on second cycle increase to 95%. student study result experience improvement during two cycle, on first cycle is 65% and on second cycle increase to 90%. It can conclude that applying colourful picture media can increase student study result on tnteger arithmetic operation on fourth grade student at SDN Jeruk II Surabaya. Keywords: math learning, colourful picture media, numbered head together, integar arithmetic operation, student stud
In this study, two focuses become the main study of this research, namely first, to apply the jigsaw model in learning aqidah morals in improving student achievement. Second, applying the results of the jigsaw model in learning aqidah morals in improving student achievement. The method in this study is a qualitative research with the type of classroom action research (CAR). The subjects of this study were fifth grade students of SDNU Bangil. This classroom action research was carried out in 2 cycles. The data collection technique was carried out by researchers who acted as teachers at the same time. The techniques used in the data collection procedure are interviews, tests, observations, and documentation. The researcher examines the application of inquiry strategies and the use of three-dimensional media in planetary learning in the fifth grade Aqidah Akhlaq subject at SDNU Bangil. The researcher acts as the implementer of the action (teacher) and as an observer, this class research is carried out by providing actions to obtain an increase in student achievement. The application of the jigsaw model in learning aqidah morals has proven to be successful in improving the learning achievement of fifth graders at SDNU Bangil. This shows that there was an increase from 45% in the pre-cycle to 60% in the first cycle and increased again in the second cycle, reaching 85%. Therefore, the purpose of this study can be said to be successful because it has reached and even exceeded the research target of 75%, while the percentage obtained by students at the end of this study was 85%.
Keywords: Learning Achievement, Jigsaw Model, Aqidah Akhla
Comparison of carbopol 934 and 941 as thickeners on ketoconazole microemulsions based on physical stability
As a drug delivery system, ketoconazole microemulsion in virgin coconut oil (oil phase) is added with a thickening agent to create transdermal dosage form. This study aimed to compare the physical stabilities of ketoconazole microemulsions formed with different thickeners, namely Carbopol 934 and Carbopol 941. The formula used varying concentrations of Carbopol 934 and Carbopol 941, i.e., 0.15% and 0.25%. The stability was observed during eight-week storage in which the conditions were controlled by different degrees of temperature, i.e., 40C, 25-300C (room temperature), and 400C. The stability tests included organoleptic observation, pH, surface tension, viscosity, particle size, and zeta potential. Based on the Kruskal-Wallis test results, ketoconazole microemulsion with Carbopol 941 that had been stored in different temperature showed a significant difference in particle size (significance value< 0.05), but it did not apply to Carbopol 934. The evaluation revealed that compared to 0.25% of Carbopol 934, microemulsion with 0.15% of Carbopol 934 had a smaller difference between the time intervals. This research concluded that the use of 0.15% of Carbopol 934 as a thickener in ketoconazole microemulsion had better physical stability compared to Carbopol 941 due to the influence of temperature and length of storage
Comparison of carbopol 934 and 941 as thickeners on ketoconazole microemulsions based on physical stability
As a drug delivery system, ketoconazole microemulsion in virgin coconut oil (oil phase) is added with a thickening agent to create transdermal dosage form. This study aimed to compare the physical stabilities of ketoconazole microemulsions formed with different thickeners, namely Carbopol 934 and Carbopol 941. The formula used varying concentrations of Carbopol 934 and Carbopol 941, i.e., 0.15% and 0.25%. The stability was observed during eight-week storage in which the conditions were controlled by different degrees of temperature, i.e., 40C, 25-300C (room temperature), and 400C. The stability tests included organoleptic observation, pH, surface tension, viscosity, particle size, and zeta potential. Based on the Kruskal-Wallis test results, ketoconazole microemulsion with Carbopol 941 that had been stored in different temperature showed a significant difference in particle size (significance value< 0.05), but it did not apply to Carbopol 934. The evaluation revealed that compared to 0.25% of Carbopol 934, microemulsion with 0.15% of Carbopol 934 had a smaller difference between the time intervals. This research concluded that the use of 0.15% of Carbopol 934 as a thickener in ketoconazole microemulsion had better physical stability compared to Carbopol 941 due to the influence of temperature and length of storage
The main function of Indonesian banking is accepting deposit and lending loans to support the implementation of national
development in order to improve economic growth and national stability. In order to achieve the main objective of banking, bank
as the agent of development and service agents should maximize its role that provide excellent service to the community. One of
the bank services is to provide the convenience of banking facilities through banking agents, which is an extension of the bank.
The regulation concerning branchless banking services are Indonesia Financial Authority Regulation No. 19/POJK.03/2014
concerning Smart Act Branchless Banking Service for Financial Inclusion and Indonesia Financial Authority Circular Letter
No. 6/SEOJK.03/2015 concerning Smart Act Branchless Banking Service for Financial Inclusion. However, the presence of
these branchless banking services agents is not followed by clear definition of agent/agency and adequate regulation so there is
no standard in implementing agency law. This article examines further the implementation of the agency principles in banking
agency agreement by taking the example of branchless banking services agency agreement between Bank Negara Indonesia with
Arindo Pratama by limiting on the implementation of the basic principles of agency in branchless banking services agency and
the relevance of the implementation of agency principle within branchless banking agency agreement.
Keywords: Agent; Agency; Branchless Banking; Financial Inclusio
Pengaruh Modal Usaha, Lama Usaha, dan Jam Kerja Terhadap Pendapatan Pedagang Pasar Tradisional Manukan Kulon Surabaya
Merchant income can be influenced by many factors. This research is to find out what factors influence the income of Manukan Kulon Surabaya traditional market traders. This study uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at the Manukan Kulon Traditional Market in Surabaya with a population of 300 traders. By determining the sample using the slovin formula so that the sample in this study amounted to 120 respondents in the traditional market Manukan Kulon Surabaya. While the data collection method uses interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The variables used include business capital (X1), length of business (X2), working hours (X3), and income (Y). The data analysis used is multiple linear regression (OLS) with a significance level of 5%. The results of the study show that partially the variables that significantly influence the income of traditional Manukan Kulon Surabaya market traders are venture capital (X1). While the old business variable (X2) and working hours (X3) did not significantly influence the income of the traditional Manukan Kulon Surabaya market traders. Furthermore, the variables of business capital, duration of business, and working hours on the income of the traditional market traders in Manukan Kulon have a significant effect on the income of the traditional Manukan Kulon Surabaya market traders
Perlindungan Terhadap Jaminan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Bagi Pekerja SPBU Di Kota Yogyakarta
Hukum perlindungan terhadap jaminan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) bagi pekerja bertujuan untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak para pekerja dan untuk mengetahui besarnya tingkat kesadaran para pekerja dalam menerapkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3). Perlindungan hukum terhadap jaminan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja wajib diberikan kepada seluruh pekerja sesuai yang diatur dalam Pasal 86 dan Pasal 87 Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Penulis membahas mengenai pengaturan perlindungan terhadap jaminan K3 bagi pekerja SPBU di kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini mengangkat rumusan masalah : (i) Bagaimana bentuk perlindungan K3 pada pekerja di kota Yogyakarta. (ii) Bagaimana hambatan dalam perlindungan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pada pekerja SPBU di kota Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris, yang bersumber pada data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik penarikan kesimpulan dengan menggunakan metode deduktif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan perlindungan K3 bagi pekerja SPBU di kota Yogyakarta masih belum efektif. Dimana tingkat kesadaran hukum perusahaan dalam menerapkan K3 belum sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja dan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, terbukti dengan adanya fakta masih banyak SPBU yang tidak menerapkan sistem manajeman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (SMK3) sebagaimana ditur dalam dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 50 Tahun 2012 tentang Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Kendala dalam mengimplementasi UUK3 selain belum adanya kesadaran hukum pengusaha, juga belum optimalnya pengawasan oleh pemerintah dalam hal ini pengawas ketenagakerjaan pada dinas ketenagakerjaan kota Yogyakarta, yang disebabkan oleh minimnya SDM yang ada. Kendala yang lain juga terletak pada minimnya pembinaan dari pemerintah terhadap penerapan K3 pada usaha SPBU di kota Yogyakarta karena terbatasnya anggaran negara.Â
PENGARUH CELEBRITY ENDORSER SUHAY SALIM TERHADAP MINAT BELI PRODUK PIXY MAKE IT GLOW (Survei Pada Mahasiswi Universitas Negeri Jakarta Yang Telah Menyaksikan Video “PIXY MAKE IT GLOW Tutorial+Review” Pada Channel YouTube Suhay Salim)
Alyssa Nanda Lestari, 2019, 8223165040, tittle of research “The
Influence Of Celebrity Endorser Suhay Salim On Buying Interest Prpduct Pixy
Make It Glow (Survey on students at Universitas Negeri Jakarta who had
watched the “Pixy Make It Glow Tutorial+Review” video on Suhay Salim’s
YouTube Channel)” Marketing Management Study Program. Faculty Of
Economic. Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
This research aims to analyze the influence of Celebrity Endorser Suhay
Salim on Buying Interest Product Pixy Make It Glow. The data used in tis study
are primary dana collected from quetionnaires distributed to 100 respondents
who had watched the “Pixy Make It Glow Tutorial+ Review” video on Suhay
Salim’s YouTube Channel. This research use non-propability sampling and linear
regression analysis in culvating data. From the result of this research, known
that Celebrity Endorser Suhay Salim influence to buying interest. This indicated
by the R square value is 0,211 (21,1%). while the remaining 78,9% is influenced
by other factors. Ini this research note that Celebrity Endorser have positve and
significant influence to buying interest. Therefor, the results of this research are
relevant and at the same time support theory of buying interest.
Keywords: Celebrity Endorser, Buying Interest, Linier Regression Analiysi
Nama : Nanda Wilda Lestari
BP :1511316041
Pengaruh Demonstrasi dan Pendampingan Menyusui terhadap Kemampuan Ibu dalam Menyusui di Ruang Kebidanan RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang
Prevalensi ASI eksklusif secara global masih rendah menyebabkan AKB meningkat dikarenakan oleh kekurangan gizi pada bayi. Hal ini terjadi karena ibu belum mengetahui secara benar teknik menyusui dan belum pernah mendapatkan pendidikan kesehatan tentang cara menyusui yang benar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh demonstrasi dan pendampingan menyusui terhadap kemampuan ibu dalam menyusui di Ruang Kebidanan RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan jenis kuantitatif, desain quasi eksperiment dengan pendekatan pre and post test. Sampel berjumlah 20orang ibu yang menyusui, diambil dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan uji paired t-test diketahui rata-rata kemampuan ibu menyusui sebelum dilakukan demonstrasi dan pendampingan menyusui adalah 11,9 dengan skor maksimal 15 dan skor minimal 9. Rata-rata kemampuan ibu menyusui sesudah dilakukan demonstrasi dan pendampingan menyusui adalah 17,05 dengan skor maksimal 21 dan skor minimal 13. Selisih peningkatan yang terjadi adalah 5,150. Ada pengaruh pengaruh demonstrasi dan pendampingan menyusui terhadap kemampuan ibu dalam menyusuidi Ruang Kebidanan RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang dengan (p value 0,000).Diharapkan perawat dapat memaksimalkan perannya dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan terkait demonstrasi dan pendampingan menyusui pada ibu.
Kata kunci :demonstrasi, ibu, kemampuan, menuyusui, pendampingan
Daftar pustaka :83 (2005-2016
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