108 research outputs found

    Caracterização da dieta de Melanosuchus niger (Spix, 1825) e Caiman crocodilus (Linnaeus, 1758) na Resex Lago do Cuniã, Rondônia

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    e aim of this study was to characterize the diet of male individuals of Melanosuchus niger and Caiman crocodilus in a lake at the Reserva Extrativista do Lago do Cuniã, Rondônia. We collected guts of the animals in November/2016, rainy season, provided by the local Cooperative (COOPCuniã). Caimans abdominal cavities were opened and their stomach were removed, aer the gut contents were stored in 70% alcohol, and food items were analyzed. We analyzed 82 stomachs, 42 of M. niger and 40 of C. crocodilus. Food items such as fragments of birds, amphibians, crustaceans, insects, and plant material were ingered by the species studied. However, the most representative items in the diet of M. niger and C. crocodilus were fishes from the Characifomes and Siluriformes order of no commercial importance. .O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a dieta de indivíduos machos de Melanosuchus niger e Caiman crocodilus em um lago da Reserva Extrativista do Lago do Cuniã, Rondônia. Foram coletados intestinos dos animais em novembro/2016, estação chuvosa, fornecidos pela Cooperativa local (COOPCuniã). As cavidades abdominais dos jacarés foram abertas e seu estômago foi retirado e armazenado em álcool a 70%, e os alimentos foram analisados. Foram analisados 82 estômagos, 42 de M. niger e 40 de C. crocodilus. Alimentos como fragmentos de aves, anfíbios, crustáceos, insetos e material vegetal foram ingeridos pelas espécies estudadas. No entanto, os itens mais representativos na dieta de M. niger e C. crocodilus foram peixes da ordem Characifomes e Siluriformes sem importância comercial

    Relação peso-comprimento de peixes do rio Tarumã, drenagem do rio Machado, Rondônia, Norte do Brasil

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    The present work provides the estimates of morphometric relationships for 13 freshwater fish species collected in tarumã River, Jaru Biological Reserve, in May and September 2015 using gill nets. New length–weight relationships for 2 species, new maximum weight for 4 species and maximum sizes recorded for 3 species of the Amazonian basin.O presente trabalho fornece as estimativas de relações morfométricas para 13 espécies de peixes de água doce coletadas no rio tarumã, Reserva Biológica do Jaru, em maio e setembro de 2015, utilizando malhadeiras. São apresentadas novas relações comprimento-peso para 2 espécies, novo peso máximo para 4 espécies e tamanhos máximos registrados para 3 espécies da bacia amazônica

    Loss of genetic diversity among pirarucu broodstocks in fish farms: a pilot study

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    Molecular markers can be used to monitor genetic variability in cultivated fish stocks with the aim of developing better aquaculture techniques and increasing productivity. Our objective was to evaluate genetic variability in pirarucu broodstocks in fish farms in the southeast and northeast of Pará state, Brazil. The samples were genotyped using four microsatellite markers, and genetic diversity indices were calculated for each broodstock. A total of 16 alleles were identified from the four loci tested in the 33 pirarucu samples, with means of 3.00, 2.75, and 2.25 alleles per locus in broodstocks from Tucumã, Parauapebas, and Moju municipalities, respectively. The Parauapebas broodstock had the highest mean observed heterozygosity. In the broodstocks from Tucumã and Parauapebas, the markers AgCAm16 and AgCAm18 were not at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. We can suggest that there were considerable losses of genetic variability in the pirarucu breeding centers of the municipalities of Tucumã, Parauapebas and Moju, compared to natural populations.Molecular markers can be used to monitor genetic variability in cultivated fish stocks with the aim of developing better aquaculture techniques and increasing productivity. In view of the above, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the genetic variability in pirarucu broodstocks in fish farms in the southeast and northeast of the of Pará state, Brazil. The samples were genotyped using four microsatellite markers, and genetic diversity indices were calculated for each broodstock. A total of 16 alleles were identified from the four loci tested in the 33 pirarucu samples, with means of 3.00, 2.75, and 2.25 alleles per locus in broodstocks from Tucumã, Parauapebas, and Moju municipalities, respectively. The Parauapebas broodstock had the highest mean observed heterozygosity. In the broodstocks from Tucumã and Parauapebas, the markers AgCAm16 and AgCAm18 were not at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. This pilot study showed that there were considerable losses of genetic variability in pirarucu breeding centers in the municipalities of Tucumã, Parauapebas and Moju compared to the variability in the natural populations of this fish species

    Eugenol dosages in the anesthetic induction of Amazonian Tambaqui under different temperatures/ Dosagens de eugenol na indução anestésica do tambaqui da Amazônia sob diferentes temperaturas

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    Ponds for fish farming in the Amazon Region have warm waters that require adjustments in the anesthetic management adopted for tropical fish species. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anesthetic behavior of tambaquis (Colossoma macropomum) submitted to two eugenol concentrations (26.5 and 53.0 mg.L-1) at water temperatures of 27 and 31°C. In this study were used 20 fishes weighing 982 ± 199g in five replicates, individually sedated at predetermined eugenol concentrations in a temperature-controlled tank. The results showed that the fishes presented significant temporal differences (p≤0.05) in the period between deep anesthesia (00min:40sec) and recovery (02min:35sec) at the temperature of 31°C. The anesthetic effect at the dose of 53.0 mg.L-1, regardless of temperature (27 or 31°C), was similar (p ≥ 0.05) to the anesthetic effect at the water temperature of 31°C at the dose of 26.5 mg.L-1. Therefore, it was more efficient (p ≤ 0.05) for the shorter latency period for deep anesthesia. Within this context, temperature influenced the anesthetic effect and dose in tambaqui individuals

    The component of Carica papaya seed toxic to A-aegypti and the identification of tegupain, the enzyme that generates it

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    As Aedes aegypti transmits the etiologic agents of both yellow and dengue fever; vector control is considered essential to minimise their incidence. the aim of this work was to identify the component of Carica papaya seed toxic to A. aegypti, and the identification of tegupain, the enzyme that generates it. Aqueous extracts (1%, w/v) of the seed tegument and cotyledon of C. papaya are not larvicidal isolately. However, a mixture of 17 mu g mL(-1) tegument extract and 27 mu g mL(-1) cotyledon extract caused 100% larval mortality in a bioassay. the mixture was no longer larvicidal after the tegument extract was pre-treated at 100 degrees C for 10 min. the enzyme tegupain efficiently hydrolysed the substrate Z-Phe-Arg-pNan (K-m 58.8 mu M, K-cat 28020 s(-1), K-cat/K-m 5 x 10(8) M-1 s(-1)), and its activity increased with 2 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), at 37 degrees C, pH 5.0. the chelating agent EDTA did not modify the enzyme activity. Inhibition of tegupain by cystatin (K-iapp 2.43 nM), E64 (3.64 nM, 83% inhibition), and the propeptide N-terminal sequence indicate that the toxic activity is due to a novel cysteine proteinase-like enzyme, rendered active upon the hydrolysis of a cotyledon component of C. papaya seeds. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Norte Fluminense, Biotechnol Lab, Campos Dos Goytacazes, RJ, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2009/17058-6FAPESP: 2009/53766-5Web of Scienc

    A importância de uma educação em/para os direitos humanos: um estudo de caso

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    O presente artigo apresenta uma pesquisa realizada a respeito dos conhecimentos de estudantes da disciplina de “Direitos Humanos, Democracia e Inclusão Social”, do curso de Pedagogia sobre os Direitos Humanos, e os impactos desse (re)conhecimento na Educação. Como objetivo geral, pretende-se analisar os impactos na concepção de Direitos Humanos dos(as) alunos(as) que vivenciaram a disciplina “Direitos Humanos, Democracia e Inclusão Social”. Como objetivos específicos, buscamos: apresentar as bases teóricas dos Direitos Humanos na contemporaneidade; refletir sobre o grau de conhecimento prévio dos participantes da pesquisa sobre Direitos Humanos; e identificar quais as concepções de Direitos Humanos dos(as) alunos(as) após vivenciarem a disciplina “Direitos Humanos, Democracia e Inclusão Social”. Através da coleta de dados por meio de um questionário virtual, realizamos um estudo de caso que se caracteriza como pesquisa mista, de cunho bibliográfico e caráter exploratório, a qual nos permitiu compreender a importância de conhecer e defender uma Educação em/para os Direitos Humanos, não apenas no Ensino Superior, mas em outras etapas que o antecedem. Com as análises realizadas neste artigo, reforçamos o nosso entendimento de que educar em/para os Direitos Humanos é um ato político, o que o torna indispensável em uma sociedade que se caracteriza como democrática

    Geocronological Characterization as a Tool for the Evaluation of Fluvial Capture Occurred in Rio Guaratuba, SP, Brazil

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    Esta pesquisa visa corroborar com o estudo de capturas fluviais ocorridas no sudeste brasileiro, especialmente quanto aos materiais de recobrimento superficiais formadores de feições morfológicas fluviais. Foram coletadas amostras das coberturas superficiais dos solos que recobrem o vale seco ou o antigo terraço do rio Guaratuba, região do divisor de bacias entre o alto Guaratuba e Rio Claro, para avaliação granulométrica, morfoscópica, mineralógica e palinológica. As amostras de material arenoso foram submetidas à datação absoluta através do método de Luminescência Opticamente Estimulada (LOE), enquanto as de material orgânico foram submetidas à datação absoluta de 14C via Espectrometria de Massa por Aceleradores (AMS). Os materiais de cobertura foram classificados na análise macromorfológica como Gleissolos, Espodossolos, Organossolos e Cambissolos os quais continham cascalheiras com mais de 1m de profundidade. Ocorre a predominância da fração arenosa em todos os horizontes descritos na análise granulométrica, assim como de quartzo e mica na análise mineralógica. Na análise morfoscópica da fração areia, observou-se o arredondamento dos grãos de quartzo em todos os horizontes, o que indica que esses grãos sofreram no passado erosão mecânica por fluxo de corrente. A avaliação de grãos de pólen fossilizados revelou um total de 6 táxons distintos preservados no vale seco, 1 Gimnosperma e 6 Angiospermas, sendo os sedimentos correspondentes ao Pleistoceno Tardio e Holoceno, o que indica possibilidade de correlação da formação dessa feição com flutuações climáticas. Estudos sistêmicos tornam-se referências importantes ao elucidarem em seus resultados o papel dos materiais formadores de feições morfológicas fluviais decorrentes de capturas.This research aims to corroborate with the study of fluvial captures occurring in southeastern Brazil, especially regarding the superficial covering materials that form fluvial morphological features. Samples were collected from the surface coverings of the soils that cover the dry valley or the old Guaratuba river terrace, area of the basin divider between the upper Guaratuba and Rio Claro, for granulometric, morphoscopic, mineralogical and palynological evaluation. Samples of sandy material were submitted to absolute dating through the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (LOE) method, while those of organic material were submitted to absolute 14C dating by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The cover materials were classified in the macromorphological analysis as Gleysols, Podzols, Histosols and Cambisols which contained gravels with more than 1m depth. It occurs the predominance of the sandy fraction in all the horizons described in the granulometric analysis, as well as of quartz and mica in the mineralogical analysis. In the morphoscopic analysis of the sand fraction, the roundness of the quartz grains was observed in all the horizons, indicating that these grains suffered in the past mechanical erosion by current flow. The evaluation of fossilized pollen grains revealed a total of 7 distinct taxon preserved in the dry valley, 1 Gymnosperm and 6 Angiosperms, being the sediments corresponding to the late Pleistocene and Holocene, which indicates the possibility of correlation of the formation of this feature with climatic fluctuations. Systemic studies become important references in elucidating in their results the role of materials that form fluvial morphological features resulting from captures


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    O presente artigo pretende realizar uma investigação acerca da atuação do professor escolar noacolhimento de alunos migrantes, localizados em um município no extremo sul catarinense (Criciúma),por conta de indagações que surgem em meio aos estudos do Programa Institucional de Bolsas deIniciação à Docência (PIBID) realizados no período 2020/2021. Junto a esses estudos, mobilizaram-seteoricamente autores, os quais estão, neste trabalho, em articulação entre os conceitos de Bauman(2017), a respeito de movimentos migratórios e dinâmicas de ensino-aprendizagem no contexto dePortuguês como Língua de Acolhimento (PLAc). O estudo, portanto, é norteado pelo conceito de PLAc,conforme elaborado por Grosso (2010). Do ponto de vista metodológico, realizaram-se duas entrevistas:uma com a atual gestão da Secretaria da Educação e a outra com professora da rede pública, a fim deobter um estudo de caso sobre a situação de alunos migrantes matriculados na rede de Criciúma/SC noano de 2021

    A new species of jupati, genus Metachirus Burmeister 1854 (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) for the Brazilian Amazon

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    The brown or pouchless four-eyed opossums or jupatis represent the genus Metachirus with a wide geographical range in the Neotropics. Recent studies show distinct monophyletic clades with high genetic divergence and recognized two species, Metachirus nudicaudatus and Metachirus myosuros. Nevertheless, there is a need for systematic revision with multiple sources of evidence on the taxonomy of Metachirus, which has never been fully revised. Here we describe a new species of Metachirus for the Brazilian Amazon from the Xingu/Tocantins interfluve using the unification of concepts and evolutionary significant units, morphological, genetic, and geographic data. Our analysis reveals a new species within Metachirus as a differentiated Amazonian clade from the Serra dos Carajás region and the Caxiuanã National Forest, both in the Xingu endemism centre. This new species can be distinguished from the type species, M. nudicaudatus and from M. myosuros through discrete external morphological characters, including cranium and dentition, and molecular data with an average degree of divergence, but ancient divergence time for the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The Amazon River delimits the distribution of the new species, which also occurs in areas under strong anthropogenic pressure, reinforcing the importance to guide conservation strategies for the region. didelphid; Serra dos Carajás; taxonomy; Xingu/ Tocantins interfluve.acceptedVersio


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    The research theme refers to the impact and importance of the activities of the English for Innovation & Circular Economy (EICE) workshop, linked to the Circular Economy, Innovation and Sustainability Program. Bearing in mind that learning a foreign language and the circular economy within the scope of higher education is of paramount importance in preparing future graduates for their development and insertion in the labor market. The research aimed to identify the impact that the course activities have on the development of English language learning and the adoption of practices related to the Circular Economy in its participants, in addition to measuring the initial knowledge in a foreign language, its development during the course and possible improvements in learning and has as a research problem: Can EICE help its participants to improve their knowledge of the English language and increase their perception of the use of the Circular Economy in the São Francisco Valley?. In view of the data presented, it was possible to observe the impacts that the EICE course has on its participants, given that they reported good development in the domain of the English language, in addition to significant behavioral changes resulting from knowledge of the Circular Economy.A temática da pesquisa refere-se ao impacto e importância que as atividades do workshop English for Innovation & Circular Economy (EICE), ligado ao Programa Economia Circular, Inovação e Sustentabilidade. Tendo em vista que a aprendizagem de língua estrangeira e economia circular no âmbito da formação superior constitui-se de suma importância na preparação do futuro graduado para o seu desenvolvimento e inserção no mercado de trabalho. A pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar o impacto que as atividades do curso no desenvolvimento da aprendizagem da língua inglesa e na adoção de práticas ligadas à Economia Circular nos seus participantes, além de mensurar o conhecimento inicial em língua estrangeira, o seu desenvolvimento ao decorrer do curso e possíveis melhorias no aprendizado e possui como problema de pesquise: O EICE pode ajudar os seus participantes a melhorar o conhecimento do idioma inglês e aumentar a percepção sobre a utilização da Economia Circular no Vale do São Francisco?. Diante dos dados apresentados foi possível observar os impactos que o curso EICE tem sobre os seus participantes, haja visto que eles relataram bom desenvolvimento no domínio da língua inglesa, além de mudanças comportamentais significativas advindas do conhecimento da Economia Circular