29 research outputs found

    Liming on the growth and production of essential oil of basil grown in different light environments

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    Studies about the influence of agronomic factors in the growing and production of secondary metabolites of basil plants are scarce. Among the existing factors, the soil fertility and the light quality has a great influence in the vegetative production of this group of plants. This study aims to evaluate the impacts of different combinations of light quality and the absence and presence of liming on growth, content and yield of essential basil oil. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 5x2 factorial design arranged in subdivided plots. Five light environments were used: black mesh, thermo-reflective mesh, blue mesh, red mesh, and full sun, and two soil acidity correction conditions. We performed the analysis of plants growth at 50 days after thinning (DAT), besides the determination of the essential oil content and yield. We observed significant interaction between the light environment and the soil acidity correction for the variables root volume and dry mass, and trunk dry mass. Regarding the essential oil production, the greater content and yield were obtained in plats grown under thermo-reflective mesh and with limestone application, increasing the soil base saturation. The basil plants are influenced by the light quality and limestone application on the growth, and essential oil content and yield.Studies about the influence of agronomic factors in the growing and production of secondary metabolites of basil plants are scarce. Among the existing factors, the soil fertility and the light quality has a great influence in the vegetative production of this group of plants. This study aims to evaluate the impacts of different combinations of light quality and the absence and presence of liming on growth, content and yield of essential basil oil. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 5x2 factorial design arranged in subdivided plots. Five light environments were used: black mesh, thermo-reflective mesh, blue mesh, red mesh, and full sun, and two soil acidity correction conditions. We performed the analysis of plants growth at 50 days after thinning (DAT), besides the determination of the essential oil content and yield. We observed significant interaction between the light environment and the soil acidity correction for the variables root volume and dry mass, and trunk dry mass. Regarding the essential oil production, the greater content and yield were obtained in plats grown under thermo-reflective mesh and with limestone application, increasing the soil base saturation. The basil plants are influenced by the light quality and limestone application on the growth, and essential oil content and yield

    Respostas fisiológicas de plantas de orégano (Origanum vulgare L.) cultivadas sob malhas coloridas e fertilizantes orgânicos

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 400-407) : ilustraciones color.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar las tasas de intercambio de gases y el crecimiento de las plantas de orégano cultivadas en entornos ligeros.This study aimed to assess the rates of gas exchange and growth of oregano plants grown in light environments modified with the use of colored screens and organic fertilizer. Oregano plants with a 90-day cycle were used, obtained with conventional cutting. A completely randomized design with six replications was employed in a 3×4 factorial scheme (two organic fertilizers plus control, and four light environments modified using screens with the colors blue, gray and red plus the control). The oregano plants grown under the blue mesh and fertilized with cattle manure showed a higher number of leaves; the colored screens provided greater stem length and a higher production dry matter; plants grown in full sun showed higher values for gas exchange. It is concluded that the modified light environments and organic fertilizer contributed to the reduction of the gas exchange and favored oregano growth.Este estudo objetivou avaliar índices de trocas gasosas e o crescimento de plantas de orégano cultivadas em ambientes de luz modificados com o uso de malhas coloridas e adubação orgânica. Foram utilizadas plantas de orégano com ciclo de 90 dias, obtidas por meio de estaquia convencional. Adotou-se o DIC, com seis repetições, em fatorial 3x4 (dois adubos orgânicos acrescido de testemunha, e quatro ambientes de luz modificada com o uso de malhas coloridas nas cores azul, cinza e vermelha, mais testemunha). As plantas de orégano cultivadas sob malha azul e adubadas com esterco bovino apresentaram maior número de folhas; as malhas coloridas proporcionaram maior comprimento de haste e maior produção de massa seca; as plantas crescidas a pleno sol apresentaram maiores valores para as trocas gasosas. Conclui-se que os ambientes de luz modificada e adubação orgânica contribuem para a redução de trocas gasosas e favorecem o crescimento do orégano.Bibliografía: páginas 406-407


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    The incorporation of organic substrate into the soil can reduce aluminum toxicity in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) plants, making it a viable alternative for use by small farmers in acidic soil regions such as the northeast semi-arid regions of Brazil that contain toxic aluminum in the soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of increasing aluminum doses and different commercial substrate concentrations on the initial growth of the pigeon pea. The experiment was undertaken in a greenhouse using a completely randomized design with a 5 × 3 factorial scheme. The first factor consisted of five doses of aluminum (0, 13.5, 27, 54, and 108 mg L-1) and the second factor consisted of three percentages of commercial substrate Vivato Slim Pro® (0%, 10%, and 20%), with five replicates per treatment, totaling 60 experimental units. The variables evaluated were plant height; total chlorophyll; shoot, root, and total dry matter; and root volume. The use of the commercial substrate attenuated the aluminum toxicity and favored the initial growth of pigeon pea plants, regardless of the concentration used. Thus, the aluminum was detrimental to the initial plant growth at all tested concentrations and showed more pronounced signs of toxicity on the root volume

    Yield and composition of rosemary essential oil cultivated with different doses of nitrogen and sulfur

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    Essential oils have great commercial importance for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Because they have therapeutic, flavoring and antioxidant properties, due to their active principles. Studies on the form of cultivation, as well as fertilization management are necessary, since information related to the production of secondary metabolites is still insufficient. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the yield, content and composition of rosemary essential oil cultivated with different concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur in the soil. The treatments were distributed in a 4x2 factorial scheme with four nitrogen doses: 105, 210, 315 and 420 mg dm3, combined with two sulfur doses: 32 and 64 mg dm3 and with seven replications, totaling 56 experimental units. According to the results obtained, the combination of doses 420 of N and 64 S provided the best contents and yield of rosemary essential oil. a-pinene and 1,8-cineole had the highest concentrations for all treatments studied, with about 85% to 95% of the total constituents of the oils.Essential oils have great commercial importance for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Because they have therapeutic, flavoring and antioxidant properties, due to their active principles. Studies on the form of cultivation, as well as fertilization management are necessary, since information related to the production of secondary metabolites is still insufficient. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the yield, content and composition of rosemary essential oil cultivated with different concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur in the soil. The treatments were distributed in a 4x2 factorial scheme with four nitrogen doses: 105, 210, 315 and 420 mg dm3, combined with two sulfur doses: 32 and 64 mg dm3 and with seven replications, totaling 56 experimental units. According to the results obtained, the combination of doses 420 of N and 64 S provided the best contents and yield of rosemary essential oil. a-pinene and 1,8-cineole had the highest concentrations for all treatments studied, with about 85% to 95% of the total constituents of the oils

    Growth and nutritional diagnosis of Rosemary plants submitted to nitrogen and sulfate fertilization

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    Studies on the cultivation of medicinal plants are of relevance to the population since they are primary sources of medication. Among these plants stands out the rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) for having diverse therapeutic properties. The objective of this work was to evaluate the initial growth and nutritional status of rosemary plants grown with different co’ncentrations of nitrogen and sulfur. The treatments were distributed in a 4x2 factorial scheme with four nitrogen doses: 105, 210, 315, and 420 mg L-1 of nitrogen combined with two sulfur doses: 32 and 64 mg L-1 with seven replications totaling 56 experimental units. The seedlings were obtained through asexual propagation (cuttings), originating from parent plants. The experimental units were arranged in a completely randomized design. Growth evaluations were carried out at 120 days of cultivation, using: plant height (HT) stem diameter (DS), root dry matter mass (RDM), stem dry matter mass (SDM), mass leaf dry matter (LDM), total dry matter (TDM), shoot dry matter mass (SDMS). The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and depending on the level of significance in the F test, the study was carried out using the means test (Tukey 5%). The agronomic characteristics (HT), (DS), (RDM) and (MDMAP) were significant for N. Only (RDM) showed significant interaction for the doses of N and S. The dose 420 mg L-1 promoted the highest concentrations in the components leaf and stem. The lowest dose 105 mg L-1, N promoted the highest concentrations of S in the leaf and stem. The assimilation of S by the rosemary plants was dependent on the doses of N.Studies on the cultivation of medicinal plants are of relevance to the population since they are primary sources of medication. Among these plants stands out the rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) for having diverse therapeutic properties. The objective of this work was to evaluate the initial growth and nutritional status of rosemary plants grown with different co’ncentrations of nitrogen and sulfur. The treatments were distributed in a 4x2 factorial scheme with four nitrogen doses: 105, 210, 315, and 420 mg L-1 of nitrogen combined with two sulfur doses: 32 and 64 mg L-1 with seven replications totaling 56 experimental units. The seedlings were obtained through asexual propagation (cuttings), originating from parent plants. The experimental units were arranged in a completely randomized design. Growth evaluations were carried out at 120 days of cultivation, using: plant height (HT) stem diameter (DS), root dry matter mass (RDM), stem dry matter mass (SDM), mass leaf dry matter (LDM), total dry matter (TDM), shoot dry matter mass (SDMS). The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and depending on the level of significance in the F test, the study was carried out using the means test (Tukey 5%). The agronomic characteristics (HT), (DS), (RDM) and (MDMAP) were significant for N. Only (RDM) showed significant interaction for the doses of N and S. The dose 420 mg L-1 promoted the highest concentrations in the components leaf and stem. The lowest dose 105 mg L-1, N promoted the highest concentrations of S in the leaf and stem. The assimilation of S by the rosemary plants was dependent on the doses of N

    Nutritional diagnosis of nitrogen and phosphorus in Ocimum basilicum L. plants grown under macronutrient applications

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    The objective of this work was to assess the nutritional status of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plants grown under application of macronutrients, in a Typic Hapludult. The experiment was conducted in Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil, in a greenhouse. The treatments were based on a Baconian matrix statistical arrangement, in which one of the nutrients is supplied in different quantities, whereas the other nutrients are maintained at the reference rates. Six nutrients, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) were evaluated at three different rates. Two additional treatments were used (reference rates; and without nutrient applications), totaling 20 treatments. A completely randomized experimental design with five replications was used, totaling 100 experimental units. Plant material was collected 50 days after treatment applications and dried in an oven for 72 hours. Approximately 0.1 g of dry weight of leaves, stems, and roots were subjected to acid digestion in a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The digested material was diluted in 100 mL of distilled water to obtain the extract for nutritional diagnosis. The optimal maximum N and P accumulations in basil leaves for high plant performances were 51 and 3.0 g kg-1, respectively. The estimated rates for each nutrient to provide the optimal total N accumulation in basil plants were: N = 235.61, P =91.27, K = 175, S = 41.98 (mg dm-3), Ca = 0.97, and Mg = 0.36 (cmolc dm-3).The objective of this work was to assess the nutritional status of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plants grown under application of macronutrients, in a Typic Hapludult. The experiment was conducted in Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil, in a greenhouse. The treatments were based on a Baconian matrix statistical arrangement, in which one of the nutrients is supplied in different quantities, whereas the other nutrients are maintained at the reference rates. Six nutrients, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) were evaluated at three different rates. Two additional treatments were used (reference rates; and without nutrient applications), totaling 20 treatments. A completely randomized experimental design with five replications was used, totaling 100 experimental units. Plant material was collected 50 days after treatment applications and dried in an oven for 72 hours. Approximately 0.1 g of dry weight of leaves, stems, and roots were subjected to acid digestion in a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The digested material was diluted in 100 mL of distilled water to obtain the extract for nutritional diagnosis. The optimal maximum N and P accumulations in basil leaves for high plant performances were 51 and 3.0 g kg-1, respectively. The estimated rates for each nutrient to provide the optimal total N accumulation in basil plants were: N = 235.61, P =91.27, K = 175, S = 41.98 (mg dm-3), Ca = 0.97, and Mg = 0.36 (cmolc dm-3)

    Nutrição em boro e produção de alfafa cultivar crioula em função do suprimento de boro

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    O cultivar Crioula de alfafa (Medicago sativa cv. Crioula) é utilizado no Sul do Brasil e existem poucos estudos referentes a sua exigência em boro. Foi conduzido um experimento com alfafa cultivada no inverno, com o objetivo de avaliar a quantidade de boro absorvido pelas plantas, o efeito de doses de boro na produção de massa seca, a distribuição do boro nas plantas e obter informações relacionadas à diagnose de boro nessa forrageira. As doses de 0; 0,0625; 0,125; 0,25; 0,50; 1,00 e 2,00 mg L-1 foram aplicadas no substrato, colocando-se 1 L de solução nutritiva em cada recipiente. As plantas foram cortadas aos 46 dias após o transplante. A massa seca da forrageira foi influenciada pelas doses de boro e foi insignificante quando a solução nutritiva apresentava a mais baixa concentração de boro. A concentração de boro nas folhas foi mais elevada que nas hastes e nas raízes. A utilização de boro da solução atingiu 90% na dose de 0,0625 mg L-1 e decresceu acentuadamente com o incremento das doses de boro. A concentração e o conteúdo de boro nas folhas e na parte aérea da planta foram mais elevados quando o boro se encontrava na solução nutritiva entre 1,5 e 1,6 mg L-1. O nível crítico de boro foi de 61 mg kg-1 nas folhas e 39 mg kg-1 na planta para este cultivar de alfafa.Alfalfa cultivar Crioula (Medicago sativa cv. Crioula) is grown in South Brazil and only a few studies on the plants' boron requirement are available. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with alfalfa to measure boron acquisition, production and distribution in the plant; data on critical level and production potentials were recorded. Plants were grown in ground quartz added with 1 L of solution, with the following boron rates: 0, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00 mg L-1. Plants were harvested at 46 days of growth. Forage dry mass was increased by boron supply and dry matter accumulation was considerably low in control. Boron concentration in the leaves was higher than in the stems or roots. Boron utilization from the external solution reached 90% at 0.0625 mg L-1 and sharply decreased with further increasing boron rates. Boron concentration and content in the leaves and in plant tops were at maximum when applied boron was between 1.5 and 1.6 mg L-1. Critical levels of boron in plant were 61 mg kg-1 in the leaves and 39 mg kg-1 in plant tops for this cultivar of alfalfa

    Initial development of maize plants grown with different combinations of nitrate and ammonium

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    Corn is one of the main commodities of Brazilian agribusiness, due to its wide use, whether for human or animal consumption or in the chemical and biofuel industries. Thus, this work was carried out to evaluate the influence of different proportions of nitrate and ammonium in the initial development of corn plants. The experiment took place in a greenhouse, by direct sowing, where the seeds were placed at a depth of 1 cm in plastic pots with a capacity of 6 dm3 containing a mixture of previously sieved and washed with vermiculite, in a 2:1 ratio. Five proportions of nitrate and ammonium ions (NO3- :NH4+) were used: T1=100:0, T2=75:25, T3=50:50, T4=25:75 and T5=0:100, through nutrient solutions. After 35 days of cultivation, the following were evaluated: plant height, number of leaves, culm diameter, chlorophyll a, b, total and a/b ratio, root length, leaf fresh matter mass, dry matter mass of leaves, culm, roots, total dry mass, and root dry mass/shoot dry mass ratio, leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, and leaf mass ratio. Nitrate as the only source of nitrogen provided a smaller increase in the chlorophyll a index of maize plants, which is the most important chlorophyll in the capture of light in the antenna complex. It is not recommended to cultivate corn plants with only nitrate or ammonium; however, it was observed that high doses of nitrate combined with low doses of ammonium in the culture medium provided satisfactory performance for most variables

    Doses de fósforo na produção de fitomassa de bertalha: Phosphorus doses in the production of bertalha phytomass

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    A bertalha (Basella alba L.) é uma planta alimentícia não-convencional (PANCs), com potencial produtivo e econômico no Brasil. Entretanto, há ausência de informações quanto ao cultivo, especialmente quanto à adubação fosfatada, assim, objetiva-se avaliar o efeito de doses de fósforo (P) na produção de fitomassa de plantas de bertalha. O experimento foi conduzido na casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB). O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com cinco tratamentos: 0; 15,5; 31 (controle); 62 e 93 mg.dm-3 de fósforo (H2PO4-) e cinco repetições. Após 60 dias da aplicação das soluções nutritivas, foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos de qualidade e quantidade da fitomassa. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de regressão a 5% de significância. As doses de P promoveram o crescimento de plantas de bertalha, em que à medida que aumentaram as doses, a fitomassa das plantas acompanhou esse crescimento, de forma significativa, até a dose 62 mg.dm-3 de P, na qual apresentou seu máximo potencial produtivo. A dose 93 mg.dm-3 de P causou toxidez, reduzindo a produção de todas as massas. Para as clorofilas, observou-se que as menores doses de P apresentaram maiores valores, contudo, tais resultados evidenciaram sintomas de deficiências nutricionais