292 research outputs found

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    Producing more food in a sustainable way is possible : biotechnological and sustainable fertilisation as a way to face population growth

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    The dramatic increase in the world?s population expected in this century will force a proportional increase in agricultural production in order to ensure the food supply. However, society is now demanding new, more sustainable, and environmentally friendly production methods. In order to achieve this sustainable increase, new biotechnological tools such as gene editing or synthetic biology will have to be used, leveraging the knowledge generated by researchers over decades. The soil microbiome is emerging as a powerful biotechnological tool. The beneficial microorganisms harboured in soils promote plant growth by supplying nutrients and producing hormones and secondary metabolites. Thus, these microorganisms will likely be able to help increase agricultural production in a sustainable way

    Intervalos de confianza en los currículums del bachillerato LOGSE

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    En este artículo se pretende analizar los problemas que surgen en el desarrollo de los contenidos referentes a intervalos de confianza en los distintos bachilleratos en los que están incluidos, y atacar éstos mediante la utilización de herramientas informáticas, en particular con el Matemática 3.0, incluyendo un posible notebook a partir de unas funciones programadas especialmente para hacer más fácil e intuitiva a los alumnos la compresión de los conceptos a desarrollar

    Implementación de un modelo de gestión basado en el liderazgo centrado en principios y su impacto en la rentabilidad de los restaurantes de la cadena Menestras del Negro de la ciudad de Quito en el año 2015

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    El sector de servicios de alimentación tiene un alto nivel de competitividad y sus propias dificultades cuando se habla de gente. En la mayor parte de casos, hablamos de un trabajo demandante, rutinario, y en el que no siempre resulta fácil lograr que la gente haga lo que esperamos, por lo que la administración estratégica de los recursos humanos se convierte en un aspecto fundamental para que las organizaciones tengan los resultados esperados. En la cadena de restaurantes Menestras del Negro; se ha planteado como estrategia, gestionar el equipo humano, buscando su desarrollo integral. La estructura operativa actual de la cadena está marcada por el control. En el estudio que hemos emprendido buscamos entregar herramientas más acordes a una cultura en la que logremos a través de una formula ganar-ganar, generar un buen ambiente de trabajo, disminuyendo la rotación, aumentando la retención y esto reflejado finalmente en un mejor performance financiero. Pensamos que para alcanzar esta meta, necesitaremos de un equipo de líderes que puedan gestionar sus equipos fundamentando sus acciones en principios y valores. Konosuke Matsushita, fundador de JVC, dice: “una compañía solo puede ser exitosa si sus administradores siguen los lineamientos fundamentales de una filosofía administrativa”. (pág. 6), es por este mismo motivo, que hemos planteado establecer un modelo de gestión que contenga una metodología y herramientas basadas en un liderazgo basado en principios, una filosofía que modele el quehacer de los gerentes de estos restaurantes, de esta forma esperamos generar un equilibrio, un sistema compartido y un alineamiento en las disposiciones de gerentes y administradores; incrementando la posibilidad de éxito en sus resultados financieros. Hemos aplicado encuestas previas y posteriores con resultados alentadores, y esperamos que el presente estudio pueda seguir expandiéndose en todos los locales de la cadena, permaneciendo como una solución, para lograr eficiencias, y finalmente el desarrollo de quienes la componen en su conjunto

    Locating hidden river courses via geo-technical investigation – application in the city of Granada, Spain

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    The diversion of natural river courses and subsequent filling by alluvial deposits or anthropic intervention has been hidden by urban development in the majority of the cities. The research we conducted involved monitoring the evolution of a river course and reconnaissance of the original morphology of the fluvial systems. Our research was applied to the section of the River Beiro that flows through the city of Granada, Spain. The research has been carried out using geo-technical methodology based on reconnaissance via dynamic penetration. This allowed us to determine the different degrees of consolidation and compaction in the areas corresponding with the former course of the river, which are now filled by alluvial deposits. In addition, we have backed up our findings with information provided by historical maps of the city of Granada. The results have identified an area wherein buildings are at risk, as evidenced by the detrimental effects registered in the buildings in this area

    Improving performances of fresnel cpv system: fresnel-rxi köhler concentrator

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    A novel and advanced photovoltaic concentrator optic is presented comprising a Fresnel lens and a dielectric solid RXI as a secondary optical element, both with free-form surfaces (i.e. neither rotational nor linear symmetry). The RXI secondary is designed with the Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) design method of Nonimaging Optics. In the secondary optics rays undergo refraction (R), reflection (X) and total internal reflection (I), so SMS nomenclature [2] for the device is RXI assigning letters to each surface that deflects rays. This is the first time the RXI-type geometry has been applied to design a photovoltaic secondary element. The LPI patented Fresnel- RXI Köhler concentrator [1] produces both the desired light concentration with high tolerance (high acceptance angle) as well as high irradiance uniformity on the solar cell achieved by Köhler integration method. The optical performance of the FRXI device (F denotes a Fresnel lens surface) will be presented as well as comparison with other conventional Fresnel-based CPV concentrators and application of the designed syste

    Note: Series and parallel tunable resonators based on a nematic liquid crystal cell as variable capacitance

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    Copyright 2012 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments (2012), 83 (8). and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4738645In this work, tunable series and parallel resonators based on a nematic liquid crystal cell as variable capacitance are proposed and characterized. Tunable resonance frequencies in the range of kHz have been obtained for the combination of the inductance and the liquid crystal cell (capacitance) used in the proposed circuits. Tuning range in frequency obtained is around an octave.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TEC2009- 13991-C02-01) and the Comunidad de Madrid (FACTOTEM2-CM, REF.S2009/ESP- 1781).Publicad

    Electrical Modeling of Tristate Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Devices

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    Proocedings of: 3rd International Workshop on Liquid Crystal for Photonics (LCP2010). Elche (Alicante), Spain. September 8-10, 2010Copyright 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.A new electrical equivalent circuit (EEC) has been proposed to model antiferroelectric liquid crystal devices. This circuit includes a constant phase element to take into account the ferroelectric part of the dielectric response in these devices. Electrical characterization of samples has been carried out using a specific experimental protocol based on impedance spectroscopy. The parameters of waveforms used in impedance measurements have been optimized. The procedure to obtain the components of the EEC has also been explained. Finally, the EEC has been validated by comparing experimental and simulated impedance results. A reasonable agreement between both of them has been obtained in a wide frequency range for all selection voltagesCiencia e Innovación of Spain (Grant No. TEC2009–13991-C02–01) and Comunidad de Madrid (Grant No. S2009/ESP-1781).Publicad

    Note: Phase-locked loop with a voltage controlled oscillator based on a liquid crystal cell as variable capacitance

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    Copyright 2011 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments (2011), 82 (12). and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3666865A phase-locked loop is demonstrated using a twisted-nematic liquid crystal cell as a capacitance that can be varied as a function of applied voltage. The system is formed by a phase detector, a low-pass filter, as well as a voltage controlled oscillator including such variable capacitance. A theoretical study is proposed and experimentally validated. Capture and locked ranges of hundreds of kHz have been obtained for the configuration used in this circuit. An application as frequency demodulator using a practical implementation of this circuit has been demonstrated.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TEC2009-13991-C02-01) and the Comunidad de Madrid (FACTOTEM2-CM, REF.S2009/ESP-1781).Publicad