217 research outputs found

    Study of the fracture process of Al Hoceima earthquake (24/02/2004, Mw=6.2) from regional and teleseismic data.

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    We studied the source time function (STF) and rupture process of the 2004 Alhoceima, Morocco earthquake of Mw = 6.2 using teleseismic and regional broad-band data. From regional broad-band data, STF function was determined using three large after- shocks as empirical Green functions. We inverted of body wave forms at teleseismic distances using an extended source model with rupture velocity between 2.5-3.0 km and using as preliminary orientation the fault plane solution derived from 126 P-wave polarities. Results show a complex bilateral rupture formed by four shallow subevents (2-8 km) with a maximum seismic moment release during the first seconds (more than 80% of a total of 1.8x1018 Nm) and time duration of 8-10 s. The focal mechanism shows a strike slip motion with a normal component. Nodal planes strike on NNE- SSW and WNW-ESE direction with horizontal pressure axes in NNW-SSE direction. The rupture propagated mainly towards the North. This propagation is in agreement with the damages caused in the epicentral region. The larger aftershocks have been relocated using a master event method. Comparisson of these results with those ob- tained for the 1994 earthquake shown similar behaviour: complex rupture process and, apparently, no relation of the 1994 nor the 2004 shocks with the Nekor fault, the most important geological feature in the area. The stress pattern derived from focal mech- anisms of 1994 and 2004 are in agreement with the regional stress pattern, horizontal compression in NNW-SSE and horizontal extension in E-W direction in the Alboran Sea

    Intermediate depth and deep earthquakes: complexity of the Ibero-Magrhebian region

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    The Ibero-Magrhebian region is located at the plate boundary between Eurasia and Africa and it is a tectonically complex region. A sign of the complexity, is the occurrence of intermediate depth earthquakes (40<h<150 km), located in south Spain, between Granada- Malaga and at the west part of Alboran Sea, together with the occurrence of very deep earthquakes (h≈650 km) near Dúrcal (Granada). Intermediate depth shocks are mostly confined within a relatively narrow region (50 km width) located East of Gibraltar, extending NNE-SSW from the Malaga (Spain) area to a region offshore the Moroccan coast. We have studied focal mechanisms of these earthquakes from inversion of body wave. The stress pattern in the Ibero-Maghrebian region obtained from solutions of selected shallow, intermediate depth and deep shocks show the complexity of the region. The seismotectonic scheme show horizontal compression in NNW-SSE direction in the Gulf of Cádiz. In northern Africa, the stress pattern changes and it corresponds to strike-slip motion, with extends from west of the Gibraltar Strait until the western Algeria, where in the Oran region the horizontal compression N-S reapers, with a clear domain of the thrusting faults in Algeria. In the Alboran Sea there is horizontal extension in E-W direction for shallow events. The intermediate depth shock located at the western part of the Alboran Sea show a change on the stress pattern: to the west of 4.5oW, focal mechanisms show vertical tension axis, while to the east, they show vertical pressure axis. These stress orientations are not present in deep earthquakes, where the pressure axes dip 45o to the east. The intermediate and deep earthquakes may be related to some kind of subduction or delamination processes, more recent for the intermediate depth shocks and older for the very deep activity

    VO2max changes in English futsal players after a 6-week period of specific small-sided games training

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    Futsal is a high-intensity, intermittent sport where accelerations and short sprints are performed at maximal or sub-maximal intensity. These efforts are interspersed by brief recovery periods, during 2 halves of 20 minutes stopping clock. Aerobic endurance inevitably plays a key role in the players’ performance. The aim of this study was to analyse the VO2 max progression and the agility (with and without ball) of English futsal players during a 6-week period of small-sided games practice. Two teams volunteered to participate in this study; an experimental group (EG), which performed a specialised small-sided training regime and a control group (CG) (normal training regime). VO2max was estimated from the results of the 20-metre Multi-Stage Fitness Test. The VO2max of the futsal players in the EG improved significantly (58.73±2.41 ml/kg/min vs. 60.11 ± 2.99 ml/kg/min, p=0.04). The same player's agility and agility with ball performance did not report any significant changes in either group. The results showed that periodisation, training sessions and methods based on small-sided games, which implied a change in the number of players, the size of the pitch and the task constraints, were adequate to increase aerobic endurance

    XML Markup for maintenance management of critical care medical devices

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    Preventive maintenance of biomedical devices is of particular concern to avoid failures and breakdowns, especially for critical care and life supporting devices. Signs of potential failures are not always visible and so, they should be inspected and tested periodically using the appropriate technology. Patient simulators have become one of the essential tools for any biomedical department on every health institution, but its cost is still high to be afforded by everyone. The Labview interactive virtual instrument SIMPAC, a simple PC-based patient simulator, showed to be a low cost powerful tool for simulation of healthy and pathological conditions using signals repositories of different biomedical devices such as EEG, ECG, etc., and also to record the output signals of devices like pacemakers, defibrillators, etc. Here we present an enhancement of the tool which consists of adding a secure reporting feature using XML for presenting tests results, applying digital signature for granting report integrity, assuring this way that reports can not be altered by intentional or accidental manipulation of the data contained on it, according to the terms of the medical technology law. In addition, SIMPAC brings a low cost solution for teaching and practical purposes.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Aplicación de tecnologías móviles a la prevención de enfermedades

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    La introducción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) en el sector de la salud da lugar a la generación de nuevos enfoques para afrontar problemáticas tradicionales. El concepto de proximidad espacial y temporal se ha ido transformando a medida que diversas tecnologías como el servicio de mensajes cortos, las redes inalámbricas y celulares, entre otros, fueron ganando espacio en la vida cotidiana, haciéndose cada vez más accesibles y utilizados por una cantidad creciente de personas. Los modos de generación, manejo y difusión de contenidos se han visto influenciados a su vez por la introducción de estas tecnologías, que hicieron más ágiles los flujos de información. En este trabajo se plantea el uso de la telefonía móvil, en conjunción con el uso de redes, motores de base de datos y servicios web, combinados en una plataforma para difusión de información, con el objetivo de complementar las campañas usuales de prevención primaria para la salud y de esta manera reducir costos y tiempos operativos al mismo tiempo que se proporciona un mecanismo flexible a los pacientes para la interacción con los centros de atención y el acceso a la información.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    XML Markup for maintenance management of critical care medical devices

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    Preventive maintenance of biomedical devices is of particular concern to avoid failures and breakdowns, especially for critical care and life supporting devices. Signs of potential failures are not always visible and so, they should be inspected and tested periodically using the appropriate technology. Patient simulators have become one of the essential tools for any biomedical department on every health institution, but its cost is still high to be afforded by everyone. The Labview interactive virtual instrument SIMPAC, a simple PC-based patient simulator, showed to be a low cost powerful tool for simulation of healthy and pathological conditions using signals repositories of different biomedical devices such as EEG, ECG, etc., and also to record the output signals of devices like pacemakers, defibrillators, etc. Here we present an enhancement of the tool which consists of adding a secure reporting feature using XML for presenting tests results, applying digital signature for granting report integrity, assuring this way that reports can not be altered by intentional or accidental manipulation of the data contained on it, according to the terms of the medical technology law. In addition, SIMPAC brings a low cost solution for teaching and practical purposes.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Flexible membranes anchored to the ground for slope stabilisation: Numerical modelling of soil slopes using SPH

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    An alternative modelling for flexible membranes anchored to the ground for soil slope stabilisation is presented using Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics to model the unstable ground mass in a soil slope, employing a dynamic solve engine. A regression model of pressure normal to the ground, qsim, and also membrane deflection, fsim, have been developed using Design of Experiment. Finally, a comparison between the pressure obtained from numerical simulation and from a limit equilibrium analysis considering infinite slope has been carried out, showing differences in the results, mainly due to the membrane stiffness.The realization of this research paper has been possible thanks to the funding of the following entities: SODERCAN (Sociedad para el Desarrollo de Cantabria), Consejería de Obras Públicas del Gobierno de Cantabria, Iberotalud S.L., Malla Talud Cantabria S.L. and Contratas Iglesias S.L. The authors wish also to acknowledge the support provided by the GICONSIME Research Group of the University of Oviedo and the GITECO Research Group of the University of Cantabria. We also thank Swanson Analysis Inc. for the use of the ANSYS Academic program
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