108 research outputs found

    Come parlano gli italiani

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    In molti paesi del mondo la realtà plurilingue delle società è stata a lungo soffocata o ignorata. Dalla seconda metà del Novecento in molti, forse in tutti i paesi, un intreccio di fenomeni sociopolitici ed economici e il progresso degli studi linguistici hanno portato alla ribalta le effettive realtà plurilingui. L'Italia è, dai secoli del Medio evo, un paese accentuatamente plurilingue. I deficit di istruzione hanno a lungo reso difficile la convergenza verso un idioma unico, cioè verso il fiorentino considerato dal ceto colto, fin dal Cinquecento, come la lingua nazionale..La convergenza si è finalmente realizzata, sotto la spinta di fattori demografici, economici e, in parte, educativi soltanto in anni recenti. L'adozione dell'italiano coinvolge ormai oltre il 95% della popolazione, che, tuttavia, al 60% conserva l'uso di uno dei molti dialetti caratteristici del Paese o di una delle 14 lingue di minoranza. L'uso della lingua comune è tuttora segnato sia da tratti oggettivamente contrastanti o sovrabbondanti nella morfologia e nel lessico sia da notevoli variazioni regionali sia, infine, da difficoltà che i locutori incontrano nel maneggiare una lingua di antica tradizione e non semplice.In many countries around the world, multilingual reality has long been suppressed or ignored. From the second half of the twentieth century in many if not in all countries, an interweaving of socio-political and economic phenomena and the progress of language studies have brought multilingual realities into the limelight. From the centuries of the Middle Ages, Italy has been an emphatically multilingual country. The deficits in education have long hindered the convergence towards a single language, that is to say towards the cautious Florentine from the cultured class, at the end of the Sixteenth century, as the national language. The convergence itself was finally achieved only in recent years under the impetus of demographic, economic and, in part, educational factors. Now, more than 90% of the population have adopted Italian, although 60% of them preserve the use of one of the many characteristic dialects of the country or one of the 14 minority languages. The use of the common tongue is still marked both by objectively clashing or overabundant features in the morphology and vocabulary, by considerable regional variations and, finally, by the difficulty that speakers must face in dealing with an ancient, traditional and far from easy language


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    O presente texto é uma tradução (francês-português) da “Introdução” do Cours de Linguistique Générale (CLG). Essa introdução foi elaborada por Tullio De Mauro em 1967 para a versão italiana do CLG. Em 1972, a introdução, as notas e os comentários de Tullio De Mauro para a edição italiana passaram a fazer parte da edição francesa. A tradução aqui apresentada tem como base a publicação francesa do CLG de 1974, a qual reproduz em sua totalidade e com a mesma paginação, a edição publicada precedentemente pela editora Payot. Por tratar-se de uma introdução de uma obra, decidimos não dar outro título ao texto aqui traduzido, uma vez que também não caberia, nesse lugar, chamá-lo de “introdução”, ainda que não deixe de ser a “introdução” do CLG.A presente tradução foi autorizada à Professora Dr. Amanda Eloina Scherer pelo próprio autor, Professor Dr. Tullio De Mauro, durante um jantar informal acontecido em Paris, após sua conferência intitulada «Sisyphe. Interaction, interruption, intégration dans la transmission des savoirs scientifiques sur le langage des langues», realizada em 05 de junho de 2015, na École Normale Supérieure de Paris, organizada pelo Institut de Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (ITEM), sob responsabilidade do Professor Dr. Giuseppe D'Ottavi. A referida conferência pode ser assistida no seguinte endereço:A tradução aqui apresentada foi realizada por Maria Iraci Sousa Costa e Amanda Eloina Scherer.Aproveitamos o espaço, também, para agradecer ao Professor Giuseppe D'Ottavi por sua leitura atenta e cuidadosa da tradução que ora apresentamos ao público brasileiro. Ficamos por demais lisonjeadas em poder contar com o apoio e o incentivo de um discípulo do mestre italiano que, ao lado do mestre genebrino, nos inspiram com suas ideias que ultrapassam fronteiras e oceanos e resistem ao tempo.

    In-hospital and thirty-day outcomes of the SAPIEN 3 Ultra balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valve : the S3U registry

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate 30-day safety and efficacy outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) performed with the SAPIEN 3 Ultra system. Methods and results: The S3U registry is a physician-led, post-approval, multicentre, observational registry of transfemoral TAVI with the SAPIEN 3 Ultra. New features include an improved sealing skirt, a 14 Fr expandable sheath and a new delivery catheter. Overall, 139 consecutive patients at nine participating centres were enrolled. Mean age was 81.4 +/- 8.3 years, average STS score 3.8 +/- 2.4%. The vast majority (97.2%) underwent TAVI with local anaesthesia (28.8%) or conscious sedation (68.3%). Balloon predilatation was performed in 30 patients (21.6%), post-dilatation in three (2.2%). In-hospital, there were no cases of death, stroke, or conversion to open heart surgery. Major vascular complications occurred in three patients (2.2%), as well as major or life-threatening bleedings in three patients (2.2%). There were two moderate (1.4%) and no moderate/severe paravalvular leaks. Median length of stay after TAVI was three days (IQR 3-5 days). At 30 days, there were no deaths, MI, or strokes, and the incidence of new permanent pacemaker implantation was 4.4%. Conclusions: This first multicentre international experience of transfemoral TAVI with the SAPIEN 3 Ultra transcatheter heart valve shows good in-hospital and 30-day clinical outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Rationale and Design of the PARTHENOPE Trial: A Two-by-Two Factorial Comparison of Polymer-Free vs. Biodegradable-Polymer Drug-Eluting Stents and Personalized vs. Standard Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in All-Comers Undergoing PCI.

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    BACKGROUND Over the past few decades, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has undergone significant advancements as a result of the combination of device-based and drug-based therapies. These iterations have led to the development of polymer-free drug-eluting stents. However, there is a scarcity of data regarding their clinical performance. Furthermore, while various risk scores have been proposed to determine the optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), none of them have undergone prospective validation within the context of randomized trials. DESIGN The PARTHENOPE trial is a phase IV, prospective, randomized, multicenter, investigator-initiated, assessor-blind study being conducted at 13 centers in Italy (NCT04135989). It includes 2,107 all-comers patients with minimal exclusion criteria, randomly assigned in a 2-by-2 design to receive either the Cre8 amphilimus-eluting stent or the SYNERGY everolimus-eluting stent, along with either a personalized or standard duration of DAPT. Personalized DAPT duration is determined by the DAPT score, which accounts for both bleeding and ischemic risks. Patients with a DAPT score <2 (indicating higher bleeding than ischemic risk) receive DAPT for 3 or 6 months for chronic or acute coronary syndrome, respectively, while patients with a DAPT score ≥2 (indicating higher ischemic than bleeding risk) receive DAPT for 24 months. Patients in the standard DAPT group receive DAPT for 12 months. The trial aims to establish the non-inferiority between stents with respect to a device-oriented composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, target-vessel myocardial infarction, or clinically-driven target-lesion revascularization at 12 months after PCI. Additionally, the trial aims to demonstrate the superiority of personalized DAPT compared to a standard approach with respect to a net clinical composite of all-cause death, any myocardial infarction, stroke, urgent target-vessel revascularization, or type 2 to 5 bleeding according to the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium criteria at 24-months after PCI. SUMMARY The PARTHENOPE trial is the largest randomized trial investigating the efficacy and safety of a polymer-free DES with a reservoir technology for drug-release and the first trial evaluating a personalized duration of DAPT based on the DAPT score. The study results will provide novel insights into the optimizing the use of drug-eluting stents and DAPT in patients undergoing PCI

    Epidemiology and Microbiology of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Preliminary Results of a National Registry

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    Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) represent a wide range of clinical conditions characterized by a considerable variety of clinical presentations and severity. Their aetiology can also vary, with numerous possible causative pathogens. While other authors previously published analyses on several types of SSTI and on restricted types of patients, we conducted a large nationwide surveillance programme on behalf of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases to assess the clinical and microbiological characteristics of the whole SSTI spectrum, from mild to severe life-threatening infections, in both inpatients and outpatients. Twenty-five Infectious Diseases (ID) Centres throughout Italy collected prospectively data concerning both the clinical and microbiological diagnosis of patients affected by SSTIs via an electronic case report form. All the cases included in our database, independently from their severity, have been managed by ID specialists joining the study while SSTIs from other wards/clinics have been excluded from this analysis. Here, we report the preliminary results of our study, referring to a 12-month period (October 2016–September 2017). During this period, the study population included 254 adult patients and a total of 291 SSTI diagnoses were posed, with 36 patients presenting more than one SSTIs. The type of infection diagnosed, the aetiological micro-organisms involved and some notes on their antimicrobial susceptibilities were collected and are reported herein. The enrichment of our registry is ongoing, but these preliminary results suggest that further analysis could soon provide useful information to better understand the national epidemiologic data and the current clinical management of SSTIs in Italy

    IgE to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD) in childhood: Prevalence, risk factors, putative origins

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    background IgE antibodies to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD) are usually clinically irrelevant but they can be a cause of false positive outcomes of allergen-specific IgE tests in vitro. their prevalence and levels have been so far cross-sectionally examined among adult allergic patients and much less is known about their origins and relevance in childhood. methods we examined CCD with a cross-sectional approach in 1263 Italian pollen allergic children (panallergen in paediatrics, PAN-PED), as well as with a longitudinal approach in 612 german children (Multicenter allergy Study, MAS), whose cutaneous and IgE sensitization profile to a broad panel of allergen extracts and molecules was already known. the presence and levels of IgE to CCD were examined in the sera of both cohorts using bromelain (MUXF3) as reagent and a novel chemiluminescence detection system, operating in a solid phase of fluorescently labelled and streptavidin-coated paramagnetic microparticles (NOVEOS, HYCOR, USA). resultsIgE to CCD was found in 22% of the Italian pollen allergic children, mainly in association with an IgE response to grass pollen. children with IgE to CCD had higher total IgE levels and were sensitized to more allergenic molecules of Phleum pratense than those with no IgE to CCD. among participants of the German MAS birth cohort study, IgE to CCD emerged early in life (even at pre-school age), with IgE sensitization to group 1 and 4 allergen molecules of grasses, and almost invariably persisted over the full observation period.ConclusionsOur results contribute to dissect the immunological origins, onset, evolution and risk factors of CCD-sIgE response in childhood, and raise the hypothesis that group 1 and/or 4 allergen molecules of grass pollen are major inducers of these antibodies through an antigen-specific, T-B cell cognate interaction.IgE antibodies to CCD in childhood, tested in the PAN-PED (cross-sectional approach) and MAS (longitudinal approach) cohorts, are as follows: (1) very frequent in patients with pollen allergy (22%, 275/1263), (2) associated with strong and broad IgE response to grass pollen, (3) emerging with IgE sensitization to grass group 1 and 4 allergens, (4) can start very early in life (positive IgE seen in second year of life) and (5) once started, are almost invariably persistent.imag

    Italian guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents and the diagnostic-clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. Update December 2014

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