6,698 research outputs found

    SPIDER X - Environmental effects in central and satellite early-type galaxies through the stellar fossil record

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    A detailed analysis of how environment affects the star formation history of early-type galaxies (ETGs) is undertaken via high signal to noise ratio stacked spectra obtained from a sample of 20,977 ETGs (morphologically selected) from the SDSS-based SPIDER survey. Two major parameters are considered for the study: the central velocity dispersion (sigma), which relates to local drivers of star formation, and the mass of the host halo, which relates to environment-related effects. In addition, we separate the sample between centrals (the most massive galaxy in a halo) and satellites. We derive trends of age, metallicity, and [alpha/Fe] enhancement, with sigma. We confirm that the major driver of stellar population properties in ETGs is velocity dispersion, with a second-order effect associated to the central/satellite nature of the galaxy. No environmental dependence is detected for satellite ETGs, except at low sigma - where satellites in groups or in the outskirts of clusters tend to be younger than those in the central regions of clusters. In contrast, the trends for centrals show a significant dependence on halo mass. Central ETGs in groups (i.e. with a halo mass >10^12.5 M_Sun) have younger ages, lower [alpha/Fe], and higher internal reddening, than "isolated" systems (i.e. centrals residing in low-mass, <10^12.5 M_Sun, halos). Our findings imply that central ETGs in groups formed their stellar component over longer time scales than "isolated" centrals, mainly because of gas-rich interactions with their companion galaxies.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Design issues and experimental characterization of a continuously-tuned adaptive CMOS LNA

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    This paper presents the design implementation and experimental characterization of an adaptive Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) intended for multi-standard Radio Frequency (RF) wireless transceivers. The circuit —fabricated in a 90-nm CMOS technology— is a two-stage inductively degenerated common-source topology that combines PMOS varactors with programmable load to make the operation of the circuit continuously tunable. Practical design issues are analyzed, considering the effect of circuit parasitics associated to the chip package and integrated inductors, capacitors and varactors. Experimental measurements show a continuous tuning of NF and Sparameters within the 1.75-2.23GHz band, featuring NF19.6dB and IIP3> −9.8dBm, with a power dissipation < 23mW from a 1-V supply voltage.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FEDER) TEC2007-67247-C02-01/MICJunta de Andalucía, Consejo Regional de Innovación, ciencia y empresa TIC-253

    Assessing the influence of the carbon oxidation-reduction state on organic pollutant biodegradation in algal-bacterial photobioreactors

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    The influence of the carbon oxidation-reduction state (CORS) of organic pollutants on their biodegradation in enclosed algal-bacterial photobioreactors was evaluated using a consortium of enriched wild-type methanotrophic bacteria and microalgae. Methane, methanol and glucose (with CORS -4, -2 and 0, respectively) were chosen as model organic pollutants. In the absence of external oxygen supply, microalgal photosynthesis was not capable of supporting a significant methane and methanol biodegradation due to their high oxygen demands per carbon unit, while glucose was fully oxidized by photosynthetic oxygenation. When bicarbonate was added, removal efficiencies of 37¿±¿4% (20 days), 65¿±¿4% (11 days) and 100% (2 days) were recorded for CH(4,) CH(3)OH and C(6)H(12)O(6), respectively due to the additional oxygen generated from photosynthetic bicarbonate assimilation. The use of NO(3)(-) instead of NH(4)(+) as nitrogen source (N oxidation-reduction state of +5 vs. -3) resulted in an increase in CH(4) degradation from 0 to 33¿±¿3% in the absence of bicarbonate and from 37¿±¿4% to 100% in the presence of bicarbonate, likely due to a decrease in the stoichiometric oxygen requirements and the higher photosynthetic oxygen production. Hypothetically, the CORS of the substrates might affect the CORS of the microalgal biomass composition (higher lipid content). However, the total lipid content of the algal-bacterial biomass was 19¿±¿7% in the absence and 16¿±¿2% in the presence of bicarbonat

    Metapragmática e identidad lingüística: el uso de la función metalingüistica en inmigrantes colombianos en España

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    Los inmigrantes colombianos en España se encuentran con una variedad distinta de su propia lengua. Este encuentro hace a los hablantes reflexionar sobre el español y su diversidad. Este fenómeno metalingüístico va más allá del concepto de connotation autonymique de Rey-Debove y se debe a la necesidad o el deseo del hablante de intervenir explícita o implícitamente en su discurso y en la interacción. Además, este fenómeno subraya la importancia de la propia variedad lingüística para la creación de una identidad social. El análisis también permite discutir algunos aspectos del metalenguaje partiendo de datos reales. The Colombian immigrants in Spain meet with a different variety of their own language. This finding makes the speakers think about Spanish language and its diversity. This metalinguistic phenomenon goes beyond the connotation autonymique concept by Rey-Debove and it is due to the speaker’s need or desire of planning her discourse and interacting explicitly or implicitly in the communication process. Further, this phenomenon highlights how the own linguistic variety is important by creating a social identity. The analysis also allows to discuss some aspects of metalanguage taking account of real data

    Prevalence of QoI resistance and mtDNA diversity in the Irish Zymoseptoria tritici population

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    peer-reviewedThe emergence and spread of Quinone outside Inhibitor (QoI) fungicide resistance in the Irish Zymoseptoria tritici population in the early 2000s had immediate impacts on the efficacy of the entire group of fungicides for the control of septoria tritici blotch. As a result, a dramatic reduction in the quantities applied to winter wheat occurred in the following seasons. Even in the absence of these fungicides, the frequency of the resistance allele, G143A in the pathogens mtDNA has remained exceptionally high (>97%), and as such, it can be anticipated that continued poor efficacy of current QoI fungicides will be observed. Amongst the isolates with G143A, differences in sensitivity to the QoI pyraclostrobin were observed in vitro. The addition of the alternative oxidase (AOX) inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid increased sensitivity in these isolates, suggesting some continued impairment of respiration by the QoI fungicides, albeit weak. Interestingly, amongst those tested, the strains from a site with a high frequency of inserts in the MFS1 transporter gene known to enhance QoI efflux did not exhibit this increase in sensitivity. A total of 19 mtDNA haplotypes were detected amongst the 2017 strain collection. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the suggestion of a common ancestry of all the haplotypes, even though three of the haplotypes contained at least one sensitive strain

    Los indios ticuna del alto Amazonas ante los procesos actuales de cambio cultural y globalización.

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    Los indios ticuna están sujetos en la actualidad a fuerzas de sentidos contrarios aparentemente contradictorio&amp; Por un lado están experimentando un proceso acelerado de aculturación, deculturación e integración a las sociedades nacionales de Brasil, Colombia y Perú a partir del momento de su asentamiento masivo en aldeas a orillas dcl Amazonas. Por otro, el momento presente es tcstigo de una revitalización cultural y política de los ticuna en dirección hacia la autonomia y la defensa de su diferencia cultural. La aparente paradoja descansa en el hecho de que estos segundos procesos han sido puestos en marcha y están posibilitados por las sociedades mayores y los mismos procesos de aculturación. Desde los principios de una Antropologia Aplicada nos proponemos humildemente proponer soluciones al reto al que se enfrenta la diversidad cultural como la que representan los ticuna ante los presentes procesos de cambio diferenciando entre los fenómenos de globalización y aculturación.The contemporary Ticuna lndians are subjected to apparently contradictory forces of opposite senses. On the one hand they undergo an accelerating process of acculturation and integration to the national societies of Brazil, Colombia and 291 E Javier Ullán de la Rosa Los indios ticuna del Alto Amazonas ante los procesos actuales,.. Peru since their settling down in villages by the Amazon riverside. On the other hand, the moment is witnessing a political and cultural reactivation of the Ticuna towards autonomy and the defense of their cultural difference. The apparent paradox lies in the fact that this last trend is been set in motion and enabled by the major societies and the process of acculturation itself. From the principIes of an applied anthropology we humbly aim to propose solutions to the challenge that cultural diversity, as the one represented by the Ticuna, is facing before the present processes of social change by differentiating the phenomenon of globalization from that of acculturation


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    The new Sars-Cov-2 (COVID-19) is causing thousands of deaths worldwide and has caused a global pandemic, one of the biggest health challenges ever faced in history. in the most severe cases, Sars-Cov-2 infection can cause fatal lung injuries. In this context, it is essential to recognise effective therapeutic agents against the virus. There are currently no direct and effective vaccines and antivirals available. People with pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, and with chronic drug therapies in place may represent complex patients difficult to manage clinically during COVID-19 infection and at high risk of major complications. The regulation of blood glucose and the adoption of appropriate measures are critical aspects to consider for the diabetic patient in this pandemic period, especially in the patient with ongoing infection. In this article we describe the current evidence in the literature on the possible risks of side effects caused by taking antidiabetic drugs in the COVID-19 patient and the data on extra homeostasis glycemic activity useful to fight viral infection. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Peer Review History: Received 25 May 2020; Revised 8 June; Accepted 3 July, Available online 15 July 2020 Academic Editor: Essam Mohamed Eissa, Beni-Suef University, Egypt, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Heba M. Abd El-Azim,&nbsp;Damanhour University, Egypt,&nbsp;[email protected] Dr. George Zhu, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, [email protected] Similar Articles: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIABETES MELLITUS AND TUBERCULOSIS IN REVIEW OF PREVALENCE, DIAGNOSTICS AND PREVENTIO

    Mange in farmed rabbits

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    [EN] In this study we determined occurrence of mange in breeding rabbits on 1368 commercial farms in Portugal and Spain during 1996-2022. We obtained our information by carrying out 11 737 visits to 1334 doe farms, 11 farms only with growers, and 23 artificial insemination (AI) centres. The median size of the visited doe farms was 450 does (minimum to maximum: 100 2500 does) and 1175 does (ranging from100 to 6000 does) in 1996 and 2022, respectively. AI was used on 9% of the farms visited in 1996 and 95% in 2022. For our diagnoses we used (1) clinical observations on all visited farms to detect sarcoptic mange; (2) examination of the outer ear of breeding rabbits on a subset of farms to assess the prevalence of otodectic clinical mange (OCM); and (3) the examination of breeding rabbits and youngstock does (2.5 to 5.5 mo old) on a subset of 72 farms during 2018 to estimate prevalence of body mange compatible with cheyletiellosis. They were mainly clinical diagnoses, supported sometimes by a laboratorial confirmation. Over the course of the 27-yr clinical study, the cumulative incidence of sarcoptic mange was low; we recorded a total of 13 affected doe farms. The percentage of farms affected by OCM dropped from 55% in 1996 to 28% in 2022. OCM mean prevalence for the period 1996-2022 and 95% binomial confidence interval (CI) were 3.2% (95% CI [3.1-3.3%]), and 3.9% (95% CI [3.7-4.1%]) in does and bucks, respectively. We observed an improvement over time; the OCM yearly mean prevalence decreased from 7% in 1996 to 2.3% in 2022 in females and from 7.2% to 2.2% in males, respectively. This progress was compatible with the use of semen coming from AI centres; biosecurity measures and medical management also contributed. Genetic type was predisposing risk factor for OCM. Enabling risk factors were year and season (more affected in summer). Hair and skin disorders along the back, compatible with cheyletiellosis, were also assessed during 2018; we detected 50% of positive farms with various prevalence results in females, males or young does. In this study, we describe protocols observed in the control of benign and severe cases of mange in rabbitries, which included the use of ivermectin and synthetic acaricides. Ivermectin was used on 36% of doe farms visited during 2018-2022; we suggest that it should be used less often to lower its negative impact on the environment.Rosell, JM.; De La Fuente, LF.; Casais, R. (2024). Mange in farmed rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 32(1):57-71. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2024.20624577132