19 research outputs found

    Análisis de la satisfacción y de la calidad percibida por las personas atendidas en los Servicios Sociales Comunitarios del Centro Municipal de Servicios Sociales Delicias del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza

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    Service quality is a hot topic in the present political, technical and societal discourses in general, as well as in the planning processes, programs and projects. Using the SERVQUAL scale we will know some aspects of the measurements of satisfaction and perceived quality, through the eyes of the patients treated in a municipal community Social Services center. This will enable the interdisciplinary team the best possible adaptation to the needs of these people. The most valued aspect is the security and confidence of the staff, while the aspect presenting the lowest score is their problem-solving capacity, understood as the difficulty for professionals to deal with the demands of the users quickly. The general index of satisfaction reaches a 4.64 on a scale of 5 where 76.4 % of the users considered «excellent» the feelings towards the services provided at Municipal Social Services Center of Delicias.La calidad del servicio es un tema de actualidad presente en los discursos políticos, técnicos y de la sociedad en general, así como en los procesos de planificación, programas y proyectos sociales. Utilizando la escala SERVQUAL, conoceremos algunos aspectos de medida de la satisfacción y calidad percibida, a través de la mirada de las personas atendidas en un centro municipal de Servicios Sociales comunitarios, permitiéndonos, al equipo interdisciplinar, la mejor adaptación posible a las necesidades de estas personas. El ámbito más valorado es el de la «seguridad» y la «confianza » que transmiten los profesionales en el trato, mientras que el aspecto que presenta menor puntuación es su «capacidad de respuesta», entendida como la dificultad que tiene los profesionales de hacer frente y con rapidez a las demandas de los usuarios y usuarias. El índice general de satisfacción alcanza el 4.64 en una escala de 5, siendo mayoritariamente, el 76,4 por ciento, quienes valoran como «excelente» su sentimiento por los servicios que presta el centro municipal de Servicios Sociales de Delicias

    Análisis de la calidad percibida por las personas atendidas desde Servicios Sociales Comunitarios. Centro Municipal de Servicios Sociales de Delicias del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza

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    La satisfacción de las personas con la atención recibida se concibe como una medida de control de calidad. El presente trabajo va a consistir tanto en la revisión bibliográfica entorno a la calidad en Servicios Sociales, como en un estudio, compuesto por el diseño, realización y análisis de los datos obtenidos, sobre la satisfacción de las personas atendidas en el Centro Municipal de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de Delicias del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza.La calidad del servicio es un tema de actualidad presente en los discursos políticos, técnicos y de la sociedad en general así como en los procesos de planificación, programas y proyectos sociales. Utilizando la escala SERVQUAL conoceremos algunos aspectos de medida de la satisfacción y calidad percibida desde la mirada de las personas atendidas desde un Centro Municipal de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios, permitiéndonos, al equipo interdisciplinar, una mejor adaptación, en la medida de lo posible, a las necesidades de estas personas. El ámbito más valorado es el de la “seguridad” y la “confianza” que transmiten los profesionales en el trato , mientras que el aspecto que presenta menor puntuación es la “capacidad de respuesta” de los profesionales, entendida como la dificultad que tiene los profesionales para hacer frente a las demandas de los usuarios/usuarias con rapidez. El índice general de satisfacción alcanza un 4,64 en una escala de 5, siendo mayoritariamente, con un 76`4% , los que consideran como “excelente” los sentimientos hacia los servicios que presta en Centro Municipal de Servicios Sociales de Delicia

    Estudio de la satisfacción del adulto mayor, en el Hogar de Mayores, Binéfar (Huesca)

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    Las personas cada vez viven más, con una esperanza de vida superior a épocas anteriores, ya no se piensa solo en llegar a la vejez, sino llegar a ella en las mejores condiciones posibles de bienestar, salud y calidad de vida. Hasta ahora el envejecimiento suponía para muchas personas el fin de todo lo que habían vivido, llega la jubilación y creen que ya no sirven para nada. Para evitar todo esto se está potenciando el concepto de envejecimiento activo, como una herramienta eficaz contra el aislamiento y la exclusión social. El objetivo principal de este estudio es medir la satisfacción autopercibida por los usuarios mayores de 65 años que acuden al Hogar de Mayores en Binéfar (Huesca) actualmente. Con el fin de conocer su satisfacción ante su situación actual,se utilizó la encuesta de satisfacción Filadelfia, la cual, evalúa la ansiedad, actitud hacia el propio envejecimiento y la soledad

    Enfermos terminales, los “dependientes” olvidados. Estudio sobre la efectividad de la LAAD en pacientes con enfermedades avanzadas en estado terminal.

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    La Ley 39/2006, de 14 de diciembre, de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las Personas en Situación de Dependencia reconoce el derecho de las personas en situación de dependencia, a que sus necesidades sean atendidas y se faciliten los apoyos precisos para realizar las Actividades Básicas de la Vida Diaria. Sin embargo, los pacientes con enfermedades avanzadas en estado terminal, ingresados en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Zaragoza, fallecen antes de que su derecho se haga efectivo, quedando desamparados, no garantizándose su derecho a morir dignamente con la prestación de unos cuidados de calidad. A través del presente estudio, se analiza la efectividad de la ley, con aquellos pacientes que presentan problemáticas sociales, derivadas de una inadecuada atención en su entorno

    Hydroxychloroquine is associated with a lower risk of polyautoimmunity: data from the RELESSER Registry

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    Objectives. This article estimates the frequency of polyautoimmunity and associated factors in a large retrospective cohort of patients with SLE. Methods. RELESSER (Spanish Society of Rheumatology Lupus Registry) is a nationwide multicentre, hospital-based registry of SLE patients. This is a cross-sectional study. The main variable was polyautoimmunity, which was defined as the co-occurrence of SLE and another autoimmune disease, such as autoimmune thyroiditis, RA, scleroderma, inflammatory myopathy and MCTD. We also recorded the presence of multiple autoimmune syndrome, secondary SS, secondary APS and a family history of autoimmune disease. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate possible risk factors for polyautoimmunity. Results. Of the 3679 patients who fulfilled the criteria for SLE, 502 (13.6%) had polyautoimmunity. The most frequent types were autoimmune thyroiditis (7.9%), other systemic autoimmune diseases (6.2%), secondary SS (14.1%) and secondary APS (13.7%). Multiple autoimmune syndrome accounted for 10.2% of all cases of polyautoimmunity. A family history was recorded in 11.8%. According to the multivariate analysis, the factors associated with polyautoimmunity were female sex [odds ratio (95% CI), 1.72 (1.07, 2.72)], RP [1.63 (1.29, 2.05)], interstitial lung disease [3.35 (1.84, 6.01)], Jaccoud arthropathy [1.92 (1.40, 2.63)], anti-Ro/SSA and/or anti-La/SSB autoantibodies [2.03 (1.55, 2.67)], anti-RNP antibodies [1.48 (1.16, 1.90)], MTX [1.67 (1.26, 2.18)] and antimalarial drugs [0.50 (0.38, 0.67)]. Conclusion. Patients with SLE frequently present polyautoimmunity. We observed clinical and analytical characteristics associated with polyautoimmunity. Our finding that antimalarial drugs protected against polyautoimmunity should be verified in future studies

    European Journalism Observatory- a platform for training and professional networks in the Faculty of Information Sciences

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    The launching of a Spanish platform within the Observatory will serve as a training laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Information Sciences at the same time as for establishing a professional media network in and outside Spain. The European Journalism Observatory (EJO) is a network of 14 non-profit media research institutes in 11 countries where Spain continue to be the missing element. All researchers in the EJO network actively strive to transfer their knowledge to the media industry as well as interested publics outside the scientific community, as a platform to enable online availability of at least a portion of many publications in several languages

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the PREDIMED-Plus randomized clinical trial: Effects on the interventions, participants follow-up, and adiposity

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the implementation of most ongoing clinical trials worldwide including the PREDIMED-Plus study. The PREDIMED-Plus is an ongoing, multicenter, controlled intervention trial, aimed at weight-loss and cardiovascular disease prevention, in which participants were randomized (1:1 ratio) to an intervention group (energy-reduced Mediterranean diet, promotion of physical activity, and behavioral support) or to a control group (Mediterranean diet with usual care advice). When the pandemic began, the trial was in the midst of the planned intervention. The objective of this report was to examine the effects of the pandemic on the delivery of the intervention and to describe the strategies established to mitigate the possible adverse effects of the pandemic lockdown on data collection and adiposity. Methods: We assessed the integrity of the PREDIMED-Plus trial during 5 identified periods of the COVID-19 pandemic determined according to restrictions dictated by the Spanish government authorities. A standardized questionnaire was delivered to each of the 23 PREDIMED-Plus recruiting centers to collected data regarding the trial integrity. The effect of the restrictions on intervention components (diet, physical activity) was evaluated with data obtained in the three identified lockdown phases: pre lockdown, lockdown proper, and post lockdown. Results: During the lockdown (March/2020-June/2021), 4,612 participants (48% women, mean age 65y) attended pre-specified yearly follow-up visits to receive lifestyle recommendations and obtain adiposity measures. The overall mean (SD) of the proportions reported by each center showed that 40.4% (25.4) participants had in-person visits, 39.8% (18.2) participants were contacted by telephone and 35% (26.3) by electronic means. Participants' follow-up and data collection rates increased across lockdown periods (from ≈10% at onset to ≈80% at the end). Compared to pre-lockdown, waist circumference increased during (0.75 cm [95% CI: 0.60-0.91]) and after (0.72 cm [95% CI: 0.56-0.89]) lockdown. Body weight did not change during lockdown (0.01 kg [95% CI: -0.10 to 0.13) and decreased after lockdown (-0.17 kg [95% CI: -0.30 to -0.04]). Conclusion: Mitigating strategies to enforce the intervention and patient's follow-up during lockdown have been successful in preserving the integrity of the trial and ensuring its continuation, with minor effects on adiposity. Clinical trial registration: https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN89898870, identifier ISRCTN89898870. Keywords: COVID-19; Mediterraean diet; PREDIMED-Plus; clinical trial; lockdown; weight-loss. Copyright © 2023 Paz-Graniel, Fitó, Ros, Buil-Cosiales, Corella, Babio, Martínez, Alonso-Gómez, Wärnberg, Vioque, Romaguera, López-Miranda, Estruch, Tinahones, Lapetra, Serra-Majem, Bueno-Cavanillas, Tur, Martín-Sánchez, Pintó, Gaforio, Matía-Martín, Vidal, Vázquez, Daimiel, García-Gavilán, Toledo, Nishi, Sorlí, Castañer, García-Ríos, García de la Hera, Barón-López, Ruiz-Canela, Morey, Casas, Garrido-Garrido, Tojal-Sierra, Fernández-García, Vázquez-Ruiz, Fernández-Carrión, Goday, Peña-Orihuela, Compañ-Gabucio, Schröder, Martínez-Gonzalez and Salas-Salvadó. Conflict of interest statement The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest

    All-cause mortality in the cohorts of the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RIS) compared with the general population: 1997Ł2010

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    Abstract Background: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has produced significant changes in mortality of HIVinfected persons. Our objective was to estimate mortality rates, standardized mortality ratios and excess mortality rates of cohorts of the AIDS Research Network (RIS) (CoRIS-MD and CoRIS) compared to the general population. Methods: We analysed data of CoRIS-MD and CoRIS cohorts from 1997 to 2010. We calculated: (i) all-cause mortality rates, (ii) standardized mortality ratio (SMR) and (iii) excess mortality rates for both cohort for 100 personyears (py) of follow-up, comparing all-cause mortality with that of the general population of similar age and gender. Results: Between 1997 and 2010, 8,214 HIV positive subjects were included, 2,453 (29.9%) in CoRIS-MD and 5,761 (70.1%) in CoRIS and 294 deaths were registered. All-cause mortality rate was 1.02 (95% CI 0.91-1.15) per 100 py, SMR was 6.8 (95% CI 5.9-7.9) and excess mortality rate was 0.8 (95% CI 0.7-0.9) per 100 py. Mortality was higher in patients with AIDS, hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection, and those from CoRIS-MD cohort (1997. Conclusion: Mortality among HIV-positive persons remains higher than that of the general population of similar age and sex, with significant differences depending on the history of AIDS or HCV coinfection

    Global Retinoblastoma Presentation and Analysis by National Income Level.

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    Importance: Early diagnosis of retinoblastoma, the most common intraocular cancer, can save both a child's life and vision. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that many children across the world are diagnosed late. To our knowledge, the clinical presentation of retinoblastoma has never been assessed on a global scale. Objectives: To report the retinoblastoma stage at diagnosis in patients across the world during a single year, to investigate associations between clinical variables and national income level, and to investigate risk factors for advanced disease at diagnosis. Design, Setting, and Participants: A total of 278 retinoblastoma treatment centers were recruited from June 2017 through December 2018 to participate in a cross-sectional analysis of treatment-naive patients with retinoblastoma who were diagnosed in 2017. Main Outcomes and Measures: Age at presentation, proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, and tumor stage and metastasis. Results: The cohort included 4351 new patients from 153 countries; the median age at diagnosis was 30.5 (interquartile range, 18.3-45.9) months, and 1976 patients (45.4%) were female. Most patients (n = 3685 [84.7%]) were from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Globally, the most common indication for referral was leukocoria (n = 2638 [62.8%]), followed by strabismus (n = 429 [10.2%]) and proptosis (n = 309 [7.4%]). Patients from high-income countries (HICs) were diagnosed at a median age of 14.1 months, with 656 of 666 (98.5%) patients having intraocular retinoblastoma and 2 (0.3%) having metastasis. Patients from low-income countries were diagnosed at a median age of 30.5 months, with 256 of 521 (49.1%) having extraocular retinoblastoma and 94 of 498 (18.9%) having metastasis. Lower national income level was associated with older presentation age, higher proportion of locally advanced disease and distant metastasis, and smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma. Advanced disease at diagnosis was more common in LMICs even after adjusting for age (odds ratio for low-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 17.92 [95% CI, 12.94-24.80], and for lower-middle-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 5.74 [95% CI, 4.30-7.68]). Conclusions and Relevance: This study is estimated to have included more than half of all new retinoblastoma cases worldwide in 2017. Children from LMICs, where the main global retinoblastoma burden lies, presented at an older age with more advanced disease and demonstrated a smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, likely because many do not reach a childbearing age. Given that retinoblastoma is curable, these data are concerning and mandate intervention at national and international levels. Further studies are needed to investigate factors, other than age at presentation, that may be associated with advanced disease in LMICs