4,302 research outputs found

    Spatial Separation of the 3.29 micron Emission Feature and Associated 2 micron Continuum in NGC 7023

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    We present a new 0.9" resolution 3.29 micron narrowband image of the reflection nebula NGC 7023. We find that the 3.29 micron IEF in NGC 7023 is brightest in narrow filaments NW of the illuminating star. These filaments have been seen in images of K', molecular hydrogen emission lines, the 6.2 and 11.3 micron IEFs, and HCO+. We also detect 3.29 micron emission faintly but distinctly between the filaments and the star. The 3.29 micron image is in contrast to narrowband images at 2.09, 2.14, and 2.18 micron, which show an extended emission peak midway between the filaments and the star, and much fainter emission near the filaments. The [2.18]-[3.29] color shows a wide variation, ranging from 3.4-3.6 mag at the 2 micron continuum peak to 5.5 mag in the filaments. We observe [2.18]-[3.29] to increase smoothly with increasing distance from the star, up until the filament, suggesting that the main difference between the spatial distributions of the 2 micron continuum and the the 3.29 micron emission is related to the incident stellar flux. Our result suggests that the 3.29 micron IEF carriers are likely to be distinct from, but related to, the 2 micron continuum emitters. Our finding also imply that, in NGC 7023, the 2 micron continuum emitters are mainly associated with HI, while the 3.29 micron IEF carriers are primarily found in warm molecular hydrogen, but that both can survive in HI or molecular hydrogen. (abridged)Comment: to appear in ApJ, including 1 table and 8 figures, high resolution figures available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jin/n7023

    On Star Formation and the Non-Existence of Dark Galaxies

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    We investigate whether a baryonic dark galaxy or `galaxy without stars' could persist indefinitely in the local universe, while remaining stable against star formation. To this end, a simple model has been constructed to determine the equilibrium distribution and composition of a gaseous protogalactic disk. Specifically, we determine the amount of gas that will transit to a Toomre unstable cold phase via the H2 cooling channel in the presence of a UV--X-ray cosmic background radiation field. All but one of the models are predicted to become unstable to star formation. Moreover, we find that all our model objects would be detectable via HI line emission, even in the case that star formation is potentially avoided. These results are consistent with the non-detection of isolated extragalactic HI clouds with no optical counterpart (galaxies without stars) by HIPASS. Additionally, where star formation is predicted to occur, we determine the minimum interstellar radiation field required to restore gravothermal stability, which we then relate to a minimum global star formation rate. This leads to the prediction of a previously undocumented relation between HI mass and star formation rate that is observed for a wide variety of dwarf galaxies in the HI mass range 10^8--10^10 M_sun. The existence of such a relation strongly supports the notion that the well observed population of dwarf galaxies represent the minimum rates of self-regulating star formation in the universe. (Barely abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, TeX using emulateapj.cls, v2 accepted for publication in ApJ (16/8/5) with one figure deleted and a number of minor clarifying revision

    Optical fibers with interferometric path length stability by controlled heating for transmission of optical signals and as components in frequency standards

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    We present a simple method to stabilize the optical path length of an optical fiber to an accuracy of about 1/100 of the laser wavelength. We study the dynamic response of the path length to modulation of an electrically conductive heater layer of the fiber. The path length is measured against the laser wavelength by use of the Pound-Drever-Hall method; negative feedback is applied via the heater. We apply the method in the context of a cryogenic resonator frequency standard.Comment: Expanded introduction and outlook. 9 pages, 5 figure

    Extinction law variations and dust excitation in the spiral galaxy NGC 300

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    We investigate the origin of the strong radial gradient in the ultraviolet-to-infrared ratio in the spiral galaxy NGC 300, and emphasize the importance of local variations in the interstellar medium geometry, concluding that they cannot be neglected with respect to metallicity effects. This analysis is based upon a combination of maps from GALEX and Spitzer, and from the ground (UBVRI, Halpha and Hbeta). We select ionizing stellar clusters associated with HII regions of widely varying morphologies, and derive their fundamental parameters from population synthesis fitting of their spectral energy distributions, measured to eliminate local backgrounds accurately. From these fits, we conclude that the stellar extinction law is highly variable in the line of sight of young clusters of similar ages. In the particular model geometry that we consider most appropriate to the sampled regions, we checked that our findings are not significantly altered by the correct treatment of radiative transfer effects. The variations are systematic in nature: extinction laws of the Milky Way or LMC type are associated with compact HII regions (the compacity being quantified in two different ways), while clusters surrounded by diffuse HII regions follow extinction laws of the 30 Doradus or SMC type. The Calzetti starburst attenuation law, although most often degenerate with the 30 Doradus extinction law, overpredicts ionizing photon fluxes by large amounts. We also find that the extinction law variations are correlated with the column density of dust species emitting in the near- and mid-infrared. Finally, we briefly discuss the nebular to stellar extinction ratios, and the excitation of aromatic band carriers, invalidating their claimed association with cold dust.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ -- figure 6 abridged her

    The enigmatic B[e]-star Henize 2-90: The non-spherical mass loss history from an analysis of forbidden lines

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    (abridged) We study the optical spectrum of the exciting B[e] star Hen 2-90 based on new high-resolution observations that cover the innermost 2". Our investigation is splitted in two parts, a qualitative study of the presence of the numerous emission lines and the classification of their line profiles which indicate a circumstellar environment of high complexity, and a quantitative analysis of numerous forbidden lines, e.g. [OI], [OII], [OIII], [SII], [SIII], [ArIII], [ClII], [ClIII] and [NII]. We find a correlation between the different ionization states of the elements and the velocities derived from the line profiles: the highly ionized atoms have the highest outflow velocity while the neutral lines have the lowest outflow velocity. The recent HST image of Hen 2-90 reveals a bipolar, highly ionized region, a neutral disk-like structure and an intermediate region of moderate ionization. It seems that a non-spherical stellar wind model is a good option to explain the ionization and spatial distribution of the circumstellar material. We modelled the forbidden lines under the assumption of a non-spherically symmetric wind based on the HST image. We find that in order to fit the observed line luminosities, the mass flux, surface temperature, and terminal wind velocities need to be latitude dependent, which might be explained in terms of a rapidly rotating central star. A rotation speed of 75-80 % of the critical velocity has been derived. The total mass loss rate of the star was determined to be of order 3 10^{-5} M_sun/yr. Such a wind scenario and the fact that compared to solar abundances C, O, and N seem to be underabundant while S, Ar and Cl have solar abundances, might be explained in terms of a rapidly rotating post-AGB star.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Table 4 is included at the end of the paper. This table will only be available in the online version of the paper and will not appear in the printed versio

    HIPASS Detection of an Intergalactic Gas Cloud in the NGC 2442 Group

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    We report the discovery, from the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS), of a gas cloud associated with the asymmetric spiral galaxy NGC 2442. This object, designated HIPASS J0731-69, contains ~10^9 M_sun of HI, or nearly one-third as much atomic gas as NGC 2442 itself. No optical counterpart to any part of HIPASS J0731-69 has yet been identified, consistent with the gas being diffuse, and with its stream-like kinematics. If the gas in HIPASS J0731-69 was once part of NGC 2442, then it was most likely a fairly recent tidal encounter with a moderately massive companion which tore it loose, although the possibility of ram-pressure stripping cannot be ruled out. This discovery highlights the potential of the HIPASS data for yielding new clues to the nature of some of the best-known galaxies in the local universe.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, uses "emulateapj5.sty". Accepted for publication in ApJ, Vol. 555, 1 July 2001. Figs 1 and 2 included as JPE

    HIPASS High-Velocity Clouds: Properties of the Compact and Extended Populations

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    A catalog of Southern anomalous-velocity HI clouds at Decl. < +2 deg is presented, based on data from the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS). The improved sensitivity (5sigma: T_B = 0.04 K) and resolution (15.5') of the HIPASS data results in a substantial increase in the number of individual clouds (1956, as well as 41 galaxies) compared to previous surveys. Most high-velocity emission features, HVCs, have a filamentary morphology and are loosely organized into large complexes extending over tens of degrees. In addition, 179 compact and isolated anomalous-velocity objects, CHVCs, are identified based on their size and degree of isolation. 25% of the CHVCs originally classified by Braun & Burton (1999) are reclassified. Both the entire population of high-velocity emission features and the CHVCs alone have typical HI masses of ~ 4.5 D(kpc)^2 solar masses and have similar slopes for their column density and flux distributions. On the other hand, the CHVCs appear to be clustered and the population can be broken up into three spatially distinct groups, while the entire population of clouds is more uniformly distributed with a significant percentage aligned with the Magellanic Stream. The median velocities are V_GSR = -38 km/s for the CHVCs and -30 km/s for all of the anomalous-velocity clouds. Based on the catalog sizes, high-velocity features cover 19% of the southern sky and CHVCs cover 1%. (abridged)Comment: 32 pages, 26 figures in gif format, 2 ascii tables, to appear in the Jan 2002 issue of The Astronomical Journal, high resolution version available at http://origins.Colorado.EDU/~mputman/pubs.htm

    The complex TIE between macrophages and angiogenesis

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    Macrophages are primarily known as phagocytic immune cells, but they also play a role in diverse processes, such as morphogenesis, homeostasis and regeneration. In this review, we discuss the influence of macrophages on angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation from the pre-existing vasculature. Macrophages play crucial roles at each step of the angiogenic cascade, starting from new blood vessel sprouting to the remodelling of the vascular plexus and vessel maturation. Macrophages form promising targets for both pro- and anti-angiogenic treatments. However, to target macrophages, we will first need to understand the mechanisms that control the functional plasticity of macrophages during each of the steps of the angiogenic cascade. Here, we review recent insights in this topic. Special attention will be given to the TIE2-expressing macrophage (TEM), which is a subtype of highly angiogenic macrophages that is able to influence angiogenesis via the angiopoietin-TIE pathway
