487 research outputs found

    Interplay between Bonding and Magnetism in the Adsorption of NO on Rh Clusters

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    We have studied the adsorption of NO on small Rh clusters, containing one to five atoms, using density functional theory in both spin-polarized and non-spin-polarized forms. We find that NO bonds more strongly to Rh clusters than it does to Rh(100) or Rh(111); however, it also quenches the magnetism of the clusters. This (local) effect results in reducing the magnitude of the adsorption energy, and also washes out the clear size-dependent trend observed in the non-magnetic case. Our results illustrate the competition present between the tendencies to bond and to magnetize, in small clusters.Comment: Submitted to J. of Chem. Phy

    Les dynamiques d'un terroir viticole. Azay-le-Rideau, XVe -XIX e siècle

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    International audienceUnderstanding the dynamics of a vineyard implies a down to earth analysis in the middle of fields and vines, it requires a close study of the beatings – calm or rapid – of the ancestral wine growing culture profoundly rooted in a living soil. This article offers a micro-analytic mode of the spatial dynamics of wine growing soils. The “recessive method” based on contemporary fiscal sources, both modern and medieval, allows us to work on the beating of wine growing plots of land. The experience was followed on the territory of Azay le Rideau (Touraine, Indre et Loire, France), of which we have a rich file allowing a continuous inquiry from the 15th to the 19th century. What comes out of our analysis is the observation that the wine growing territory (of Azay-le-Rideau) is permanent and lasting but infinitely fluctuant plot wise. These fluctuations are the result of social, economic and institutional evolutions.Comprendre la dynamique d'un vignoble implique une analyse au ras du sol, au milieu des champs et des pieds de vignes, pour examiner les battements, calmes ou précipités, d'une viticulture ancrée dans un territoire, vivante des hommes qui cultivent la terre. Cet article propose un mode d'approche micro-analytique de la dynamique spatiale des terroirs viticoles, utilisant la méthode régressive à partir des sources fiscales contemporaines, modernes et médiévales, qui permettent d'aborder les pulsations du parcellaire viticole. L'expérience a été menée sur le territoire d'Azay-le-Rideau (Touraine, département d'Indre-et-Loire, France), pour lequel on dispose d'un riche dossier permettant une enquête continue du XV e au XIX e siècle. Cette analyse débouche sur la constatation d'une exploitation viticole permanente et durable, mais infiniment mouvante à l'échelle de la parcelle. Ces fluctuations sont le fruit d'évolutions sociales, économiques et institutionnelles


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    Diplomová práce se zabývá stavebně technologickým řešením bytového domu na ulici Kamenná v Brně-Štýřicích. Cílem je řešení stavby s ohledem na finanční, časové, technické a technologické požadavky. Práce zahrnuje technickou zprávu stavebně technologického projektu, technologické předpisy a s nimi související kontrolní a zkušební plány, návrh strojní sestavy, plán bezpečnosti, vliv stavby na životní prostředí, technickou zprávu zařízení staveniště společně s výkresy. Dále je součástí práce také harmonogram, rozpočet, časový a finanční objektový plán stavby.Master´s thesis deals with constructive-technological project of apartment house in Kamenná street in Brno-Štýřice. The aim of this work is the solution with the view to the financial, time, technical and technological requierements. The thesis includes technical report of constructive-technological project, technological instructions with inspectional and test plans, machinery configuration, safety plan, construction impact on enviroment, technical report of construction site with plans. The part of the thesis is also schedule of the construction, budget, time and financial plan of the construction.

    Residential House

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    V bakalářské práci byl zpracován projekt rodinného domu v rozsahu potřebném pro stavební povolení. Jedná se o objekt s 2 nadzemními podlažími a suterénem. Součástí objektu je také garáž pro 2 osobní auta. Dům je zastřešen polovalbovou střechou. Projekt byl řešen s ohledem na architektonické, tepelně technické, akustické i požárně bezpečnostní požadavky. Také byla snaha o splnění všech funkcí potřebných pro čtyřčlennou rodinu, jako jsou například společenská funkce, odpočinková, relaxační, pracovní a také potřeba soukromí.In bachelor´s thesis was made a project of a residential house in the range needed to get detailed planning permission. It is a building with 2 floors and a cellar. Part of this building is also a garage for 2 cars. It is roofed by half-hip roof. The project was designed regarding to the architectual, thermal protective, acoustic and fire safety requirements. The building was also designed to perform all functions needed for four-member family, such as social function, relaxation, work function and need of privacy.

    The distinction between fiction and reality in the film

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    Diplomová práce řeší problematiku rozlišování fikce a skutečnosti ve filmu pomocí teorie fikčních světů. Rozebírá vliv fikčních světů a jejich hrdinů na divákovu interpretaci a vnímání fikce. Zdůrazňuje rozdílný dopad fikce na skutečnost podle toho, zda příjemce fikční dílo hodnotí podle vztahu ke skutečnosti anebo si naopak uvědomuje, že film nereferuje k aktuálnímu světu. Práce přibližuje hlavní pojmy a problémy teorie fikčních světů a aplikuje je na příklady konkrétních filmů, aby ukázala důležitost rozlišování hranice mezi fikcí a skutečností.This diploma thesis deals with the distinction between fiction and reality in the film using the theory of fictional worlds. It analyzes the effect of fictional worlds and their characters on the viewer's perception and interpretation of fiction. It emphasizes the difference of the impact of fiction on reality, depending on whether the recipient evaluates the fictional work by its relation to reality or realizes that the film doesn't refer to the actual world. The thesis describes the main concepts and problems of the theory of fictional worlds and applies them to the examples of films to show the importance of distinguishing the line between fiction and reality.Katedra elektronické kultury a sémiotikyDepartment of Electronic Culture and SemioticsFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

    Remarks on monopole charge properties within the Generalized Coherent State Model

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    The Generalized Coherent State Model, proposed previously for a unified description of magnetic and electric collective properties of nuclear systems, is used to study the ground state band charge density as well as the E0 transitions from 0β+0^+_{\beta} to 0g+0^+_g. The influence of the nuclear deformation and of angular momentum projection on the charge density is investigated. The monopole transition amplitude has been calculated for ten nuclei. The results are compared with some previous theoretical studies and with the available experimental data. Our results concerning angular momentum projection are consistent with those of previous microscopic calculations for the ground state density. The calculations for the E0 transitions agree quite well with the experimental data. Issues like how the shape transitions or shape coexistence are reflected in the ρ(E0)\rho(E0) behavior are also addressed.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Microscopic Cluster Model for Exotic Nuclei

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    For a better understanding of the dynamics of exotic nuclei it is of crucial importance to develop a practical microscopic theory easy to be applied to a wide range of masses. Theoretically the basic task consists in formulating an easy solvable theory able to reproduce structures and transitions of known nuclei which should be then used to calculate the sparely known properties of proton- or neutron-rich nuclei. In this paper we start by calculating energies and distributions of A\leq4 nuclei withing a unitary correlation model restricted to include only two-body correlations. The structure of complex nuclei is then calculated extending the model to include correlation effects of higher order.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Final Version to be published in "Progress of Particle and Nuclear Physics (2007

    First principles modelling of magnesium titanium hydrides

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    Mixing Mg with Ti leads to a hydride Mg(x)Ti(1-x)H2 with markedly improved (de)hydrogenation properties for x < 0.8, as compared to MgH2. Optically, thin films of Mg(x)Ti(1-x)H2 have a black appearance, which is remarkable for a hydride material. In this paper we study the structure and stability of Mg(x)Ti(1-x)H2, x= 0-1 by first-principles calculations at the level of density functional theory. We give evidence for a fluorite to rutile phase transition at a critical composition x(c)= 0.8-0.9, which correlates with the experimentally observed sharp decrease in (de)hydrogenation rates at this composition. The densities of states of Mg(x)Ti(1-x)H2 have a peak at the Fermi level, composed of Ti d states. Disorder in the positions of the Ti atoms easily destroys the metallic plasma, however, which suppresses the optical reflection. Interband transitions result in a featureless optical absorption over a large energy range, causing the black appearance of Mg(x)Ti(1-x)H2.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Predicting Crystal Structures with Data Mining of Quantum Calculations

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    Predicting and characterizing the crystal structure of materials is a key problem in materials research and development. It is typically addressed with highly accurate quantum mechanical computations on a small set of candidate structures, or with empirical rules that have been extracted from a large amount of experimental information, but have limited predictive power. In this letter, we transfer the concept of heuristic rule extraction to a large library of ab-initio calculated information, and demonstrate that this can be developed into a tool for crystal structure prediction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 pic