147 research outputs found

    A Game Engine based Networked Infrastructure to Create and Share 3D Abstract Art

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    Online communities have been proactive in producingcollaborative creative content such as music, games and othersocial interactions. Online collaboration has enabled contributorsto peer produce and share masses of creative content. Examplesrange from information sharing such as Wikipedia to opensource software and other specific art projects. Software vendorshave recently introduced low cost 2D and 3D content authoringtools allowing user communities to generate and share creativecontent. Emerging networking programming interfaces availableinside modern game engines allow contributors to implementmultiplayer or multiuser interaction relatively easily. This paperpresents a 3D art creation framework to be used over networkedinfrastructure in a multiuser environment. Contributors will beable to create 3D sculptures at runtime, share with other users ina common networked working environment and critique eachother’s work. Experimental work also involved evaluatingprocedurally generated meshes versus instantiation of primitivemesh objects. Saving and loading mesh information in anoptimum way is also explored

    The community nurse in Australia. Who are they? : a rapid systematic review

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    Aim: This study aimed to profile the community nurse in Australia. Background: The need for nurses in the community health care sector is increasing in response to shorter hospital stays, an aging population and chronic disease. The increase in demand has not been followed by appropriate workforce planning, leading to structural issues and lack of qualified nursing workforce in the community sector. Evaluation: MEDLINE and ProQuest Public Health and grey literature were searched for records published between 2010 and 2020 relative to the profile of the community nurse in Australia. Twenty-five records (21 publications, 2 databases and 2 reports) were included in the review. Abstracted data followed the principles of workforce planning and included demographics, qualifications and roles. Key Issues: Inconsistent definitions, self-reported data and a focus on practice nurses have contributed to data irregularities. Little is known about the specific aspects of community nursing work. Conclusion: A lack of concrete data has overshadowed a community nursing workforce crisis with implications for patients' health and safety across the lifespan. Implications for Nursing Management: There is urgent need for nurse managers globally to refocus nursing recruitment to the community sector to maintain quality and ensure sustainability of the nursing workforce

    Carreiras formais e trajetórias sócioprofissionais no setor bancário no contexto das transformações dos anos 90: Um estudo comparativo entre um banco público e um banco privado

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    Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar as mudanças nas ocupações e nas carreiras no setor bancário, a partirdas transformações ocorridas nos anos 90, ou seja, no contexto dos processos de privatização, internacionalização e concentração do setor. As mudanças nas ocupações e nas carreiras são analisadas tanto em seus aspectos formais quanto informais, ou seja, respectivamente, em suas articulações com a estrutura ocupacional (segundo sexo, raça/cor e qualificação) e com a divisão social do trabalho. Nesse sentido, traz à luz a aparente contradição entre carreiras formais, pouco diferenciadas e as trajetórias individuais, altamente diversificadas

    Coníferas pensilvanianas da tafoflora interglacial de Monte Mor, Grupo Itararé, São Paulo, Brasil: as mais antigas da Bacia do Paraná

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    A macroflora pré-glossopterídea do sítio Volpe, em Monte Mor (Estado de São Paulo), depositou-se, durante um interglacial do Grupo Itararé. Essa ocorrência caracteriza a Associação Paranocladus-Ginkgophyllum-Brasilodendron da porção médio‑basal do Grupo Itararé aflorante no NE da bacia do Paraná. Corresponde à associação macroflorística argentina Fitozona Krauselcladus-Asterotheca (ex-Zona Intervalo) e seu conteúdo palinoflorístico pertence à Palinozona Crucisaccites monoletus (Kasimoviano a Gzheliano). As coníferas dessa associação estão representadas por macro e microfósseis e registram o nível mais inferior de ocorrência do grupo na bacia. São impressões e compressões de ramos folhosos de Paranocladus dusenii Florin e Buriadia heterophylla (Feistmantel) Seward and Sahni emend. Singh e de sementes platispérmicas do gênero Paranospermum. Estudos cuticulares possibilitaram relacionar a presença de Paranocladus dusenii com as sementes platispérmicas Paranospermum cambuiense Ricardi-Branco e detectar uma nova espécie de Paranospermum. Estudos palinológicos anteriores, neste nível, permitiram identificar a presença de grãos de pólen afins às gimnospermas (coniferales, ginkgoales e pteridospermales) compreendendo formas monossacadas e bissacadas dos gêneros: Cannanoropolis, Plicatipollenites, Potonieisporites e Caheniasaccites, indicando já certa diversidade do grupo no Pensilvaniano. A associação das coníferas e Ginkgophyllum representaria uma comunidade arbórea mesoxerofítica. A abundância de seu material fragmentado, na assembleia fitofossilífera, sugere aloctonia com transporte em direção a uma planície deltaica onde associa-se a material parautoctone. A matriz fossilífera arenosa, sobreposta ao carvão, também evidencia um agente transportador de maior energia.The pre-glossopterid macroflora from the Volpe Ranch, in Monte Mor (State of São Paulo), was deposited during an interglacial context of the Itararé Group. It is characterized by the Paranocladus-Ginkgophyllum-Brasilodendron Association and is included in the middle-basal part of the Itararé Group outcrop, in the NE of the Paraná Basin. It is similar to the Argentine macrofloristic association Krauselcladus-Asterotheca Phytozone (ex-Interval Zone) and its palynofloristic contents belong to the Crucisaccites monoletus Palynozone (Kasimovian to Gzhelian). The conifers in this assemblage are represented by macro and microfossils and record the first level of occurrence of conifers in the basin. They are documented by leafy branches impressions and compressions of Paranocladus dusenii Florin and Buriadia heterophylla (Feistmantel) Seward and Sahni emend. Singh, and platyspermic seeds of the genus Paranospermum. Cuticular studies allowed to correlate the presence of Paranocladus dusenii with the platyspermic seeds Paranospermum cambuiense Ricardi-Branco and to identify a new species of Paranospermum as well. Previous palynological studies in this level led to the recognition of some pollen grains affinis to the gymnosperms (conifers, ginkgoaleans and pteridospermales) comprising monosaccate and bisaccate forms allocated to the genera Cannanoropollis, Plicatipollenites, Potonieisporites and Caheniasaccites indicating certain diversity of conifers as early as in Pennsylvanian. The association of conifers and Ginkgophyllum represents a mesoxerophytic tree community. The abundance of their fragmented material in the taphofloral assemblage suggests allochthonous origin transported toward a deltaic plain which were associated to a parautochthonous origin material. Their fossiliferous sandy matrix overlying the coal also suggests a higher energy agent of transport

    Incidence of Dentinal Defects and Vertical Root Fractures after Endodontic Retreatment and Mechanical Cycling

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of dentinal defects and vertical root fractures (VRFs) after endodontic retreatment and mechanical cycling (MC). Methods and Materials: Two hundred mandibular premolars were selected. Forty teeth were left unprepared (control group). The remaining 160 root canals were prepared with ProTaper instruments and filled by using two different techniques [eighty with lateral compaction (LC) and eighty with single-cone (SC)]. Forty canals from each group (LC and SC) received no further treatment. The remaining eighty teeth were divided into two groups (LCR and SCR) (n=40) in order to undergo the removal of the root filling, re-preparation and refilling with lateral compaction and single-cone, respectively. All of the teeth were subjected to MC (1,000,000 cycles, 130 N, 2.2 Hz and 37°C). The roots were sectioned at 3, 6 and 9 mm from the apex and observed under 20× magnification. The defects were classified as: no defect, VRF and other defects. Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher’s Exact test and the Chi-Squared tests (α=0.05). Results: MC alone did not promote any other defects or VRFs. Experimental groups presented higher dentinal defects than the control group (P=0.021). Retreatment groups did not present a higher amount of dentinal defects than the groups that were subjected to the first treatment (P>0.05). Conclusion: Endodontic treatment and retreatment, regardless of the filling technique and MC, did not influence the occurrence of dentinal defects or VRFs in the human premolars.Keywords: Defects; Endodontics; Retreatment; Root Cana

    Development of a Comparative Assessment Method For Additive and Conventional Manufacturing With Regard to Global Warming Potential

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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) opens new possibilities for producing complex parts while achieving high material efficiency. Besides the technological advantages, AM is considered a key technology for sustainable production. A widely used approach to measure the sustainability of a product is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) by using the impact category of the Global Warming Potential (GWP). The setup of LCA is complex and requires a deep understanding of the process. LCAs carried out so far for AM mainly focused on energy consumption and the printing process itself. GWP caused by other up and downstream manufacturing steps, such as material preparation, has received little attention so far. This requires more comprehensive LCAs, increasing the complexity and effort. Therefore, the GWP is often not considered when deciding whether to use AM or Conventional Manufacturing (CM) for producing a part in the industry. This work presents a simplified method (GWP-method) for comparing AM and CM regarding the GWP by identifying so-called hotspots (the most significant production steps in terms of GWP). Based on the identified hotspots, the assessment scope was narrowed down, and an Assessment Equation (GWPAE) was developed. The GWPAE can then be used for the analysis of produced GWP for other product families and production scenarios for the defined process route. The method is demonstrated for an aerospace part as a case study. Finally, the deviation of the derived GWPAE is checked by directly comparing the results of the GWP of an LCA for another production scenario and lies at 5,9%

    Feeding effects of cottonseed and its co-products on the meat proteome from ram lambs

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    Gossypol easily pairs with lysine side chains and enzymes involved in the cellular growth process. The effect of gossypol (a compound present in cotton co-products) in ruminant metabolism and meat quality is not yet clear. This study was undertaken in order to evaluate the effects of cotton co-products in lamb muscle proteome. Twenty-four Santa Inês ram lambs, 5-months old (20.6 ± 1.9 kg), were randomly assigned to four treatments: control (without cottonseed), whole cottonseed, cottonseed meal and high oil cottonseed meal. At 95 days into the experiment, lambs were slaughtered and samples from Longissimus dorsi were collected. Proteins were extracted and analyzed by 2-D electrophoresis. Spots showing a significant effect from the treatment (the “treatment effect”) and present in more than 90 % of the samples were identified using mass spectrometry. Cotton co-products decreased the abundance of aldehyde and malate dehydrogenases, creatine kinase M-type and Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase. They also increased four proteins related to muscle contraction. Thus, feeding cotton co-products to lambs changed the abundance of important muscle proteins. A cotton co-product diet induced a negative impact on the energy supply of muscle cells and, consequently, the abundance of ATP dependent proteins (contractile apparatus) increased, probably in order to offset and maintain muscle function. These proteomic changes can promote our understanding of alterations in the sensorial properties of meat due to cotton co-product diets in further investigations

    Controle da síntese de prostaglandina F2± no endométrio bovino in vitro

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    Synthesis of endometrial prostaglandin F2± (PGF2±) results from a complex cascade of highly coordinated intracellular events. Production of PGF2± can be stimulated by mellitin and 12, 13 phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu). Objective of the present study was to verify whether basal or stimulated synthesis of PGF2± was dependent on de novo protein synthesis. In Experiment 1, endometrial explants from cyclic, non-lactating cross-bred beef cows (n=2) on day 15 of the estrous cycle were incubated in quadruplicate in culture KHB culture medium or medium supplemented with 10-6M PDBu, 10-6M melittin or 10-5M melittin. Medium samples were collected immediately and 60 minutes after treatment administration and concentration of PGF2± in medium were measured by radioimmunoassay. Concentrations of PGF2± in medium were higher (P<0.06) after treatment with PDBu in comparison with control and melittin. In Experiment 2, endometrial explants from cyclic, non-lactating cross-bred beef cows (n=4) on day 17 of the estrous cycle were incubated in quadruplicate in medium supplemented with 0, 50, 100 or 200mg cyclohexamide (CHX) and 0 or 100ng/ml PDBu, in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement. Medium samples were collected immediately and 60 minutes after administration of treatments and concentrations of PGF2± measured by radioimmunoassay. Endometrial integrity was was evaluated by histology. Treatment with PDBu stimulated production of PGF2± (P<0.01), regardless of concentration of CHX used. The CHX did not affect production of PGF2±, either in the presence or absence of PDBu. Histological integrity of explants was preserved. It was concluded that both basal and PDBu-stimulated PGF2± production are not dependent on new protein sythesis.A síntese de prostaglandina F2± (PGF2±) endometrial, resulta de uma complexa cascata de eventos intracelulares que ocorrem de maneira altamente coordenada. A síntese de PGF2± pode ser estimulada na presença da melitina e do forbol 12,13 dibutirato (PDBu). O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se a produção basal e a estimulação aguda de PGF2± são dependentes da síntese de proteínas. No experimento 1, explantes obtidos de fêmeas bovinas (n=2), cíclicas, não lactantes, no dia 15 do ciclo estral foram incubados em quadruplicata, com meio de cultivo (KHB) ou KHB suplementado com PDBu 10-6M, melitina 10-6M ou melitina 10-5M. Amostras do meio foram coletadas 0 e 60 minutos após os tratamentos e as concentrações de PGF2± foram mensuradas por radioimunoensaio. Com 60 minutos após os tratamentos houve aumento das concentrações médias de PGF2± (P<0,06) em resposta ao tratamento com PDBu comparado ao grupo KHB e melitina. No experimento 2, explantes endometriais de fêmeas bovinas (n=4), não gestantes, no 17° dia do ciclo estral, pesando de 80 a 100mg foram incubados em KHB suplementado com 0, 50, 100 ou 200mg/mL de CHX e 0 ou 100ng/mL de PDBu em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 4, em quadruplicata. Amostras do meio foram coletadas 0 e 60 minutos após os tratamentos e as concentrações de PGF2± foram mensuradas por radioimunoensaio. A integridade dos explantes endometriais tratados com CHX foi avaliada por cortes histológicos. Foi observado aumento na produção de PGF2± em resposta ao tratamento com PDBu (P<0,01), entretanto, não houve diferenças na produção de PGF2± pelos tecidos tratados com diferentes concentrações de CHX, associadas ou não ao PDBu. A integridade histológica dos explantes foi preservada. Conclui-se que a produção basal e a estimulação aguda da síntese de PGF2± não são dependentes da síntese de novas proteínas


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    Os acidentes de trabalho representam um grave problema de saúde pública. O estudo objetiva analisar, com base na literatura brasileira, os acidentes entre os trabalhadores de enfermagem no desenvolvimento de suas atividades laborais. Foram identificados 94 artigos, publicados no período de 2001 a 2015, nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo e Medline. Os resultados demonstraram como principal acidente os ferimentos com materiais perfurocortantes envolvendo, principalmente, os técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, sendo o local do corpo mais atingido, as mãos. Os trabalhadores com maior tempo de serviço se acidentaram mais, com predomínio dos acidentes no turno matutino. A pesquisa evidenciou que os fatores predisponentes estavam relacionados, sobretudo, às precárias condições de trabalho e que poucos estudos destacaram a importância da adoção de medidas preventivas. Desse modo, ressalta-se a necessidade de uma maior conscientização por parte desses trabalhadores e do cuidado das instituições à saúde deste importante grupo profissional