728 research outputs found

    Escolhas aleatórias com categorias

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Economia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia, 2015.Caracterizamos um modelo de escolhas aleatórias em que o tomador de decisão classifica seu universo de opções em categorias e tem preferências completas e transitivas dentro de cada categoria. Em face de um problema de escolha, uma categoria é sorteada segundo uma função de probabildade, e ele maximiza sua preferência dentro da categoria considerada. O comportamento aleatório resulta do sorteio da cateogira a ser considerada. Este modelo estende a ideia central de Furtado et al (2015), focado em escolhas determinísticas, ao paradigma das escolhas aleatórias desenvolvido de forma pioneira por Luce (1959). É um caso particular do modelo geral de Maximização Randômica de Utilidade criado por Block e Marschak (1959) e Marshak (1960) e caracterizado por Falmagne (1978) e Barberá e Pattanaik (1986), e mais geral que o modelo de Manzini e Mariotti (2014).We characterize a model of random choices in which the decision maker classifies her universe in categories and has complete and transitive preferences in each category. When faced with a decision problem, she sorts one category according to a probability function, and maximizes her preference in the sorted category. The random behavior results from the sorting of the category to be considered. This model extends the central idea of Furtado et al (2015), which is focused in deterministic, to the paradigm of the random choices pioneered by Luce (1959). It is a special case of the general model of Random Utility Maximization introduced into Economics by Block and Marschak (1959) and Marshack (1960) and characterized by Falmagne (1978) and Barberá and Pattanaik (1986), and is more general than Manzini and Mariotti (2014)

    Information as merchandise: reflections on human rights and media culture.

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    In this article, we work some problems involving the traditional media and the human rights nowadays. Adopting a critical, historical and dialectical approach, we make an intersection between the traditional mass media and the DH in order to discuss issues on both subjects and pointing out possible alternatives. In order to carry out the study, the theories of Roland Barthes (1971), Joaquín Herrera Flores (2005) and Douglas Kellner (2001) are taken into consideration. It is important to stress that the intention of this study is not to generalize results from our bibliographical research, but to detect tendencies and discern trends based on significant data samples.Este artigo traz reflexões sobre algumas problemáticas envolvendo a mídia tradicional e a questão dos Direitos Humanos na atualidade. Adotando uma postura crítica, histórica e dialética, faz uma intersecção entre os veículos de comunicação de massa tradicionais e os Direitos Humanos, com o propósito de problematizar questões sobre ambos e apontar possíveis saídas. Para tanto, dentre outros autores, utilizamos os pressupostos desenvolvidos por Roland Barthes (1971), Joaquín Herrera Flores (2005) e Douglas Kellner (2001). Salientamos que não pretendemos generalizar resultados a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, mas, sim, detectar tendências e vislumbrar possibilidades com base em uma amostra significativa de dados

    Geometry of vectorial martingale optimal transport and robust option pricing

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    This paper addresses robust finance, which is concerned with the development of models and approaches that account for market uncertainties. Specifically, we investigate the Vectorial Martingale Optimal Transport (VMOT) problem, the geometry of its solutions, and its application with robust option pricing problems in finance. To this end, we consider two-period market models and show that when the spatial dimension dd (the number of underlying assets) is 2, the extremal model for the cap option with a sub- or super-modular payout reduces to a single factor model in the first period, but not in general when d>2d > 2. The result demonstrates a subtle relationship between spatial dimension, cost function supermodularity, and their effect on the geometry of solutions to the VMOT problem. We investigate applications of the model to financial problems and demonstrate how the dimensional reduction caused by monotonicity can be used to improve existing computational methods

    Health education can save the environment from medicine residues

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    The incorrect disposal of medicines and their environmental impact has been related to the health medicalization and the improper use of medication by society. In this sense, it is very important to know the profile of drug disposal for foster health policies. The aim was to identify the profile of disposal of medicines by the population, including the cost perspective. This is an inquiry descriptive study that began in September 2019. Medicine disposal health education program was carried out over six months in two University pharmacies. A questionnaire for sociodemographic and discarded medicines data collection was applied. Logistic regression analysis for variables association of correct disposal and the chi-square and t-student analysis for comparison between disposal programs were performed for a level of 5% and test power of 80%. Medicines weighed 23.3 kg and 28.5 kg, with the cost variation from US13.5toUS 13.5 to US 16.1 until the final treatment. The correct disposal was strongly associated with the disposal reason (p=0.013), source of information (p=0.006), prescription (p=0.03), form of use (p=0.01), acquisition source (p=0.001), cost with medication (p=0.0001), education (p=0.028) and age (p=0.05). The correct medicine disposal was associated with important features of the community related to education health

    Meta-analysis on the morbidity and mortality of clodronate, pamidronate and zoledronate in patients with bone metastases

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    Univ Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaPacific Gateway Int Coll, Toronto, ON, CanadaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Spots of interaction: an investigation on the relationship between firms and universities in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Spots of interaction summarize the nature of partial connections (between science and technology) operating in the Brazilian system of innovation. A pilot study in Minas Gerais, Brazil, uses two new research tools (for immature NSIs) and presents a database with research groups located in universities and a database built upon an adapted version of the pioneering Yale and Carnegie Mellon Surveys. These complementary databases identify spots of interaction, indicating how economic sectors use specific science and engineering fields. This investigation identifies a dual role of universities in immature NSIs, as substitutes and/or complements firms R&D.systems of innovation, underdevelopment, interactions between science and technology, surveys, universities

    Application Development for Blood Pressure Meter and First Aid Alert

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    Hypertension affects one out of every four adults in Brazil, mostly older people who, according to research, do not have comprehensive knowledge of the disease, its symptoms and how to identify them in someone, thus causing arterial damage throughout the body. consequently it can generate strokes. Two methods were used to fetch data; the amount that was based on Google polls; and the qualitative through bibliographical research and articles on blood pressure in Brazil. Using these methods, a prototype alert software was developed that can work in conjunction with existing technologies such as SMARTBANDS and SMARTWATCH, which quickly and conveniently measure pressure from their users by collecting data and sending it to the system. The data collected through the sphygmomanometer are sent to the arduino that together with the HC-05 communicates with the system, meeting the expectations. The communication of the user application with the monitor worked correctly. Having collected the data through forms, a software and a prototype that could be used together with other technologies were elaborated to propose to smart watch manufacturers the implementation of the alert software, for the improvement of the existing technologies

    Further development of small hydropower facilities will significantly reduce sediment transport to the Pantanal wetland of Brazil

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    Small hydropower (SHP) facilities, which are defined by installed capacities 20% net retention of suspended sediments, two others retained between 10 and 20%, seven were within 10%, and six showed >10% net release. Bedload sediment transport was a small component of total sediment transport in rivers with high total sediment loads. Multiyear series of satellite images confirm sediment accumulation in several cases. Model predictions of the impacts of future hydropower facilities on suspended sediment concentrations and transport show retention of a large fraction (often much >20%) of sediment inputs. Summing riverine transport rates for inflows into the Pantanal indicates that currently envisioned future hydropower development would reduce the suspended sediment transport by ∼62% from the current rate. This study shows that if SHPs are built on sediment-rich rivers, this may prove problematic for the facilities as well as for downstream ecosystems. These results support recommendations that several river systems presently lacking dams in their lower reaches should be excluded from future hydropower development to maintain the sediment supply to the Pantanal

    Educação ambiental e análise dos ecossistemas de manguezais com alunos da educação básica

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    Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma oficina de intervenção metodológica executada com alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental, tendo como tema “A Educação Ambiental em áreas e Ecossistemas de Manguezal”. A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de construir e fomentar os conhecimentos relacionados à Educação Ambiental dos alunos da educação básica, sobre o grau de poluição do ecossistema de manguezal, estimulando-os a serem os multiplicadores da importância da proteção desse ecossistema. O trabalho se desenvolveu a partir da realização de uma oficina educativa na escola. Esta oficina aplicou o trabalho de campo como método de ensino e aprendizagem, incluindo também, aulas multimídias em sala de aula com exposição de fotos e vídeos. No entanto, o principal foco foi na execução do trabalho de  campo, nas áreas de manguezais existentes na cidade de São Caetano de Odivelas, no Pará. E, no intuito de verificar a eficácia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, foram aplicados questionários aos alunos, antes e após a realização da oficina, sendo solicitado, também, que os mesmos representassem as áreas de manguezal através de desenhos. Assim, foi constatado que 84% dos alunos, mesmo residindo em áreas com manguezal, desconheciam as características do ecossistema antes da oficina de intervenção; e após a oficina pode-se constatar um aproveitamento de 96%. Portanto, infere-se que esta metodologia torna o processo de ensino-aprendizagem mais proveitoso e eficaz, possibilitando, inclusive, a construção de conhecimento em conjunto com o aluno que impulsionem a preservação e conservação do ecossistema de manguezal

    Mitochondrial DNA-like sequence in the nuclear genome of Saguinus (Callitrichinae, Primates): transfer estimation

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    Mitochondrial DNA-like sequences have been found in the nuclei of a variety of organisms. These nuclear pseudogenes can be used to estimate relative evolutionary rates of mitochondrial genes, and can be used as outgroups in phylogenetic analyses. In this study, mitochondrial sequences with pseudogene-like characteristics, including deletions and/or insertions and stop codons, were found in tamarins (Saguinus spp., Callitrichinae, Primates). Phylogenetic analysis allowed estimation of the timing of the migration of these sequences to the nuclear genome, and also permitted inferences on the phylogeny of the genus. The choice of an inadequate outgroup (Aotus infulatus) prevented a good phylogenetic resolution of the subfamily Callitrichinae. The relatively ancient divergence of the Cebidae (Callitrichinae, Aotinae and Cebinae) may have favored confounding homoplasies.Seqüências tipo mitocondriais têm comumente sido encontradas no genoma nuclear de diversos organismos. Quando acidentalmente incluídas em estudos de seqüências mitocondriais, diversas conclusões errôneas podem ser obtidas. No entanto, estes pseudogenes nucleares tipo mitocondriais podem ser usados para a estimativa da taxa relativa de evolução de genes mitocondriais e também como grupo externo em análises filogenéticas. No presente trabalho, seqüências mitocondriais com características do tipo de pseudogene, tais como deleções e/ou inserções e códons de parada, foram encontradas em tamarins (Saguinus spp., Callitrichinae, Primates). A análise filogenética permitiu a estimativa do tempo da migração da seqüência mitocondrial para o genoma nuclear e algumas inferências filogenéticas. A escolha de um grupo externo não adequado (Aotus infulatus) não permitiu uma reconstrução filogenética confiável da subfamília Callitrichinae. A divergência bastante antiga de Cebidae (Callitrichinae, Aotinae e Cebinae) pode ter favorecido o aparecimento de homoplasias, obscurecendo a análise