11 research outputs found


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    Fruit nectars are beverages consisting of important nutrients, with a good extension of shelf life and are well accepted by consumers. Aiming to further enhance their positive characteristics, this study aimed to discuss the reduction of the sugar content present in peach nectar from the sensory analysis of commercial samples. Ranking, acceptance, just-about-right scale and check-all-that-apply (CATA) tests were performed, allowing to observe the effect of different sensory attributes on acceptance of nectars and to define the ideal sugar content. It was possible to found that some commercial samples did not present the ideal sweetness and that the sweetness is not the main attribute on the acceptance of peach nectar, demonstrating the complexity of its food matrix. This complexity seemed to divide consumer preference and it was possible to identify groups that differ regarding the acceptance of the samples. The sample A has always been in the group of the most accepted samples and, depending on the attribute, it did not differ significantly from the other samples (p>0.05). The ideal sweetness sample was less accepted due to the strong influence of herbal flavor and herbal aroma in the pulp used in its preparation

    Aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos da tuberculose no estado do Amapá

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    Introdução: A tuberculose é uma infecção bacteriana contagiosa causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Seus sintomas podem incluir tosse persistente por mais de três semanas, com ou sem catarro; febre baixa; suores noturnos; perda de peso; cansaço excessivo; falta de apetite; dor no peito; e dispneia. Objetivo: Analisar os aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos dos casos de tuberculose notificados no Estado do Amapá. Método: Trata-se de estudo transversal descritivo de caráter retrospectivo, com abordagem quantitativa. Foram incluídos casos com diagnóstico de tuberculose notificados no Estado do Amapá, Brasil, no período de 2018 a 2022. Os dados do estudo foram obtidos por meio do Sistema de Agravo de Notificação (SINAN). Resultados: No período de 2018 a 2022, foram notificados 1809 casos de tuberculose no Estado do Amapá. Nos dois últimos anos da série analisada houve um coeficiente de incidência superior a taxa nacional. a grande maioria (63,6%) das pessoas informaram residir na capital Macapá. Houve 81,2% de casos novos, seguido de 6,6% de reingressos após abandono. A forma subclínica que predominou foi a pulmonar (85,5%). Houve baixo registro da realização do Tratamento Diretamente Observado (TDO) e da baciloscopia de controle. Conclusão: Observou-se um quadro epidemiológico semelhante ao de outros estudos, como predomínio de adultos do sexo masculinos, baixa escolaridade, incluindo alguns casos de população privada de liberdade e em situação de rua. Além disso, a porcentagem do desfecho de cura não ficou dentro do preconizado como meta da OMS


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    Fruit nectars are beverages consisting of important nutrients, with a good extension of shelf life and are well accepted by consumers. Aiming to further enhance their positive characteristics, this study aimed to discuss the reduction of the sugar content present in peach nectar from the sensory analysis of commercial samples. Ranking, acceptance, just-about-right scale and check-all-that-apply (CATA) tests were performed, allowing to observe the effect of different sensory attributes on acceptance of nectars and to define the ideal sugar content. It was possible to found that some commercial samples did not present the ideal sweetness and that the sweetness is not the main attribute on the acceptance of peach nectar, demonstrating the complexity of its food matrix. This complexity seemed to divide consumer preference and it was possible to identify groups that differ regarding the acceptance of the samples. The sample A has always been in the group of the most accepted samples and, depending on the attribute, it did not differ significantly from the other samples (p>0.05). The ideal sweetness sample was less accepted due to the strong influence of herbal flavor and herbal aroma in the pulp used in its preparation


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal fornecer uma revisão literária a respeito da implantação e desenvolvimento dos cursos de Engenharia de Produção no Brasil, apresentando o contexto histórico a respeito do surgimento e evolução da profissão do Engenheiro de Produção (que ocupa atualmente uma posição estratégica no mercado) e ampliando sua atuação (envolvendo questões além das tecnológicas) como resposta às dinâmicas exigências do mercado atual (exemplificando: maior qualidade e menor custo)

    The use of soybean integrated pest management in Brazil: a review

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    The adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) in soybean is a great example of how this technology is essential to guarantee crop sustainability and productivity. In Brazil, up to 1970, soybean was cultivated with the use of pesticides applied without the adoption of any economic threshold to base this decision. As a consequence, a six-insecticide spraying per crop season used to be the average insecticide dosage. With the introduction of Soybean-IPM, the use of pesticides was reduced to approximately two applications per season. Comparing these two contrasting situations, the advantages of using IPM methods cannot be ignored, since they are economically and mostly environmentally feasible. Despite the benefits provided by Soybean- -IPM, this program was abandoned in Brazil, and its principles were almost forgotten, and, as a consequence, insecticide use increased. The success and failures of Soybean-IPM in Brazil will be further analyzed in this review in an attempt to point out how safe this technology is and whether there is any risk in fully adopting this approach.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Processamento da casca de mandioca na alimentação de ovinos: desempenho, características de carcaça, morfologia ruminal e eficiência econômica Processing of cassava peel in sheep feeding: performance, carcass characteristics, ruminal morphology and economic efficiency

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    Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes formas de processamento da casca de mandioca na alimentação sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça, a morfologia ruminal e a viabilidade técnico-econômica da criação de ovinos. Foram utilizados 20 ovinos machos da raça Santa Inês, desmamados, com peso inicial de 19,02±0,21 kg e 90 dias de vida. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com cinco repetições por dieta. Durante o período experimental de 84 dias, incluindo 14 dias de adaptação, os animais foram mantidos em sistema de semiconfinamento em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens. Foram avaliadas quatro formas de processamento da casca de mandioca: desidratada triturada em peneira de 12 ou de 5 mm; úmida triturada e ensilada; e úmida triturada e hidrolisada com 0,5% de cal virgem (óxido de cálcio - CaO). O peso médio ao abate foi 30,72±1,46 kg. Não houve influência do tipo de processamento da casca sobre as características de desempenho analisadas, as características quantitativas de carcaça e a morfologia ruminal, sendo influenciado somente o rendimento de paleta. A casca de mandioca hidrolisada foi a que promoveu melhor eficiência econômica. Os tipos de processamento da casca de mandioca não alteram o desempenho, as características de carcaça, os rendimentos de corte e a morfologia ruminal dos ovinos Santa Inês.<br>The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of different forms of processing of cassava peel in sheep feeding on performance traits, carcass, morphology and rumen and economic technical feasibility. Twenty non-castrated male Santa Ines lambs of 19.02±0.21 kg of initial body weight and 90 days of age at the beginning of the study were used in this trial. The design was completely randomized design with five replications per treatment. During the experimental period of 84 days, including 14 days of adaptation, animals were kept in semi-confinement on Brachiaria decumbens. Four forms of cassava peel processing were evaluated: dried cassava peel ground through 12-mm sieve; dried cassava peel ground through 5-mm sieve; ground and ensiled cassava peel, and wet, ground hydrolyzed with 0.5% lime (calcium oxide - CaO). The average weight at slaughter was 30.72±1.46 kg. There was no influence of the type of processing on the performance variables analyzed, quantitative carcass characteristics or ruminal morphology; only the values of width and leg yield palette were influenced. Hydrolyzed cassava peel showed the best economic efficiency between treatments. The different methods of processing cassava peel do not affect performance, carcass characteristics, yield cuts or rumen morphology of Santa Ines sheep