83 research outputs found

    El ser y la sustancia de Aristóteles ante la razón vital: las cuatro reducciones de la realidad

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    «Hermeneutic» means interpretation, that is, looking from a point of view. In this study we try to interpret from the vital reason, the method of Ortega y Gasset, his and his disciple Julián Marías, the Aristotelian concept of «substance». If life is the radical reality, as Ortega stresses, and the person its programmatic realization, in Marías’ opinion, a vital reason of the concept of οὐσία, means to discover its capacity to understand human life. We will find, as a matter of fact, that there are four limits, essentially, that distance the philosopher from that comprehension. By them, we will find the core of the greatest contradictions of the Aristotelian thought, that has been subject to intense critics throughout its history. We will concern, especially, on the function of language in the Greek conception of reason, on the interpretations that brought to «being» and «entity» as Aristotle’s thought starting point.«Hermenéutica» significa interpretar, mirar desde un punto de vista. En este estudio buscamos interpretar desde la «razón vital», el método de Ortega y Gasset y su discípulo Julián Marías, el concepto aristotélico de «sustancia». Si la vida es la realidad radical, como afirma Ortega, y la persona es su realización programática, según entiende Marías, una razón vital de la οὐσία significa descubrir su capacidad de comprensión para con la vida humana. Encontraremos, entonces, que hay esencialmente cuatro límites que desvían de esa comprensión; mediante ellos, habremos encontrado el núcleo de importantes contradicciones del pensamiento aristotélico que han sido objeto de encendidos debates a lo largo de la historia. Nos centraremos, sobre todo, en la función del lenguaje en la concepción de la razón griega, en los supuestos interpretativos del «ser» y del «ente» como puntos de partida del pensamiento de Aristóteles

    Reflexiones sobre la metáfora desde el punto de vista aristotélico

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    Aristóteles en su obra hace un uso amplio de la metáfora, aplicado a diferentes campos del saber, dando prueba de su capacidad epistemológica de síntesis de las dimensiones discursiva e intuitiva de la razón. Sin embargo, cuando trata la metáfora desde el punto de vista de la teoría de la ciencia, en particular modo desde su método propedéutico, la dialéctica, la descalifica y la estima incapaz de proporcionar conocimiento conforme los objetos presentan más abstracción, separación y por tanto exigencia de más precisión en definiciones y demostraciones

    La razón vital de j. ortega y gasset y la analítica existencial de m. heidegger

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    En los reproches que José Ortega y Gasset le hace a Martin Heidegger sobre el problema del ser, al afirmar que este no puede ser un ciego punto de partida, una creencia, se evidencia la distancia entre dos perspectivas unidas por el horizonte real que pretenden explorar: la vida humana. Sin embargo, los resultados son distintos, porque el análisis del Existir humano (Dasein) tiene como fin el descubrimiento del sentido general del ser, mientras que la concepción que Ortega tiene del ser como creencia, como interpretación histórica de la vida ligada a “un modo de pensar”, hace que su análisis, la razón vital, sea un proyecto de salvación personal

    Theological fertility in the thinking of Julián Marías

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    La filosofía de Julián Marías, según se pretende mostrar en este trabajo, introduce nuevas posibilidades teológicas para pensar la persona humana en su relación con la divinidad cristiana. Desde tal punto de vista, y haciendo referencia a algunas ideas esenciales de la tradición teológica occidental, se estudiará una de las afirmaciones teológicamente más relevantes de su obra: que la persona es “modelo de creación”.This paper aims at presenting the philosophy of Julián Marías as leading to new theological possibilities for thinking about the human being as related with the Christian God. From such a point of view, and taking into consideration some essential ideas of the western theological tradition, one of the most relevant theological assertions of the aforementioned philosopher –the person is “model of creation”– will be analysed in this paper.Filosofí

    El fenómeno erótico, la lógica del don y Dios en la fenomenología de Marion

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    En Le Phénoméne érotique Marion reinterpreta la lógica del don mediante un enfoque hermenéutico cuya radicalidad parece rebasar la concepción intuitiva, descriptiva de la conciencia que había inspirado el concepto de “donación” en sus primeras obras. La correlación entre llamada y respuesta corresponde al desfase a priori de la carne como donación recíproca entre amantes, que se va descubriendo a posteriori mediante el juramento. Finalmente, en este proceso de erotización auténtica en que el yo se convierte en adonado, es decir, en amado y amante, se revela a Dios como su última condición de posibilidad

    Creencia, facticidad y libertad en el formalismo ético kantiano.

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    Si el imperativo categórico es susceptible de una interpretación formalista, su regla, en la medida en que busca la conversión de la forma de la máxima en el asentimiento incondicionado a la ley, pasando por el «poder querer» que de ne nuestra conciencia moral, descubre que el carácter regulador del postulado de la libertad, en cuanto origen nouménico de la razón práctica, estriba en la posibilidad de creer o no creer en nuestra humanidad. La práctica de la razón, entonces, consistiría en la búsqueda fáctica de un camino de con anza en la humanidad que se expresa en la creación de leyes morales, cuya materia y n último se funda en la inagotable comprensión interindividual.post-print332 K

    Persistent Homology analysis of Phase Transitions

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    Persistent homology analysis, a recently developed computational method in algebraic topology, is applied to the study of the phase transitions undergone by the so-called XY-mean field model and by the phi^4 lattice model, respectively. For both models the relationship between phase transitions and the topological properties of certain submanifolds of configuration space are exactly known. It turns out that these a-priori known facts are clearly retrieved by persistent homology analysis of dynamically sampled submanifolds of configuration space.Comment: 10 pages; 10 figure

    Lectin Pathway of Complement Activation Is Associated with Vulnerability of Atherosclerotic Plaques

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    Inflammatory mechanisms may be involved in atherosclerotic plaque rupture. By using a novel histology-based method to quantify plaque instability here, we assess whether lectin pathway (LP) of complement activation, a major inflammation arm, could represent an index of plaque instability. Plaques from 42 consecutive patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and the lipid core, cholesterol clefts, hemorrhagic content, thickness of tunica media, and intima, including or not infiltration of cellular debris and cholesterol, were determined. The presence of ficolin-1, -2, and -3 and mannose-binding lectin (MBL), LP initiators, was assessed in the plaques by immunofluorescence and in plasma by ELISA. LP activation was assessed in plasma by functional in vitro assays. Patients presenting low stenosis (≤75%) had higher hemorrhagic content than those with high stenosis (>75%), indicating increased erosion. Increased hemorrhagic content and tunica media thickness, as well as decreased lipid core and infiltrated content were associated with vulnerable plaques and therefore used to establish a plaque vulnerability score that allowed to classify patients according to plaque vulnerability. Ficolins and MBL were found both in plaques’ necrotic core and tunica media. Patients with vulnerable plaques showed decreased plasma levels and intraplaque deposition of ficolin-2. Symptomatic patients experiencing a transient ischemic attack had lower plasma levels of ficolin-1. We show that the LP initiators are present within the plaques and their circulating levels change in atherosclerotic patients. In particular, we show that decreased ficolin-2 levels are associated with rupture-prone vulnerable plaques, indicating its potential use as marker for cardiovascular risk assessment in atherosclerotic patients

    “Inflammaging” as a Druggable Target: A Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype—Centered View of Type 2 Diabetes

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    Aging is a complex phenomenon driven by a variety of molecular alterations. A relevant feature of aging is chronic low-grade inflammation, termed “inflammaging.” In type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), many elements of aging appear earlier or are overrepresented, including consistent inflammaging. T2DM patients have an increased death rate, associated with an incremented inflammatory score. The source of this inflammation is debated. Recently, the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) has been proposed as the main origin of inflammaging in both aging and T2DM. Different pathogenic mechanisms linked to T2DM progression and complications development have been linked to senescence and SASP, that is, oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Here we review the latest data connecting oxidative and ER stress with the SASP in the context of aging and T2DM, with emphasis on endothelial cells (ECs) and endothelial dysfunction. Moreover, since current medical practice is insufficient to completely suppress the increased death rate of diabetic patients, we propose a SASP-centered view of T2DM as a futuristic therapeutic option, possibly opening new prospects by moving the attention from one-organ studies of diabetes complications to a wider targeting of the aging process

    YY1 overexpression is associated with poor prognosis and metastasis-free survival in patients suffering osteosarcoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The polycomb transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1) overexpression can be causally implicated in experimental tumor growth and metastasization. To date, there is no clinical evidence of YY1 involvement in outcome of patients with osteosarcoma. Prognosis of osteosarcoma is still severe and only few patients survive beyond five years. We performed a prospective immunohistochemistry analysis to correlate YY1 immunostaining with metastatic development and survival in a selected homogeneous group of patients with osteosarcoma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied 41 patients suffering from osteosarcoma (stage II-IVa). Multivariate analysis was performed using Cox proportional hazard regression to evaluate the correlation between YY1 expression and both metastasis development and mortality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>YY1 protein is not usually present in normal bone; in contrast, a high number of patients (61%) showed a high score of YY1 positive cells (51-100%) and 39% had a low score (10-50% positive cells). No statistical difference was found in histology, anatomic sites, or response to chemotherapy between the two degrees of YY1 expression. Cox regression analysis demonstrated that the highest score of YY1 expression was predictive of both low metastasis-free survival (HR = 4.690, 95%CI = 1.079-20.396; p = 0.039) and poor overall survival (HR = 8.353, 95%CI = 1.863-37.451 p = 0.006) regardless of the effects of covariates such as age, gender, histology and chemonecrosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Overexpression of YY1 in primary site of osteosarcoma is associated with the occurrence of metastasis and poor clinical outcome.</p